30 research outputs found

    P53\u27s Choice of Myocardial Death or Survival: Oxygen Protects Infarct Myocardium by Recruiting P53 on NOS3 Promoter through Regulation of P53-Lys118 Acetylation

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    Myocardial infarction, an irreversible cardiac tissue damage, involves progressive loss of cardiomyocytes due to p53-mediated apoptosis. Oxygenation is known to promote cardiac survival through activation of NOS3 gene. We hypothesized a dual role for p53, which, depending on oxygenation, can elicit apoptotic death signals or NOS3-mediated survival signals in the infarct heart. p53 exhibited a differential DNA-binding, namely, BAX-p53RE in the infarct heart or NOS3-p53RE in the oxygenated heart, which was regulated by oxygen-induced, post- translational modification of p53. In the infarct heart, p53 was heavily acetylated at Lys118 residue, which was exclusively reversed in the oxygenated heart, apparently regulated by oxygen-dependent expression of TIP60. The inhibition of Lys118 acetylation promoted the generation of NOS3-promoting prosurvival form of p53. Thus, oxygenation switches p53-DNA interaction by regulating p53 core- domain acetylation, promoting a prosurvival transcription activity of p53. Understanding this novel oxygen-p53 survival pathway will open new avenues in cardioprotection molecular therapy

    Cell competition and tumor heterogeneity

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    Cancers exhibit a remarkable degree of intratumoral heterogeneity (ITH), which results from complex cellular interactions amongst various cell types. This phenomenon provides an opportunity for clonal selection and growth advantages to aggressive cancer cell types, resulting in worse prognosis and challenges to anti-cancer therapy. Cell competition is a conserved mechanism operational in cellular and organ systems, which allows neighboring cells to compare their relative fitness levels and results in the elimination of viable but suboptimal cells. By abuse of this conserved homeostasis mechanism, aggressive cancer cell types gain an advantage over normal cell types by achieving traits like increased proliferation, de-differentiation, and stemness. This review presents recent evidence that cell competition mechanisms actively participate in the regulation of intratumoral cell-cell interactions and thus contribute to ITH, and this process is essential for cancer development and progression

    Molecular Classification of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Using NanoString-Based Gene Expression Analysis

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    Molecular classification of bladder carcinoma is a relevant topic in modern bladder cancer oncology due to its potential to improve oncological outcomes. The available molecular classifications are generally based on transcriptomic profiles, generating highly diverse categories with limited correlation. Implementation of molecular classification in practice is typically limited due to the high complexity of the required technology, the elevated costs, and the limited availability of this technology worldwide. We have conducted a gene expression analysis using a four-gene panel related to luminal and basal subtypes in a series of 91 bladder cancer cases. NanoString-based gene expression analysis using typically luminal (GATA3+/KRT20+) and basal markers (KRT14+/KRT5+/GATA3low/-/KRT20low/-) classified urothelial bladder carcinoma samples as luminal, basal, and a third category (KRT14-/KRT5-/GATA3-/KRT20-), null/double negative (non-luminal/non-basal). These three categories were meaningful in terms of overall cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001) or when classified as conventional urothelial carcinoma and variant histology urothelial carcinoma (p < 0.0001), NMIBC vs. MIBC (p < 0.001), or by AJCC stage category Ta (p = 0.0012) and T1 (p < 0.0001) but did not reach significance in T2-T4 (p = 0.563). PD-L1 expression (low vs. high) was also different according to molecular subtype, with high PD-L1 expression mostly seen in basal and null subtypes and carcinomas with variant histology (p = 0.002). Additionally, the luminal subtype was enriched in NMIBC with favorable cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001). In contrast, basal and null subtypes resulted in aggressive MIBC tumors with shorter cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001), some of which presented variant histology. In conclusion, a comprehensive evaluation of a gene classifier related to molecular taxonomy using NanoString technology is feasible. Therefore, it might represent an accessible and affordable tool in this rapidly expanding area of precision genomics

    Cell Competition Boosts Clonal Evolution and Hypoxic Selection in Cancer

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    The comparison of fitness between cells leads to the elimination of less competent cells in the presence of more competent neighbors via cell competition (CC). This phenomenon has been linked with several cancer-related genes and thus may play an important role in cancer. Various processes are involved in the regulation of tumor initiation and growth, including tumor hypoxia, clonal stem cell selection, and immune cell response, all of which have been recently shown to have a potential connection with the mechanisms involved in CC. This review aims to unravel the relation between these processes and competitive cell interactions and how this affects disease progression

    Oxygen regulates molecular mechanisms of cancer progression and metastasis

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    Oxygen is the basic molecule which supports life and it truly is "god's gift to life.” Despite its immense importance, research on "oxygen biology” has never received the light of the day and has been limited to physiological and biochemical studies. It seems that in modern day biology, oxygen research is summarized in one word "hypoxia.” Scientists have focused on hypoxia-induced transcriptomics and molecular-cellular alterations exclusively in disease models. Interestingly, the potential of oxygen to control the basic principles of biology like homeostatic maintenance, transcription, replication, and protein folding among many others, at the molecular level, has been completely ignored. Here, we present a perspective on the crucial role played by oxygen in regulation of basic biological phenomena. Our conclusion highlights the importance of establishing novel research areas like oxygen biology, as there is great potential in this field for basic science discoveries and clinical benefits to the society

    HIF-transcribed p53 chaperones HIF-1α

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    Chronic hypoxia is associated with a variety of physiological conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ischemia/reperfusion injury, stroke, diabetic vasculopathy, epilepsy and cancer. At the molecular level, hypoxia manifests its effects via activation of HIF-dependent transcription. On the other hand, an important transcription factor p53, which controls a myriad of biological functions, is rendered transcriptionally inactive under hypoxic conditions. p53 and HIF-1α are known to share a mysterious relationship and play an ambiguous role in the regulation of hypoxia-induced cellular changes. Here we demonstrate a novel pathway where HIF-1α transcriptionally upregulates both WT and MT p53 by binding to five response elements in p53 promoter. In hypoxic cells, this HIF-1α-induced p53 is transcriptionally inefficient but is abundantly available for protein-protein interactions. Further, both WT and MT p53 proteins bind and chaperone HIF-1α to stabilize its binding at its downstream DNA response elements. This p53-induced chaperoning of HIF-1α increases synthesis of HIF-regulated genes and thus the efficiency of hypoxia-induced molecular changes. This basic biology finding has important implications not only in the design of anti-cancer strategies but also for other physiological conditions where hypoxia results in disease manifestation

    The curcumin analog HO-3867 selectively kills cancer cells by converting mutant p53 protein to transcriptionally active wildtype p53

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    p53 is an important tumor-suppressor protein that is mutated in more than 50% of cancers. Strategies for restoring normal p53 function are complicated by the oncogenic properties of mutant p53 and have not met with clinical success. To counteract mutant p53 activity, a variety of drugs with the potential to reconvert mutant p53 to an active wildtype form have been developed. However, these drugs are associated with various negative effects such as cellular toxicity, nonspecific binding to other proteins, and inability to induce a wildtype p53 response in cancer tissue. Here, we report on the effects of a curcumin analog, HO-3867, on p53 activity in cancer cells from different origins. We found that HO-3867 covalently binds to mutant p53, initiates a wildtype p53-like anticancer genetic response, is exclusively cytotoxic toward cancer cells, and exhibits high anticancer efficacy in tumor models. In conclusion, HO-3867 is a p53 mutant-reactivating drug with high clinical anticancer potential

    p53 Amino-Terminus Region (1–125) Stabilizes and Restores Heat Denatured p53 Wild Phenotype

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    BACKGROUND:The intrinsically disordered N-ter domain (NTD) of p53 encompasses approximately hundred amino acids that contain a transactivation domain (1-73) and a proline-rich domain (64-92) and is responsible for transactivation function and apoptosis. It also possesses an auto-inhibitory function as its removal results in remarkable reduction in dissociation of p53 from DNA. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/METHODOLOGY:In this report, we have discovered that p53-NTD spanning amino acid residues 1-125 (NTD125) interacted with WT p53 and stabilized its wild type conformation under physiological and elevated temperatures, both in vitro and in cellular systems. NTD125 prevented irreversible thermal aggregation of heat denatured p53, enhanced p21-5'-DBS binding and further restored DBS binding activity of heat-denatured p53, in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo ELISA and immunoprecipitation analysis of NTD125-transfected cells revealed that NTD125 shifted equilibrium from p53 mutant to wild type under heat stress conditions. Further, NTD125 initiated nuclear translocation of cytoplasmic p53 in transcriptionally active state in order to activate p53 downstream genes such as p21, Bax, PUMA, Noxa and SUMO. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Here, we showed that a novel chaperone-like activity resides in p53-N-ter region. This study might have significance in understanding the role of p53-NTD in p53 stabilization, conformational activation and apoptosis under heat-stress conditions

    IFI27 transcription is an early predictor for COVID-19 outcomes, a multi-cohort observational study

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    PurposeRobust biomarkers that predict disease outcomes amongst COVID-19 patients are necessary for both patient triage and resource prioritisation. Numerous candidate biomarkers have been proposed for COVID-19. However, at present, there is no consensus on the best diagnostic approach to predict outcomes in infected patients. Moreover, it is not clear whether such tools would apply to other potentially pandemic pathogens and therefore of use as stockpile for future pandemic preparedness.MethodsWe conducted a multi-cohort observational study to investigate the biology and the prognostic role of interferon alpha-inducible protein 27 (IFI27) in COVID-19 patients.ResultsWe show that IFI27 is expressed in the respiratory tract of COVID-19 patients and elevated IFI27 expression in the lower respiratory tract is associated with the presence of a high viral load. We further demonstrate that the systemic host response, as measured by blood IFI27 expression, is associated with COVID-19 infection. For clinical outcome prediction (e.g., respiratory failure), IFI27 expression displays a high sensitivity (0.95) and specificity (0.83), outperforming other known predictors of COVID-19 outcomes. Furthermore, IFI27 is upregulated in the blood of infected patients in response to other respiratory viruses. For example, in the pandemic H1N1/09 influenza virus infection, IFI27-like genes were highly upregulated in the blood samples of severely infected patients.ConclusionThese data suggest that prognostic biomarkers targeting the family of IFI27 genes could potentially supplement conventional diagnostic tools in future virus pandemics, independent of whether such pandemics are caused by a coronavirus, an influenza virus or another as yet-to-be discovered respiratory virus