9,312 research outputs found

    A programação artística e cultural para crianças e jovens como oportunidade de construção de mundo comum

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    Apresenta-se um estudo exploratório sobre as potencialidades educativas da programação artística e cultural para crianças e jovens, partindo da análise da oferta de três equipamentos culturais localizados na cidade de Lisboa. Esta análise será feita a partir de três dimensões: concepções de infância/s subjacentes ao trabalho artístico e cultural; a oportunidade de promover encontros com o mundo por via da ampliação da camada sensível dos temas, objetos, contextos, obras que são dadas à fruição através das linguagens artísticas; o lugar da programação artística nas tendências de democratização da cultura e de democracia cultural. Defendendo que o mundo comum não nos é dado, exigindo-se, ao invés, a sua permanente construção pela aventura de pôr em comum que o não era, discutiremos a possibilidade de os contextos de arte e cultura poderem ser lugar de construção de mundo comum pela presença e participação, de pleno direito, de crianças em espaços públicos formais, como seja o museu, o teatro, os monumentos e lugares simbólicos da história, dando visibilidade a uma maior pluralidade da existência humana. Concluímos defendendo que a programação artística e cultural para crianças configura um objeto de estudo em emergência no terreno das ciências da educação.An exploratory study on the specificity of the artistic and cultural program for children and young people is presented. It was developed through the analysis of the program of three cultural institutions located in the city of Lisbon, aiming to present a diversity of approaches, without claiming any type of representativeness. This analysis will be made through three dimensions:The conceptions of childhood underlying the artistic and cultural work;The opportunity to promote encounters with the world by expanding the sensitive layer of themes, objects, contexts, works that are given to fruition through artistic languages;The place of artistic programming in trends towards the democratization of culture and cultural democracy.Defending that the common world is not given, demanding, instead, its permanent construction, through the adventure of putting in common that it was not, we will discuss the possibility of contexts of art and culture being places of construction of the common world due to the presence and participation, by right, of children in formal public spaces, such as the museum, the theater, monuments and symbolic places of the nation's history, giving visibility to a greater plurality of human existence. We conclude by arguing that artistic and cultural programming for children is an emerging object of study in the field of educational sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diversidade funcional da comunidade bacteriana do solo e populações de Fusarium spp., Trichoderma spp. e Rhizoctonia solani em sistema agroecológico de produção de feijão comum.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos de sistemas de produção sobre a diversidade funcional da comunidade bacteriana do solo, populações de Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Trichoderma spp. e Rhizoctonia solani e relações entre estas variáveis, em cultivo orgânico de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Pérola

    Scalar-Kinetic Branes

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    This work tries to find out thick brane solutions in braneworld scenarios described by a real scalar field in the presence of a scalar-kinetic term F(X,ϕ)=XϕmF(X,\phi)=X\phi^m with a single extra dimension, where X=12MϕMϕX=\frac12\nabla_M\phi\nabla^M\phi stands for the standard kinetic term and m=0,1,2m=0,1,2\cdots. We mainly consider bent branes, namely de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter four-dimensional slices. The solutions of a flat brane are obtained when taking the four-dimensional cosmological constant Λ40\Lambda_4\rightarrow 0. When the parameter m=0m=0, these solutions turn to those of the standard scenario. The localization and spectrum of graviton on these branes are also analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, accepted by EP

    De cima para baixo e vice-versa: cruzamentos entre cultura e educação em instrumentos de política nacional

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    Trabalho apresentado em XI Congresso Português de Sociologia Identidades ao rubro: diferenças, pertenças e populismos num mundo efervescente, 29 a 31 de março de 2021, Lisboa, PortugalNesta comunicação reflete-se sobre o campo que se constrói no cruzamento da cultura e educação, tendo como objeto de análise a forma como esse espaço social de intersecção se produz politicamente e se operacionaliza na prática dos agentes. Começamos por entendê-lo enquanto produto resultante, em primeiro, dos efeitos das ‘imposições’ decorrentes das políticas culturais nacionais assumidas e operacionalizadas pelos governos centrais/locais e, em segundo, dos produtos das relações estabelecidas entre agentes (escolas, municípios, sujeitos), estruturadas consoante as condições sociais de produção que assistem as diferentes configurações. Convocou-se para o efeito, numa primeira fase de investigação, dois exemplos de programas emanados pelo governo central e pelo governo local: o Plano Nacional das Artes e o programa DESCOLA. Procurou-se, através de análise de conteúdo, encontrar algumas evidências das principais tensões emergentes nesse processo de construção políticaThis communication reflects on the field built at the intersection of culture and education, having as object of analysis the way in which this social space of intersection is produced politically and is operationalized in the agent’s practice. We begin by understanding it as a product, resulting, first, from the effects of the 'impositions' from the national cultural policies assumed and operationalized by the central / local governments and, second, from the products of the relations established between agents (schools, municipalities, subjects), structured according to the modes of social production present at the different political configurations. For the purpose, at the first phase of this research, were convened two examples of programs issued by the central and the local government: the National Plan for the Arts and DESCOLA. Through content analysis we aim to provide some result concerned to the main tensions emerged in this process of political construction.N/

    Dual Spaces of Resonance In Thick pp-Branes

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    In this work we consider qq-form fields in a pp-brane embedded in a D=(p+2)D=(p+2) space-time. The membrane is generated by a domain wall in a Randall-Sundrum-like scenario. We study conditions for localization of zero modes of these fields. The expression agrees and generalizes the one found for the zero, one, two and three-forms in a 33-brane. By a generalization we mean that our expression is valid for any form in an arbitrary dimension with codimension one. We also point out that, even without the dilaton coupling, some form fields are localized in the membrane. The massive modes are considered and the resonances are calculated using a numerical method. We find that different spaces have identical resonance structures, which we call dual spaces of resonances(DSR).Comment: 15 page

    Xeno-free bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissue using human platelet lysate-based hydrogels

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    Bioengineered human skeletal muscle tissues have emerged in the last years as new in vitro systems for disease modeling. These bioartificial muscles are classically fabricated by encapsulating human myogenic precursor cells in a hydrogel scaffold that resembles the extracellular matrix. However, most of these hydrogels are derived from xenogenic sources, and the culture media is supplemented with animal serum, which could interfere in drug testing assays. On the contrary, xeno-free biomaterials and culture conditions in tissue engineering offer increased relevance for developing human disease models. In this work, we used human platelet lysate (PL)-based nanocomposite hydrogels (HUgel) as scaffolds for human skeletal muscle tissue engineering. These hydrogels consist of human PL reinforced with aldehyde-cellulose nanocrystals (a-CNC) that allow tunable mechanical, structural, and biochemical properties for the 3D culture of stem cells. Here, we developed hydrogel casting platforms to encapsulate human muscle satellite stem cells in HUgel. The a-CNC content was modulated to enhance matrix remodeling, uniaxial tension, and self-organization of the cells, resulting in the formation of highly aligned, long myotubes expressing sarcomeric proteins. Moreover, the bioengineered human muscles were subjected to electrical stimulation, and the exerted contractile forces were measured in a non-invasive manner. Overall, our results demonstrated that the bioengineered human skeletal muscles could be built in xeno-free cell culture platforms to assess tissue functionality, which is promising for drug development applications.The authors thank the technical support of MicroFabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facility, Unit 7 of ICTS 'NANBIOSIS' from CIBER-BBN at IBEC. We would also like to thank the muscle team from the Biosensors for Bioengineering group for their feedback in the review process of this manuscript. Human immortalized muscle satellite stem cells used in this study were kindly provided by Dr Bénédicte Chazaud (Institut NeuroMyoGène (INMG), Lyon, France). This project received financial support from European Research Council program Grant ERC-StG-DAMOC: 714317 (J R-A), European Commission under FET-open program BLOC Project: GA- 863037 (J R-A), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the 'Severo Ochoa' Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D: SEV-2016–2019, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: 'Retos de investigación: Proyectos I+D+i': TEC2017-83716-C2-2-R (J R-A), CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya: 2017-SGR-1079 (J R-A), and Fundación Bancaria 'la Caixa'- Obra Social 'la Caixa': project IBEC-La Caixa Healthy Ageing (J R-A). The authors also acknowledge the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under European Research Council Grant Agreement 772817 and Twinning Grant Agreement No. 810850—Achilles. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for CEECIND/01375/2017 (M G-F) and 2020.03410.CEECIND (R M A D)

    Ab-initio prediction of the electronic and optical excitations in polythiophene: isolated chains versus bulk polymer

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    We calculate the electronic and optical excitations of polythiophene using the GW approximation for the electronic self-energy, and include excitonic effects by solving the electron-hole Bethe-Salpeter equation. Two different situations are studied: excitations on isolated chains and excitations on chains in crystalline polythiophene. The dielectric tensor for the crystalline situation is obtained by modeling the polymer chains as polarizable line objects, with a long-wavelength polarizability tensor obtained from the ab-initio polarizability function of the isolated chain. With this model dielectric tensor we construct a screened interaction for the crystalline case, including both intra- and interchain screening. In the crystalline situation both the quasi-particle band gap and the exciton binding energies are drastically reduced in comparison with the isolated chain. However, the optical gap is hardly affected. We expect this result to be relevant for conjugated polymers in general.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B, 6/15/200

    The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets XXXV. The interesting case of HD41248: stellar activity, no planets?

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    The search for planets orbiting metal-poor stars is of uttermost importance for our understanding of the planet formation models. However, no dedicated searches have been conducted so far for very low mass planets orbiting such objects. Only a few cases of low mass planets orbiting metal-poor stars are thus known. Amongst these, HD41248 is a metal-poor, solar-type star on which a resonant pair of super-Earth like planets has In the present paper we present a new planet search program that is using the HARPS spectrograph to search for Neptunes and Super-Earths orbiting a sample of metal-poor FGK dwarfs. We then present a detailed analysis of an additional 162 radial velocity measurements of HD41248, obtained within this program, with the goal of confirming the existence of the proposed planetary system. We analyzed the precise radial velocities, obtained with the HARPS spectrograph, together with several stellar activity diagnostics and line profile indicators. A careful analysis shows no evidence for the planetary system previously announced. One of the signals, with a period of about 25 days, is shown to be related to the rotational period of the star, and is clearly seen in some of the activity proxies. The remaining signal (P~18 days) could not be convincingly retrieved in the new data set. We discuss possible causes for the complex (evolving) signals observed in the data of HD41248, proposing that they may be explained by the appearance and disappearance of active regions on the surface of a star with strong differential rotation, or by a combination of the sparse data sampling and active region evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    First report of Phytophthora infestans self fertile genotypes in southern Brazil.

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    During the autumn of 2011 and 2012, leaf and stem samples of potato plants infected with P. infestans were collected in southern Brazil. Monosporangial isolates of P. infestans were obtained from the samples and mating types were determined. Each isolate was paired with the A2 and A1 mating types of P. infestans and self-paired on Petri plates containingV8 juice agar. After this, the plates were kept at 18°C in darkness for 20 days. Three isolates collected in Paraná State (municipalities of Ponta Grossa 25°12'26''S, 50°07'11''W; Contenda 25°38'52''S, 49°34'26''W; and Castro 24°51'50''S, 49°53'50''W) formed oospores when paired with both mating type isolates and also when self-paired