17 research outputs found

    Synopsis of the Subfamilies and Genera of the North American Cercopidae, with a Bibliographical and Synonymical Catalogue of the Described Species of North America

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    The characters recognized as of family value by Stal and most of the American students of this group are as follows : Front convex, or compresso-produced ; ocelli two, situated in the vertex, before the base. Thorax large, sexangular or trapezoidal. Scutellum small or* medium, triangular. Tegmina frequently coriaceous. Legs remote from sides of body, conforming to it ; coxae, especially the posterior, short ; tibiae smooth, posterior armed with one or two spines, apex with a crown of spinules.Ope

    Bibliographical and Synonymical Catalogue of the Described Membracidae of North America

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    The following catalogue is designed as an index to the literature of the Membracidae of North America, including Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. A few species have been seen that could not be referred to any known forms, and these are described in the following pages.Ope

    Novos gêneros e espécies de Hoplophorionini (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Membracinae) New genera and new species of Hoplophorionini (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Membracinae)

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    <abstract language="eng">Two new genera - Potnioides gen.n. and Sakakibarella gen.n. - and five new species are proposed: Potnioides corniculatus sp.n. (Peru, Cuzco), Sakakibarella seminigra sp.n. (Costa Rica, Turrialba), S. costaricensis sp.n. (Costa Rica, Heredia), S. elongaia sp.n. (Costa Rica, Alajuela) and S. maculata sp.n. (Colombia, Huila)

    Systematics and phylogeny of the Neotropical treehopper subfamily Nicomiinae (Hemiptera, Membracidae) Sistemática e filogenia das cigarrinhas neotropicais da subfamília Nicomiinae (Hemiptera, Membracidae)

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    Morphological characters of adults of the treehopper subfamily Nicomiinae Haupt, 1929 (Hemiptera, Membracidae) including seven genera (Eudonica gen. nov.; Euwalkeria Goding, 1926; Holdgatiella Evans, 1962; Nicomia Stål, 1858; Nodonica Dietrich, McKamey& Deitz, 2001; Stalomia gen. nov.; and Tolania Stål, 1858) and 22 species (16 new) are described and illustrated. Keys are provided for genera and for species of Euwalkeria, Holdgatiella, and Nicomia. Nomenclatural changes, based on study of the primary type material of 15 species, include three new combinations, one new synonymy, and reinstatement of one junior synonym. Eudonica has one species, Eudonica nanella sp. nov.; Euwalkeria has five species, including four new species: E. colorata sp. nov., E. distincta sp. nov., E. perdita sp. nov., E. rubrica sp. nov.; Holdgatiella has two species, one of which is described as new: Holdgatiella chiloensis sp. nov.; Nicomia has twelve species, nine of which are described as new: N. buccina sp. nov., N. harenosa sp. nov., N. inscripta sp. nov., N. jucunda sp. nov., N. monticola sp. nov., N. nigrifasciata sp. nov., N. notidana sp. nov., N. pulchella sp. nov., N. serrata sp. nov.; Nodonica has one species, Nodonica bispinigera Dietrich, McKamey & Deitz; and Stalomia has one species, Stalomia veruta sp. nov. Tolania contains eleven previously described species and nearly 60 new species, which will be treated in a later publication. Three new combinations are proposed: one species described in Nicomia is placed in the tribe Abelini (Centrotinae) as Abelus retrospinosus (Lethierry) comb. nov.; one species previously placed in Nicomia is transferred to the genus Tolania as T. obliqua (Walker, 1858), comb. nov.; one species described in Holdgatiella is placed in the genus Tolania as T. stria (Cryan & Deitz, 2002), comb. nov. One new synonymy is proposed: Hoplophera [sic] cicadoides Walker, 1862, syn. nov., a junior synonym of Nicomia interrupta Stål, 1858. Nicomia subfasciata Stål, 1858, is reinstated. The results of a phylogenetic analysis based on morphology are presented, illustrating the hypothesized relationships among species and genera of Nicomiinae. The analysis supports the broader concept of Nicomiinae proposed here. The monophyly of this group is supported by eleven characters, and all of the included genera are also monophyletic.<br>Caracteres morfológicos dos adultos das cigarrinhas da subfamília Nicomiinae Haupt, 1929 incluindo sete gêneros (Eudonica gen. nov.; Euwalkeria Goding, 1926; Holdgatiella Evans, 1962; Nicomia Stål, 1858; Nodonica Dietrich, McKamey& Deitz, 2001; Stalomia gen. nov. e Tolania Stål, 1858), e 22 espécies (16 espécies novas) são descritos e ilustrados. Chaves taxônomicas para identificação de gêneros e espécies de Euwalkeria, Holdgatiella e Nicomia são fornecidas. Mudanças nomenclaturais, baseadas no estudo de material-tipo primário de 15 espécies, incluem três combinações novas, uma nova sinonímia e revalidação de um sinônimo-júnior. Eudonica inclui uma espécie nova, Eudonica nanella sp. nov.; Euwalkeria inclui cinco espécies, sendo quatro novas: E. colorata sp. nov., E. distincta sp. nov., E. perdita sp. nov. e E. rubrica sp. nov.; Holdgatiella inclui duas espécies, sendo uma nova: Holdgatiella chiloensis sp. nov.; Nicomia inclui 12 espécies, sendo nove novas: N. buccina sp. nov., N. harenosa sp. nov., N. inscripta sp. nov., N. jucunda sp. nov., N. monticola sp. nov., N. nigrifasciata sp. nov., N. notidana sp. nov., N. pulchella sp. nov. e N. serrata sp. nov.; Nodonica inclui uma espécie, Nodonica bispinigera Dietrich, McKamey & Deitz e Stalomia inclui uma espécie nova, Stalomia veruta sp. nov. Tolania inclui 11 espécies previamente descritas e aproximadamente 60 espécies novas, as quais serão tratadas posteriormente em outra publicação. Três combinações novas são propostas: Abelus retrospinosus (Lethierry) comb. nov., previamente em Nicomia, é transferida para a tribo Abelini (Centrotinae); Tolania obliqua (Walker, 1858) comb. nov., previamente em Nicomia; e Tolania stria (Cryan & Deitz, 2002) comb. nov., previamente em Holdgatiella. Uma nova sinonímia é proposta: Hoplophera [sic] cicadoides Walker, 1862 é considerada um sinônimo junior de Nicomia interrupta Stål, 1858. A espécie Nicomia subfasciata Stål, 1858 é revalidada. Os resultados de uma análise filogenética baseada em caracteres morfológicos são apresentados, ilustrando as possíveis relações entre gêneros e espécies de Nicomiinae. A análise suporta o conceito proposto mais amplo de Nicomiinae. O monofiletismo da subfamília é suportado por 11 caracteres e todos os gêneros incluídos são também recuperados como monofiléticos

    Revis\ue3o de Alchisme Kirkaldy (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Membracinae, Hoplophorionini)

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    <abstract language="eng">Thirty four (34) species of Alchisme Kirkaldy, 1904 are presented with descriptions, illustrations, and key for identification, except for two of them which were not seen, A. truncaticornis (Germar, 1835) and A. intermedia (Distant, 1881). The following nomenclatural changes are introduced: Achisme intermedia (Distant, 1881), sp. rev.; A. testacea (Fairmaire, 1846), sp. rev.; Alchisme apicalis (Walker, 1851) = A. costaricensis Goding, 1929, syn.n.; A. inermis (Fairmaire, 1846) = Triquetra nigrocarinala Fairmaire, 1846, syn.n.; A. rubrocostata (Spinola, 1852) = A. neuquina Remes-Lenicov, 1978, syn.n.; A. turrita (Germar, 1835) = Triquetra submaculata Buckton, 1901, syn.n.; A. ustulata (Fairmaire, 1846) = Triquetra virgata Fairmaire, 1846, syn.n.; A. virescens (Fairmaire, 1846) = Alchisme spinosa Funkhouser, 1940, syn.n.; Alchisme banosiensis sp.n. (from Ecuador); A. bordoni sp.n. (from Venezuela); A. colombiana sp.n. (from Colombia); A. salta sp.n. (from Argentina); A. cultellata sp.n. (from Venezuela); A. deflexa sp.n. (from Venezuela); A. erecta sp.n. (from Venezuela); A. frontomaculata sp.n. (from Brazil); A. goiana sp.n. (from Brazil); A. henryi sp.n. (from Venezuela); A. insolita sp.n. (from Colombia); A. mackameyi sp.n. (from Ecuador); A. onorei sp.n. (from Ecuador); A. schuhi sp.n. (from Peru)