17 research outputs found

    Competing magnetic interactions in CeNi9-xCoxGe4

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    CeNi9Ge4 exhibits outstanding heavy fermion features with remarkable non-Fermi- liquid behavior which is mainly driven by single-ion effects. The substitution of Ni by Cu causes a reduction of both, the RKKY coupling and Kondo interaction, coming along with a dramatic change of the crystal field (CF) splitting. Thereby a quasi-quartet ground state observed in CeNi9Ge4 reduces to a two-fold degenerate one in CeNi8CuGe4. This leads to a modiffcation of the effective spin degeneracy of the Kondo lattice ground state and to the appearance of antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. To obtain a better understanding of consequences resulting from a reduction of the effective spin degeneracy, we stepwise replaced Ni by Co. Thereby an increase of the Kondo and RKKY interactions through the reduction of the effective d-electron count is expected. Accordingly, a paramagnetic Fermi liquid ground state should arise. Our experimental studies, however, reveal AFM order already for small Co concentrations, which becomes even more pronounced with increasing Co content x. Thereby the modiffcation of the effective spin degeneracy seems to play a crucial role in this system

    Antiferromagnetic behavior in CeCo9_{9}Ge4_{4}

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    We investigate the novel intermetallic ternary compounds \emph{R}Co9_{9}Ge4_{4} with \emph{R} = La and Ce by means of XX-ray diffraction, susceptibility and specific heat measurements. CeCo9_{9}Ge4_{4} crystallizes in the space group I{I} 4/ mcm{mcm} and is characterized by the coexistence of two different magnetic sublattices. The Ce-based sublattice, with an effective moment close to the expected value for a Ce3+^{3+}-ion, exhibits a magnetically ordered ground state with TN=12.5T_{\mathrm{N}}=12.5 K. The Co-based sublattice, however, exhibits magnetic moments due to itinerant 3dd electrons. The magnetic specific heat contribution of the Ce-sublattice is discussed in terms of a resonance-level model implying the interplay between an antiferromagnetic phase transition and the Kondo-effect and an underlying Schottky-anomaly indicating a crystal field level scheme splitting into three twofold degenerated micro states (Δ1=69\Delta_1 = 69 K, Δ2=133\Delta_2 = 133 K).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference SCES0

    Evolution of Quantum Criticality in CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4

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    Crystal structure, specific heat, thermal expansion, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity studies of the heavy fermion system CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 (0 <= x <= 1) reveal a continuous tuning of the ground state by Ni/Cu substitution from an effectively fourfold degenerate non-magnetic Kondo ground state of CeNi_9Ge_4 (with pronounced non-Fermi-liquid features) towards a magnetically ordered, effectively twofold degenerate ground state in CeNi_8CuGe_4 with T_N = 175 +- 5 mK. Quantum critical behavior, C/T ~ \chi ~ -ln(T), is observed for x about 0.4. Hitherto, CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 represents the first system where a substitution-driven quantum phase transition is connected not only with changes of the relative strength of Kondo effect and RKKY interaction, but also with a reduction of the effective crystal field ground state degeneracy.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Crystal field studies on the heavy fermion compound CeNi8_8CuGe4_4

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    Substitution of nickel by copper in the heavy fermion system CeNi9x_{9-x}Cux_xGe4_4 alters the local crystal field environment of the Ce3+^{3+}-ions. This leads to a quantum phase transition near x0.4x\approx0.4, which is not only driven by the competition between Kondo effect and RKKY interaction, but also by a reduction of an effectively fourfold to a twofold degenerate crystal field ground state. To study the consequences of a changing crystal field in CeNi8_8CuGe4_4 on its Kondo properties, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments were performed. Two well-defined crystal field transitions were observed in the energy-loss spectra at 4 K. The crystal field level scheme determined by neutron spectroscopy is compared with results from specific heat measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference SCES0

    Evolution of quantum criticality in the system CeNi9Ge4

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    The heavy fermion system CeNi9Ge4 exhibits a paramagnetic ground state with remarkable features such as: a record value of the electronic specific heat coefficient in systems with a paramagnetic ground state, \gamma = C/T \simeq 5.5 J/molK^2 at 80 mK, a temperature-dependent Sommerfeld-Wilson ratio, R=\chi/\gamma, below 1 K and an approximate single ion scaling of the 4f-magnetic specific heat and susceptibility. These features are related to a rather small Kondo energy scale of a few Kelvin in combination with a quasi-quartet crystal field ground state. Tuning the system towards long range magnetic order is accomplished by replacing a few at.% of Ni by Cu or Co. Specific heat, susceptibility and resistivity studies reveal T_N \sim 0.2 K for CeNi8CuGe4 and T_N \sim 1 K for CeNi8CoGe4. To gain insight whether the transition from the paramagnetic NFL state to the magnetically ordered ground state is connected with a heavy fermion quantum critical point we performed specific heat and ac susceptibility studies and utilized the \mu SR technique and quasi-elastic neutron scattering.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, will be published in J.Phys.: Conf. Series (Proceedings of the International & Interdisciplinary Workshop on Novel Phenomena in Intergrated Comples Sciences: From Living to Non-living Systems, Japan, held in Kyoto, October 11-14, 2010

    Crystal field studies on the heavy fermion compound CeNi₈CuGe₄

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    Substitution of nickel by copper in the heavy fermion system CeNi₉₋ₓCuₓGe₄ alters the local crystal field environment of the Ce³⁺-ions. This leads to a quantum phase transition near x ≈ 0.4, which is not only driven by the competition between Kondo effect and RKKY interaction, but also by a reduction of an effectively fourfold to a twofold degenerate crystal field ground state. To study the consequences of a changing crystal field in CeNi₈CuGe₄ on its Kondo properties, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments were performed. Two well-defined crystal field transitions were observed in the energy-loss spectra at 4K. The crystal field level scheme determined by neutron spectroscopy is compared with results from specific heat measurements