404 research outputs found

    Developments and opportunities in fungal strain engineering for the production of novel enzymes and enzyme cocktails for plant biomass degradation

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    Fungal strain engineering is commonly used in many areas of biotechnology, including the production of plant biomass degrading enzymes. Its aim varies from the production of specific enzymes to overall increased enzyme production levels and modification of the composition of the enzyme set that is produced by the fungus. Strain engineering involves a diverse range of methodologies, including classical mutagenesis, genetic engineering and genome editing. In this review, the main approaches for strain engineering of filamentous fungi in the field of plant biomass degradation will be discussed, including recent and not yet implemented methods, such as CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and adaptive evolution.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of beach morphodynamics under the influence of geosynthetic cylinders: Ofirbeach, Portugal, case study

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    O fenómeno da erosão costeira afeta profundamente a costa portuguesa. O sistema praia-oceano não se pode considerar em situação de equilíbrio morfodinâmico, porque as praias são sistemas abertos, sendo os seus sedimentos constantemente transportados. Os ventos, marés e agitação marinha são os principais agentes erosivos, mas existem outras causas de origem antrópica que influenciam os processos erosivos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as alterações morfológicas de muito curto termo em diferentes estados de agitação e tipologia de maré, na praia de Ofir, situada na costa NO Portuguesa. Esta praia foi intervencionada com cilindros geossintéticos como medida de defesa costeira. O trabalho é baseado num programa de monitorização, recorrendo a levantamentos topográficos de alta precisão com auxílio de equipamento DGPS. A aplicação de cilindros geossintéticos nesta praia revelou-se eficiente no período analisado e nas condições de agitação e maré verificadas, embora tenham sofrido erosão ficando expostos.The phenomenon of coastal erosion deeply affects the Portuguese coast. The beach-ocean system cannot be considered in a situation of morphodynamic balance because the beaches are open systems, and their sediments are being constantly transported. Winds, tides and waves are the main erosive actions, but there are other causes of anthropogenic origin that influence erosional processes. This work aims to evaluate the morphological changes of short time scale, considering different waves and tide conditions at Ofir beach, located at the NW Portuguese coast. This beach was intervened with geosynthetic cylinders as a coastal defense measure. The work is based on a monitoring program, using high-precision topographic surveys with DGPS equipment. The application of geosynthetic cylinders on this beach proved to be efficient in the analyzed period and in the verified conditions of waves and tides, although they have suffered erosion and have been exposed.Os autores agradecem aos projetos MarRisk (0262_MarRISK_1_E) e EcOffShorBE (Eco Offshore Built Environment - NORTE-01-0247- FEDER-037417), os quais apoiaram o desenvolvimento do programa de monitorização e análise granulométrica de sedimentos

    Cannabidiol Attenuates Sensorimotor Gating Disruption and Molecular Changes Induced by Chronic Antagonism of NMDA receptors in Mice

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    Background: Preclinical and clinical data suggest that cannabidiol (CBD), a major non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa, induces antipsychotic-like effects. However, the antipsychotic properties of repeated CBD treatment have been poorly investigated. Behavioral changes induced by repeated treatment with glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonists have been proposed as an animal model of schizophrenia-like signs. In the present study, we evaluated if repeated treatment with CBD would attenuate the behavioral and molecular modifications induced by chronic administration of one of these antagonists, MK-801. Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice received daily i.p. injections of MK-801 (0.1, 0.5, or 1mg/kg) for 14, 21, or 28 days. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, animals were submitted to the prepulse inhibition (PPI) test. After that, we investigated if repeated treatment with CBD (15, 30, and 60mg/kg) would attenuate the PPI impairment induced by chronic treatment with MK-801 (1mg/kg; 28 days). CBD treatment began on the 6th day after the start of MK-801 administration and continued until the end of the treatment. Immediately after the PPI, the mice brains were removed and processed to evaluate the molecular changes. We measured changes in FosB/ΔFosB and parvalbumin (PV) expression, a marker of neuronal activity and a calciumbinding protein expressed in a subclass of GABAergic interneurons, respectively. Changes in mRNA expression of the NMDAR GluN1 subunit gene (GRN1) were also evaluated. CBD effects were compared to those induced by the atypical antipsychotic clozapine. Results: MK-801 administration at the dose of 1mg/kg for 28 days impaired PPI responses. Chronic treatment with CBD (30 and 60mg/kg) attenuated PPI impairment. MK-801 treatment increased FosB/ΔFosB expression and decreased PV expression in the medial prefrontal cortex. A decreased mRNA level of GRN1 in the hippocampus was also observed. All the molecular changes were attenuated by CBD. CBD by itself did not induce any effect. Moreover, CBD effects were similar to those induced by repeated clozapine treatment

    Modelação da hidrodinâmica e da morfodinâmica na costa Noroeste de Portugal em cenários de alterações climáticas

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    No presente artigo, é apresentada a modelação de três trechos costeiros na costa Noroeste portuguesa. Apresentam-se as metodologias de construção, calibração e validação de modelos de propagação da agitação marítima e resultados de níveis extremos para diferentes cenários de alterações climáticas nos três trechos e de morfodinâmica de curto termo numa das praias. É aplicado o software SWAN na implementação de um modelo regional da zona costeira da Península Ibérica, que possibilita a aplicação de uma metodologia de downscaling dinâmico de resultados de modelos globais (atmosféricos e oceânicos), a qual permite a utilização de modelos locais de elevada resolução espacial (Delft3D). A interação dos dois modelos assim acoplados permite simular a propagação da agitação marítima até localizações próximas da costa. A modelação dos processos costeiros que governam a dinâmica sedimentar na interface mar-terra foi realizada com o software XBeach integrado no sistema de modelação SWAN+Delft3D.This paper presents a modelling work of three coastal stretches at the Northwest coast of Portugal. The implementation, calibration and validation methodologies of wave propagation models and extreme levels simulation for different climate change scenarios are presented for three coastal stretches and the short term morphodynamics is presented for one of the beaches. SWAN software is applied for the implementation of a regional coastal model of the Iberian Peninsula, which enables the application of a dynamic downscaling methodology for global (atmospheric and oceanic) model results, allowing the use of local models of high spatial resolution (Delft3D). The interaction of the two coupled models allows simulating the propagation of waves to near shore locations. Modelling of sediment dynamics at the sea-land interface was performed using XBeach software integrated with the SWAN + Delft3D modelling system.Este estudo foi parcialmente apoiado pelo fundo estratégico UID/ Multi/04423/2019 através de fundos nacionais da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia e o Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (ERDF), no âmbito do programa PT2020


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    Com a previsível escassez dos recursos energéticos, as preocupações com as questões ambientais se tornam cada vez mais evidentes. Com isso, houve um incremento na busca de recursos alternativos para a produção de energia elétrica, principalmente aqueles baseados em fontes limpas e renováveis, como a energia solar. Para a conversão de energia solar em energia elétrica são utilizadas, na maioria das vezes, células solares fotovoltaicas, que se baseiam na propriedade semicondutora de silício. Como o custo dessa tecnologia ainda é muito alto, são propostos novos materiais para a substituição desse cristal, com destaque para a célula solar nanocristalina de dióxido de titânio (TiO2), acrescida de moléculas orgânicas de corantes. Essa célula apresenta vantagens em relação às células convencionais de silício, pois, na sua fabricação, são utilizados materiais disponíveis no mercado e corantes extraídos de plantas, modelo proposto por Gratzël, além de ser preparada através de processos simples e não poluentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é recriar as células solares nanocristalinas de dióxido de titânio, otimizando-a para a utilização de materiais com baixo custo, de modo que se obtenha a maior eficiência energética possível.AbstractWith the expected shortage of energy resources, the concerns about environmental issues are becoming increasingly evident. Thus, there was an increase in search for alternative resources for energy production power, especially those based on clean sources and renewable energies such as solar energy. Converting solar energy into electrical energy, in most cases, solar cells photovoltaics, which based on property semiconductor silicon are used. As the cost of this technology is still very high, new materials are proposed for substitution this crystal, with emphasis on the cell nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) solar plus molecules organic dyes. This cell has advantages compared to conventional silicon cells, because in his manufacturing, available materials are used in the market and extracted dyes from plants, the model proposed its by Grätzel, besides being prepared through Simple and clean process. The goal of this essay is to recreate the nanocrystalline solar cells titanium dioxide, optimizing it to the use of materials with low cost, so as to obtain the energy efficient as possible

    Maternal Melatonin Programs the Daily Pattern of Energy Metabolism in Adult Offspring

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    Background: Shift work was recently described as a factor that increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, rats born to mothers subjected to a phase shift throughout pregnancy are glucose intolerant. However, the mechanism by which a phase shift transmits metabolic information to the offspring has not been determined. Among several endocrine secretions, phase shifts in the light/dark cycle were described as altering the circadian profile of melatonin production by the pineal gland. The present study addresses the importance of maternal melatonin for the metabolic programming of the offspring. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Wistar rats were submitted to SHAM surgery or pinealectomy (PINX). The PINX rats were divided into two groups and received either melatonin (PM) or vehicle. The SHAM, the PINX vehicle and the PM females were housed with male Wistar rats. Rats were allowed to mate and after weaning, the male and female offspring were subjected to a glucose tolerance test (GTT), a pyruvate tolerance test (PTT) and an insulin tolerance test (ITT). Pancreatic islets were isolated for insulin secretion, and insulin signaling was assessed in the liver and in the skeletal muscle by western blots. We found that male and female rats born to PINX mothers display glucose intolerance at the end of the light phase of the light/dark cycle, but not at the beginning. We further demonstrate that impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and hepatic insulin resistance are mechanisms that may contribute to glucose intolerance in the offspring of PINX mothers. The metabolic programming described here occurs due to an absence of maternal melatonin because the offspring born to PINX mothers treated with melatonin were not glucose intolerant. Conclusions/Significance: The present results support the novel concept that maternal melatonin is responsible for the programming of the daily pattern of energy metabolism in their offspring.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Aperfeicoameno Cientifico)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Aperfeicoameno Cientifico

    The contribution of meteorological parameters and the COVID-19 partial lockdown on air quality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the pollutant levels (NO2, SO2, CO, and O3), air quality index (AQI) and the influence of meteorological variables and coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the air quality in Rio de Janeiro. The data set used comprises periods before (March-April, 2019) and during pandemic (March-April, 2020). According to the AQI results, on most days, the air quality was ranked as “good”. Brazilian air quality standards for SO2, O3, and NO2 were not exceeded in any of the monitoring stations during partial lockdown, while CO exceeded in all periods in one site due to industrial emission. Comparing both periods, descriptive statistics for the meteorological parameters presented no differences, which suggests similar conditions. However, when evaluated week by week in 2020, weather conditions presented some differences that probably affected pollutant concentrations. The correlations between O3 and NO2 and some meteorological parameters indicate that variations in both favored ozone formation, since it is a photochemical process favored by temperature and solar radiation and that, in Rio de Janeiro, low NO2 concentrations lead to increased O3. The improvements on air quality during the partial lockdown may be attributed mainly to a reduction on emission sources rather than weather conditions.Campus Lima Centr

    Meio-ambiente, interações entre Trypanosoma cruzi e seu hospedeiro e saúde humana

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    Uma rede epidemiológica envolvendo o Trypanosoma cruzi foi discutida nos níveis ambientais e de interações moleculares nos hospedeiros que habitam em 19 diferentes ecossistemas. O protozoário tem uma enorme plasticidade controlada geneticamente que confere sua adaptação a cerca de quarenta espécies de triatomíneos e mais de mil espécies de mamíferos. Essas infecções estão profundamente embutidas em inúmeros ecótopos, onde elas estão inacessíveis aos métodos de controle utilizados. Muito mais estudos de campo e de laboratório são necessários à obtenção de dados e informação pertinentes ao controle e prevenção das infecções pelo Tr. cruzi e as várias manifestações da doença. Ênfase deve ser dada àquelas interações que ocorrem nos níveis celulares e ambientais que se poderiam tomar como alvos seletivos para prevenção da doença. Novas tecnologias para mobilização social devem ser disponibilizadas para os que trabalham pela justiça e pela igualdade, mediante informação para a promoção da saúde. Um programa direcionado de educação de massa pode prover informação e comunicação necessárias para proteger os habitantes atualmente expostos ao risco de contrair as infecções pelo Tr. cruzi.An epidemiological chain involving Trypanosoma cruzi is discussed at the environmental level, and in terms of fine molecular interactions in invertebrate and vertebrate hosts dwelling in different ecosystems. This protozoan has a complex, genetically controlled plasticity, which confers adaptation to approximately 40 blood-sucking triatomine species and to over 1,000 mammalian species, fulfilling diverse metabolic requirements in its complex life-cycle. The Tr. cruzi infections are deeply embedded in countless ecotypes, where they are difficult to defeat using the control methods that are currently available. Many more field and laboratory studies are required to obtain data and information that may be used for the control and prevention of Tr. cruzi infections and their various disease manifestations. Emphasis should be placed on those sensitive interactions at cellular and environmental levels that could become selected targets for disease prevention. In the short term, new technologies for social mobilization should be used by people and organizations working for justice and equality through health information and promotion. A mass media directed program could deliver education, information and communication to protect the inhabitants at risk of contracting Tr. cruzi infections

    Activation of the Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase in Keratinocytes Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress

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    Herein, we provide new contribution to the mechanisms involved in keratinocytes response to hyperosmotic shock showing, for the first time, the participation of Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP) activity in this event. We reported that sorbitol-induced osmotic stress mediates alterations in the phosphorylation of pivotal cytoskeletal proteins, particularly Src and cofilin. Furthermore, an increase in the expression of the phosphorylated form of LMWPTP, which was followed by an augment in its catalytic activity, was observed. of particular importance, these responses occurred in an intracellular milieu characterized by elevated levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and increased expression of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. Altogether, our results suggest that hyperosmostic stress provides a favorable cellular environment to the activation of LMWPTP, which is associated with increased expression of antioxidant enzymes, high levels of GSH and inhibition of Src kinase. Finally, the real contribution of LMWPTP in the hyperosmotic stress response of keratinocytes was demonstrated through analysis of the effects of ACP1 gene knockdown in stressed and non-stressed cells. LMWPTP knockdown attenuates the effects of sorbitol induced-stress in HaCaT cells, mainly in the status of Src kinase, Rac and STAT5 phosphorylation and activity. These results describe for the first time the participation of LMWPTP in the dynamics of cytoskeleton rearrangement during exposure of human keratinocytes to hyperosmotic shock, which may contribute to cell death.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Estadual Campinas, Dept Bioquim, Inst Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Dept Quim & Bioquim, IBB, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Genet & Biol Evolut, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed ABC, Ctr Ciencias Nat & Humanas, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2006/07315-3CNPq: PQ-2Web of Scienc