27 research outputs found
Temporal variability of live (stained) benthic foraminiferal faunas in a river-dominated shelf – Faunal response to rapid changes of the river influence (Rhône prodelta, NW Mediterranean)
In the context of the French research project CHACCRA (Climate and Human-induced Alterations in Carbon Cycling at the River-seA connection), living (rose Bengal-stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated at two stations (24 and 67 m depth) in the Rhône prodelta (NW Mediterranean, Gulf of Lions). The aim of this study was to precise the response of benthic foraminiferal faunas to temporal changes of the Rhône River inputs (e.g. organic and terrigeneous material). Each site was sampled in April 2007, September 2007, May 2008 and December 2008, permitting to observe foraminiferal faunas of the 63–150 and >150 μm size fractions under a wide range of environmental conditions. Obvious variations in foraminiferal faunal composition were observed during the four investigated periods at the shallowest Station A located in the close vicinity of the Rhône River mouth. After major Rhône River flood events, different colonisation stages were observed with foraminiferal faunas responding with an opportunistic strategy few days to weeks after the creation of a peculiar sedimentary environment (<i>Leptohalysis scottii</i>, May 2008) or high organic matter supplies (<i>Ammonia tepida</i>, December 2008). Under more stable conditions, relatively diverse and equilibrated faunas grew in the sediments. Species benefited from noticeable input of riverine phytodetritus to the sediment during spring bloom conditions (April 2007; e.g. <i>Bolivina dilatata</i>, <i>Nonionella stella</i>, <i>Stainforthia fusiformis</i>), or high amounts of still bio-available organic matter under more oligotrophic conditions (September 2007; e.g. <i>Ammonia tepida</i>, <i>Psammosphaera fusca</i>). The reduced influence of the Rhône River input at the farther Station N led to less contrasted environmental conditions during the four sampling periods, and so to less obvious variations in foraminiferal faunal composition. During reduced riverine influence (i.e. low Rhône discharge), species able to feed on fresh phytodetritus (e.g. <i>Clavulina cylindrica</i>, <i>Hopkinsina atlantica</i>, <i>Nonionella iridea</i> and <i>Nonionella turgida</i>) benefited from eutrophic conditions of the spring bloom (April 2007, May 2008). Conversely, the occurrence of <i>Nouria polymorphinoides</i> under oligotrophic conditions (September 2007, December 2008) was indicative of a benthic environment potentially disturbed by bottom currents. This study put into evidence the extremely rapid response of benthic foraminiferal faunas to strong variations in environmental conditions mostly induced by the Rhône dynamics
Live–dead comparison of benthic foraminiferal faunas from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean): Development of a proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Dead benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 150 μm) from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean) were analysed at 41 stations (15–100 m water depth) sampled in June 2005 and September 2006, and compared to the living faunas investigated during previous studies at the same stations. The comparison between dead and living assemblages enhances the understanding of taphonomic processes that may modify the composition of the dead faunas in this area. We observed a loss of individuals from living to dead assemblages of species characterised by a fairly fragile test and therefore more prone to fragmentation or dissolution (e.g., Bolivina alata, Quinqueloculina tenuicollis). Allochthonous dead and/or live specimens may be transported to some parts of the prodelta, particularly the shallowest sites where hydrodynamic processes (i.e., river flood, storm swells, longshore currents) are more intense. These specimens may originate from relict deltaic structures (e.g., Elphidium spp. from the lobe of Bras de Fer) or from surrounding areas (e.g., Ammonia beccarii forma beccarii from the river). Opportunistic species (e.g., Bulimina marginata, Cassidulina carinata) characterised by high reproductive rates have much higher relative abundances in the dead than in the living fauna. Cluster analyses based on dead foraminiferal assemblages divide our study area into four main thanatofacies directly related to distinct local environmental conditions prevailing in the prodelta. Close to the river mouth, Ammonia beccarii forma beccarii and Ammonia tepida are found in sediments subject to a high riverine influence (i.e., bottom currents, high organic and inorganic material input of continental origin). Elphidium species are abundant in the silty-sandy relict deltaic lobe west of the river mouth which is characterised by strong longshore currents that disturb the benthic environment. Nonion fabum, Rectuvigerina phlegeri and Valvulineria bradyana are found along the coast west of the Rhône River mouth, in the area defined as the “river plume” thanatofacies. In the more stable and deeper prodeltaic area, species known to feed on fresh phytodetritus (e.g., Bulimina aculeata/marginata, C. carinata, Hyalinea balthica) dominate the faunas. Since only minor variations in species relative abundances and spatial distributional patterns are observed between the living and the dead faunas, we consider that our thanatofacies have not been influenced by substantial transport of dead tests. This suggests that fossil benthic foraminifera can provide a reliable tool for investigating the development of the palaeo-Rhône prodelta
Historical evolution and extreme climate events during the last 400years on the Rhone prodelta (NW Mediterranean)
International audienceThe Rhone River is the most important source of freshwater and sediment to the western Mediterranean Sea. Deltaic lobes and littoral prisms compose the sedimentary units that make up the whole "Rhone subaqueous delta", which reaches up to 50m in thickness. Individual lobes, that accompanied the retreat of the Rhone during sea-level rise, and the subsequent westward then eastward shift of the main outlet, display averaged sedimentation rates in excess of 1cmyr-1, containing both continental and marine material. During the industrial period, most of the river flow was delivered through the Pégoulier and Roustan distributary channels, which evolved under human influence. Within the prodeltas associated to these distributaries, very expanded sedimentation rates (andgt;10cmyr-1), allow the documentation of historical extreme climate events.A 7.71. m long piston core (RHS-KS57) was retrieved from the distal prodelta (79. m water depth). A multi-proxy study was carried out, using microfossil assemblages (ostracods, benthic foraminifera and coccoliths) in combination with sedimentological and geochemical proxies. Our results show that (1) Four different intervals (I-IV, spanning a time-range comprised between ~. 1600. AD and Present-day) have been differentiated from this multi-proxy analysis. They correspond to a different position of distributary channels. Each interval correlates with the different phases of channel avulsion, induced by climate events or by human activity. (2) The signature of extreme floods, that can be identified by the punctuated occurrence of freshwater (continental) ostracods (e.g. Candona spp., Ilyocypris sp.) correlating with increases in grain-size and/or organic carbon content. They correspond to decadal-scale increased runoffs reported in historical archives. Our study demonstrates the relevance of benthic microfossil studies for reconstructing paleoenvironmental changes in transitional (marine/continental) settings. © 2012 Elsevier B.V
Live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean): Environmental controls on a river-dominated shelf
International audienc