125 research outputs found

    Host and Bacterial Proteins That Repress Recruitment of LC3 to Shigella Early during Infection

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    Shigella spp. are intracytosolic gram-negative pathogens that cause disease by invasion and spread through the colonic mucosa, utilizing host cytoskeletal components to form propulsive actin tails. We have previously identified the host factor Toca-1 as being recruited to intracellular S. flexneri and being required for efficient bacterial actin tail formation. We show that at early times during infection (40 min.), the type three-secreted effector protein IcsB recruits Toca-1 to intracellular bacteria and that recruitment of Toca-1 is associated with repression of recruitment of LC3, as well as with repression of recruitment of the autophagy marker NDP52, around these intracellular bacteria. LC3 is best characterized as a marker of autophagosomes, but also marks phagosomal membranes in the process LC3-associated phagocytosis. IcsB has previously been demonstrated to be required for S. flexneri evasion of autophagy at late times during infection (4–6 hr) by inhibiting binding of the autophagy protein Atg5 to the Shigella surface protein IcsA (VirG). Our results suggest that IcsB and Toca-1 modulation of LC3 recruitment restricts LC3-associated phagocytosis and/or LC3 recruitment to vacuolar membrane remnants. Together with published results, our findings suggest that IcsB inhibits innate immune responses in two distinct ways, first, by inhibiting LC3-associated phagocytosis and/or LC3 recruitment to vacuolar membrane remnants early during infection, and second, by inhibiting autophagy late during infection

    Putting Enterohemorrhagic E. coli on a Pedestal

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    Many pathogenic bacteria exploit host cytoskeletal pathways to promote infection. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Weiss et al. (2009) identify the host factor IRSp53 as the missing link that connects two intracellular bacterial proteins, thereby completing an actin cytoskeletal signaling pathway critical to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli pathogenesis

    Bacterial Actin Assembly Requires Toca-1 to Relieve N-WASP Autoinhibition

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    SummaryActin polymerization in the mammalian cytosol can be locally activated by mechanisms that relieve the autoinhibited state of N-WASP, an initiator of actin assembly, a process that also requires the protein Toca-1. Several pathogenic bacteria, including Shigella, exploit this host feature to infect and disseminate efficiently. The Shigella outer membrane protein IcsA recruits N-WASP, which upon activation at the bacterial surface mediates localized actin polymerization. The molecular role of Toca-1 in N-WASP activation during physiological or pathological actin assembly processes in intact mammalian cells remains unclear. We show that actin tail initiation by S. flexneri requires Toca-1 for the conversion of N-WASP from a closed inactive conformation to an open active one. While N-WASP recruitment is dependent on IcsA, Toca-1 recruitment is instead mediated by S. flexneri type III secretion effectors. Thus, S. flexneri independently hijacks two nodes of the N-WASP actin assembly pathway to initiate localized actin tail assembly

    Caging Targets for Destruction

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens engage in a tug-of-war with innate host defenses. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Mostowy et al. (2010) identify a role for the septin family of cytoskeletal proteins in targeting intracellular Shigella to the autophagy pathway

    Unbalanced Charge Distribution as a Determinant for Dependence of a Subset of Escherichia coli Membrane Proteins on the Membrane Insertase YidC

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    Membrane proteins are involved in numerous essential cell processes, including transport, gene regulation, motility, and metabolism. To function properly, they must be inserted into the membrane and folded correctly. YidC, an essential protein in Escherichia coli with homologues in other bacteria, Archaea, mitochondria, and chloroplasts, functions by incompletely understood mechanisms in the insertion and folding of certain membrane proteins. Using a genome-scale approach, we identified 69 E. coli membrane proteins that, in the absence of YidC, exhibited aberrant localization by microscopy. Further examination of a subset revealed biochemical defects in membrane insertion in the absence of YidC, indicating their dependence on YidC for proper membrane insertion or folding. Membrane proteins possessing an unfavorable distribution of positively charged residues were significantly more likely to depend on YidC for membrane insertion. Correcting the charge distribution of a charge-unbalanced YidC-dependent membrane protein abrogated its requirement for YidC, while perturbing the charge distribution of a charge-balanced YidC-independent membrane protein rendered it YidC dependent, demonstrating that charge distribution can be a necessary and sufficient determinant of YidC dependence. These findings provide insights into a mechanism by which YidC promotes proper membrane protein biogenesis and suggest a critical function of YidC in all organisms and organelles that express it

    FcÎłR-mediated SARS-CoV-2 infection of monocytes activates inflammation

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    SARS-CoV-2 can cause acute respiratory distress and death in some patients1. Although severe COVID-19 disease is linked to exuberant inflammation, how SARS-CoV-2 triggers inflammation is not understood2. Monocytes and macrophages are sentinel cells that sense invasive infection to form inflammasomes that activate caspase-1 and gasdermin D (GSDMD), leading to inflammatory death (pyroptosis) and release of potent inflammatory mediators3. Here we show that about 6% of blood monocytes in COVID-19 patients are infected with SARS-CoV-2. Monocyte infection depends on uptake of antibody-opsonized virus by FcÎł receptors. Vaccine recipient plasma does not promote antibody-dependent monocyte infection. SARS-CoV-2 begins to replicate in monocytes, but infection is aborted, and infectious virus is not detected in infected monocyte culture supernatants. Instead, infected cells undergo inflammatory cell death (pyroptosis) mediated by activation of NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes, caspase-1 and GSDMD. Moreover, tissue-resident macrophages, but not infected epithelial and endothelial cells, from COVID-19 lung autopsies have activated inflammasomes. These findings taken together suggest that antibody-mediated SARS-CoV-2 uptake by monocytes/macrophages triggers inflammatory cell death that aborts production of infectious virus but causes systemic inflammation that contributes to COVID-19 pathogenesis

    Risk factors for unintentional poisoning in children aged 1–3 years in NSW Australia: a case–control study

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    BACKGROUND: Unintentional poisoning in young children is an important public health issue. Age pattern studies have demonstrated that children aged 1–3 years have the highest levels of poisoning risk among children aged 0–4 years, yet little research has been conducted regarding risk factors specific to this three-year age group and the methodologies employed varied greatly. The purpose of the current study is to investigate a broad range of potential risk factors for unintentional poisoning in children aged 1–3 years using appropriate methodologies. METHODS: Four groups of children, one case group (children who had experienced a poisoning event) and three control groups (children who had been ‘injured’, ‘sick’ or who were ‘healthy’), and their mothers (mother-child dyads) were enrolled into a case–control study. All mother-child dyads participated in a 1.5-hour child developmental screening and observation, with mothers responding to a series of questionnaires at home. Data were analysed as three case–control pairs with multivariate analyses used to control for age and sex differences between child cases and controls. RESULTS: Five risk factors were included in the final multivariate models for one or more case–control pairs. All three models found that children whose mothers used more positive control in their interactions during a structured task had higher odds of poisoning. Two models showed that maternal psychiatric distress increased poisoning risk (poisoning-injury and poisoning-healthy). Individual models identified the following variables as risk factors: less proximal maternal supervision during risk taking activities (poisoning-injury), medicinal substances stored in more accessible locations in bathrooms (poisoning-sick) and lower total parenting stress (poisoning-healthy). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study indicate that the nature of the caregiver-child relationship and caregiver attributes play an important role in influencing poisoning risk. Further research is warranted to explore the link between caregiver-child relationships and unintentional poisoning risk. Caregiver education should focus on the benefits of close interaction with their child as a prevention measure

    Practical recipes for the model order reduction, dynamical simulation, and compressive sampling of large-scale open quantum systems

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    This article presents numerical recipes for simulating high-temperature and non-equilibrium quantum spin systems that are continuously measured and controlled. The notion of a spin system is broadly conceived, in order to encompass macroscopic test masses as the limiting case of large-j spins. The simulation technique has three stages: first the deliberate introduction of noise into the simulation, then the conversion of that noise into an equivalent continuous measurement and control process, and finally, projection of the trajectory onto a state-space manifold having reduced dimensionality and possessing a Kahler potential of multi-linear form. The resulting simulation formalism is used to construct a positive P-representation for the thermal density matrix. Single-spin detection by magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) is simulated, and the data statistics are shown to be those of a random telegraph signal with additive white noise. Larger-scale spin-dust models are simulated, having no spatial symmetry and no spatial ordering; the high-fidelity projection of numerically computed quantum trajectories onto low-dimensionality Kahler state-space manifolds is demonstrated. The reconstruction of quantum trajectories from sparse random projections is demonstrated, the onset of Donoho-Stodden breakdown at the Candes-Tao sparsity limit is observed, a deterministic construction for sampling matrices is given, and methods for quantum state optimization by Dantzig selection are given.Comment: 104 pages, 13 figures, 2 table
