1,135 research outputs found

    Hospedabilidade de espécies frutíferas a meloidogyne ethiopica.

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    Host status of fruit plants to meloidogyne enterolobii.

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    Edição dos Proceedings do 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014

    Monitoramento do nematoide-das-galhas em quivi no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Multiple Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome to Antituberculosis Drugs: A Case Report

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    Characterization of meloidogyne species from irrigated rice in southern Brazil.

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    Edição dos Proceedings do 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014

    Hospedabilidade de fruteiras a Meloidogyne enterolobii: uma sugestão de manejo para áreas infestadas.

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    Aggressiveness of meloidogyne javanica populations on commercial potato cultivars.

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    Edição dos Proceedings do 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014

    Emergency Hartmann´s procedure: short term outcomes in the old and the very old

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    Objectives: Emergency Hartmann´s procedure is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in the elderly populations. Our aim is to compare the short term outcomes of old [65-80 years old[ and very old patients (80 or more) submitted to this procedure. Materials: Between January 2008 and December 2012 we submitted to emergency Hartmann´s procedure 105 patients: 65 old and 40 very old. We retrospectively reviewed patient charts and comparatively analysed demographic data, indications to surgery, P-POSSUM, ASA, intensive care unit stay, medical and surgical morbidity and 30-day mortality and performed univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: x female, years . Comparing the Old and Very Old groups - Neoplasia (41% vs 47,5%), Acute Diverticulitis (31% vs 22,5%); 30-day mortality rate of 10% vs 45% (p value<0,05). Conclusions: Very old age was an independent factor of morbidity and mortality in emergency Hartmann´s procedure in our patients