1,379 research outputs found


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    Este memorial faz parte de minha promoção docente para o cargo de professor titular da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Nele, apresento minha trajetória acadêmica, enfatizando minha carreira como pesquisador na área psicoeducacional e psicometria. This memorial is part of my promotion to the position of full professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. I present my academic trajectory, emphasizing my career as a researcher in the psychoeducational and psychometrics fields.  Article visualizations

    Contributions of alternative agricultures to food security, profitability and sustainability : a narrative review

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    Numerous authors support conventional agriculture, arguing that it has helped feed an expanding population and reduce hunger. However, many criticize its reliance on external resources, stating that it is unsustainable and has detrimental effects on the environment and society. The main goals of this dissertation are to identify the current state of research on alternatives to conventional agriculture (from now on called “alternative agricultures”), specifically how these alternatives stack up against conventional agriculture in terms of achieving food security, farming profitability, and sustainability. Furthermore, an effort is also made to guide future research in order to be more helpful of reaching the socially shared objective of making agriculture sustainable. The results of this literature review, based on the gathered information, suggest that the performance of alternative agricultures in the three researched agricultural functions (food security, profitability and sustainability) is heavily context dependent. However, under some contexts, alternative agricultures can either provide better performance in one or more of these functions. Finally, several studies attempt to model worldwide transitions to alternative agricultures; however, these only discuss the global food supply, and fail to consider existing problems (such as logistic issues and/or income distribution) that are obstacles in achieving food security.Vários autores defendem a agricultura convencional, argumentando que esta possibilitou alimentar uma população crescente e reduzir a fome mundial. No entanto, muitos criticam a sua dependência de recursos externos, designando-a como insustentável e afirmando que esta tem efeitos negativos no ambiente e na sociedade. Os objetivos principais desta dissertação são determinar o estado atual da literatura no que toca a alternativas à agricultura convencional (a partir daqui serão designadas como “agriculturas alternativas”), mais especificamente em como estas se comparam à agricultura convencional no que toca a garantir segurança dos abastecimentos, lucro e sustentabilidade. A tese também procura guiar pesquisa futura, de forma a ser o mais útil possível para atingir o objetivo comum que é a agricultura sustentável. Os resultados desta revisão de literatura, baseados na informação recolhida, sugerem que o desempenho das agriculturas alternativas nas três funções agrícolas exploradas (segurança dos abastecimentos, lucro e sustentabilidade) é altamente dependente do contexto em que estas se aplicam. Mas, em alguns contextos, as agriculturas alternativas podem fornecer um melhor desempenho numa ou mais das funções mencionadas. Finalmente, várias publicações estimam transições mundiais para agriculturas alternativas; no entanto, estas apenas discutem o abastecimento alimentar global, e não consideram problemas existentes (por exemplo, problemas de logística e/ou distribuição de rendimentos) que são obstáculos para atingir a segurança dos abastecimentos


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    The study proposes the utility of time series methodology in the study of processes in educational psychology. Conjointly, the study applies time series in the study of cognitive achievement. Thirteen students from seventh to ninth grades performed an inductive reasoning test. The performance was measured in 20 different occasions and the observations were aggregated to generate a times series of 260 observations (20 different occasions by each individual multiplied by 13 participants). Result shows that a seasonal ARIMA (0,0,1) (1,1,1) adequately fits the data through a model comparative approach. Concluding, despites the complexity, ARIMA methodology is capable to investigate process, reducing the object of the study without lost its fundamental properties and dynamical aspects.  Article visualizations

    Predicting school achievement rather than intelligence: does metacognition matter?

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    This paper investigates the role of specific and general metacognitive ability on specific and general academic achievement, controlling for the effects of intelligence. Four hypotheses were elaborated and empirically tested through structural equation modelling. The sample was composed by 684 students (6th to 12th graders) from a private Brazilian school, which answered to three intelligence tests and three metacognitive tests. The modeled hypotheses presented a good data-fit (χ² = 51.18; df = 19; CFI = 1.00; RMSEA = 0.05), showing that the general metacognitive ability explained general academic achievement rather than intelligence, but did not explain specific academic achievement. On the other hand, specific metacognitive ability explained specific academic achievement rather than intelligence, but did not explain general academic achievement. The predictive power of the general metacognitive ability was greater than fluid intelligence in the explanation of general academic achievement. In the same line, specific metacognitive ability had a greater predictive power than intelligence and specific knowledge in the explanation of specific academic achievement. Finally, a new structural model of metacognition and its role in academic achievement are proposed

    Advocating the broad use of the decision tree method in education

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    Predictive studies have been widely undertaken in the field of education to provide strategic information about the extensive set of processes related to teaching and learning, as well as about what variables predict certain educational outcomes, such as academic achievement or dropout. As in any other area, there is a set of standard techniques that is usually used in predictive studies in the field education. Even though the Decision Tree Method is a well-known and standard approach in Data Mining and Machine Learning, and is broadly used in data science since the 1980's, this method is not part of the mainstream techniques used in predictive studies in the field of education. In this paper, we support a broad use of the Decision Tree Method in education. Instead of presenting formal algorithms or mathematical axioms to present the Decision Tree Method, we strictly present the method in practical terms, focusing on the rationale of the method, on how to interpret its results, and also, on the reasons why it should be broadly applied. We first show the modus operandi of the Decision Tree Method through a didactic example; afterwards, we apply the method in a classification task, in order to analyze specific educational data.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Metacognition is defined as the capacity of the persons to monitor, to regulate and to construct knowledge about their inner processes. Theoretically, this construct is relevant to Education and correlated areas, since the process of learning and knowledge construction involves metacognition. Besides, there are evidences that certain metacognitive components are predictors of academic achievement of the students. Regarding these aspects, this paper proposes a methodology that permits educators to elaborate metacognitive school exams, which are capable of measuring both the students' knowledge of an educational domain (i.e., concepts pertaining to biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and so on), and the following metacognitive abilities: feeling-of-knowing, monitoring (detection of errors), self-management, and judgment. In this paper, we present the methodology stressing on the steps that enable the teacher to elaborate a school exam capable of measuring a target educational domain, as well as the stated metacognitive abilities. Concomitantly, we apply this methodology, showing the construction of the Metacognitive School Exam in Electrostatics.  Article visualizations


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    Metacognition is defined as the capacity of the persons to monitor, to regulate and to construct knowledge about their inner processes. Theoretically, this construct is relevant to Education and correlated areas, since the process of learning and knowledge construction involves metacognition. Besides, there are evidences that certain metacognitive components are predictors of academic achievement of the students. Regarding these aspects, this paper proposes a methodology that permits educators to elaborate metacognitive school exams, which are capable of measuring both the students' knowledge of an educational domain (i.e., concepts pertaining to biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and so on), and the following metacognitive abilities: feeling-of-knowing, monitoring (detection of errors), self-management, and judgment. In this paper, we present the methodology stressing on the steps that enable the teacher to elaborate a school exam capable of measuring a target educational domain, as well as the stated metacognitive abilities. Concomitantly, we apply this methodology, showing the construction of the Metacognitive School Exam in Electrostatics

    Ecosystem study the municipality of Mostardas-RS and photographic tourism

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    The research completes the socio-environmental analysis of the municipality of Mostardas, in particular the environmental fragility of the Lagoa do Peixe Park located near the urban area of Mostardas. It is emphasized that, this research had as general objective to carry out an ecosystemic study related to the installation of a competition of photographs of nature existing in the municipality. It is pointed out that such surveys allow identifying possible environmental impacts that the municipality may present. Methodologically, the classification of environmental impacts was used, where it was adopted as criteria those contained in CONAMA Resolution no. 001/86, and any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment shall be considered as an impact. Thus, an outlet for development and a way of stimulating the relationship between man and nature in an ecological and conscious way makes this idea an example of preservation and direct respect for nature.La investigación completa la análisis socioambiental del municipio de Mostardas, en particular la fragilidad ambiental del Parque Lagoa do Peixe situado en el entorno del área urbana de Mostardas. Se subraya que esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general realizar un estudio ecosistémico referente a la instalación de un concurso de fotografías de la naturaleza existente en el municipio. Se señala que tales levantamientos permiten identificar posibles impactos ambientales que el municipio puede presentar. Metodológicamente, se utilizó la clasificación de impactos ambientales, donde fue adoptado como criterio aquellos contenidos en la Resolución CONAMA nº. 001/86, siendo considerado como impacto cualquier alteración de las propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del medio ambiente. Así, una salida para el desarrollo y una forma de estimular la relación hombre y naturaleza de manera ecológica y consciente hace de esa idea un ejemplo de preservación y respeto directo a la naturaleza.A pesquisa completa a análise socioambiental do município de Mostardas, em particular a fragilidade ambiental do Parque Lagoa do Peixe situado no entorno da área urbana de Mostardas. Salienta-se que, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral realizar um estudo ecossistêmico referente à instalação de um concurso de fotografias da natureza existente no município. Pontua-se que tais levantamentos permitem identificar possíveis impactos ambientais que o município pode apresentar. Metodologicamente, utilizou-se a classificação de impactos ambientais, onde foi adotado como critério aqueles contidos na Resolução CONAMA nº. 001/86, sendo considerado como impacto qualquer alteração das propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas do meio ambiente. Assim, uma saída para o desenvolvimento e uma forma de estimular a relação homem e natureza de maneira ecológica e consciente faz dessa ideia um exemplo de preservação e respeito direto a natureza

    Distúrbios miccionais e anormalidades urodinâmicas em pacientes idosos

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    Lower urinary tract dysfunction is a major cause of morbidity and decreased quality of life in elderly men and women. With the progressive aging of the population, it is important to understand common micturitional disorders that may occur in this population. Most urinary problems in the elderly are multifactorial in origin, demanding a comprehensive assessment of the lower urinary tract organs, functional impairments, and concurrent medical diseases. Urodynamics is a highly valuable tool in the investigation of elderly patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Urodynamic tests are not always necessary, being indicated after excluding potentially reversible conditions outside the urinary tract that may be causing or contributing to the symptoms. Although urodynamic tests may reveal common diagnoses such as bladder outlet obstruction and stress urinary incontinence in the elderly population, findings such as detrusor overactivity and impaired detrusor contractility are common and have important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The purpose of this article is to describe common urologic problems in the elderly and review the indications for and clinical aspects of urodynamic studies in these conditions.Disfunções do trato urinário inferior são uma causa importante de morbidade e diminuição da qualidade de vida em homens e mulheres idosos. Com o envelhecimento progressivo da população, é importante compreender os distúrbios miccionais mais comuns nesta população. A maioria dos problemas miccionais em homens idosos tem origem multifatorial, requerendo uma avaliação ampla dos órgãos do trato urinário inferior, da capacidade funcional e neurológica dos pacientes e dos problemas clínicos coexistentes. A avaliação urodinâmica é uma ferramenta importante na investigação de pacientes idosos com sintomas do trato urinário inferior. Ela não é necessária em todos os casos e só deve ser indicada após a exclusão de problemas não urológicos e potencialmente reversíveis que poderiam causar ou contribuir para os sintomas miccionais. Embora os exames urodinâmicos possam revelar diagnósticos comuns como obstrução vesical ou incontinência urinária de esforço, na população idosa é freqüente a ocorrência de achados como hiperatividade detrusora e falência da contratilidade vesical, com implicações prognósticas e terapêuticas importantes. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os problemas urológicos mais comuns nos idosos e discutir as indicações e características dos exames urodinâmicos nestas condições