8 research outputs found

    A Cooperação Portuguesa na área da Educação

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    Cumprimentos aos membros do painel e à audiência. Agradecimento à organização pelo convite e felicitando-a pela organização do evento que contou com o apoio financeiro do Camões. Inúmeras vezes referida e apresentada como a solução para o almejado desenvolvimento sustentável tanto nos países desenvolvidos como em desenvolvimento, a Educação constitui um pilar central da Cooperação Portuguesa, não apenas na preocupação de assegurar um acesso universal à educação, como no cuidado de garantir qu..

    COOPEDU IV — Cooperação e Educação de Qualidade

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    O quarto Congresso Internacional de Cooperação e Educação-IV COOPEDU, organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Internacionais (CEI) do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e pela Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria decorreu nos dias 8 e 9 de novembro de 2018, subordinado à temática Cooperação e Educação de Qualidade. Este congresso insere-se numa linha de continuidade de intervenção por parte das duas instituições organizadoras e dos elementos coordenadores e este ano beneficiou do financiamento do Instituto Camões, obtido através de um procedimento concursal, que nos permitiu contar com a participação presencial de elementos dos Países Africanos de Língua Portuguesa, fortemente implicados nas problemáticas da Educação e da Formação. Contou também com a participação do Instituto Camões e da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, entidades que sistematizaram a sua intervenção nos domínios da cooperação na área da educação nos últimos anos. A opção pela temática da qualidade pareceu aos organizadores pertinente e actual. Com efeito os sistemas educativos dos países que constituem a Comunidade de países de língua portuguesa têm implementado várias reformas mas em vários domínios mantem-se a insatisfação de responsáveis políticos, pedagogos, técnicos sociais face aos resultados obtidos. Aliás o caminho de procura da Qualidade é interminável porque vai a par da aposta na exigência e na promoção da cidadania e responsabilidade social. As comunicações que agora se publicam estão organizadas em dois eixos: o das Políticas da Educação e Formação e o das dimensões em que se traduzem essas políticas. Neste último eixo encontramos fios condutores para agregarmos as comunicações apresentadas

    Hydrogeology of hard-rocks in the Portuguese Iberian Massif : Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region

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    An integrated multidisciplinary approach will be adopted in order to carry out a broad characterisation of the groundwater in the Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region (Iberian Massif, Northern and Central Portugal). Such an approach will contribute to improve groundwater management and protection, under the sustainability framework. Research will include the following main tasks: a) presentation of a geologic, morphotectonic, hydrologic and climatic outline; b) hydrogeologic inventorying and definition of a network of surface and ground water monitoring points; c) fieldwork campaigns, in order to collect water samples for chemical and isotopic analysis

    A molecular test based on RT-LAMP for rapid, sensitive and inexpensive colorimetric detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples

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    Funding Information: We thank the members of the COVID-19 task force of ITQB NOVA and Mariana Pinho for helpful discussions and suggestions. In particular, we thank Claudio M. Soares and Adriano O. Henriques for their unconditional support and invaluable help in making this work possible. The authors acknowledge the assistance of Paula Chi-cau, ITQB NOVA, in the development of the saliva test and are grateful to Chuck Farah, São Paulo University, for the pGTf2 plasmid. This work was supported by (i) Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 (“Microbiologia Molecular, Estrutural e Celular”) funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020—“Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização” (POCI), (ii) the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 810856 and (iii) “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) through programme IF (IF/00124/2015) to C.P, (iv) through the project “DETECT: Development of an Easy, fast-Track and Economical Colorimetric Test for autonomous national diagnosis of COVID-19” Ref 433_613549914 (20/7/153), attributed to C.P., under the scope of the 2nd edition of the programme RESEARCH4COVID19 and partially supported by (v) the project “STOP-COVID—Strategies to prevent COVID-19 by early detection of asymptomatic carriers at increased risk: epidemiological studies and validation of a rapid in-house diagnostic test”, Ref 072559, funded by FEDER—“Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional” from “Programa Opera-cional Regional Lisboa”. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Until there is an effective implementation of COVID-19 vaccination program, a robust testing strategy, along with prevention measures, will continue to be the most viable way to control disease spread. Such a strategy should rely on disparate diagnostic tests to prevent a slowdown in testing due to lack of materials and reagents imposed by supply chain problems, which happened at the beginning of the pandemic. In this study, we have established a single-tube test based on RT-LAMP that enables the visual detection of less than 100 viral genome copies of SARS-CoV-2 within 30 min. We benchmarked the assay against the gold standard test for COVID-19 diagnosis, RT-PCR, using 177 nasopharyngeal RNA samples. For viral loads above 100 copies, the RT-LAMP assay had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96.1%. Additionally, we set up a RNA extraction-free RT-LAMP test capable of detecting SARS-CoV-2 directly from saliva samples, albeit with lower sensitivity. The saliva was self-collected and the collection tube remained closed until inactivation, thereby ensuring the protection of the testing personnel. As expected, RNA extraction from saliva samples increased the sensitivity of the test. To lower the costs associated with RNA extraction, we performed this step using an alternative protocol that uses plasmid DNA extraction columns. We also produced the enzymes needed for the assay and established an in-house-made RT-LAMP test independent of specific distribution channels. Finally, we developed a new colorimetric method that allowed the detection of LAMP products by the visualization of an evident color shift, regardless of the reaction pH.publishersversionpublishe

    Hydrogeological study of A High Mountain Area (Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal) : a multidisciplinary approach : uma abordagem multidisciplinar

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    The results of a preliminary hydrogeological study of the river Zêzere catchment upstream of Manteigas (Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Central Portugal) are presented. In this mountain region, different types of groundwater and surface water (used in several economic activities) occur. The methodology adopted in this study emphasizes the way how Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Soil Science and Hydrogeology contribute to the description of the hydrological phenomena taking place in the catchment, such as infiltration and aquifer recharge and groundwater flow and geochemistry - allowing to develop better hydrogeologic conceptual models. The hydrological modelling in course includes the use of the VISUAL BALAN code, which is being coupled to a GIS. The hydrogeochemical techniques are highlighted as well as its preliminary results concerning major and minor elements. The thermomineral water study includes the identification of the reservoir’s geologic material, the characterization of water-rock interaction and geothermometry