16 research outputs found

    Soil fertility and growth of Eucalyptus grandis in Brazil under different residue management practices

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    Silvicultural operations such as soil preparation, logging residue management and application of fertilisers can influence soil fertility, and hence nutrient uptake and tree growth. This paper reports the effect of site management practices of minimum and intensive cultivation of the soil on the growth of a stand of Eucalyptus grandis and soil fertility. The experimental site is a commercial plantation in the Itatinga district, São Paulo State, Brazil. This site was originally covered by climax vegetation known as ‘Cerrado\' (savanna) which is characterised by seasonal soil water deficits and very low soil fertility. The effects of complete harvest residue removal, residue retention and residue burning were assessed in a randomised block experiment. The highest productivities were obtained where the residues were retained or burned and the lowest where all the residues (slash, litter and bark) were removed. These results highlight the temporary but large release of nutrients due to burning and the effect of forest residues on tree growth. Temporary variations in organic C and N contents, exchangeable cation contents and pH were found only in the 0–5cm soil layer, except for the burned residue treatment where variations in the layer beneath (5–10cm) were also found. No modification of soil properties was found in the 10–20cm layer. It was found that burning resulted in the loss of 82% of biomass, 86% of N, 60% of P, 49% of K, 11% of Ca, 29% of Mg and 84% of S. Exchangeable K initially increased up to 0.8 years after harvesting and later decreased. Over a 21-month period, the largest rates of N mineralisation were found in the standing crop treatment (77kg ha–1 of N), followed by the treatment where the residues were retained with minimum disturbance of the site (58kg ha–1 of N). The removal or burning of the residues inhibited the N mineralisation with values of 45 and 28kg ha–1 of N respectively, recorded in these treatments. The different residue management treatments resulted in pronounced effects on the growth of E. grandis.Southern Hemisphere Forestry Journal 2007, 69(2): 95–10

    Correlação entre os diagnósticos citopatológicos e histopatológicos das lesões da mucosa oral após a punção aspirativa por agulha fina

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    OBJETIVO: Fazer um estudo retrospectivo, correlacionando os diagnósticos citopatológicos obtidos por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) com os diagnósticos histopatológicos de lesões da região bucomaxilofacial, de pacientes que foram atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial do Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro/UFF, entre maio de 1999 e maio de 2004. MÉTODO: Foram analisados os laudos cito e histopatológicos emitidos pelo Serviço de Anatomia Patológica (SAP-HUAP), de quarenta e cinco pacientes submetidos à a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) por apresentar lesão na região bucomaxilofacial. RESULTADOS: Foi obtida uma precisão diagnóstica da citopatologia a partir da PAAF de 77,8% (35 casos), e especificidade e sensibilidade da técnica de 100%, não havendo nenhum resultado falso-positivo e falso-negativo. CONCLUSÃO: A citopatologia realizada a partir da PAAF é um método diagnóstico inicial eficiente, de baixo custo, praticamente indolor e rápido de ser realizado, que contribui para a identificação da natureza da lesão proporcionando um melhor planejamento terapêutico