16 research outputs found

    Sorption of 137Cs^{137}Cs and Pb on sediment samples from a drinking water reservoir

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    This study focused on 137Cs and Pb accumulation in sediments from the Dobczyce Reservoir in southern Poland. Elements’ spatial distribution as well as their distribution in sediment core samples were analyzed. The conditions of cesium and lead desorption were also investigated. The distribution coefficient for 137Cs (KCs) was obtained using a radiometric determination in combination with static ion-exchange chromatography. Determination of the distribution coefficient for Pb (KPb) was performed by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (electrothermal technique). The experiments were carried out considering various concentrations of potassium and calcium ions (from 5·10-3 to 10-5 mol·dm-3 by addition of KNO3 and Ca(NO3)2, respectively). It was found that: a) spatial distribution of anthropogenic 137Cs and Pb in the sediments of the Dobczyce Reservoir results mainly from hydrological conditions of the sedimentation process and, on the other hand, from the sorptive properties of the deposited material b) in the case of 137Cs sorption, a pronounced competitive effect was noted for K ions; much less effect was found for Ca. On the contrary, in the case of lead such a competitive effect was visible for Ca, much less for K. The conditions of 137Cs desorption from the sediments caused by K and Ca ions present in water were estimated

    Concentrations of ^{137}Cs and ^{40}K radionuclides and some heavy metals in soil samples from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of the Flysch Carpathians

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    The aim of the study is to present the results of determination of radioactivity of artificial ^{137}Cs and natural ^{40}K and certain heavy metals in soil samples collected from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of Carpathians, including the Beskid Niski Mts and the Bieszczady Mts. The evaluation of level of radionuclides was based on the bulk density analysis of the soil. A valuable finding of the study was a good linear correlation between the level of ^{137}Cs concentration and bulk density of the soil as well as an inverse correlation between radioactivity of natural ^{40}K and tested soil density. This might indicate though a high competitiveness of these elements between each other. Moreover, a good correlation between the concentrations of artificial element ^{137}Cs and Pb has been also observed in soil samples collected from the Beskid Niski Mts. In most cases, the level of artificial ^{137}Cs was lower comparing to an average ^{137}Cs concentration established for soils in Poland

    Radionuclides ^{137}Cs and ^{40}K in the soils of the Tatra National Park (TPN, Poland)

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    The paper presents the results of radioactivity determination of artificial 137Cs and natural 40K in soil samples taken from the Tatra Mountains in Poland (Tatra National Park – TPN). Soil samples were collected as the cores of 10 cm in diameter and 10 cm in depth. These cores were divided into 3 slices. It has been found that the content of 137Cs was the highest at the sites of the altitude over 1300 m a.s.l. The values of 137Cs concentration in the soils examined varied – from 55.8 Bqźkg–1 (dry mass) (417.8 Bqźm–2) for the Tomanowa Pass (1685 m a.s.l.) to 5111 Bqźkg–1 (dry mass) (8400 Bqźm–2) for the Krzyzne Pass (2112 m a.s.l.). In most cases, the values were lower than the average radiocaesium concentration established for Poland

    Level and relationship of elements in scalp hair of males : effect of air pollution and smoking habits

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    Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl and Zn were analyzed by ICP-MS in the scalp hair of male subjects from an urban area, three different quarters of Krakow, Poland, and from a rural area as control, which were assumed to differ in ambient pollution by metals. A questionnaire on personal data, nutritional habits, socioeconomic, occupation and health status was completed by the subjects. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the levels of Cd, Cu, Mn and Ni between the locations. Using statistical methods of principal components analysis, the relationships were found between metals in the scalp hair as follows: Mn-Ni, Cr-Tl and Cd-Pb. Two separated clusters of smokers were revealed in the principal components, space suggesting other factors like environmental contamination could confound the values of parameters and relationships between them

    Carbonaceous species in atmospheric aerosols from the Krakow area (Malopolska District): carbonaceous species dry deposition analysis

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    Organic and elemental carbon content in PM10 was studied at three sites in Malopolska District representing the city centre (Krakow), rural/residential (Bialka) and residential/industrial environments (Krakow). The PM10 samples were collected during the winter time study. The highest concentrations of carbonaceous species were observed in Skawina (36.9 μg·m-3 of OC and 9.6 μg·m-3 of EC). The lowest OC and EC concentrations were reported in Krakow (15.2 μg·m-3 and 3.9 μg·m-3, respectively. The highest concentration of carbonaceous species and the highest wind velocities in Skawina influenced the highest values of the dry deposition fluxes. Correlations between OC, EC and chemical constituents and meteorological parameters suggest that a) Krakow was influenced by local emission sources and temperature inversion occurrence; b) Bialka was under the influence of local emission sources and long-range transport of particles; c) Skawina was impacted by local emission sources

    Carbonaceous species in atmospheric aerosols from the Krakow area (Malopolska District): carbonaceous species dry deposition analysis

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    Organic and elemental carbon content in PM10 was studied at three sites in Malopolska District representing the city centre (Krakow), rural/residential (Bialka) and residential/industrial environments (Krakow). The PM10 samples were collected during the winter time study. The highest concentrations of carbonaceous species were observed in Skawina (36.9 μg·m-3 of OC and 9.6 μg·m-3 of EC). The lowest OC and EC concentrations were reported in Krakow (15.2 μg·m-3 and 3.9 μg·m-3, respectively. The highest concentration of carbonaceous species and the highest wind velocities in Skawina influenced the highest values of the dry deposition fluxes. Correlations between OC, EC and chemical constituents and meteorological parameters suggest that a) Krakow was influenced by local emission sources and temperature inversion occurrence; b) Bialka was under the influence of local emission sources and long-range transport of particles; c) Skawina was impacted by local emission sources

    Analysis of Micro-Contaminants in Solid Particles from Direct Injection Gasoline Vehicles

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    Exhaust emissions from vehicles are the subject of numerous studies and legal acts. In the European Union, exhaust emissions are regulated by &ldquo;Euro&rdquo; emission standards, which limit emissions of gaseous pollutants such as CO, CO2, HC, and NOx, as well as the particulate matter (PM) and particle number (PN). Solid particles consist of a number of micro-contaminants, inter alia polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their nitrated and oxygenated derivatives. Despite their highly mutagenic and carcinogenic character, these micro-contaminants are not regulated in Euro emissions standards. This paper presents both a general discussion of the phenomenon of particulate formation in and emission from direct injection gasoline engines, as well as a wide range of results on the subject. The subject of the micro-contaminants in solid particles from modern gasoline vehicles is explored. The samples of solid particles were collected from 11 groups of vehicles according to the WLTP test methodology. Solid particles from gasoline vehicles were analyzed via various analytical techniques, including ion chromatography (IC) to measure selected anion concentrations, gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) to study 16 PAHs and selected PAH derivatives, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) for images and elemental composition, and microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AES) for qualitative screening analysis of 19 elements. The study of non-regulated compounds is crucial in efforts to establish the influence of solid particles on health and the environment. Furthermore, extended studies can provide a basis for further research on vehicle emissions or other fields, such as medicine or material engineering

    Off-grid photovoltaic systems as a solution for the ambient pollution avoidance and Iraq’s rural areas electrification

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    The growing demand for local pollution free renewable energy sources in the world considered the solar energy as a one of the important renewable energy technologies and becomes dominant to the renewable energy source being exploited. The paper presents a unique approach to study and analysis off-grid photovoltaic (PV) system in order to provide the required energy for a one fold household in Diyala State, Iraq as well as the CO2 emissions and life cycle (LCC) and economical aspect was considered. The results of the study by depending on site metrological data shows that the unit of electrical cost of (1 kWh) about ($0.51) and this value is not expensive compared to the current unit cost of electricity and becomes effect and encouraged the use the PV system to electrify the rare sites. The average of CO2 emissions get avoidance about 1840 kg/year compared with conventional fuels used in Iraq to generate electricity