3,251 research outputs found

    Does Openness to Trade Make Countries More Vulnerable to Sudden Stops, or Less? Using Gravity to Establish Causality

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    Openness to trade is one factor that has been identified as determining whether a country is prone to sudden stops in capital inflows, crashes in currencies, or severe recessions. Some believe that openness raises vulnerability to foreign shocks, while others believe that it makes adjustment to crises less painful. Several authors have offered empirical evidence that having a large tradable sector reduces the contraction necessary to adjust to a given cut-off in funding. This would help explain lower vulnerability to crises in Asia than in Latin America. Such studies may, however, be subject to the problem that trade is endogenous. Using the gravity instrument for trade openness, which is constructed from geographical determinants of bilateral trade, this paper finds that openness indeed makes countries less vulnerable, both to severe sudden stops and currency crashes, and that the relationship is even stronger when correcting for the endogeneity of trade.

    The “broken escalator” phenomenon: Vestibular dizziness interferes with locomotor adaptation

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    BACKGROUND: Although vestibular lesions degrade postural control we do not know the relative contributions of the magnitude of the vestibular loss and subjective vestibular symptoms to locomotor adaptation. OBJECTIVE: To study how dizzy symptoms interfere with adaptive locomotor learning. METHODS: We examined patients with contrasting peripheral vestibular deficits, vestibular neuritis in the chronic stable phase (n = 20) and strongly symptomatic unilateral Meniere’s disease (n = 15), compared to age-matched healthy controls (n = 15). We measured locomotor adaptive learning using the “broken escalator” aftereffect, simulated on a motorised moving sled. RESULTS: Patients with Meniere’s disease had an enhanced “broken escalator” postural aftereffect. More generally, the size of the locomotor aftereffect was related to how symptomatic patients were across both groups. Contrastingly, the degree of peripheral vestibular loss was not correlated with symptom load or locomotor aftereffect size. During the MOVING trials, both patient groups had larger levels of instability (trunk sway) and reduced adaptation than normal controls. CONCLUSION: Dizziness symptoms influence locomotor adaptation and its subsequent expression through motor aftereffects. Given that the unsteadiness experienced during the “broken escalator” paradigm is internally driven, the enhanced aftereffect found represents a new type of self-generated postural challenge for vestibular/unsteady patients

    Continuous and discrete models of cooperation in complex bacterial colonies

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    We study the effect of discreteness on various models for patterning in bacterial colonies. In a bacterial colony with branching pattern, there are discrete entities - bacteria - which are only two orders of magnitude smaller than the elements of the macroscopic pattern. We present two types of models. The first is the Communicating Walkers model, a hybrid model composed of both continuous fields and discrete entities - walkers, which are coarse-graining of the bacteria. Models of the second type are systems of reaction diffusion equations, where the branching of the pattern is due to non-constant diffusion coefficient of the bacterial field. The diffusion coefficient represents the effect of self-generated lubrication fluid on the bacterial movement. We implement the discreteness of the biological system by introducing a cutoff in the growth term at low bacterial densities. We demonstrate that the cutoff does not improve the models in any way. Its only effect is to decrease the effective surface tension of the front, making it more sensitive to anisotropy. We compare the models by introducing food chemotaxis and repulsive chemotactic signaling into the models. We find that the growth dynamics of the Communication Walkers model and the growth dynamics of the Non-Linear diffusion model are affected in the same manner. From such similarities and from the insensitivity of the Communication Walkers model to implicit anisotropy we conclude that the increased discreteness, introduced be the coarse-graining of the walkers, is small enough to be neglected.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures in 13 gif files, to be published in proceeding of CMDS

    Sweet cherry:composition, postharvest preservation, processing and trends for its future use

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    Background Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) are a nutritious fruit which are rich in polyphenols and have high antioxidant potential. Most sweet cherries are consumed fresh and a small proportion of the total sweet cherries production is value added to make processed food products. Sweet cherries are highly perishable fruit with a short harvest season, therefore extensive preservation and processing methods have been developed for the extension of their shelf-life and distribution of their products. Scope and Approach In this review, the main physicochemical properties of sweet cherries, as well as bioactive components and their determination methods are described. The study emphasises the recent progress of postharvest technology, such as controlled/modified atmosphere storage, edible coatings, irradiation, and biological control agents, to maintain sweet cherries for the fresh market. Valorisations of second-grade sweet cherries, as well as trends for the diversification of cherry products for future studies are also discussed. Key Findings and Conclusions Sweet cherry fruit have a short harvest period and marketing window. The major loss in quality after harvest include moisture loss, softening, decay and stem browning. Without compromising their eating quality, the extension in fruit quality and shelf-life for sweet cherries is feasible by means of combination of good handling practice and applications of appropriate postharvest technology. With the drive of health-food sector, the potential of using second class cherries including cherry stems as a source of bioactive compound extraction is high, as cherry fruit is well-known for being rich in health-promoting components

    Think Different: Applying the Old Macintosh Mantra to the Computability of the SUSY Auxiliary Field Problem

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    Starting with valise supermultiplets obtained from 0-branes plus field redefinitions, valise adinkra networks, and the "Garden Algebra," we discuss an architecture for algorithms that (starting from on-shell theories and, through a well-defined computation procedure), search for off-shell completions. We show in one dimension how to directly attack the notorious "off-shell auxiliary field" problem of supersymmetry with algorithms in the adinkra network-world formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Effect of biocomposite edible coatings based on pea starch and guar gum on nutritional quality of ‘Valencia’ orange during storage

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    Application of environmentally friendly components is an approach for substitution of synthetic substances in commercial waxes applied to citrus. In this study, the effect of biocomposite edible coatings based on pea starch and guar gum (PSGG) on total vitamin C, phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanins, and carotenoid content, and antioxidant capacity of ‘Valencia’ orange stored at 5 °C and 20 °C for four weeks were evaluated. The fruits were coated by a single layer PSGG coating, blended composite PSGG coating containing shellac (Sh) and oleic acid as hydrophobic compounds (PSGG-Sh), and a layer-by-layer (LBL) coating (PSGG as an internal layer and Sh as an external layer). The results showed no significant differences in changes of bioactive compounds between coating treatments after first week storage at both temperatures. The PSGG coatings incorporated with hydrophobic compounds (PSGG-Sh) better preserved the nutritional value and the antioxidant potential of oranges during storage compared with other treatments. The single layer PSGG coating was almost similar to bilayer coating in preserving nutritional value of fruit during storage and less effective than the blended composite PSGG-Sh coating

    Characterization of pea starch-guar gum biocomposite edible films enriched by natural antimicrobial agents for active food packaging

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    Antimicrobial activity of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and two native Australian plants blueberry ash (BBA) fruit and macadamia (MAC) skin extracts against nine pathogenic and spoilage bacteria and seven strains of fungi, using an agar well diffusion assay were investigated. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of these compounds were calculated using 96-well microtiter plates method. Finally, active antimicrobial packaging films were prepared by incorporation of EGCG, BBA and MAC extracts at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-fold of their correspondence MIC values into edible films based on pea starch and guar gum (PSGG). The antimicrobial activity of films was investigated against target microorganisms by agar disc diffusion technique and quantified using the viable cell count assay. Among the test microorganisms, Salmonella typhimurium and Rhizopus sp. were the most resistance to active films. Films containing EGCG showed the highest activity against all test strains. As the concentration of compounds increased higher than 2 × MIC, the mechanical characteristics of the films were affected considerably. The results indicated that EGCG-PSGG, BBA-PSGG and MAC-PSGG films can be used as active food packaging systems for preserving food safety and prolonging the shelf-life of the packaged food

    Revisiting the Regulatory Status of Broadband Internet Access: A Policy Framework for Net Neutrality and an Open Competitive Internet

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    A decade of broadband access deregulation has landed the FCC at a legal deadend. After the D.C. Circuit\u27s Comcast decision, the FCC finds itself unable to enforce its net neutrality goals. To reassert its jurisdiction over net neutrality, the FCC proposes to reclassify broadband Internet access as a Title II telecommunications service while continuing to forbear from most other facets of common carrier regulation. The FCC\u27s current dilemma results from an unfortunate combination of unverified predictive judgments associating deregulation with investment; overly optimistic assessments of competition in the consumer broadband market; the abandonment of the bright line between transmission and content; and elimination of unbundling requirements for broadband services. The FCC needs now to revisit-and revise-the factual, legal and policy judgments that have brought it to the current situation. Reclassification is factually and legally the proper regulatory course, but its benefits would be seriously undermined by broad presumptive forbearance. Last mile broadband Internet access offered by incumbent local exchange carriers and cable companies is unambiguously pure transmission, i.e., telecommunications service. Facilities-based Internet access providers should be required to offer downstream rivals equivalent last-mile broadband access as a wholesale telecommunications service on a nondiscriminatory basis; under this framework, telcos and cable companies could continue offering broadband bundled with content and applications as competitive, non-regulated information services. Given the demonstrated ability of facilities-based carriers to use their control of bottleneck last mile access to discriminate against downstream rivals, there can be no justification for the FCC to forbear from applying most Title II obligations to broadband access providers. Combining these two threads, the authors conclude that by restoring competitors\u27 ability to purchase basic broadband access as a platform for their own retail Internet access entry, the FCC has the opportunity to create more competition, with less explicit net neutrality regulation, than by reclassification alone

    Mind the gap: Mathematics teaching and learning in Power Maths primary schools in a pandemic autumn

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    We report Autumn 2020 findings from a 2019-2021 study of impact and use of a ‘mastery’-oriented primary (ages 4-11) mathematics resource, ‘Power Maths’. The study follows 40 classes of primary children and their teachers, in 20 schools, over two years. Following earlier pandemic evidence, more recent data show schools and teachers responding to Autumn ‘mathematics recovery’ challenges in very different ways, with a range of creativity, of solution-focus, and of alignment with the Power Maths-promoted ‘mastery’ approaches, although more complex mathematical processes commonly remained marginalised. Teachers reported that new classroom guidelines severely restricted ‘carpet’ and group work and use of manipulatives. They pervasively referenced identification and addressing of gaps in children’s prior learning. While most teachers expressed concern about the continuing impact on mathematical development, and reduction in confidence, they reported children usually still responding positively to mathematical opportunities to learn, and confidence slowly returning
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