14 research outputs found

    Territoires et IHM Distribuées : Raffinement de Règles et d'une Méthode de Conception de Jeux Multi-Dispositifs

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    National audienceThe multitude of different interaction devices and the importance of their spread alongside various people allow to propose distributed interfaces (interactions). Territoriality rules have to be applied in order to ensure the adequation of information position and their access constraints (personal information, privacy, etc.). The navigability between different interfaces has to be assured. Illustrated by four designs of distributed application, this article proposes a feedback which allow to refine a design methodology.La multitude des supports d'interaction et l'ampleur de leur propagation auprès d'un public varié permet de proposer des interfaces (ou interactions) distribuées. Les règles de territorialité doivent s'appliquer afin de garantir une adéquation de la position de l'information à son but et à ses contraintes d'accès (informations personnelles, informations privées, etc.). Il faut s'assurer également de la navigabilité entre les différentes interfaces. Cet article propose un retour d'expérience permettant de raffiner une méthode de conception, sur la base d'illustration de quatre conceptions d'application distribuées

    Expérience de transfert de savoirs et de technologies issus de la recherche et de l'industrie aux étudiants d'une formation en IHM

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    International audienceThis paper reports an experience feedback about a Master-2 and Engineering-School level training in HCI based on the transfer of knowledge and technology from research and industry. We emphasize the importance of training students to promising research areas such as user interface plasticity and to recent technologies for developing mobile media and MS surface table applications. The whole training enhances user-centered methodsto encourage students to focus on the use of applications.Cet article présente un retour d'expérience sur une formation en IHM de niveau Master 2 et École d'ingénieurs reposant sur le transfert de savoirs et de technologies issus de la recherche et de l'industrie. Nous mettons l'accent sur l'importance de former les étudiants à des domaines de recherche prometteurs tels que la plasticité des IHM et à des technologies récentes permettant le développement d'applications sur supports mobiles et table MS Surface. L'ensemble de la formation valorise les méthodes centrées utilisateurs afin d'inciter les étudiants à privilégier l'usage des applications. ABSTRACT This paper reports an experience feedback about a Master-2 and Engineering-School level training in HCI based on the transfer of knowledge and technology from research and industry. We emphasize the importance of training students to promising research areas such as user interface plasticity and to recent technologies for developing mobile media and MS surface table applications. The whole training enhances user-centered methods to encourage students to focus on the use of applications

    Composing applications with OntoCompo

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    démonstration à la conférence IHM 2011National audienceIn this paper, we present an ontology-based approach to compose applications while preserving their former look. Our composition process relies on the manipulation of User Interfaces (UI) and on several ontologies describing relationships between tasks, UI and Functionalities. Our tool, called OntoCompo, supports compositions realized by the developer thanks to the selection, extraction and positioning of UI elements to constitute the newapplication.Nous décrivons dans cet article un système utilisant des ontologies afin de composer des applications en préservant l'apparence des applications avant composition. Basé sur un processus de composition reposant sur la manipulations des Interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM) et utilisant des ontologies pour relier les tâches, les IHM et les fonctionnalités, l'outil, appelé OntoCompo, aide le développeur à composer les applications grâce à la sélection, l'extraction et le placement des différents éléments d'interface pour constituer la nouvelle application. ABSTRACT In this paper, we present an ontology-based approach to compose applications while preserving their former look. Our composition process relies on the manipulation of User Interfaces (UI) and on several ontologies describing relationships between tasks, UI and Functionalities. Our tool, called OntoCompo, supports compositions realized by the developer thanks to the selection, extraction and positioning of UI elements to constitute the new application

    Enseignement des modèles de tâches à Nice Sophia Antipolis

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    contribution au GT-tâche de la conférence IHM 2015.http://ihm2015.afihm.org/gt-tache.htmlNous présentons comment nous enseignons classiquement d'analyse et de modélisation de tâches à BAC+5 à l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS). Nous décrivons également son insertion dans des cours de développement logiciel. Nous terminons en présentant l'apprentissage du modèle de tâches en DUT Informatique

    OntoCompo: A Tool to Enhance Application Composition

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    Part 1: Long and Short PapersInternational audienceMash-ups emerged through the web 2.0 to juxtapose several applications and use them together. The next step after juxtaposition is the composition of existing applications to build a new one. A solution of this being born need is the reuse of parts from formers applications. To perform this composition and reuse in an easy and comfortable way, we propose a tool based on several extensions of selection to help the developer during his composition

    Application and UI Composition Using a Component-Based Description and Annotations

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    International audienceA possible way to obtain easily new applications is to compose existing applications. In order to support developers in this way, we propose a composition approach manipulating functionalities but also the User Interfaces. We propose a model of applications inspired from Component-Based approaches, describing ports for all Elements of the applications to be composed. We define a substitution between Elements based on those ports

    Annotated Component-Based Description for Application Composition

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    International audienceOne possible way of developing applications faster is by composing existing applications. In order to support developers this way, we propose a composition approach manipulating both Functionalities and User Interfaces. We present a model of annotation for describing Component-Based applications. By tagging the components with their "ui" and functional concerns, we take into account the UI part of application at a same level as business part. Thanks to such annotations, we define a substitution between components in order to merge controls, inputs or outputs

    UI Modeling as Ontology for Composition

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    International audienceThe number of specialized applications, like (web) services or smartphone apps, is quickly increasing. Composing such applications is a need for developers in order to quickly produce new applications according to end-users' requirements and customs. In order to support developers, we propose a composition approach using semantics description for component-based applications. We propose to use some roles as cornerstones for the composition by substitution

    Vers des interfaces graphiques flexibles de configuration

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    National audienceWith their important usage in many domains, Software Product Lines (SPL) are more and more facing frequent evolution coupled with the need for configuration by end users. The configuration User Interface is expected to be deduced, in a generic way, from the variability models in the SPL. But previous work in HCI denote the ergonomic weakness of automatic-generated User Interface. In this paper, we report on the development of a graphical user interface for configuration of an information broadcasting systems SPL. Our method is a mix of genericity and adaptability of user interface by enhancing feature models with annotations.Par leur utilisation dans des domaines maintenant très divers, les lignes de produits logiciels sont de plus en plus confrontées à une forte évolution couplée à des besoins de configuration par des utilisateurs finaux. L'interface graphique de configuration doit alors être déduite, de manière générique, des modèles de variabilité de la ligne, mais les travaux relatifs aux IHM soulignent les faiblesses ergonomiques de ce type d'approche. Dans cet article, nous relatons une expérience de réalisation d'une interface de configuration dédiée à la création de systèmes de diffusion d'informations, basée sur une approche mixte mêlant généricité et adaptation de l'interface graphique par annotation des feature models décrivant la variabilité