3 research outputs found

    Trailing Boom on Fungicides Application on Wheat, Bean and Soybean

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    This study aimed to determine the influence of air-assisted and trailing boom technologies on fungicide applications to control diseases incidence and severity on wheat, bean and soybean. The experiments were conducted in three different sites in the Campos Gerais (PR) region in a completely randomized blocks design. In the wheat crop season of 2011, the treatments were: i) control (no fungicide application on the plants); fungicide spray with ii) nozzles in conventional ground boom sprayer; iii) nozzles in trailing boom; and iv) nozzles in conventional boom sprayer + trailing boom simultaneously. In the bean and soybean crop season of 2011-12, we added an extra treatment of boom with air-assisted sprayer, since the farmers had this technology available. We conclude that at the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), the diseases controlled with fungicides presented lower severity and incidence compared with the control treatment for all the crops evaluated. The fungicide spraying technology aggregated to air-assisted and trailing boom did not differ from the conventional boom sprayer for disease control and yield components of wheat, beans and soybeans

    Results on stellar occultations by (307261) 2002 MS4

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    Transneptunian Objects (TNOs) are the remnants of our planetary system and can retain information about the early stages of the Solar System formation. Stellar occultation is a groundbased method used to study these distant bodies which have been presenting exciting results mainly about their physical properties. The big TNO called 2002 MS4 was discovered by Trujillo, C. A., & Brown, M. E., in 2002 using observations made at the Palomar Observatory (EUA). It is classified as a hot classical TNO, with orbital parameters a = 42 AU, e = 0.139, and i = 17.7º. Using thermal measurements with PACS (Herschel) and MIPS (Spitzer Space Telescope) instruments, Vilenius et al. 2012 obtained a radius of 467 +/- 23.5 km and an albedo of 0.051.Predictions of stellar occultations by this body in 2019 were obtained using the Gaia DR2 catalogue and NIMA ephemeris (Desmars et al. 2015) and made available in the Lucky Star web page (https://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/). Four events were observed in South America and Canada. The first stellar occultation was detected on 09 July 2019, resulting in two positives and four negatives chords, including a close one which proven to be helpful to constrain the body’s size. This detection also allowed us to obtain a precise astrometric position that was used to update its ephemeris and improve the predictions of the following events. Two of them were detected on 26 July 2019, separated by eight hours. The first event was observed from South America and resulted in three positive detections, while the second, observed from Canada, resulted in a single chord. Another double chord event was observed on 19 August 2019 also from Canada.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Physical properties of Hi'iaka from stellar occultation data

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    Two very bright stellar occultations by Hi'iaka, the largest satellite of the dwarf planet Haumea, were predicted to take place during in April 2021. Since the uncertainty on Hi'iaka's shadow path was large due to uncertainty on Hi'iaka's position with respect to Haumea, we performed an observational campaign using medium-sized telescopes to obtain high accuracy astrometric data of Hi'iaka's orbit around Haumea. The astrometric data allowed us to successfully observe the first stellar occultation on April 6[SUP]th[/SUP], with final path crossing North Africa. We only obtained one positive chord in this event from the TRAPPIST-North telescope at Oukaïmeden Observatory (Morocco), but thanks to this detection, we were able to obtain a more accurate path for the second event on April 16[SUP]th[/SUP]. The second shadow path was predicted to cross the continental US from East to West. We carried out a huge observational campaign involving more than 50 professional and amateur observatories across the US and southern Canada. The final path of this second stellar occultation moved slightly to the North of the predicted path and, as a result, we were able to obtain 5 positive chords and negative chords only from the south of the shadow. We also collected photometric data in order to obtain Hi'iaka's rotational light-curve and calculate its three-dimensional shape. The rotational light-curve was obtained by observing the unresolved system of Haumea-Hi'iaka and removing Haumea's rotational light-curve from the data. Using Hi'iaka's rotational light-curve we obtained the rotational phase at which each stellar occultation took place, which allowed us to obtain a three-dimensional model of the satellite. Preliminary results from the stellar occultation show that Hi'iaka, with a triaxial shape as suggested in previous publications, is larger than what has been thought before and with a similar albedo to that of Haumea. In this talk we will present our analysis and preliminary results of some of Hi'iaka's physical properties