160 research outputs found

    Les compléments neurophysiologiques du diagnostic

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    Neurophysiological complements of autism diagnosis Research presented show relationships between behavioral and cognitive disorders and underlying cerebral functional abnormalities, on the basis of non invasive electrophysiological investigations (electroencephalography, cortical evoked potentials). Three types of disturbances are studied: sleep problems, intolerance to change and atypical visual processing of human faces. The complementarity of clinical and neurophysiological approaches is crucial at the levels of functional diagnosis, therapeutic and educative interventions

    Functional morphological imaging of autism spectrum disorders: Current position and theories proposed

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    AbstractAutism is a pervasive disorder of childhood development. Polymorphous clinical profiles combining various degrees of communication and social interaction with restricted and stereotyped behaviour are grouped under the heading of ‘autism spectrum disorders’ (ASD). Many teams are trying to pick out the underlying cerebral abnormalities in order to understand the neuronal networks involved in relationships with others. Here we review the morphological, spectroscopic and functional abnormalities in the amygdala-hippocampal circuit, the caudate nuclei, the cerebellum, and the frontotemporal regions, which have been described in subjects with ASD. White matter abnormalities have also been described in diffusion tensor imaging, leading to suspected damage to the subjacent neural networks, such as mirror neurones or the social brain

    An extended multisensory temporal binding window in autism spectrum disorders

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) form a continuum of neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by deficits in communication and reciprocal social interaction, as well as by repetitive behaviors and restricted interests. Sensory disturbances are also frequently reported in clinical and autobiographical accounts. However, surprisingly few empirical studies have characterized the fundamental features of sensory and multisensory processing in ASD. The current study is structured to test for potential differences in multisensory temporal function in ASD by making use of a temporally dependent, low-level multisensory illusion. In this illusion, the presentation of a single flash of light accompanied by multiple sounds often results in the illusory perception of multiple flashes. By systematically varying the temporal structure of the audiovisual stimuli, a “temporal window” within which these stimuli are likely to be bound into a single perceptual entity can be defined. The results of this study revealed that children with ASD report the flash-beep illusion over an extended range of stimulus onset asynchronies relative to children with typical development, suggesting that children with ASD have altered multisensory temporal function. These findings provide valuable new insights into our understanding of sensory processing in ASD and may hold promise for the development of more sensitive diagnostic measures and improved remediation strategies

    Attitudes of the autism community to early autism research

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    Investigation into the earliest signs of autism in infants has become a significant sub-field of autism research. This work invokes specific ethical concerns such as: use of ‘at-risk’ language; communicating study findings to parents; and the future perspective of enrolled infants when they reach adulthood. The current study aimed to ground this research field in an understanding of the perspectives of members of the autism community. Following focus groups to identify topics, an online survey was distributed to autistic adults, parents of children with autism, and practitioners in health and education settings across eleven European countries. Survey respondents (n=2317) were positively disposed towards early autism research and there was significant overlap in their priorities for the field, and preferred language to describe infant research participants. However there were also differences including overall less favourable endorsement of early autism research by autistic adults relative to other groups and a dislike of the phrase ‘at-risk’ to describe infant participants, in all groups except healthcare practitioners. The findings overall indicate that the autism community in Europe is supportive of early autism research. Researchers should endeavour to maintain this by continuing to take community perspectives into account

    Adults with autism overestimate the volatility of the sensory environment.

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    Insistence on sameness and intolerance of change are among the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but little research has addressed how people with ASD represent and respond to environmental change. Here, behavioral and pupillometric measurements indicated that adults with ASD are less surprised than neurotypical adults when their expectations are violated, and decreased surprise is predictive of greater symptom severity. A hierarchical Bayesian model of learning suggested that in ASD, a tendency to overlearn about volatility in the face of environmental change drives a corresponding reduction in learning about probabilistically aberrant events, thus putatively rendering these events less surprising. Participant-specific modeled estimates of surprise about environmental conditions were linked to pupil size in the ASD group, thus suggesting heightened noradrenergic responsivity in line with compromised neural gain. This study offers insights into the behavioral, algorithmic and physiological mechanisms underlying responses to environmental volatility in ASD

    Effect of cadmium on cytosine hydroxymethylation in gastropod hepatopancreas

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    5-Hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is an important, yet poorly understood epigenetic DNA modification, especially in invertebrates. Aberrant genome-wide 5hmC levels have been associated with cadmium (Cd) exposure in humans, but such information is lacking for invertebrate bioindicators. Here, we aimed to determine whether this epigenetic mark is present in DNA of the hepatopancreas of the land snail Cantareus aspersus and is responsive to Cd exposure. Adult snails were reared under laboratory conditions and exposed to graded amounts of dietary cadmium for 14 days. Weight gain was used as a sublethal endpoint, whereas survival as a lethal endpoint. Our results are the first to provide evidence for the presence of 5hmC in DNA of terrestrial mollusks; 5hmC levels are generally low with the measured values falling below 0.03%. This is also the first study to investigate the interplay of Cd with DNA hydroxymethylation levels in a non-human animal study system. Cadmium retention in the hepatopancreas of C. aspersus increased from a dietary Cd dose of 1 milligram per kilogram dry weight (mg/kg d. wt). For the same treatment, we identified the only significant elevation in percentage of samples with detectable 5hmC levels despite the lack of significant mortalities and changes in weight gain among treatment groups. These findings indicate that 5hmC is an epigenetic mark that may be responsive to Cd exposure, thereby opening a new aspect to invertebrate environmental epigenetics

    Translating Glutamate: From Pathophysiology to Treatment

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    The neurotransmitter glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in mammalian brain and is responsible for most corticocortical and corticofugal neurotransmission. Disturbances in glutamatergic function have been implicated in the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders—including schizophrenia, drug abuse and addiction, autism, and depression—that were until recently poorly understood. Nevertheless, improvements in basic information regarding these disorders have yet to translate into Food and Drug Administration–approved treatments. Barriers to translation include the need not only for improved compounds but also for improved biomarkers sensitive to both structural and functional target engagement and for improved translational models. Overcoming these barriers will require unique collaborative arrangements between pharma, government, and academia. Here, we review a recent Institute of Medicine–sponsored meeting, highlighting advances in glutamatergic theories of neuropsychiatric illness as well as remaining barriers to treatment development.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (grant R37MH49334)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Intramural Research Program)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (R01DA03383)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (P50MH086385)National Institutes of Health (U.S.)FRAXA Research FoundationHoward Hughes Medical InstituteSimons Foundatio
