10 research outputs found

    Individual characteristics and student's engagement in scientific research : a cross-sectional study

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    Background: In light of the increasing recognition of the importance of physician scientists, and given the association between undergraduate research experiences with future scientific activity, it is important to identify and understand variables related to undergraduate student’s decision to engage in scientific research activities. The present study assessed the influence of individual characteristics, including personality traits and socio-demographic characteristics, on voluntary engagement in scientific research of undergraduate medical students. Methods: For this study, all undergraduate students and alumni of the School of Health Sciences in Minho, Portugal were invited to participate in a survey about voluntary engagement in scientific research activities. Data were available on socio-demographic, personality and university admission variables, as part of an ongoing longitudinal study. A regression model was used to compare (1) engaged with (2) not engaged students. A classification and regression tree model was used to compare students engaged in (3) elective curricular research (4) and extra-curricular research. Results: A total of 466 students (88%) answered the survey. A complete set of data was available for 435 students (83%).Higher scores in admission grade point average and the personality dimensions of “openness to experience” and “conscientiousness” increased chances of engagement. Higher “extraversion” scores had the opposite effect. Male undergraduate students were two times more likely than females to engage in curricular elective scientific research and were also more likely to engage in extra-curricular research activities. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that student’s grade point average and individual characteristics, like gender, openness and consciousness have a unique and statistically significant contribution to student’s involvement in undergraduate scientific research activities.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/ESC/65116/200

    International Care programs for Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID) and the way forward

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    Background: Pediatric Post-COVID-Condition (PPCC) clinics treat children despite limited scientific substantiation. By exploring real-life management of children diagnosed with PPCC, the International Post-COVID-Condition in Children Collaboration (IP4C) aimed to provide guidance for future PPCC care. // Methods: We performed a cross-sectional international, multicenter study on used PPCC definitions; the organization of PPCC care programs and patients characteristics. We compared aggregated data from PPCC cohorts and identified priorities to improve PPCC care. // Results: Ten PPCC care programs and six COVID-19 follow-up research cohorts participated. Aggregated data from 584 PPCC patients was analyzed. The most common symptoms included fatigue (71%), headache (55%), concentration difficulties (53%), and brain fog (48%). Severe limitations in daily life were reported in 31% of patients. Most PPCC care programs organized in-person visits with multidisciplinary teams. Diagnostic testing for respiratory and cardiac morbidity was most frequently performed and seldom abnormal. Treatment was often limited to physical therapy and psychological support. // Conclusions: We found substantial heterogeneity in both the diagnostics and management of PPCC, possibly explained by scarce scientific evidence and lack of standardized care. We present a list of components which future guidelines should address, and outline priorities concerning PPCC care pathways, research and international collaboration

    Efetividade da fonoterapia em pacientes com paralisia facial pós-parotidectomia

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a efetividade da fonoterapia em pacientes com paralisia facial decorrente da manipulação do VII nervo encefálico realizada durante o tratamento cirúrgico para neoplasia de glândula parótida, assim como, identificar e promover intervenção fonoaudiológica das alterações de sucção, mastigação e deglutição. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com análise descritiva. A avaliação constou da análise da face em repouso e em movimento, documentação fotográfica, uso do Paquímetro Digital para quantificação da paralisia facial, além da avaliação das funções estomatognáticas. A fonoterapia foi definida com base nos achados da avaliação e seguiu a necessidade de cada indivíduo. Nos resultados da avaliação pós-fonoterapia em repouso houve melhora em todos os aspectos avaliados nos quatro pacientes. Na avaliação em movimento três pacientes apresentaram movimentação mais clara da pele com aumento do número e profundidade das rugas. No registro fotográfico todos os pacientes obtiveram melhora significante nos movimentos avaliados, sendo possível observar um aumento nas linhas de expressões e maior simetria entre as hemifaces. Os valores da incompetência dos movimentos, mensurados pós-fonoterapia, demonstraram melhora significante em todos os pontos medidos. A fonoterapia proposta para os casos de paralisia facial pós-parotidectomia foi eficiente na melhora da mímica facial, sobretudo para as alterações das funções estomatognáticas. É importante salientar a necessidade de novas pesquisas envolvendo um número maior de participantes para garantir a fidedignidade dos achados

    Mesolithic human occupation and seasonality: sclerochronology, δ18O isotope geochemistry, and diagenesis verification by Raman and LA-ICP-MS analysis of Argyrosomus regius (meagre) sagittae otoliths from layer 1 of Cabeço da Amoreira Mesolithic shell midden (Muge, Portugal)

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