1,433 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional cultured glioma cell lines

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    Three-dimensional glioma spheroids were produced in vitro with size and histological differentiation previously unattained. The spheroids were grown in liquid media suspension in a Johnson Space Center (JSC) Rotating Wall Bioreactor without using support matrices such as microcarrier beads. Spheroid volumes of greater than 3.5 cu mm and diameters of 2.5 mm were achieved with a viable external layer or rim of proliferating cells, a transitional layer beneath the external layer with histological differentiation, and a degenerative central region with a hypoxic necrotic core. Cell debris was evident in the degenerative central region. The necrotics centers of some of the spheroids had hyaline droplets. Granular bodies were detected predominantly in the necrotic center

    Comparison of Technologic and Economic Parameters of Drills for Grassland Oversowing

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    Direct grassland oversowing is a very important technology in Slovakia as some 350,000 ha (42 %) of grassland are on unploughable sites that dominate mountain regions. Slope inclinations \u3e 16° and shallow soil layers (150-200mm) limits ploughing on these sites (Tiley & Frame, 1988)

    "Ictioproveta" para a biometria indireta do peso de surubins (pintado e cachara) utilizando seu volume e densidade.

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    Atualmente o Brasil é considerado como o país de maior potencial para a aqüicultura no mundo. Contribuem, para isso, o clima quente o ano todo na maior parte do país, os abundantes recursos hídricos, as grandes safras de graãos e a grande diversidade de espécies com potencial para criação, dentre as quais se destacam o pintado (Pseudophatystoma corruscans) e o cachara (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), pertencentes à ordem Siluriformes e amplamente conhecidos como surubins. Com ocorrência no Pantanal e em outras bacias hidrográficas do território brasileiro, os surubins são os peixes de água doce de maior valor comercial, devido a carne saborosa sem espinhos intramusculares. Também são muito apreciados pela pesca esportiva e reúnem atributos favoráveis para a criação de forma industrial: crescimento rápido, eficiente conversão alimentar, alto valor econômico, grande aceitação no mercado nacional, filé sem espinhos e com padrão para exportação. Entretanto, mesmo possuindo grande importância econômica, os sistemas de produção destes peixes ainda são pouco estudados. Para o sucesso no cultivo destas espécies é preciso buscar maiores informações sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento em cativeiro a fim de se conhecer o seu potencial produtivo em termos econômicos e ambietais. Para tanto, torna-se necessária a utilização de equipamentos adequados nas medições a campo devido à nova tendência das pesquisas serem de caráter mais aplicado e realizadas em parceria com a iniciativa privada, principalmente nas áreas de produção e manejo, não admitindo, portanto, perdas significativas dos peixes devido ao manuseio realizado no acompanhamento e mensuração durante os experimentos, conciliando, assim, dois aspectos importantes, que são a precisão e a praticidade. Certamente, para que estes aspectos possam ser agrupados, será necessário um menor rigos nas biometrias para a obtenção das medidas de campo (p. ex.: peso e comprimento), pois as mensurações mais precisas necessitam de equipamentos eleétricos e/ou eletrônicos, que geralmente não são a prova d´água, e um manuseio mais intenso, podendo prejudicar a produção devido às injúrias provocadas nos peixes. Além desses aspectos, é necessaria a redução dos riscos de acidentes relacionados ao uso de equipamentos elétricos dentro da água ou em locais úmidos, devido à possibilidade de choque elétrico pelo operador. Este aparelho também pode ser amplamente utilizado nas biometrias das diferentes fases de produção, tanto nas pisciculturas de reprodução como das de engorda, facilitando a obtenção do peso para o cálculo da biomassa, da quantidade de alimento a ser fornecido e da capacidade de suporte do ambiente de cultivo. Assim, este Comunicado Técnico tem por objetivo divulgar aos pisciculturores, pesquisadores e estudiosos da área da piscicultura um novo e prático equipamento que visa auxiliar na medição indireta do peso de surubins, promovendo um melhor desempenho e padroinização do procedimento de biometria quando realizado a campo.bitstream/item/79522/1/COT42.pd

    Evaluation of Variation Attributable to Lab and Technician for Measurements of Beef Carcass Traits Made Using Ultrasound

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    National cattle genetic evaluations assume technician and imaging lab do not contribute to phenotypic variation when measuring carcass traits by ultrasound. The objective of this study was to estimate variance components of ultrasound carcass measurements, specifically variance contributed by ultrasound technician and imaging laboratory. Accounting for technician and imaging lab variation may increase accuracy of genetic predictions for carcass traits. Ultrasound carcass predictions for ribeye area (REA), percent intramuscular fat (IMF), and backfat (BF) were provided by the American Angus Association (AAA; n=281,982 animals), American Hereford Association (AHA; n=49,602), and American Simmental Association (ASA; n=59,576) for a total of 391,160 animals. Data provided by each association included ultrasound carcass measurements, contemporary group, technician ID, imaging lab, and a three-generation pedigree for each animal with ultrasound measurements. Variance contributed by additive genetics, technician, and contemporary group on ultrasound carcass measurements were estimated for each breed separately. Because technician and lab were confounded, the contribution of lab to ultrasound carcass variation could not be separated from technician. Therefore, we assessed whether lab contributed to ultrasound carcass variation by estimating genetic correlations between laboratories for ribeye area, percent intramuscular fat, and backfat. This analysis separated carcass traits by laboratory and treated measurements interpreted by each lab as a separate trait. Technician explained 12-27%, 4-23%, and 4-27% of variance for IMF, BF, and REA respectively across all three breeds. On average, the variance contributed by technician was greater than the variance contributed by additive genetics but less than that explained by contemporary group. Genetic correlations between labs across breeds ranged from 0.79 to 0.95 for IMF, 0.64 to 0.94 for BF and 0.78 to 0.98 for REA. Technician contributed to variance in ultrasound measurements, but high genetic correlations between labs suggest lab plays a lesser role in contribution of variance to ultrasound measurements

    Threat or Opportunity: Increasing of Muslim Worker in Japan Regarding Aging Population Issue

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    This paper studies and analyses the discourse of the national policy of increasing number of Muslim worker in Japan. It considers various political perceptions whether it should be understood as a threat or opportunity. In this globalized era, it is uncommon that Islam is viewed and stigmatized as a religion of terror mainly by the western media. On the other hand, Japan is known as an exclusive country with such strong working culture, which inevitably need to solve the problem of the lack of the productive labours due to the growing of its aging population. The presence of workers who come from Muslim-majority countries then requires a separate attention as the number of them is consistently growing. With a very controversial prestige among the international communities, as well as the contrasting cultural differences between Japanese and Muslim cultures make a very interesting debate that, will increase in the number of Muslim workers in Japan becoming threat or opportunity to Japan. Keywords: Aging Population, Muslim Workers, Threat, Opportunity, Social Distinguishmen

    Threat or Opportunity: Increasing of Muslim Worker in Japan Regarding Aging Population Issue

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    This paper studies and analyses the discourse of the national policy of increasing number of Muslim worker in Japan. It considers various political perceptions whether it should be understood as a threat or opportunity. In this globalized era, it is uncommon that Islam is viewed and stigmatized as a religion of terror mainly by the western media. On the other hand, Japan is known as an exclusive country with such strong working culture, which inevitably need to solve the problem of the lack of the productive labours due to the growing of its aging population. The presence of workers who come from Muslim-majority countries then requires a separate attention as the number of them is consistently growing. With a very controversial prestige among the international communities, as well as the contrasting cultural differences between Japanese and Muslim cultures make a very interesting debate that, will increase in the number of Muslim workers in Japan becoming threat or opportunity to Japan. Keywords: Aging Population, Muslim Workers, Threat, Opportunity, Social Distinguishmen

    The Reasons Behind Indonesia’s Unwillingness To Join The Military Coalition Of Saudi Arabia Against Global Terrorism

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    This paper studies and analyses the reasons of which Indonesia refuses to join the military coalition initiated by Saudi Arabia against global terrorism. In general, there are two reasons for Indonesia to reject to join the military coalition. Firstly, the principles of foreign policy Indonesia embodying are active free policy as well as a non-aligned movement which make it possible for the country not to participate or take a side with any superpower countries. Secondly, Indonesia has its steps to counter the action of terrorism by using a soft approach. Therefore, Indonesia has no interest in joining the coalition with Saudi Arabia formed due to its hard power and approached through the military to combat the issue. This research uses the theory of rational choice to analyse foreign policy making influenced by Indonesian domestic factors towards the creation of the Saudi Arabia’s coalition which incorporated the Indonesian name unilaterally into the coalition member’s list. Keywords: Terrorism, the military coalition of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, foreign policy, rational choice theory

    Estimating the Effects Weather, Dry Matter Intake, and Body Weight on Daily Water Intake in Weaned Calves

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    Water is an essential nutrient and is required for growth, metabolism, lactation, and reproduction. However, water requirements for beef cattle have not been studied extensively since the 1950’s. The genetic potential for beef cattle has changed considerably since then. With the change in genetics, beef producers have observed increases in average daily gain and final body weight. The need for updated water requirements for beef cattle has also been exacerbated by global climate variability, drought conditions, and the need for efficient use of water resources. Given the increased productivity of cattle today relative to those of decades ago, increased water requirements are almost certain. Further research must be conducted to determine how those requirements have changed

    The Reasons Behind Indonesia’s Unwillingness To Join The Military Coalition Of Saudi Arabia Against Global Terrorism

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    This paper studies and analyses the reasons of which Indonesia refuses to join the military coalition initiated by Saudi Arabia against global terrorism. In general, there are two reasons for Indonesia to reject to join the military coalition. Firstly, the principles of foreign policy Indonesia embodying are active free policy as well as a non-aligned movement which make it possible for the country not to participate or take a side with any superpower countries. Secondly, Indonesia has its steps to counter the action of terrorism by using a soft approach. Therefore, Indonesia has no interest in joining the coalition with Saudi Arabia formed due to its hard power and approached through the military to combat the issue. This research uses the theory of rational choice to analyse foreign policy making influenced by Indonesian domestic factors towards the creation of the Saudi Arabia’s coalition which incorporated the Indonesian name unilaterally into the coalition member’s list. Keywords: Terrorism, the military coalition of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, foreign policy, rational choice theory

    Competitor Avoidance Drives Within-Host Feeding Site Selection in a Passively-Dispersed Herbivore

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    Evolutionary theory predicts that ovipositing females that can actively disperse should select hosts that increase offspring performance. However, for organisms that are exclusively passively dispersed, feeding site selection is possible only at the within-host level. This is particularly important for their offspring, which have strong temporal and spatial dispersal constraints within a host. Such constraints are probably magnified by tissue quality heterogeneity caused by competing herbivores. We investigated within-host feeding site selection of passively dispersed neonates of a sessile herbivore, the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand), when it shares its eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis Carrière) host with another sessile herbivore, the elongate hemlock scale (Fiorinia externa Ferris). Within-host feeding site selection was studied (a) at the shoot level (with or without F. externa) using choice tests, and (b) at the needle level by scoring insect presence in field surveys. Adelges tsugae avoided F. externa-colonised foliage in both the choice tests and field surveys. As A. tsugae has no efficient predators or parasitoids in the study area, we conclude that our results are due to the presence of the competing herbivore. Although A. tsugae cannot actively disperse among hosts, we showed that within-host feeding site selection is an important mechanism to minimise the co-occurrence with a competing herbivore that has known negative impacts on A. tsugae population densities. Studying within-host feeding site selection in a multiple-species context could assist in understanding and predicting the impact of destructive pests such as A. tsugae and the interactions with their novel hosts
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