75 research outputs found

    Structural behaviour of prestressed concrete sleepers produced with high performance recycled aggregate concrete

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-016-0966-6A comparative analysis of the structural behaviour of prestressed concrete sleepers made with high performance concrete (HPC) and high performance recycled aggregate concrete (HPRAC) is presented in this study. Two types of HPRAC sleepers were tested, using 50 and 100% of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in replacement of coarse natural aggregates. The RCA employed in this research was sourced from crushing rejected HPC sleepers. The aim of this study was to determine through analysis if the HPRAC sleepers’ behaviour fulfilled the European minimum requirements standards for prestressed concrete sleepers and compare their experimental behaviour with that of the HPC sleepers. The three types of prestressed concrete sleepers were subjected to static load tests at rail-seat and centre section (positive and negative load). In the centre section tests a comparative study between the experimental results and the proposed values of four assessment methods of ultimate capacity was carried out. Dynamic load and fatigue tests were also performed at the rail-seat section. The HPRACs and HPC sleepers met all the structural requirements for prestressed concrete sleepers. The experimental results determined the satisfactory performance of the HPRAC-50 and the HPRAC-100, which was very similar to that of the HPC sleepers. The load–strain behaviour recorded via the use of strain gauges on the prestressing bars revealed slightly higher stiffness of the HPC sleepers. The values obtained from the four assessment methods of ultimate capacity were also accurate when applied to HPRAC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Procesos de segregación y polarización escolar : la incidencia de las políticas de zonificación escolar

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    En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados de una investigación que, a partir de los datos recogidos en 10 municipios catalanes, analiza la incidencia de diferentes políticas de zonificación escolar -es decir, las políticas de preferencia de asignación de plaza escolar a través de la delimitación de zonas de influencia de las escuelas- sobre la segregación y la polarización de la red escolar. Mediante los índices de segregación escolar y los índices de polarización escolar se analiza la distribución del alumnado entre las diferentes escuelas de primaria -tanto públicas como privadas concertadas- según su capital instructivo familiar y el país de nacimiento. El análisis realizado apunta que algunos de los modelos de zonificación analizados -como es el caso del modelo que asigna una única escuela a cada área de influencia- favorecen la reproducción -o el incremento- de la segregación residencial en la red escolar. Otros, en cambio, establecen unas condiciones objetivas en elThis paper assesses the influence of different policies of school zonification (i.e. local policies that sort students into different schools on the basis of the delimitation of areas of proximity) on school social segregation and school polarization dynamics. Using the school segregation index and the school polarization level we analyze how different groups of pupils (basing on family educational capital and country of birth) are distributed among primary public funding schools -public and private schools- in a sample of ten municipalities of Catalonia. Our results suggest that certain zonification models − such as the model that assigns a single catchment area per single school − tend to reproduce -or increase- the patterns of residential segregation into the school network social configuration. Others, however, establish certain objective conditions to access to school that favour a reduction in school segregation and polarization. This occurs when more than one public school and more than one private dependent school are assigned the same catchment area. These results have clear implications for the policy debate concerning educational equality and equity

    CERKL, a retinal disease gene,encodes an mRNA-biding protein that localizes in compact and unstranslated mRNPs associated to microtubules.

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    The function of CERKL (CERamide Kinase Like), a causative gene of retinitis pigmentosa and cone-rod dystrophy, still awaits characterization. To approach its cellular role we have investigated the subcellular localization and interaction partners of the full length CERKL isoform, CERKLa of 532 amino acids, in different cell lines, including a photoreceptor-derived cell line. We demonstrate that CERKLa is a main component of compact and untranslated mRNPs and that associates with other RNP complexes such as stress granules, P-bodies and polysomes. CERKLa is a protein that binds through its N-terminus to mRNAs and interacts with other mRNA-binding proteins like eIF3B, PABP, HSP70 and RPS3. Except for eIF3B, these interactions depend on the integrity of mRNAs but not of ribosomes. Interestingly, the C125W CERKLa pathological mutant does not interact with eIF3B and is absent from these complexes. Compact mRNPs containing CERKLa also associate with microtubules and are found in neurites of neural differentiated cells. These localizations had not been reported previously for any member of the retinal disorders gene family and should be considered when investigating the pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutical approaches in these diseases

    Evaluación de los riesgos de solicitudes de créditos en el sector cooperativo y campesino del Banco de Crédito y Comercio en el municipio Buey Arriba (Original).

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    The constant perfecting of the methods of work and action under labor codes is a task of vital importance in the society Cuban. This article has like objective: Evaluating the risks of requests of credits at the cooperative sector and peasant of the BANDEC at the municipality the Ox Arrives. Getting like results of investigation the elaboration of the theoretic fundamental elements in relation to the object of study that is adapted to the particularities of the rural sector and that you will contribute to decreasing the default risk of the dates of reimbursement in the granted loans, the elaboration of a proposal for the analysis of financings. Theoretic methods, empiricists, statistician will be applicable for it – fact-finding mathematicians, coming near to findings and recommendations and updated bibliography will be looked up.El perfeccionamiento constante de los métodos de trabajo y los procesos laborales es una tarea de vital importancia en la sociedad cubana. Este artículo tiene como objetivo: Evaluar los riesgos de solicitudes de créditos en el sector cooperativo y campesino del BANDEC en el municipio Buey Arriba. Obteniéndose como resultados de la investigación la elaboración de los elementos teóricos fundamentales en relación al objeto de estudio, la elaboración de una propuesta para el análisis de los financiamientos que se adapta a las particularidades del sector rural y que contribuirá a disminuir el riesgo de incumplimiento de las fechas de reembolso en los préstamos otorgados. Para ello se aplicarán métodos teóricos, empíricos, estadístico – matemáticos de investigación, arribándose a conclusiones y recomendaciones y se consultará bibliografía actualizada

    Safety, activity, and molecular heterogeneity following neoadjuvant non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer (Opti-HER HEART): an open-label, single-group, multicenter, phase 2 trial

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    Breast cancer; HER2; NeoadjuvantCáncer de mama; HER2; NeoadyuvanteCàncer de mama; HER2; NeoadjuvantBackground The Opti-HER HEART trial aimed to optimize activity while minimizing cardiac risk by combining trastuzumab, pertuzumab, and paclitaxel with non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in the treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer. Methods Patients with stage II–IIIB HER2-positive breast cancer received neoadjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab, paclitaxel, and a non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin every three weeks for six cycles. The primary endpoint was cardiac safety during neoadjuvant therapy. Type A (symptomatic congestive heart failure) and B (asymptomatic reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction) cardiac events were evaluated. Secondary endpoints included the evaluation of the pathological complete response (pCR) rate and overall response rate, among others. As an ad-hoc exploratory analysis, the expression of 55 breast cancer-related genes, including the PAM50 genes, was measured in 58 baseline tumor samples and 60 surgical specimens. Results Eighty-three patients were recruited. The incidence of cardiac events during neoadjuvant treatment was 2.4%. No type A cardiac event was observed. The overall pCR rate was 56.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) 45.3–67.5%). The HER2-enriched subtype, which represented 52.0% of all baseline samples, was associated with a higher pCR rate compared to non-HER2-enriched tumors (83.3% vs. 46.3%; odds ratio 5.76, 95% CI 1.71–19.42). The association of subtype with pCR was independent of known clinicopathological variables, including hormone receptor status. Compared to baseline samples, surgical specimens showed a significant downregulation of proliferation-related genes (MKI67 and CCNB1) and ERBB2 levels, and a significant upregulation of luminal-related (ESR1 and PGR) and immune (CD8A) genes. Conclusions The combination of dual HER2 blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab with paclitaxel and non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is associated with a low rate of cardiac events. The HER2-enriched subtype is associated with a high rate of pCR

    Factores de riesgo asociados con anomalías de oclusión en dentición temporal: Círculo XI Festival 2012

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    Las alteraciones de las características normales de la oclusión suelen comenzar en edades tempranas, lo que da una idea de la magnitud del problema, y es por eso que consideramos que nuestro esfuerzo principal como profesional debe estar encaminado a reducir las alteraciones de la oclusión mediante un incremento de las acciones preventivas-interceptivas. Método: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, transversal en niños de 3 a 5 años de edad del círculo infantil Onceno Festival de la provincia de Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido entre enero y marzo del 2012. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de factores de riesgo que puedan provocar anomalías de la oclusión en dichos niños. Para ello se realizó un examen clínico- bucal donde se recogieron todos los datos de interés en una planilla de recolección de información y una encuesta a los padres para determinar la presencia de hábitos bucales deformantes de los niños. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se determinó que el plano terminal recto fue el más frecuente, la anomalía dentomaxilofacial que más prevaleció fue la mordida abierta, el espacio primate superior fue el más predominante respecto al inferior. Conclusión: Las alteraciones de la oclusión en la dentición temporal deben ser seguidas muy de cerca por el estomatólogo general para evitar o detectar tempranamente la aparición de maloclusiones

    POLAT Project. Spanish Political Attitudes Panel Dataset. Data Management Plan (Waves 1-6)

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    This Data Management Plan that contains all the relevant information for FAIR data use of the POLAT-dataset-1-6-v1. The "POLAT-dataset-1-6-v1" contains waves 1 to 6 of the "POLAT Project. Spanish Political Attitudes", with information retrieved through online surveys carried out between 2010 and 2014. The dataset includes a total of 376 variables (not all of them are present in the six waves of the study). The main variables are grouped in nine categories: socio-demographic; crisis; economic and retrospective evaluations; news consumption and digital media use; attitudes on social issues; attitudes towards the political system and knowledge; ideology, partisan identification and vote; political participation; general attitudes.Este Plan de Gestión de Datos contiene toda la información relevante para el uso de datos FAIR de la base de datos POLAT-1-6-v1. La base de datos "POLAT-dataset-1-6-v1" contiene las oleadas 1 a 6 del "Proyecto POLAT. Actitudes políticas de los españoles", con información recuperada a través de encuestas de Internet realizadas entre 2010 y 2014. El conjunto de datos incluye un total de 376 variables (no todas están presentes en las seis olas del estudio). Las principales variables se agrupan en nueve categorías: sociodemográficas; crisis; evaluaciones económicas y retrospectivas; consumo de noticias y uso de medios digitales; actitudes sobre temas sociales; actitudes hacia el sistema político y conocimiento; ideología, identificación partidista y voto; participación política; actitudes generales.Aquest Pla de Gestió de Dades conté tota la informació rellevant per a l'ús de dades FAIR de la base de dades POLAT-1-6-v1. La base de dades "POLAT-dataset-1-6-v1" conté les onades 1 a 6 del "Projecte POLAT. Actituds polítiques dels espanyols", amb informació recuperada a través d'enquestes en línia realitzades entre 2010 i 2014. El conjunt de dades inclou un total de 376 variables (no totes són presents en les sis ones de l'estudi). Les principals variables s'agrupen en nou categories: sociodemogràfiques; crisi; avaluacions econòmiques i retrospectives; consum de notícies i ús de mitjans digitals; actituds sobre temes socials; actituds cap al sistema polític i coneixement; ideologia, identificació partidista i vot; participació política; actituds generals

    Nucleosynthesis from massive stars 50 years after B2FH

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    We review some important observed properties of massive stars. Then we discuss how mass loss and rotation affect their evolution and help in giving better fits to observational constraints. Consequences for nucleosynthesis at different metallicities are discussed. Mass loss appear to be the key feature at high metallicity, while rotation is likely dominant at low and very low metallicities. We discuss various indications supporting the view that very metal poor stars had their evolution strongly affected by rotational mixing. Many features, like the origin of primary nitrogen at low metallicity, that of the C-rich extremely metal poor halo stars, of He-rich stars in massive globular clusters, of the O-Na anticorrelation in globular clusters may be related to the existence of a population of very fast rotating metal poor stars that we tentatively call the {\it spinstars}. A fraction of these {\it spinstars} may also be the progenitors of GRB in very metal poor regions. They may avoid pair instability explosion due to the heavy mass loss undergone during their early evolutionary phases and be, dependent on their frequency, important sources of ionising photons in the early Universe.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, in Stellar Nucleosynthesis: 50 years after B2FH, C. Charbonnel and J.P. Zahn (Eds.), EAS publications Serie

    Pt-Sn/C as a possible methanol-tolerant cathode catalyst for DMFC

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    An effective method was developed for preparing highly dispersed nano-sized Pt–Sn/C electrocatalyst synthesised by a modified polyol reduction method. From XRD patterns, the Pt–Sn/C peaks shifted slightly to lower 2θ angles when compared with commercial Pt/C catalyst, suggesting that Sn formed alloy with Pt. Based on HR-TEM images, the Pt–Sn/C nanoparticles showed small particle sizes and well dispersed onto the carbon support with a narrow particle distribution. The methanol oxidation reaction on the as-prepared Pt–Sn/C catalyst appeared at lower currents (+7.08 mA at +480 mV vs. Ag/AgCl) compared to the commercial Pt/C (+8.25 mA at +480 mV vs. Ag/AgCl) suggesting that the Pt–Sn/C catalyst has ‘methanol tolerance capabilities’. Pt–Sn/C HA Slurry pH3 catalysts showed better activity towards the oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) than commercial Pt/C which could be attributed to smaller particle sizes. In our study, the Pt–Sn/C catalyst appears to be a promising methanol-tolerant catalyst with activity towards the ORR in the DMFC.Web of Scienc
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