1,364 research outputs found

    Influence of different bulk agents in the rheological and sensory characteristics of diet and light chocolate

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    A study was made of various bulk agents as sucrose substitutes in the formulation of chocolate, aiming to obtain a diet product in terms of sucrose and a light product in terms of calories (25% fewer calories than standard formulations containing sucrose) with good sensorial acceptance. The bulk agents used in this study were polydextrose, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides - FOS, lactitol and maltitol. Sucralose was used as a high intensity sweetener. The light chocolates were analyzed for moisture content (Karl Fischer), particle size (digital micrometer), and rheological properties (Casson plastic viscosity eta(ca), and yield strength, tau(ca)). The moisture content of the light chocolate varied from 1.23 to 2.12%, while particle size varied from 19 to 24 mu m, eta(ca) from 6.60 to 11.00 Pa.s, and tau(ca) from 0.05 to 1.10 Pa. The formulations containing polydextrose, polydextrose and lactitol, and polydextrose and maltitol were selected for a sensory analysis due to their good technological performance and adequate machinability of the chocolate mass in the different stages of the process. The sensory analysis revealed no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in the three evaluated formulations in terms of aroma, hardness, melting in the mouth and flavor. There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in the intention to purchase the three chocolate formulations, although a preference was shown for the formulation containing polydextrose (32.60%) and maltitol (15.57%).27361462

    Effects of pre-filmed FeCO3 on flow-induced corrosion and erosion-corrosion in the absence and presence of corrosion inhibitor at 60 °C

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    In CO2 environments, an increase in the temperature can influence carbon steel flow-induced corrosion (FIC) and erosion-corrosion (EC) degradation processes. Increasing temperature typically results in the acceleration of electrochemical degradation mechanisms in the absence of protective corrosion product layers. Furthermore, the presence of sand in corrosive process fluids could aggravate the service conditions. Although protective iron carbonate (FeCO3) film or/and corrosion inhibitors are capable of suppressing corrosion in CO2-containing environments typical of oil and gas production, their ability to suppress degradation and their associated mechanisms in erosion-corrosion environments is less understood. This work focuses on understanding the ability of FeCO3 to protect the steel surface in the absence and presence of corrosion inhibitor and their interactions in flow-induced and erosion-corrosion systems at 60 °C. The effect of the temperature increase is investigated based on results obtained in a previous study performed at 25 °C. FeCO3 filmed carbon steel specimens were developed using an autoclave at 60 °C, pH 6.6 and 30 bar in a 1.5 wt% NaCl CO2-saturated solution over 48 h. The FeCO3 covered specimens were evaluated in FIC and EC environments at 60 °C and a flow velocity of 15 m/s in the presence and absence of 1000 mg/L sand and 100 ppm of a commercially available corrosion inhibitor. Results indicate that the sole presence of an FeCO3 layer is not sufficient to retard the corrosive process of carbon steel at 60 °C under EC conditions. However, the commercial corrosion inhibitor was observed to worked synergistically with the FeCO3 layer to reduce the corrosion degradation component in both the presence and absence of sand particles. The erosion component is also reduced in erosion-corrosion environments as a result of the combined presence of FeCO3 and corrosion inhibitor

    Mitochondria are the main source and one of the targets of Pb (lead)-induced oxidative stress in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a useful model organism for studying lead (Pb) toxicity. Yeast cells of a laboratory S. cerevisiae strain (WT strain) were incubated with Pb concentrations up to 1,000 μmol/l for 3 h. Cells exposed to Pb lost proliferation capacity without damage to the cell membrane, and they accumulated intracellular superoxide anion (O2 .−) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The involvement of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by Pb was evaluated. For this purpose, an isogenic derivative ρ0 strain, lacking mitochondrial DNA, was used. The ρ0 strain, without respiratory competence, displayed a lower intracellular ROS accumulation and a higher resistance to Pb compared to the WT strain. The kinetic study of ROS generation in yeast cells exposed to Pb showed that the production of O2 .− precedes the accumulation of H2O2, which is compatible with the leakage of electrons from the mitochondrial ETC. Yeast cells exposed to Pb displayed mutations at the mitochondrial DNA level. This is most likely a consequence of oxidative stress. In conclusion, mitochondria are an important source of Pb-induced ROS and, simultaneously, one of the targets of its toxicity.The authors thank the FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013

    Comfort from the perspective of families of people hospitalized in the intensive care unit

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    This study aimed at understanding the meaning of comfort to the families of people in intensive care units. It consists of a qualitative study carried out in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Salvador-Bahia. Fourteen family members were interviewed. The authors utilized the theoretical principles of symbolic interactionism and the technique of qualitative data analysis. Results indicated that the categories Safety, Receptiveness, Information, Proximity, Social and Spiritual Support, Convenience and Integration expressed the meaning of comfort, which was comprised of reliability in terms of technical-scientific competence and a supportive and sensitive attitude of the team, chance of recovery, access to information and the opportunity to be close to the patient, support of people in their social life, spiritual sources and the environmental structure of the hospital, preservation of self-care and routine activities. It was concluded that the family is important as objects and subjects of the actions in healthcare and must be the focus in public health policies and programs in Brazil

    Study of intrinsic risk factors for falls in institutionalized elderly people

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a presença de fatores intrínsecos que predispõem a quedas em idosos moradores em instituições de longa permanência na cidade de Goiânia (GO). Trata-se de estudo descritivo transversal realizado em seis instituições de longa permanência para idosos existentes na cidade de Goiânia. A amostra da investigação constou de 95 idosos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo dados clínicos relacionados às condições de saúde-doença; dados cognitivos; avaliação da capacidade para as atividades básicas de vida diária e avaliação do equilíbrio e marcha. Os idosos avaliados, no geral, apresentam vários fatores de risco, apontados pela literatura, para quedas, tais como: relato de dificuldade motora em membros inferiores (90%), déficit visual (81,1%), uso de três ou mais medicamentos (59,7%), suspeita de depressão (37,9%), falta de equilíbrio em apoio unipodal (37,9%) e altura do passo anormalmente diminuída (32,6%). As informações obtidas nos permitem apontar condições determinantes que aumentam a possibilidade dos eventos queda acontecerem na amostra estudada, sinalizando à necessidade de que estratégias de promoção de saúde, prevenção de agravos e reabilitação devam ser tomadas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to identify intrinsic risk factors that predispose elderly people living in long-term institutions in the city of Goiânia (GO) to falls. The present descriptive transversal study was carried out in six long-term institutions for seniors in the city of Goiânia. The investigated sample consisted of 95 elderly that fitted the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A questionnaire was used for collecting clinical data related to health-disease conditions; cognitive data; capacity to develop basic daily life activities and equilibrium and gait. In general terms, as pointed out the literature, the examined elderly presented different fall risk factors such as: motor difficulty in lower limbs (90%), visual deficit (81,1%), use of 3 or more kinds of medicines (59,7%), suspected depression (37,9%), lack of equilibrium/unstable unipodal support (37,9%) abnormally decreased height in step (32,6%). The obtained data allow us to set indicators for the increase in falls among the studied sample, demonstrating the need for creating strategies for health promotion, prevention of injuries and rehabilitation


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    Mosquito nets treated with long-lasting insecticide (LLINs), when used in compliance with guidelines of the World Health Organization, may be effective for malaria vector control. In 2012, approximately 150,000 LLINs were installed in nine municipalities in the state of Rondônia. However, no studies have assessed their impact on the reduction of malaria incidence. This study analyzed secondary data of malaria incidence, in order to assess the impact of LLINs on the annual parasite incidence (API). The results showed no statistically significant differences in API one year after LLIN installation when compared to municipalities without LLINs. The adoption of measures for malaria vector control should be associated with epidemiological studies and evaluations of their use and efficiency, with the aim of offering convincing advantages that justify their implementation and limit malaria infection in the Amazon Region

    Concepções de avaliação de desempenho em um currículo orientado por competência

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar concepções de avaliação dos docentes no Exercício de Avaliação da Prática Profissional (EAPP). Foram analisados 155 instrumentos de avaliação preenchidos pelos docentes e filmados os EAPP de quatro estudantes de primeira e terceira séries. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se o Método de Interpretação dos Sentidos. As concepções de avaliação expressas pelos docentes aproximaram-se da abordagem de competência dialógica, valorizando tanto produto quanto processo, o que contribui para diminuir os efeitos negativos da avaliação. Mudanças nas concepções de avaliação requerem um processo de construção institucional, com participação ativa da comunidade acadêmica, considerando as concepções existentes e buscando produzir consensos

    Glycophenotypic Alterations Induced by Pteridium aquilinum in Mice Gastric Mucosa: Synergistic Effect with Helicobacter pylori Infection

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    The bracken fern Pteridium aquilinum is a plant known to be carcinogenic to animals. Epidemiological studies have shown an association between bracken fern exposure and gastric cancer development in humans. The biological effects of exposure to this plant within the gastric carcinogenesis process are not fully understood. In the present work, effects in the gastric mucosa of mice treated with Pteridium aquilinum were evaluated, as well as molecular mechanisms underlying the synergistic role with Helicobacter pylori infection. Our results showed that exposure to Pteridium aquilinum induces histomorphological modifications including increased expression of acidic glycoconjugates in the gastric mucosa. The transcriptome analysis of gastric mucosa showed that upon exposure to Pteridium aquilinum several glycosyltransferase genes were differently expressed, including Galntl4, C1galt1 and St3gal2, that are mainly involved in the biosynthesis of simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens. Concomitant treatment with Pteridium aquilinum and infection with Helicobacter pylori also resulted in differently expressed glycosyltransferase genes underlying the biosynthesis of terminal sialylated Lewis antigens, including Sialyl-Lewisx. These results disclose the molecular basis for the altered pattern of glycan structures observed in the mice gastric mucosa. The gene transcription alterations and the induced glycophenotypic changes observed in the gastric mucosa contribute for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of Pteridium aquilinum in the gastric carcinogenesis process