487 research outputs found

    Four new non-spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) species from South America

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article.NHM Repositor

    Refractive effects in the scattering of loosely bound nuclei

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    A study of the interaction of loosely bound nuclei 6,7Li at 9 and 19 AMeV with light targets has been undertaken. With the determination of unambiguous optical potentials in mind, elastic data for four projectile-target combinations and one neutron transfer reaction 13C(7Li,8Li)12C have been measured on a large angular range. The kinematical regime encompasses a region where the mean field (optical potential) has a marked variation with mass and energy, but turns out to be sufficiently surface transparent to allow strong refractive effects to be manifested in elastic scattering data at intermediate angles. The identified exotic feature, a "plateau" in the angular distributions at intermediate angles, is fully confirmed in four reaction channels and interpreted as a pre-rainbow oscillation resulting from the interference of the barrier and internal barrier farside scattering subamplitudes.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables to submit to Phys. Rev.

    Absence of Metal-Insulator-Transition and Coherent Interlayer Transport in oriented graphite in parallel magnetic fields

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    Measurements of the magnetoresistivity of graphite with a high degree of control of the angle between the sample and magnetic field indicate that the metal-insulator transition (MIT), shown to be induced by a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the layers, does not appear in parallel field orientation. Furthermore, we show that interlayer transport is coherent in less ordered samples and high magnetic fields, whereas appears to be incoherent in less disordered samples. Our results demonstrate the two-dimensionality of the electron system in ideal graphite samples.Comment: 4 figures, details adde

    Binaries with total eclipses in the LMC: potential targets for spectroscopy

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    35 Eclipsing binaries presenting unambiguous total eclipses were selected from a subsample of the list of Wyrzykowski et al. (2003). The photometric elements are given for the I curve in DiA photometry, as well as approximate Teff and masses of the components. The interest of these systems is stressed in view of future spectroscopic observations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; poster presented at the conference "Close binaries in the 21st Century: new opportunities and challenges", Syros, 27-30 June 200

    Comment on "On the uncertainty relations and squeezed states for the quantum mechanics on a circle"

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    It is shown by examples that the position uncertainty on a circle, proposed recently by Kowalski and Rembieli\'nski [J. Phys. A 35 (2002) 1405] is not consistent with the state localization. We argue that the relevant uncertainties and uncertainty relations (UR's) on a circle are that based on the Gram-Robertson matrix. Several of these generalized UR's are displayed and related criterions for squeezed states are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex2e, 3 figures.ep

    Dark Energy in an Axion Model with Explicit Z(N) Symmetry Breaking

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    We point out that a well known axion model with an explicit Z(N) symmetry breaking term predicts both dark energy and cold dark matter. We estimate the parameters of this model which fit the observed densities of the dark components of the universe. We find that the parameters do not conflict with any observations.Comment: 5 pages, minor change

    Listado anotado de Solanum L. (Solanaceae) en el Peru.

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    The genus Solanum is among the most species-rich genera both of the Peruvian flora and of the tropical Andes in general. The present revised checklist treats 276 species of Solanum L., of which 253 are native, while 23 are introduced and/or cultivated. A total of 74 Solanum species (29% of native species) are endemic to Peru. Additional 58 species occur only in small number of populations outside Peru, and these species are here labelled as near-endemics to highlight the role Peru playes in their future protection. Species diversity is observed to peak between 2500 – 3000 m elevation, but endemic species diversity is highest between 3000 – 3500 m elevation. Cajamarca has the highest number of endemic (29 spp.) and total species (130 spp.), even when considering the effect of area. Centers of endemic species diversity are observed in provinces of Cajamarca (Cajamarca), Huaraz and Carhuaz (Ancash), and Canta and Huarochirí (Lima). Secondary centres of endemism with high concentrations of both endemics and near-endemics are found in San Ignacio and Cutervo (Cajamarca), Santiago de Chuco (La Libertad), Oxapampa (Pasco), and Cusco (Cusco). Current diversity patterns are highly correlated with collection densities, and further collecting is needed across all areas, especially from Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Ancash, Huánuco, Amazonas and Cajamarca, where high levels of species diversity and endemism are indicated but only a few collections of many species are known.Solanum L. es uno de los géneros que posee una alta riqueza de especies dentro de la flora peruana y dentro de los Andes tropicales en general. Presentamos una lista revisada de 276 especies de Solanum para el Perú, de estas 253 son nativas, mientras que 23 son introducidas y/o cultivadas. Un total de 74 especies de Solanum (29% de las especies nativas) son endémicas de Perú. Además 58 especies se encuentran solamente en pequeñas poblaciones fuera del Perú, y estas especies están designadas aquí como casi endémicas para destacar el rol importante del Perú en la futura protección de estas especies. El pico de diversidad de especies es observado entre 2500 – 3000 m de elevación, pero la diversidad de especies endémicas es más alta entre 3000 – 3500 m. Cajamarca tiene el más alto número de especies (130 spp.) y de especies endémicas (29 spp.), incluso si se considera el efecto del área. Centros de diversidad de especies endémicas se localizan en las provincias de Cajamarca (Cajamarca), Huaraz y Carhuaz (Ancash), Canta y Huarochirí (Lima). Centros de endemismos secundarios con una alta concentración tanto de especies endémicas y de casi endémicas se encuentran en San Ignacio y Cutervo (Cajamarca), Santiago de Chuco (La Libertad), Oxapampa (Pasco), y Cusco (Cusco): Los actuales patrones de diversidad están altamente correlacionados con la densidad de colecciones, por lo que es necesario una mayor colecta en todas las regiones, especialmente en Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Ancash, Huánuco, Amazonas y Cajamarca, donde se indican altos niveles de diversidad y endemismo de especies, pero de las cuales existen pocas colecciones

    Hidden Kondo Effect in a Correlated Electron Chain

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    We develop a general Bethe Ansatz formalism for diagonalizing an integrable model of a magnetic impurity of arbitrary spin coupled ferro- or antiferromagnetically to a chain of interacting electrons. The method is applied to an open chain, with the exact solution revealing a ``hidden'' Kondo effect driven by forward electron scattering off the impurity. We argue that the so-called ``operator reflection matrices'' proposed in recent Bethe Ansatz studies of related models emulate only forward electron-impurity scattering which may explain the absence of complete Kondo screening for certain values of the impurity-electron coupling in these models.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Diatom and vegetation responses to Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes at Lake Estanya (Southern Pyrenees, NE Spain)

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    We investigate Lake Estanya's diatom and pollen records from the Late Glacial (LG) to the Early Holocene (EH), in order to compare limnological and vegetation responses to common climate forcing. The biotic changes recognized in this study largely agree with the hydrological evolution of the lake described previously for the same period. The diatom record shows high sensitivity to fluctuations in both lake level and salinity concentration as consequence of climate shifts. In addition vegetation results indicate that the area could have played an important role as regional vegetation refuge. Shallow lake conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) were punctuated by relatively deeper freshwaters between 19.3 and 18.6 cal kyr BP and at 18.0 cal kyr BP, as recorded by diatom shifts. A subsequent increasing aridity trend, coinciding with the Mystery Interval (MI), affected the diatom accumulation rates, which dropped to its minimum values between 17.2 to 14.7 cal kyr BP. Particularly dry and cold conditions during the LGM and MI are supported by the largest values of steppic pollen taxa of the whole sequence, which account for up to 40%. However, relatively high values of Betula during the Heinrich Event 1 suggest a plausible regional vegetation refuge. Abrupt cooling and warming episodes within the LG triggered remarkable ecological threshold crossings in the diatom communities, especially during the stadial/interstadial episodes. At this point, the vegetation reflect the onset of warm conditions during the Bølling/Allerød with the partial substitution of Betula by Marcescent and Evergreen Quercus, what probably indicates the arrival of temperate taxa to the area and the likely migration of birch to higher altitudes. The Younger Dryas Stadial shows a complex ecological response. Diatoms are very poorly preserved, but aquatic taxa reach their highest values. An increase in Marcescent Quercus during this cold stage lends further support to the hypothesis that this is a regional vegetation refuge. Low lake levels recorded during the EH affected the development and preservation of diatom communities. A delay in the onset of humid conditions for the EH is also supported by the vegetation composition, characterized by the maximum expansion of Juniperus
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