54 research outputs found

    Combining GAL4 GFP enhancer trap with split luciferase to measure spatiotemporal promoter activity in Arabidopsis.

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    In multicellular organisms different types of tissues have distinct gene expression profiles associated with specific function or structure of the cell. Quantification of gene expression in whole organs or whole organisms can give misleading information about levels or dynamics of expression in specific cell types. Tissue- or cell-specific analysis of gene expression has potential to enhance our understanding of gene regulation and interactions of cell signalling networks. The Arabidopsis circadian oscillator is a gene network which orchestrates rhythmic expression across the day/night cycle. There is heterogeneity between cell and tissue types of the composition and behaviour of the oscillator. In order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression, flexible tools are required. By combining a Gatewayยฎ-compatible split luciferase construct with a GAL4 GFP enhancer trap system, we describe a tissue-specific split luciferase assay for non-invasive detection of spatiotemporal gene expression in Arabidopsis. We demonstrate the utility of this enhancer trap-compatible split luciferase assay (ETSLA) system to investigate tissue-specific dynamics of circadian gene expression. We confirm spatial heterogeneity of circadian gene expression in Arabidopsis leaves and describe the resources available to investigate any gene of interest

    Identification and characterization of maize microRNAs involved in the very early stage of seed germination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of endogenous small RNAs that play essential regulatory roles in plant growth, development and stress response. Extensive studies of miRNAs have been performed in model plants such as rice, <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>and other plants. However, the number of miRNAs discovered in maize is relatively low and little is known about miRNAs involved in the very early stage during seed germination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, a small RNA library from maize seed 24 hours after imbibition was sequenced by the Solexa technology. A total of 11,338,273 reads were obtained. 1,047,447 total reads representing 431 unique sRNAs matched to known maize miRNAs. Further analysis confirmed the authenticity of 115 known miRNAs belonging to 24 miRNA families and the discovery of 167 novel miRNAs in maize. Both the known and the novel miRNAs were confirmed by sequencing of a second small RNA library constructed the same way as the one used in the first sequencing. We also found 10 miRNAs that had not been reported in maize, but had been reported in other plant species. All novel sequences had not been earlier described in other plant species. In addition, seven miRNA* sequences were also obtained. Putative targets for 106 novel miRNAs were successfully predicted. Our results indicated that miRNA-mediated gene expression regulation is present in maize imbibed seed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study led to the confirmation of the authenticity of 115 known miRNAs and the discovery of 167 novel miRNAs in maize. Identification of novel miRNAs resulted in significant enrichment of the repertoire of maize miRNAs and provided insights into miRNA regulation of genes expressed in imbibed seed.</p

    Evolutionary Genetics of an S-Like Polymorphism in Papaveraceae with Putative Function in Self-Incompatibility

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    Papaver rhoeas possesses a gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) system not homologous to any other SI mechanism characterized at the molecular level. Four previously published full length stigmatic S-alleles from the genus Papaver exhibited remarkable sequence divergence, but these studies failed to amplify additional S-alleles despite crossing evidence for more than 60 S-alleles in Papaver rhoeas alone.Using RT-PCR we identified 87 unique putative stigmatic S-allele sequences from the Papaveraceae Argemone munita, Papaver mcconnellii, P. nudicuale, Platystemon californicus and Romneya coulteri. Hand pollinations among two full-sib families of both A. munita and P. californicus indicate a strong correlation between the putative S-genotype and observed incompatibility phenotype. However, we also found more than two S-like sequences in some individuals of A. munita and P. californicus, with two products co-segregating in both full-sib families of P. californicus. Pairwise sequence divergence estimates within and among taxa show Papaver stigmatic S-alleles to be the most variable with lower divergence among putative S-alleles from other Papaveraceae. Genealogical analysis indicates little shared ancestral polymorphism among S-like sequences from different genera. Lack of shared ancestral polymorphism could be due to long divergence times among genera studied, reduced levels of balancing selection if some or all S-like sequences do not function in incompatibility, population bottlenecks, or different levels of recombination among taxa. Preliminary estimates of positive selection find many sites under selective constraint with a few undergoing positive selection, suggesting that self-recognition may depend on amino acid substitutions at only a few sites.Because of the strong correlation between genotype and SI phenotype, sequences reported here represent either functional stylar S-alleles, tightly linked paralogs of the S-locus or a combination of both. The considerable complexity revealed in this study shows we have much to learn about the evolutionary dynamics of self-incompatibility systems

    A Genome-Wide Characterization of MicroRNA Genes in Maize

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNAs that play essential roles in plant growth, development, and stress response. We conducted a genome-wide survey of maize miRNA genes, characterizing their structure, expression, and evolution. Computational approaches based on homology and secondary structure modeling identified 150 high-confidence genes within 26 miRNA families. For 25 families, expression was verified by deep-sequencing of small RNA libraries that were prepared from an assortment of maize tissues. PCRโ€“RACE amplification of 68 miRNA transcript precursors, representing 18 families conserved across several plant species, showed that splice variation and the use of alternative transcriptional start and stop sites is common within this class of genes. Comparison of sequence variation data from diverse maize inbred lines versus teosinte accessions suggest that the mature miRNAs are under strong purifying selection while the flanking sequences evolve equivalently to other genes. Since maize is derived from an ancient tetraploid, the effect of whole-genome duplication on miRNA evolution was examined. We found that, like protein-coding genes, duplicated miRNA genes underwent extensive gene-loss, with โˆผ35% of ancestral sites retained as duplicate homoeologous miRNA genes. This number is higher than that observed with protein-coding genes. A search for putative miRNA targets indicated bias towards genes in regulatory and metabolic pathways. As maize is one of the principal models for plant growth and development, this study will serve as a foundation for future research into the functional roles of miRNA genes

    An everlasting pioneer: the story of Antirrhinum research

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    Despite the tremendous success of Arabidopsis thaliana, no single model can represent the vast range of form that is seen in the ~250,000 existing species of flowering plants (angiosperms). Here, we consider the history and future of an alternative angiosperm model โ€” the snapdragon Antirrhinum majus. We ask what made Antirrhinum attractive to the earliest students of variation and inheritance, and how its use led to landmark advances in plant genetics and to our present understanding of plant development. Finally, we show how the wide diversity of Antirrhinum species, combined with classical and molecular genetics โ€” the two traditional strengths of Antirrhinum โ€” provide an opportunity for developmental, evolutionary and ecological approaches. These factors make A. majus an ideal comparative angiosperm

    The maize rough sheath2 gene and leaf development programs in monocot and dicot plants.

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    Leaves of higher plants develop in a sequential manner from the shoot apical meristem. Previously it was determined that perturbed leaf development in maize rough sheath2 (rs2) mutant plants results from ectopic expression of knotted1-like (knox) homeobox genes. Here, the rs2 gene sequence was found to be similar to the Antirrhinum PHANTASTICA (PHAN) gene sequence, which encodes a Myb-like transcription factor. RS2 and PHAN are both required to prevent the accumulation of knox gene products in maize and Antirrhinum leaves, respectively. However, rs2 and phan mutant phenotypes differ, highlighting fundamental differences in monocot and dicot leaf development programs

    Alleviation of abiotic stress in canola using genetic engineering.

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    Poster presentation: Biotechnology and Sustainable Futures - no. POS-THU-068ComBio2017 โ€” the combined meeting of the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Scientists and Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental BiologyBrassica napus (canola) is the second largest oilseed crop grown worldwide with the annual production in Australia being around three million metric tons. The canola industry is globally affected by abiotic stress conditions such as drought, high salinity, frost and biotic stresses imposed by fungi, bacteria and insects. There is a pressing need for crop trait improvement in canola to better withstand these stress conditions. In this regard, genetic engineering could be a useful tool to introduce novel genes that have the potential to alleviate such stresses. The Acyl-CoA-Binding Protein (ACBP) family is thought to be involved in intracellular acyl-CoA ester transport and has been implicated in stress mediation in many organisms. Frost tolerant rapid-cycling B. napus and canola cv. Westar were developed by introducing the Arabidopsis thaliana ACBP6 cDNA using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation. Transgenic Brassica lines at T3 progeny were tested for frost tolerance in cold-acclimated and non-acclimated conditions in an upright fan-forced freezer with an electronic temperature controller. Electrolyte leakage, which arises from damage to biological membranes during freezing, was measured and found to be lower in the transgenic lines than in the wild type in non-acclimated conditions. Seed survival was higher in the transgenic lines after freezing in non-acclimated conditions. These findings indicate that the overexpression of ACBP6 is potentially useful in making canola crops more tolerant to frost in the field situations. This remains to be tested

    OfftargetFinder: a web tool for species-specific RNAi design

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    MOTIVATION: RNA interference (RNAi) technology is being developed as a weapon for pest insect control. To maximize the specificity that such an approach affords we have developed a bioinformatic web tool that searches the ever-growing arthropod transcriptome databases so that pest-specific RNAi sequences can be identified. This will help technology developers finesse the design of RNAi sequences and suggests which non-target species should be assessed in the risk assessment process. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: http://rnai.specifly.org CONTACT: [email protected]

    Arabidopsis DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 regulates cell wall composition and axial growth in the inflorescence stem

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    Axial growth in plant stems requires a fine balance between elongation and stem mechanical reinforcement to ensure mechanical stability. Strength is provided by the plant cell wall, the deposition of which must be coordinated with cell expansion and elongation to ensure that integrity is maintained during growth. Coordination of these processes is critical and yet poorly understood. The plant-specific calpain, DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 (DEK1), plays a key role in growth coordination in leaves, yet its role in regulating stem growth has not been addressed. Using plants overexpressing the active CALPAIN domain of DEK1 (CALPAIN OE) and a DEK1 knockdown line (amiRNA-DEK1), we undertook morphological, biochemical, biophysical, and microscopic analyses of mature inflorescence stems. We identify a novel role for DEK1 in the maintenance of cell wall integrity and coordination of growth during inflorescence stem development. CALPAIN OE plants are significantly reduced in stature and have short, thickened stems, while amiRNA-DEK1 lines have weakened stems that are unable to stand upright. Microscopic analyses of the stems identify changes in cell size, shape and number, and differences in both primary and secondary cell wall thickness and composition. Taken together, our results suggest that DEK1 influences primary wall growth by indirectly regulating cellulose and pectin deposition. In addition, we observe changes in secondary cell walls that may compensate for altered primary cell wall composition. We propose that DEK1 activity is required for the coordination of stem strengthening with elongation during axial growth
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