28 research outputs found

    Validação do processo de confeção e do período de vida útil de camarão cozido num estabelecimento de venda a retalho

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaAo longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um interesse crescente pelos conceitos de Qualidade Alimentar e Segurança Alimentar, os quais se tornam parte integrante do vocabulário e conhecimento do consumidor. Com a alteração dos seus hábitos alimentares, o consumidor passa a procurar os estabelecimentos de venda que garantem a confiança nos seus produtos como resultado da otimização da sua confeção. Surge a vontade de conhecer a origem de cada alimento, tal como o controlo aplicado durante o seu percurso até às áreas de grande consumo. Cada estabelecimento de distribuição alimentar tem a responsabilidade legal de implementar e cumprir todas as regras e procedimentos que garantam a qualidade e principalmente a segurança dos alimentos. No decorrer do estágio, foram abordados diversos temas envolvidos no Sistema HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) e nas atividades diárias da loja. A verificação diária dos produtos permitiu reconhecer e realçar a importância da avaliação do tempo de vida útil de um alimento pronto-a-comer, tal como a importância da validação do processo associado à sua confeção. Neste âmbito, procedeu-se ao estudo do comportamento do camarão de Madagáscar, cozido na Secção de Peixaria das instalações do El Corte Inglés Grandes Armazéns, situadas em Lisboa. Tendo como objetivo a confirmação de que o processo utilizado na cozedura do camarão garantia a obtenção de um produto alimentar final seguro para comercialização, procedeu-se à validação do processo utilizado, de acordo com o importante binómio tempo-temperatura, à realização de medições de temperatura durante os diversos tempos de cozedura e de medições dos valores de temperatura durante os diversos tempos de arrefecimento. Seguidamente foi realizada a avaliação microbiológica do produto durante a exposição. Concluiu-se desta forma que tanto o processo de confeção (cozedura a 83ºC durante 20 minutos), arrefecimento (arrefecimento até 5ºC durante uma hora) como o tempo de vida útil atribuído ao produto (3 dias de exposição, já definidos no procedimento interno instituído na Secção de Peixaria) permitiam cumprir os requisitos microbiológicos da sua categoria.ABSTRACT - Over the past few years there has been a growing interest in Food Quality and Safety, expressions which have become a constituent part of the consumer´s vocabulary and knowledge. With the changing of the feeding habits, consumers take up to search for stores which will ensure confidence in its goods as a result of its optimized finishing. Consumers tend to learn about the origin of products and the control they have been subjected to before they reach the great consuming areas. Each food distribution spot has legal liability to implement and comply with all rules and procedures that guarantee quality and essentially food safety. During the training a range of issues regarding the HACCP system and the daily routines of the shop were covered. The daily assessment of products allowed to recognize and highlight the importance of assessing the lifetime of ready to eat food as well as the importance of the validation of the equipment used in its production. In this context we proceeded to study the behavior of the Madagascar shrimp boiled at the fisheries department at El Corte Inglés located in Lisbon. Aiming to confirm that the boiling process of the shrimp assured to obtain a final safe food product for sale we proceeded to the validation of the process used according to the important binomial time/temperature and to the implementation of temperature analysis during various boiling times. A microbiological evaluation of the product was executed during its self period time. The conclusion was thus, that both the boiling process (83ºC in 20 minutes), the cooling process (cooling to 5ºC during 1 hour) and the lifetime attributed to the product (three days of exposure), already defined in the internal procedures established in the fishmongers, met the microbiological requirements of its category

    Emerging opportunities for ambient intelligence in creativity support tools

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    The fundamental challenge in developing and evaluating creativity support tools is that we are not able to detect when a person is being creative. In this position paper we described our perspective of ambient intelligence in creativity support tools specially in the use of creative writing environments. Starting with the activity theory, we describe a simple analysis of writing sessions involving 100 students from a higher school, and recorded using a keystroke logging program called Inputlog and the program iTALC to support it. Specifically, we outline the writing activity goals and the interaction design goals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I smell creativity: exploring the effects of olfactory and auditory cues to support creative writing tasks

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    Humans perceive different objects, scenes or places using all their senses. Our sensory richness also plays an important role for creative activities. Humans also recall those sensory experiences in order to spark creativity, e.g. while writing a text. This paper presents a study with 100 students, divided in groups, that explores the effect of auditory and olfactory cues and their combina tion during a creative writing exercise. Our results provide useful insights sug gesting that olfactory cues have an important role in the creative process of users and even when this type of cues are combined with auditory cues. We believe, that this type of modalities should gain more relevance on the development of creativity support tools and environments for supporting the creative writing pro cess.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associations between muscular strength and vertical jumping performance in adolescent male football players

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    This study aimed to investigate the associations between muscular strength tests and vertical jumping performance (countermovement jump [CMJ] and squat jump [SJ]) in adolescent male football players, while controlling for important predictors such as chronological age and body composition. Methods. The sample involved 161 male footballers (mean age: 15.8 ± 1.7 years) from the under-19, under-17, and under-15 age groups. Body fat percentage (BF%) was calculated with Slaughter equations. Muscular strength assessment included handgrip strength and push-up and sit-up tests. Vertical jumping was examined through CMJ and SJ. Pearson correlations and hierarchical regression analyses were run to analyse the data. Results. All muscular strength tests showed significant correlations with CMJ and SJ. Handgrip strength was the most substantial predictor for CMJ (r = 0.43, p < 0.01) and SJ (r = 0.44, p < 0.01). However, regression models identified sit-ups (CMJ: = 0.15, p < 0.01, R2 = 0.23; SJ: = 0.16, p < 0.01, R2 = 0.27) and push-ups (CMJ: = 0.13, p < 0.01; SJ: = 0.15, p < 0.01) as significant predictors after controlling for chronological age, body mass, and BF%. In contrast, BF% remained a significant predictor of jumping performance (CMJ: = –0.43, p < 0.01, R2 = –0.39; SJ: = –0.52, p < 0.01, R2 = –0.52) in the whole hierarchical regression model. Conclusions. This study reinforces the importance of players’ overall physical development, including healthy diet habits, to enhance jumping performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-Designing Personas for User Experience and Engagement in Automation

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    The aim of this workshop is to engage in co-design of personas to explore the interplay of autonomous technologies with user experi ence and engagement. Automating a process that is embedded into people’s everyday lives and activities will surely impact their expe rience. In a time where there is strong push towards more and more automation in our daily life, the workshop will explore the value of co-design in bringing to the fore the opportunities and issues of such trend on users’ experiences and engagements in multiple con texts such as work, health, entertainment and learning. Through the co-design of personas in future scenarios of automation the work shop will concretely identify valuable automation design goals for user experience and engagement drawing on participants’ knowl edge from industry projects and academic research.Tree concrete outcomes from the workshop are the following:info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Virtual reality gaming in rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injur: user experience pilot study

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    The purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to describe a new technological solution for the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries based on virtual reality (VR) gaming, and (2) to analyze the variation in rated perceived exertion (RPE) and heart rate (HR) of the participants when undergoing a rehabilitation session based on different VR games. Thirty-seven participants aged 23.7 ± 7.0 years tested during five customized VR games to provide a complete rehabilitation session after a musculoskeletal injury. The results of the Friedman test indicated a statistically significant difference in RPE scale and HR across the five VR games throughout a complete rehabilitation session (χ2 (4, n = 35) = 75.59; p < 0.001 and χ2 (4, n = 35) = 27.75, p < 0.001, respectively). RPE and HR increased significantly from Game 1 to Game 2 (z = –5.16, p < 0.001), from Game 1 to Game 3 (z = – 5.05, p < 0.001), from Game 1 to Game 4 (z = –4.87, p < 0.001), and from Game 1 to Game 5 (z = –3.61, p < 0.001). Moreover, the results showed a high perceived usability of the system, greater intrinsic motivation to perform the rehabilitation exercises, a high level of immersion, and a good experience in the VR gaming environment. Our study stimulates extended intervention programs following up on this immersive virtual reality rehabilitation system to support soccer players recovering from musculoskeletal injuries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diversidade de grupos, características físico-espaciais e apropriação do espaço urbano em cidades de crescimento recente

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    Esta pesquisa investigou o processo de apropriação do espaço urbano em cidades de crescimento recente, ocupadas por diferentes grupos sócio-culturais. A partir de uma abordagem perceptiva, procurou entender as causas de diferentes níveis de apropriação do espaço urbano através da avaliação de desempenho e análise de aspectos físicos – fatores contextuais -, e da influencia das diferentes origens e perfil sócio-econômico no estilo de vida dos moradores - fatores composicionais -, determinando o potencial de movimento das redes axiais e sociais nas escalas da cidade e de cada bairro. Para alcançar os objetivos desta investigação, a pesquisa desenvolve-se através da avaliação comparativa entre estudos simultâneos em bairros, caracterizados por diferentes condicionantes físicos, configurações espaciais, equipamentos públicos disponíveis e população residente (aspectos sócio-econômico culturais). São investigadas as intensidades de apropriação nos espaços públicos específicos desses bairros (ruas, praças, parques), avaliação de desempenho e comparação entre o potencial de movimento sugerido pelas redes axiais e a dinâmica de movimentação evidenciada pelas redes sociais na cidade estabelecidas pelos diferentes estilos de vida dos usuários. Foram selecionados cinco bairros com diferentes aspectos físicos e sócio-econômico culturais, localizados no município de Timbó/SC. O levantamento de dados deu-se em duas etapas: levantamento de arquivo, aplicação de mapas mentais, entrevistas complementares e levantamento físico para a etapa de seleção da amostra; e observações comportamentais, aplicação de questionários, entrevistas informais e análise sintática para a medição das hipóteses. Este estudo mostra que aspectos composicionais afetam mais fortemente o tipo e intensidade de apropriação na cidade e nos bairros do que aspectos físicos e de desempenho urbano. O estudo mostra que, mais importante do que atender a preferências individuais, é suprir as necessidades básicas dos moradores em relação ao espaço.This research aims at studying the appropriation process of urban space in cities with a recent urban growth, occupied by different socio –cultural groups. It seeks to understand, by a perceptive approach, the reasons for different levels of urban space appropriation by means of space performance and physical aspects evaluation – contextual aspects - , and the life style and users profile influence – compositional aspects - , determining the axial and social networks potencial movement through the city and neighborhood scale. In order to achieve the research objectives, this research develops through comparative studies in the neighborhoods with different physical and configurational aspects; public equipments adequacy and socio -cultural groups. The process of appropriation on streets, squares and parks in the neighborhoods and in the city, performance evaluation, axial network potencial movement and the social network dynamic movement established by user’s life style are investigated. Methodological procedures were carried out in five neighborhoods characterized by differences in cultural and socio –economic aspects, located in Timbó /SC. Data collection comprehends two fases: surveying existing files, mental maps, interviews and physical measurements for neighborhood selection and observations of behavior, questionnaires, space syntax interviews in order to confirm or neglect the hypothesis. This study indicates that compositional aspects strongly influence type and intensity of appropriation in the city and neighborhoods than physical aspects and performance space evaluation and, that than supporting individual preferences are user’s basic needs for space

    Diversidade de grupos, características físico-espaciais e apropriação do espaço urbano em cidades de crescimento recente

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    Esta pesquisa investigou o processo de apropriação do espaço urbano em cidades de crescimento recente, ocupadas por diferentes grupos sócio-culturais. A partir de uma abordagem perceptiva, procurou entender as causas de diferentes níveis de apropriação do espaço urbano através da avaliação de desempenho e análise de aspectos físicos – fatores contextuais -, e da influencia das diferentes origens e perfil sócio-econômico no estilo de vida dos moradores - fatores composicionais -, determinando o potencial de movimento das redes axiais e sociais nas escalas da cidade e de cada bairro. Para alcançar os objetivos desta investigação, a pesquisa desenvolve-se através da avaliação comparativa entre estudos simultâneos em bairros, caracterizados por diferentes condicionantes físicos, configurações espaciais, equipamentos públicos disponíveis e população residente (aspectos sócio-econômico culturais). São investigadas as intensidades de apropriação nos espaços públicos específicos desses bairros (ruas, praças, parques), avaliação de desempenho e comparação entre o potencial de movimento sugerido pelas redes axiais e a dinâmica de movimentação evidenciada pelas redes sociais na cidade estabelecidas pelos diferentes estilos de vida dos usuários. Foram selecionados cinco bairros com diferentes aspectos físicos e sócio-econômico culturais, localizados no município de Timbó/SC. O levantamento de dados deu-se em duas etapas: levantamento de arquivo, aplicação de mapas mentais, entrevistas complementares e levantamento físico para a etapa de seleção da amostra; e observações comportamentais, aplicação de questionários, entrevistas informais e análise sintática para a medição das hipóteses. Este estudo mostra que aspectos composicionais afetam mais fortemente o tipo e intensidade de apropriação na cidade e nos bairros do que aspectos físicos e de desempenho urbano. O estudo mostra que, mais importante do que atender a preferências individuais, é suprir as necessidades básicas dos moradores em relação ao espaço.This research aims at studying the appropriation process of urban space in cities with a recent urban growth, occupied by different socio –cultural groups. It seeks to understand, by a perceptive approach, the reasons for different levels of urban space appropriation by means of space performance and physical aspects evaluation – contextual aspects - , and the life style and users profile influence – compositional aspects - , determining the axial and social networks potencial movement through the city and neighborhood scale. In order to achieve the research objectives, this research develops through comparative studies in the neighborhoods with different physical and configurational aspects; public equipments adequacy and socio -cultural groups. The process of appropriation on streets, squares and parks in the neighborhoods and in the city, performance evaluation, axial network potencial movement and the social network dynamic movement established by user’s life style are investigated. Methodological procedures were carried out in five neighborhoods characterized by differences in cultural and socio –economic aspects, located in Timbó /SC. Data collection comprehends two fases: surveying existing files, mental maps, interviews and physical measurements for neighborhood selection and observations of behavior, questionnaires, space syntax interviews in order to confirm or neglect the hypothesis. This study indicates that compositional aspects strongly influence type and intensity of appropriation in the city and neighborhoods than physical aspects and performance space evaluation and, that than supporting individual preferences are user’s basic needs for space