760 research outputs found

    Inverse Ac Josephson Effect at Terahertz Frequencies

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    The inverse ac Josephson effect occurs when a Josephson junction driven by a microwave source of frequency  f  produces constant‐voltage steps at integer multiples of h f/2e. For low‐leakage current hysteretic junctions driven at microwave frequencies below about 100 GHz, some of these steps can cross the zero dc bias current axis. These zero‐crossing steps allow modern series array voltage standards to operate without individually biasing the junctions in the array. We reexamine the theory behind these steps and show that they can exist at frequencies much higher than thought previously. The Riedel singularity in the supercurrent response allows this effect to exist even up to terahertz frequencies. We describe a set of analytical calculations which provide limits on the amount of rounding of the Riedel peak which can be permitted while still allowing these zero‐crossing steps to occur. We also discuss practical considerations such as microwave power levels required and parameters for device fabrication. This analysis is supported by numerical frequency‐domain computations and time‐domain simulations for a number of realistic I‐V curves with rounded Riedel singularities and with quasiparticle subgap leakage currents

    The characteristics of railway service disruption: implications for disruption management

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    Rail disruption management is central to operational continuity and customer satisfaction. Disruption is not a unitary phenomenon - it varies by time, cause, location and complexity of coordination. Effective, user-centred technology for rail disruption must reflect this variety. A repertory grid study was conducted to elicit disruption characteristics. Construct elicitation with a group of experts (n=7) captured 26 characteristics relevant to rail disruption. A larger group of operational staff (n=28) rated 10 types of rail incident against the 26 characteristics. The results revealed distinctions such as business impact and public perception, and the importance of management of the disruption over initial detection. There were clear differences between those events that stop the traffic, as opposed to those that only slow the traffic. The results also demonstrate the utility of repertory grid for capturing the characteristics of complex work domains

    GCR access to the Moon as measured by the CRaTER instrument on LRO

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    [1] Recent modeling efforts have yielded varying and conflicting results regarding the possibility that Earth\u27s magnetosphere is able to shield energetic particles of \u3e10 MeV at lunar distances. This population of particles consists of galactic cosmic rays as well as energetic particles that are accelerated by solar flares and coronal mass ejections. The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is in orbit about the Moon and is thus able to directly test these modeling results. Over the course of a month, CRaTER samples the upstream solar wind as well as various regions of Earth\u27s magnetotail. CRaTER data from multiple lunations demonstrate that Earth\u27s magnetosphere at lunar distances produces no measurable influence on energetic particle flux, even at the lowest energies (\u3e14 MeV protons) where any effect should be maximized. For particles with energies of 14–30 MeV, we calculate an upper limit (determined by counting statistics) on the amount of shielding caused by the magnetosphere of 1.7%. The high energy channel (\u3e500 MeV) provides an upper limit of 3.2%

    The radiation environment near the lunar surface: CRaTER observations and Geant4 simulations

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    [1] At the start of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission in 2009, its Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation instrument measured the radiation environment near the Moon during the recent deep solar minimum, when galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) were at the highest level observed during the space age. We present observations that show the combined effects of GCR primaries, secondary particles (“albedo”) created by the interaction of GCRs with the lunar surface, and the interactions of these particles in the shielding material overlying the silicon solid-state detectors of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation. We use Geant4 to model the energy and angular distribution of the albedo particles, and to model the response of the sensor to the various particle species reaching the 50 kilometer altitude of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Using simulations to gain insight into the observations, we are able to present preliminary energy-deposit spectra for evaluation of the radiation environment\u27s effects on other sensitive materials, whether biological or electronic, that would be exposed to a similar near-lunar environment

    Measurements of galactic cosmic ray shielding with the CRaTER instrument

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    [1] The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been measuring energetic charged particles from the galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar particle events in lunar orbit since 2009. CRaTER includes three pairs of silicon detectors, separated by pieces of tissue-equivalent plastic that shield two of the three pairs from particles incident at the zenith-facing end of the telescope. Heavy-ion beams studied in previous ground-based work have been shown to be reasonable proxies for the GCRs when their energies are sufficiently high. That work, which included GCR simulations, led to predictions for the amount of dose reduction that would be observed by CRaTER. Those predictions are compared to flight data obtained by CRaTER in 2010–2011

    New measurements of total ionizing dose in the lunar environment

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    [1] We report new measurements of solar minimum ionizing radiation dose at the Moon onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) from June 2009 through May 2010. The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument on LRO houses a compact and highly precise microdosimeter whose design allows measurements of dose rates below 1 micro-Rad per second in silicon achieved with minimal resources (20 g, ∼250 milliwatts, and ∼3 bits/second). We envision the use of such a small yet accurate dosimeter in many future spaceflight applications where volume, mass, and power are highly constrained. As this was the first operation of the microdosimeter in a space environment, the goal of this study is to verify its response by using simultaneous measurements of the galactic cosmic ray ionizing environment at LRO, at L1, and with other concurrent dosimeter measurements and model predictions. The microdosimeter measured the same short timescale modulations in the galactic cosmic rays as the other independent measurements, thus verifying its response to a known source of minimum-ionizing particles. The total dose for the LRO mission over the first 333 days was only 12.2 Rads behind ∼130 mils of aluminum because of the delayed rise of solar activity in solar cycle 24 and the corresponding lack of intense solar energetic particle events. The dose rate in a 50 km lunar orbit was about 30 percent lower than the interplanetary rate, as one would expect from lunar obstruction of the visible sky

    Parameterizations of the linear energy transfer spectrum for the CRaTER instrument during the LRO mission

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    [1] The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument was launched as part of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft in June 2009. Its purpose is to measure the linear energy transfer (LET) spectrum in lunar orbit as an aid in determining risks to human crews on future lunar missions. Part of the preparations for the mission involved estimating the LET spectrum for the anticipated environment that the instrument is likely to see during the 1 year operational phase of the LRO mission. Detailed estimates of LET spectra in the six silicon detectors and two tissue equivalent plastic segments were made using the beta version of the HETC-HEDS Monte Carlo transport code. Tables of LET in each detector component, for incident particle elemental species from hydrogen through iron, were carried out at incident particle energies from 20 MeV per nucleon to 3 GeV per nucleon. The LET values in these tables have been parameterized by elemental species and energy for ease in quickly and accurately estimating the LET response for any input solar or galactic cosmic ray spectrum likely to be encountered during the lifetime of the instrument. The parameterized LET values are in excellent agreement with the HETC-HEDS calculations. Typical differences are on the order of a few percent. These parameterizations will also be useful in validation studies of the Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Environment Module using CRaTER measurements in lunar orbit


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    Introduced red fox in urban Orange County, California ate a wide variety of foods. Mammals and birds were consumed at all times of the year and both taxa appeared in approximately half or more of the fecal samples at all times of the year. Human supplied food remains were also common and supplemental feeding occurred at all study sites. Supplemental feeding has the potential to exacerbate problems for management of introduced red fox and several endangered species

    The first cosmic ray albedo proton map of the Moon

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    [1] Neutrons emitted from the Moon are produced by the impact of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) within the regolith. GCRs are high-energy particles capable of smashing atomic nuclei in the lunar regolith and producing a shower of energetic protons, neutrons and other subatomic particles. Secondary particles that are ejected out of the regolith become “albedo” particles. The neutron albedo has been used to study the hydrogen content of the lunar regolith, which motivates our study of albedo protons. In principle, the albedo protons should vary as a function of the input GCR source and possibly as a result of surface composition and properties. During the LRO mission, the total detection rate of albedo protons between 60 MeV and 150 MeV has been declining since 2009 in parallel with the decline in the galactic cosmic ray flux, which validates the concept of an albedo proton source. On the other hand, the average yield of albedo protons has been increasing as the galactic cosmic ray spectrum has been hardening, consistent with a disproportionately stronger modulation of lower energy GCRs as solar activity increases. We construct the first map of the normalized albedo proton emission rate from the lunar surface to look for any albedo variation that correlates with surface features. The map is consistent with a spatially uniform albedo proton yield to within statistical uncertainties