1,420 research outputs found

    DeterminaĆ§Ć£o de nĆ­veis economicos de NPK na cultura da alface em MacapĆ”.

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    A produĆ§Ć£o de alface no AmapĆ” e insuficiente para atender a demanda local, aliado a esse fato, o abastecimento atravĆ©s de outros centros produtores e dificultado pela perecibilidade do produto e pelo isolamento geografico do estado. Com essa preocupaĆ§Ć£o, diversos genotipos de alface foram avaliados, ja possuindo-se no momento, resultados para sua recomendaĆ§Ć£o aos agricultores.bitstream/item/74279/1/AP-1998-niveis-economicos-npk.pd

    DeterminaĆ§Ć£o de adubaĆ§Ć£o N-P-K em tomateiros no AmapĆ”.

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    Cerca de 95% do tomate comercializado em MacapĆ” e proveniente de importaƧƵes de outras unidades da federaĆ§Ć£o. Apesar da pesquisa agropecuĆ”ria dispor de recomendaĆ§Ć£o de genotipos adaptados as condiƧƵes edafoclimaticas do estado, entraves de ordem tecnologica tem dificultado a expansĆ£o da tomaticultura no AmapĆ”.bitstream/item/97860/1/CPAF-AP-1998-Determinacao-adubacao.pd

    Fragmento de floresta de transiĆ§Ć£o na zona urbana do MunicĆ­pio de MacapĆ”: propostas de estudos e aproveitamento.

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    Modelling team performance in soccer using tactical features derived from position tracking data

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    Decision-makers in soccer routinely assess the tactical behaviour of a team and its opponents both during and after the game to optimize performance. Currently, this assessment is typically driven by notational analysis and observation. Therefore, potential high-impact decisions are often made based on limited or even biased information. With the current study, we aimed to quantitatively assess tactical performance by abstracting a set of spatiotemporal features from the general offensive principles of play in soccer using position tracking data, and to train a machine learning classifier to predict match outcome based on these features computed over the full game as well as only parts of the game. Based on the results of these analyses, we describe a proof of concept of a decision support system for coaches and managers. In an analysis of 302 professional Dutch Eredivisie matches, we were able to train a Linear Discriminant Analysis model to predict match outcome with fair to good (74.1%) accuracy with features computed over the full match, and 67.9% accuracy with features computed over only 1/4th of the match. We therefore conclude that using only position tracking data, we can provide valuable feedback to coaches about how their team is executing the various principles of play, and how these principles are contributing to overall performance

    Role of hydrogen in volatile behaviour of defects in SiO2-based electronic devices

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    Charge capture and emission by point defects in gate oxides of metalā€“oxideā€“semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) strongly affect reliability and performance of electronic devices. Recent advances in experimental techniques used for probing defect properties have led to new insights into their characteristics. In particular, these experimental data show a repeated dis- and reappearance (the so-called volatility) of the defect-related signals. We use multiscale modelling to explain the charge capture and emission as well as defect volatility in amorphous SiO2 gate dielectrics. We first briefly discuss the recent experimental results and use a multiphonon charge capture model to describe the charge-trapping behaviour of defects in silicon-based MOSFETs. We then link this model to ab initio calculations that investigate the three most promising defect candidates. Statistical distributions of defect characteristics obtained from ab initio calculations in amorphous SiO2 are compared with the experimentally measured statistical properties of charge traps. This allows us to suggest an atomistic mechanism to explain the experimentally observed volatile behaviour of defects. We conclude that the hydroxyl-Eā€² centre is a promising candidate to explain all the observed features, including defect volatility

    Linhagens eretas de feijĆ£o-caupi avaliadas no AmapĆ”: safra 2010/2011.

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    Power-and-area efficient 14-bit 1.5 MSample/s two-stage algorithmic ADC based on a mismatch-insensitive MDAC

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    IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 220 ā€“ 223, Seattle, EUAThis paper presents a 14-bit 1.5 MSample/s two-stage algorithmic ADC with a power-and-area efficiency better than 0.5 pJmm2 per conversion. This competes with the most efficient architectures available today namely, Ī£Ī” and self-calibrated pipeline. The 2 stages of the ADC are based on a new 1.5-bit mismatch-insensitive MDAC and simulations demonstrate that a THD of ā€“79 dB and an ENOB better than 12 bits can be reached without self-calibration
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