64 research outputs found

    Cryo-EM Structure of Dodecameric Vps4p and Its 2:1 Complex with Vta1p

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    The type I AAA (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) ATPase Vps4 and its co-factor Vta1p/LIP5 function in membrane remodeling events that accompany cytokinesis, multivesicular body biogenesis, and retrovirus budding, apparently by driving disassembly and recycling of membrane-associated ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport)-III complexes. Here, we present electron cryomicroscopy reconstructions of dodecameric yeast Vps4p complexes with and without their microtubule interacting and transport (MIT) N-terminal domains and Vta1p co-factors. The ATPase domains of Vps4p form a bowl-like structure composed of stacked hexameric rings. The two rings adopt dramatically different conformations, with the “upper” ring forming an open assembly that defines the sides of the bowl and the lower ring forming a closed assembly that forms the bottom of the bowl. The N-terminal MIT domains of the upper ring localize on the symmetry axis above the cavity of the bowl, and the binding of six extended Vta1p monomers causes additional density to appear both above and below the bowl. The structures suggest models in which Vps4p MIT and Vta1p domains engage ESCRT-III substrates above the bowl and help transfer them into the bowl to be pumped through the center of the dodecameric assembly

    Hepatoselective Nitric Oxide (NO) Donors, V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO, in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Comparison of Antisteatotic Effects with the Biotransformation and Pharmacokinetics

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    ABSTRACT V-PYRRO/NO [O(2)-vinyl-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate] and V-PROLI/NO (O2-vinyl-[2-(carboxylato)pyrrolidin-1-yl]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate), two structurally similar diazeniumdiolate derivatives, were designed as liver-selective prodrugs that are metabolized by cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, with subsequent release of nitric oxide (NO). Yet, their efficacy in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and their comparative pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles have not been characterized. The aim of the present work was to compare the effects of V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO on liver steatosis, glucose tolerance, and liver fatty acid composition in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet, as well as to comprehensively characterize the ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) profiles of both NO donors. Despite their similar structure, V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO showed differences in pharmacological efficacy in the murine model of NAFLD. V-PYRRO/NO, but not V-PROLI/NO, attenuated liver steatosis, improved glucose tolerance, and favorably modified fatty acid composition in the liver. Both compounds were characterized by rapid absorption following i.p. administration, rapid elimination from the body, and incomplete bioavailability. However, V-PYRRO/NO was eliminated mainly by the liver, whereas V-PROLI/NO was excreted mostly in unchanged form by the kidney. V-PYRRO/NO was metabolized by CYP2E1, CYP2C9, CYP1A2, and CYP3A4, whereas V-PROLI/NO was metabolized mainly by CYP1A2. Importantly, V-PYRRO/NO was a better NO releaser in vivo and in the isolated, perfused liver than V-PROLI/NO, an effect compatible with the superior antisteatotic activity of V-PYRRO/NO. In conclusion, V-PYRRO/NO displayed a pronounced antisteatotic effect associated with liver-targeted NO release, whereas V-PROLI/NO showed low effectiveness, was not taken up by the liver, and was eliminated mostly in unchanged form by the kidney

    Forcing of morphological changes of Aspergillus terreus mycelium by the addition of inorganic microparticles

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    Grzyby nitkowe są producentem wielu cennych substancji. Forma morfologiczna grzybów ma wpływ na jego produktywność. Badania nad sterowanie morfologią grzybów nitkowych mają na celu intensyfikację produkcji ich metabolitów oraz kontrole nad wielkością peletek w hodowlach wgłębnych, Niniejsza praca ma na celu zbadanie wpływu dodatku nieorganicznych mikrocząstek talku (Mg3(OH)2Si4010) oraz tlenku glinu (Al203 na rozmiar peletek Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542 i biosyntezę lowastatyny.Filamentous fungi produce many valuable substances. A morphological form of fungi has an impact on his productivity. Studies on controlling the fungal morphology are directed towards the intensification of metabolites excretion and control over the size of pellets in submerged cultures. This paper aims at the investigation of influence of talcum (Mg)3(OH)2Si4O)10) and aluminum trioxide (Al203) addition on the size of Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542 pellets and lovastatin production

    Parallel Discrete Convolutions on Adaptive Particle Representations of Images.

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    We present data structures and algorithms for native implementations of discrete convolution operators over Adaptive Particle Representations (APR) of images on parallel computer architectures. The APR is a content-adaptive image representation that locally adapts the sampling resolution to the image signal. It has been developed as an alternative to pixel representations for large, sparse images as they typically occur in fluorescence microscopy. It has been shown to reduce the memory and runtime costs of storing, visualizing, and processing such images. This, however, requires that image processing natively operates on APRs, without intermediately reverting to pixels. Designing efficient and scalable APR-native image processing primitives, however, is complicated by the APR's irregular memory structure. Here, we provide the algorithmic building blocks required to efficiently and natively process APR images using a wide range of algorithms that can be formulated in terms of discrete convolutions. We show that APR convolution naturally leads to scale-adaptive algorithms that efficiently parallelize on multi-core CPU and GPU architectures. We quantify the speedups in comparison to pixel-based algorithms and convolutions on evenly sampled data. We achieve pixel-equivalent throughputs of up to 1TB/s on a single Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 gaming GPU, requiring up to two orders of magnitude less memory than a pixel-based implementation