2,414 research outputs found

    La obra de una Docta puella (Tibul. Carmina III 13-18)

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    The aim of this paper is to make notice that there was a generation of women who wrote poetry in the late years of the Republic of Rome and the first years of the Empire. To achieve this aim, is evaluated women education and rights in that period, and to understand why we have little knowledge of these women it is also analysized the transmission of texts.El prop\uf3sito de este art\uedculo es resaltar que existi\uf3 una generaci\uf3n de mujeres que escibieron poes\ueda en la \ue9poca tardo-republicana en Roma. Para conseguirlo, se examina la educaci\uf3n que recib\uedan y los derechos que ten\uedan en ese per\uedodo, y para entender por qu\ue9 no se conocen bien estas mujeres se analiza la transmisi\uf3n textual

    Studies on reproduction of the mullet Mugil platanus Günther, 1880 (Actinopterygii, Mugilidae) from the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Argentina: Similarities and differences with related species

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    The aim of the present study is to provide the first results on the reproductive biology of Mugil platanus, from the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (Argentina). To address this topic, we employed mainly female gonads, at both microscopic and macroscopic levels. The following stages of oocyte development were observed: (A) oogonias, (B) primary growth oocyte, (C) cortical alveolus stage, (D) yolked oocytes, and (E) atretic follicle. Also five of the seven stages of gonad maturity were macro and microscopically stated. The potential fecundity ranged between 1,002,026 and 2,548,769 yolked oocytes, with a mean of around 1,800,000 oocytes. The length at first maturity (L 50) was 450.6 total length (TL) and 367.7 standard length (SL) for females, 436.3 TL and 354.9 SL for males, showing a late sexual maturity for both sexes. Seasonal changes in gonadosomatic index (GSI) of females were observed. The mean GSI was ≤1 during six months of the year (January, June-October). Two modes in the ovarian maturation were observed, the most important in April-May and a secondary one in November-December. Both modes, correlated with the CPUE values, are indicative of the mullet migration from the coastal lagoon towards the sea for spawning. Differences and similarities have been found between Mugil platanus and other mugilid species (Mugil cephalus, Mugil curema, Liza aurata, Liza abu, Liza argentea, Myxus elongatus, and Valamugil cunnesius), from the reproductive point of view. The length at first maturity obtained for M. platanus is higher than in other mugilid species and when a relationship between maximum length and L 50 is established the percentage corresponding to Mugil platanus is 75%, while the others range between 50 and 61%.Fil: González Castro, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas; Argentina. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa; MéxicoFil: Macchi, Gustavo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Cousseau, María Berta. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Marinas; Argentin

    Sistemes de neteja per a patrimoni documental i obra gràfica en paper

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    Una de les tasques més importants en la conservació del patrimoni documental i l'obra gràfica és la higiene dels fons. Un dipòsit descuidat amb pols i residus acumulats és sinònim d'infecció per microorganismes i insectes, i dels problemes que se'n deriven.Amb la finalitat d'higienitzar les col·leccions, tenim a l'abast metodologies i tècniques que aplicarem en funció de les característiques dels documents a tractar. L'estat de conservació, el suport o els elements sustentats seran factors determinants per triar una tècnica o una altra. Aquest article és una aproximació als diferents sistemes de neteja aplicables als documents i a l'obra sobre paper. Fa un recorregut per les diferents tècniques de neteja en sec (aspiració, abrasió, ablació i microprojecció) i de neteja humida (immersió, flotació, capil·laritat, taula de succió i gels) atenent-ne de manera primordial l'aplicació i les precaucions que cal prendre quan es duen a terme

    L'aprenentatge del Dret en anglès: una experiència pilot de millora en l'aprenentatge simultani dels continguts jurídics i de la competència lingüística

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    Projecte: 2015PID-UB/035Podeu consultar la segona part del projecte a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/111890L'informe descriu i avalúa un projecte de millora i innovació docent relacionat amb l'aprenentatge del Dret en anglès: la impartició en aquesta llengua d'una assignatura optativa del Grau de Dret sobre Immigració. L'impuls institucional de la docència en terceres llengües no sempre ha estat acompanyat d'una reflexió sobre les conseqüències d'aquest canvi, que va molt més enllà de modificar la llengua en què s'imparteixen les classes. En un àmbit com el Dret, on els materials docents i l'objecte d'estudi acostumen a ser nacionals, l'aprenentatge simultani d'una llengua estrangera no pot limitar-se a "traduir" unes classes, sinó que obliga a fer canvis en els programes, objectius i activitats presencials i d'avaluació de les assignatures. L'experiència que es descriu ha comptat amb la participació d'una tècnica de millora docent i una professora d'anglès, és a dir, d'un equip multidisciplinar. Amb la divulgació d'aquesta experiència es pretén impulsar el debat entorn a la docència universitària en altres llengües.Codi PID: 2015PID-UB/03

    Development of a Virtual Reality application for stroke rehabilitation

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    Nowadays, immersive technology is growing exponentially allowing transcendence to other sectors as marketing, education, physics and medicine. The use of this technology on the field of medicine provide the creation of an environment which stimulates and benefits the diagnosis and recovery of a patient. The goal of this project is based on the creation of a virtual reality (VR) application in order to be used by poststroke patients as a rehabilitation treatment. It has been developed using Unity 3D and a tool called VRTK which simulates the controllers. The project has been carried out in collaboration with the Associació de Diversitat Funcional d’Osona (ADFO) and it contains four rehabilitation exercises: elbow flexion, arm flexion leading to touch the face, draw circles and arm flexion leading to touch the lower back. These exercises can be done in a practice environment, where the movements are carried out by an avatar in front of a virtual mirror; or in a game environment. It is divided into four levels, one for each exercise, that consists in making a pizza in a kitchen scene. Moreover, we have designed a configuration menu to choose freely the number of repetitions and the entire time of the game. In addition, it has been tested with healthy people and the results have been analysed. In conclusion, what we pretend with this project is to give a support tool to rehabilitation treatments by providing fun and a realistic and a comfortable vision to a virtual reality.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i Benesta

    Are microglial cells the regulators of lymphocyte responses in the CNS?

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    The infiltration of immune cells in the central nervous system is a common hallmark in different neuroinflammatory conditions. Accumulating evidence indicates that resident glial cells can establish a cross-talk with infiltrated immune cells, including T-cells, regulating their recruitment, activation and function within the CNS. Although the healthy CNS has been thought to be devoid of professional dendritic cells (DCs), numerous studies have reported the presence of a population of DCs in specific locations such as the meninges, choroid plexuses and the perivascular space. Moreover, the infiltration of DC precursors during neuroinflammatory situations has been proposed, suggesting a putative role of these cells in the regulation of lymphocyte activity within the CNS. On the other hand, under specific circumstances, microglial cells are able to acquire a phenotype of DC expressing a wide range of molecules that equip these cells with all the necessary machinery for communication with T-cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the expression of molecules involved in the cross-talk with T-cells in both microglial cells and DCs and discuss the potential contribution of each of these cell populations on the control of lymphocyte function within the CNS

    Effect of alkali and membrane area on the simultaneous recovery of nitrogen and phosphorous from digestate by membrane technology and chemical precipitation

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    Producción CientíficaNutrient recovery from the agri-food sector waste is an increasingly recognized option within the framework of the bioeconomy. Membrane technologies and chemical precipitation are among the best valued options for their economic and practical feasibility. In this study, the combination of gas-permeable membrane (GPM) technology for the recovery of nitrogen (N) and the chemical precipitation for phosphorous (P) recovery from anaerobically digested swine manure is evaluated. This work studies the effect of the membrane area and the addition of alkali on N and P recovery efficiencies. Specifically, two different membrane area ratios (180 and 100 g of N per m2 of membrane) with and without the addition of alkali were studied. High nutrient recovery efficiencies, of 77% for N and 80% for P, were obtained after 10 days of experiment with a ratio of 180 g N per m2 of GPM and the addition of NaOH (1.5 N), along with the precipitant agent (MgCl2) for P precipitation. Hence, a combined configuration was proposed to perform an effective simultaneous recovery of N and P with the minimum amount of membrane needed in a short time.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (INIA), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Agencia Española de Investigación (AEI) - (project PID2019-106148RR-C41)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (Projects RTA2015- 00060-C04-01 and PID2019-106148RR-C41)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) - (grant BES-2017- 082327)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) - (grant RYC-2020-029030-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Comunicar un estereotipo cultural. El caso de Persa de Plauto

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    On the basis that Greek and Latin comedy are based on stories created from stock characters that are used as models, I will analyze Plautus’ Persa, because in it two characters play metatheater in order to mock the leno. For doing it, the servus and a uirgo adopt the disguise of a Persian and a princess from Arabia, so the stereotype about Orient people shared by the audience and the Greek leno is activated. Moreover, stereotypes about Persians will be compared to those about Phoenicians, that play a role in Plautus’ Poenulus, in order to understand why Roman people have such a different stereotyped image from both Persians and Phoenicians.; Partimos de la idea de que la comedia tanto griega nueva como latina se basan en tramas creadas a partir de personajes que funcionan como modelos, para analizar la obra Persa, en la que los personajes actúan dentro de ella para engañar al lenón. Para lograr el engaño, el disfraz adoptado es el de un persa y una princesa de Arabia, que provoca que el estereotipo que tiene el pueblo romano (y griego) sobre esos pueblos se active y esto hace que el engaño funcione, pues tanto el público como el lenón engañado comparten las mismas creencias sobre ellos. Además, los estereotipos sobre los persas son comparados con los de los fenicios, presentes en la comedia Poenulus, para tratar de justificar por qué los romanos tienen una imagen estereotipada tan diferente de persas y fenicios

    Reseña de Erlendsdóttir, Erla; Martinell, Emma; Söhrman, Ingmar. 2017. De América a Europa. Denominaciones de alimentos americanos en lenguas europeas. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert

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    Obra ressenyada: Erla ERLENDSDÓTTIR, Emma MARTINELL, Ingmar SÖHRMAN, De América a Europa. Denominaciones de alimentos americanos en lenguas europeas. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2017