264 research outputs found

    Rapid hepatic clearance of full length CCN-2/CTGF: a putative role for LRP1-mediated endocytosis

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this record.CCN-2 (connective tissue growth factor; CTGF) is a key factor in fibrosis. Plasma CCN-2 has biomarker potential in numerous fibrotic disorders, but it is unknown which pathophysiological factors determine plasma CCN-2 levels. The proteolytic amino-terminal fragment of CCN-2 is primarily eliminated by the kidney. Here, we investigated elimination and distribution profiles of full length CCN-2 by intravenous administration of recombinant CCN-2 to rodents. After bolus injection in mice, we observed a large initial distribution volume (454 mL/kg) and a fast initial clearance (120 mL/kg/min). Immunosorbent assay and immunostaining showed that CCN-2 distributed mainly to the liver and was taken up by hepatocytes. Steady state clearance in rats, determined by continuous infusion of CCN-2, was fast (45 mL/kg/min). Renal CCN-2 clearance, determined by arterial and renal vein sampling, accounted for only 12 % of total clearance. Co-infusion of CCN-2 with receptor-associated protein (RAP), an antagonist of LDL-receptor family proteins, showed that RAP prolonged CCN-2 half-life and completely prevented CCN-2 internalization by hepatocytes. This suggests that hepatic uptake of CCN-2 is mediated by a RAP-sensitive mechanism most likely involving LRP1, a member of the LDL-receptor family involved in hepatic clearance of various plasma proteins. Surface plasmon resonance binding studies confirmed that CCN-2 is an LRP1 ligand. Co-infusion of CCN-2 with an excess of the heparan sulphate-binding protamine lowered the large initial distribution volume of CCN-2 by 88 % and reduced interstitial staining of CCN-2, suggesting binding of CCN-2 to heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs). Protamine did not affect clearance rate, indicating that RAP-sensitive clearance of CCN-2 is HSPG independent. In conclusion, unlike its amino-terminal fragment which is cleared by the kidney, full length CCN-2 is primarily eliminated by the liver via a fast RAP-sensitive, probably LRP1-dependent pathway.FibroGen, Inc

    До мінералогії сезонних сульфатів мису Фіолент (Південно-Західний Крим)

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    Комплексом методів вивчено колекцію зразків вторинних мінералів одного з узбережних відслонень зони окиснення сульфідної мінералізації мису Фіолент (Південно-Західний Крим). Установлено, що всі досліджені зразки є полімінеральними утвореннями, в яких одночасно співіснують у різних пропорціях сульфати Mg, Al, Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺, Ca тощо: пікерингіт (найпоширеніший), пікерингіт залізистий, гексагідрит, старкіїт, епсоміт, алуноген, ботріоген, копіапіт, ярозит, гіпс та ін. Старкіїт і ботріоген у Криму виявлено вперше.The collection of secondary minerals from one of littoral occurrences of sulphide zone of oxidation of the Fiolent Cape (South-Western Crimea) is studied by different methods. It was established that all studied samples were polymineral formations which consisted of sulphates of Mg, Al, Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺, Ca, etc. in different proportions: pickeringite (the most wide-spread), ferropickeringite, hexahydrite, starkeyite, epsomite, alunogen, botryogen, copiapite, jarosite, gypsum etc. Starkeyite and botryogen are detected in the Crimea for the first time

    Rapid hepatic clearance of full length CCN-2/CTGF: a putative role for LRP1-mediated endocytosis

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    CCN-2 (connective tissue growth factor; CTGF) is a key factor in fibrosis. Plasma CCN-2 has biomarker potential in numerous fibrotic disorders, but it is unknown which pathophysiological factors determine plasma CCN-2 levels. The proteolytic amino-terminal fragment of CCN-2 is primarily eliminated by the kidney. Here, we investigated elimination and distribution profiles of full length CCN-2 by intravenous administration of recombinant CCN-2 to rodents. After bolus injection in mice, we observed a large initial distribution volume (454 mL/kg) and a fast initial clearance (120 mL/kg/min). Immunosorbent assay and immunostaining showed that CCN-2 distributed mainly to the liver and was taken up by hepatocytes. Steady state clearance in rats, determined by continuous infusion of CCN-2, was fast (45 mL/kg/min). Renal CCN-2 clearance, determined by arterial and renal vein sampling, accounted for only 12 % of total clearance. Co-infusion of CCN-2 with receptor-associated protein (RAP), an antagonist of LDL-receptor family proteins, showed that RAP prolonged CCN-2 half-life and completely prevented CCN-2 internalization by hepatocytes. This suggests that hepatic uptake of CCN-2 is mediated by a RAP-sensitive mechanism most likely involving LRP1, a member of the LDL-receptor family involved in hepatic clearance of various plasma proteins. Surface plasmon resonance binding studies confirmed that CCN-2 is an LRP1 ligand. Co-infusion of CCN-2 with an excess of the heparan sulphate-binding protamine lowered the large initial distribution volume of CCN-2 by 88 % and reduced interstitial staining of CCN-2, suggesting binding of CCN-2 to heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs). Protamine did not affect clearance rate, indicating that RAP-sensitive clearance of CCN-2 is HSPG independent. In conclusion, unlike its amino-terminal fragment which is cleared by the kidney, fu

    P62-positive aggregates are homogenously distributed in the myocardium and associated with the type of mutation in genetic cardiomyopathy

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    © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Genetic cardiomyopathy is caused by mutations in various genes. The accumulation of potentially proteotoxic mutant protein aggregates due to insufficient autophagy is a possible mechanism of disease development. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution in the myocardium of such aggregates in relation to specific pathogenic genetic mutations in cardiomyopathy hearts. Hearts from 32 genetic cardiomyopathy patients, 4 non-genetic cardiomyopathy patients and 5 controls were studied. Microscopic slices from an entire midventricular heart slice were stained for p62 (sequestosome-1, marker for aggregated proteins destined for autophagy). The percentage of cardiomyocytes with p62 accumulation was higher in cardiomyopathy hearts (median 3.3%) than in healthy controls (0.3%; P <.0001). p62 accumulation was highest in the desmin (15.6%) and phospholamban (7.2%) groups. P62 accumulation was homogeneously distributed in the myocardium. Fibrosis was not associated with p62 accumulation in subgroup analysis of phospholamban hearts. In conclusion, accumulation of p62-positive protein aggregates is homogeneously distributed in the myocardium independently of fibrosis distribution and associated with desmin and phospholamban cardiomyopathy. Proteotoxic protein accumulation is a diffuse process in the myocardium while a more localized second hit, such as local strain during exercise, might determine whether this leads to regional myocyte decay

    Oxidative Stress and Cellular Senescence Are Involved in the Aging Kidney

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be considered as a clinical model for premature aging. However, non‐invasive biomarkers to detect early kidney damage and the onset of a senescent phenotype are lacking. Most of the preclinical senescence studies in aging have been done in very old mice. Furthermore, the precise characterization and over-time development of age-related senes-cence in the kidney remain unclear. To address these limitations, the age-related activation of cellular senescence-associated mechanisms and their correlation with early structural changes in the kidney were investigated in 3- to 18-month-old C57BL6 mice. Inflammatory cell infiltration was ob-served by 12 months, whereas tubular damage and collagen accumulation occurred later. Early activation of cellular-senescence-associated mechanisms was found in 12-month-old mice, character-ized by activation of the DNA-damage-response (DDR), mainly in tubular cells; activation of the antioxidant NRF2 pathway; and klotho downregulation. However, induction of tubular-cell-cycle-arrest (CCA) and overexpression of renal senescent-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) components was only found in 18-month-old mice. In aging mice, both inflammation and oxidative stress (marked by elevated lipid peroxidation and NRF2 inactivation) remained increased. These findings support the hypothesis that prolonged DDR and CCA, loss of nephroprotective factors (klotho), and dysfunctional redox regulatory mechanisms (NRF2/antioxidant defense) can be early drivers of age-related kidney-damage progressionThis research was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Fondos FEDER European Union (PI17/00119, PI20/00140; and DTS20/00083 to M.R.-O.; PI18/01133 to A.M.R.); Sara Borrell’ program from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant number CD20/00042 to R.R.R.-D.); Red de Investigación Renal REDINREN: RD16/0009/0003 and RICORS program to RICORS2040 496 (RD21/0005), to M.R.-O., Sociedad Española de Nefrología; “NOVELREN-CM: Enfermedad renal crónica: nuevas Estrategias para la prevención, Diagnóstico y tratamiento” (B2017/BMD3751 to M.R.-O.); “Convocatoria Dinamización Europa Investigación 2019” MINECO (EIN2019-103294 to M.R.-O.); Juan de la Cierva incorporacion grant: IJC2018-035187-I to S.R.-M.; innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (IMProvePD ID: 812699) to M.R.-O.; and Fundacion Conchita Rabago to L.T.-

    Титульні сторінки та зміст

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    Kidney injury triggers fibrosis, the final common pathway of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The increase of CKD prevalence worldwide urgently calls for new therapies. Available systemic treatment such as rapamycin are associated with serious side effects. To study the potential of local antifibrotic therapy, we administered rapamycin-loaded microspheres under the kidney capsule of ureter-obstructed rats and assessed the local antifibrotic effects and systemic side effects of rapamycin. After 7 days, microsphere depots were easily identifiable under the kidney capsule. Both systemic and local rapamycin treatment reduced intrarenal mTOR activity, myofibroblast accumulation, expression of fibrotic genes, and T-lymphocyte infiltration. Upon local treatment, inhibition of mTOR activity and reduction of myofibroblast accumulation were limited to the immediate vicinity of the subcapsular pocket, while reduction of T-cell infiltration was widespread. In contrast to systemically administered rapamycin, local treatment did not induce off target effects such as weight loss. Thus subcapsular delivery of rapamycin-loaded microspheres successfully inhibited local fibrotic response in UUO with less systemic effects. Therapeutic effect of released rapamycin was most prominent in close vicinity to the implanted microspheres. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Dutch consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitis

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the availability of several guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV), clinical routine practice will only improve when an implementation strategy is in place to support clinical decision making and adequate implementation of guidelines. We describe here an initiative to establish national and multidisciplinary consensus on broad aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of AAV relevant to daily clinical practice in the Netherlands. METHODS: A multidisciplinary working group of physicians in the Netherlands with expertise on AAV addressed the broad spectrum of diagnosis, terminology, and immunosuppressive and non-immunosuppressive treatment, including an algorithm for AAV patients. Based on recommendations from (inter)national guidelines, national consensus was established using a Delphi-based method during a conference in conjunction with a nationally distributed online consensus survey. Cut-off for consensus was 70% (dis)agreement. RESULTS: Ninety-eight professionals were involved in the Delphi procedure to assess consensus on 50 statements regarding diagnosis, treatment, and organisation of care for AAV patients. Consensus was achieved for 37/50 statements (74%) in different domains of diagnosis and treatment of AAV including consensus on the treatment algorithm for AAV. CONCLUSION: We present a national, multidisciplinary consensus on a diagnostic strategy and treatment algorithm for AAV patients as part of the implementation of (inter)national guideline-derived recommendations in the Netherlands. Future studies will focus on evaluating local implementation of treatment protocols for AAV, and assessments of current and future clinical practice variation in the care for AAV patients in the Netherlands

    Distinct fibrosis pattern in desmosomal and phospholamban mutation carriers in hereditary cardiomyopathies

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    Background: Desmosomal and phospholamban (PLN) mutations are associated with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Ultimately, most cardiomyopathic hearts develop significant cardiac fibrosis. // Objective: To compare the fibrosis patterns of desmosomal and p. Arg14del PLN–associated cardiomyopathies with the pattern in hearts with other hereditary cardiomyopathies. // Methods: A midventricular transversal slice was obtained from hearts of 30 patients with a cardiomyopathy with a known underlying mutation and from 8 controls. Fibrosis and fatty changes were quantitatively analyzed using digital microscopy. // Results: Hearts from patients with desmosomal mutations (n = 6) showed fibrosis and fibrofatty replacement in the left ventricular (LV) outer myocardium, mainly in the posterolateral wall, and in the right ventricle. A similar phenotype, but with significantly more severe fibrotic changes in the LV, was found in the PLN mutation group (n = 8). Cardiomyopathies associated with lamin A/C (n = 5), sarcomeric (n = 8), and desmin (n = 3) mutations all showed a different pattern from that of the desmosomal and PLN mutation carriers. The posterolateral LV wall appeared to be the most discriminative area with fibrosis and fatty changes predominantly at the outer compact myocardium in 13 of 14 hearts with desmosomal and PLN mutations (93%), in 0 of 13 hearts with lamin A/C and sarcomeric mutations (0%), and in 1 of 3 desminopathic hearts (33%) (P < .001). // Conclusion: Desmosomal- and PLN-associated cardiomyopathies have a fibrosis pattern distinct from the patterns in other hereditary cardiomyopathies. The posterolateral LV wall appeared to be the most discriminative region between mutation groups. These results may provide a roadmap for cardiac imaging interpretation and may help in further unraveling disease mechanisms