613 research outputs found

    Two dimensional Sen connections in general relativity

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    The two dimensional version of the Sen connection for spinors and tensors on spacelike 2-surfaces is constructed. A complex metric γAB\gamma_{AB} on the spin spaces is found which characterizes both the algebraic and extrinsic geometrical properties of the 2-surface $\$ . The curvature of the two dimensional Sen operator Δe\Delta_e is the pull back to $\$ of the anti-self-dual part of the spacetime curvature while its `torsion' is a boost gauge invariant expression of the extrinsic curvatures of $\$ . The difference of the 2 dimensional Sen and the induced spin connections is the anti-self-dual part of the `torsion'. The irreducible parts of Δe\Delta_e are shown to be the familiar 2-surface twistor and the Weyl--Sen--Witten operators. Two Sen--Witten type identities are derived, the first is an identity between the 2 dimensional twistor and the Weyl--Sen--Witten operators and the integrand of Penrose's charge integral, while the second contains the `torsion' as well. For spinor fields satisfying the 2-surface twistor equation the first reduces to Tod's formula for the kinematical twistor.Comment: 14 pages, Plain Tex, no report numbe

    Relativistic conservation laws and integral constraints for large cosmological perturbations

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    For every mapping of a perturbed spacetime onto a background and with any vector field Ο\xi we construct a conserved covariant vector density I(Ο)I(\xi), which is the divergence of a covariant antisymmetric tensor density, a "superpotential". I(Ο) I(\xi) is linear in the energy-momentum tensor perturbations of matter, which may be large; I(Ο)I(\xi) does not contain the second order derivatives of the perturbed metric. The superpotential is identically zero when perturbations are absent. By integrating conserved vectors over a part \Si of a hypersurface SS of the background, which spans a two-surface \di\Si, we obtain integral relations between, on the one hand, initial data of the perturbed metric components and the energy-momentum perturbations on \Si and, on the other hand, the boundary values on \di\Si. We show that there are as many such integral relations as there are different mappings, Ο\xi's, \Si's and \di\Si's. For given boundary values on \di\Si, the integral relations may be interpreted as integral constraints (e.g., those of Traschen) on local initial data including the energy-momentum perturbations. Conservation laws expressed in terms of Killing fields \Bar\xi of the background become "physical" conservation laws. In cosmology, to each mapping of the time axis of a Robertson-Walker space on a de Sitter space with the same spatial topology there correspond ten conservation laws. The conformal mapping leads to a straightforward generalization of conservation laws in flat spacetimes. Other mappings are also considered. ...Comment: This paper, published 7 years ago, was found useful by some researchers but originally was not put on the gr-qc website. Now it has been retyped with very minor changes: few wordings have been modified and several misprints occurring in the printed version correcte

    Pseudotensors and quasilocal energy-momentum

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    Early energy-momentum investigations for gravitating systems gave reference frame dependent pseudotensors; later the quasilocal idea was developed. Quasilocal energy-momentum can be determined by the Hamiltonian boundary term, which also identifies the variables to be held fixed on the boundary. We show that a pseudotensor corresponds to a Hamiltonian boundary term. Hence they are quasilocal and acceptable; each is the energy-momentum density for a definite physical situation with certain boundary conditions. These conditions are identified for well-known pseudotensors.Comment: LaTeX (REVTex), 4 pages, no figures, revised Title, abstract, introduction and conclusio

    Affine Gravity, Palatini Formalism and Charges

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    Affine gravity and the Palatini formalism contribute both to produce a simple and unique formula for calculating charges at spatial and null infinity for Lovelock type Lagrangians whose variational derivatives do not depend on second-order derivatives of the field components. The method is based on the covariant generalization due to Julia and Silva of the Regge-Teitelboim procedure that was used to define properly the mass in the classical formulation of Einstein's theory of gravity. Numerous applications reproduce standard results obtained by other secure but mostly specialized methods. As a novel application we calculate the Bondi energy loss in five dimensional gravity, based on the asymptotic solution given by Tanabe, Tanahashi and Shiromizu, and obtain, as expected, the same result. We also give the superpotential for Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and find the superpotential for Lovelock theories of gravity when the number of dimensions tends to infinity with maximally symmetrical boundaries. The paper is written in standard component formalism.Comment: The work is dedicated to Joshua Goldberg from whom I learned and got interested in conservation laws in General Relativity (J.K

    Work characteristics and employee outcomes in local government

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    The overall objective of this study was to examine the work characteristics that make significant contributions to extra-role performance (as measured by the helping dimension of citizenship behaviour) and employee wellbeing (measured by job satisfaction and psychological health) in a local government. The work characteristics examined were based on the demand-control-support (DCS) model, augmented by organization-specific characteristics. The results indicate that characteristics described in the core DCS are just as relevant to extra-role performance as they are to more traditional indicators of job stress. Although the more situation-specific conditions were not predictive of citizenship behaviour, they made unique contributions to job satisfaction<br /

    The Particle Physics Reach of High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy

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    We discuss the prospects for high-energy neutrino astronomy to study particle physics in the energy regime comparable to and beyond that obtainable at the current and planned colliders. We describe the various signatures of high-energy cosmic neutrinos expected in both neutrino telescopes and air shower experiments and discuss these measurements within the context of theoretical models with a quantum gravity or string scale near a TeV, supersymmetry and scenarios with interactions induced by electroweak instantons. We attempt to access the particle physics reach of these experiments.Comment: Mini-review article for New Journal of Physics, "Focus on Neutrinos" issue. 27 pages, 11 figure

    Upper Bounds on the Neutrino-Nucleon Inelastic Cross Section

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    Extraterrestrial neutrinos can initiate deeply developing air showers, and those that traverse the atmosphere unscathed may produce cascades in the ice or water. Up to now, no such events have been observed. This can be translated into upper limits on the diffuse neutrino flux. On the other hand, the observation of cosmic rays with primary energies > 10^{10} GeV suggests that there is a guaranteed flux of cosmogenic neutrinos, arising from the decay of charged pions (and their muon daughters) produced in proton interactions with the cosmic microwave background. In this work, armed with these cosmogenic neutrinos and the increased exposure of neutrino telescopes we bring up-to-date model-independent upper bounds on the neutrino-nucleon inelastic cross section. Uncertainties in the cosmogenic neutrino flux are discussed and taken into account in our analysis. The prospects for improving these bounds with the Pierre Auger Observatory are also estimated. The unprecedented statistics to be collected by this experiment in 6 yr of operation will probe the neutrino-nucleon inelastic cross section at the level of Standard Model predictions.Comment: To be published in JCA

    We’ve got something for everyone: How individual differences predict different blogging motivations

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    The principal aims of this study were to develop a Blogging Motivations Questionnaire (BMQ) and to test the hypothesis that sex, age, and personality would be associated with individual blogging motivations. One hundred and sixty bloggers completed the BMQ and the International Personality Item Pool (Goldberg, 1999). Six motivations for writing blogs were confirmed: personal revelation, emotional outlet, creative outlet, selective disclosure, social networking and advertising. Conscientiousness predicted the ‘social networking’ motivation, Agreeableness predicted ‘selective disclosure’ and Openness ‘creative outlet’. Women were motivated by ‘selective disclosure’, and men for ‘advertising’ and as an ‘emotional outlet’. Finally, older bloggers were motivated to use their blogs as a ‘creative outlet’. With reference to the Uses and Gratifications paradigm, it is likely that bloggers actively construct blogs to satisfy very personal needs. Moreover, the types of needs that one wishes to satisfy are likely to vary with personality type and with one’s age and sex.University of Wolverhampto

    Ice-stream stability on a reverse bed slope

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    Marine-based ice streams whose beds deepen inland are thought to be inherently unstable. This instability is of particular concern because significant portions of the marine-based West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are losing mass and their retreat could contribute significantly to future sea-level rise. However, the present understanding of ice-stream stability is limited by observational records that are too short to resolve multi-decadal to millennial-scale behaviour or to validate numerical models8. Here we present a dynamic numerical simulation of Antarctic ice-stream retreat since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), constrained by geophysical data, whose behaviour is consistent with the geomorphological record. We find that retreat of Marguerite Bay Ice Stream following the LGM was highly nonlinear and was interrupted by stabilizations on a reverse-sloping bed, where theory predicts rapid unstable retreat. We demonstrate that these transient stabilizations were caused by enhanced lateral drag as the ice stream narrowed. We conclude that, as well as bed topography, ice-stream width and long-term retreat history are crucial for understanding decadal- to centennial-scale ice-stream behaviour and marine ice-sheet vulnerability

    Measuring Risk Attitudes Controlling for Personality Traits*

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    Abstract: This study measures risk attitudes using two paid experiments: the Holt and Laury (2002) procedure and a variation of the game show Deal or No Deal. The participants also completed a series of personality questionnaires developed in the psychology literature including the risk domains of Weber, Blais, and Betz (2002). As in previous studies risk attitudes vary within subjects across elicitation methods. However, this variation can be explained by individual personality traits. Specifically, subjects behave as though the Holt and Laury task is an investment decision while the Deal or No Deal task is a gambling decision
