829 research outputs found

    Yoga heritage in Brazil: History and culture in the Development of a Brazilian Yoga

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    This article contains a brief analysis of the trajectory of Yoga within the Brazilian cultural universe – a context in which the ancient practice developed in India starts to create new identities. Yoga tradition has acquired its own features in Brazil due to peculiarities of our cultural heritage. Although many Brazilian teachers insist on the need to value certain practices because of their purity”, originality and fidelity to Indian tradition , we consider the reverse process to be more important from a historical point of view: the constitution of a Brazilian Yoga which is the result of a particular interpretation of Indian Yoga tradition in Brazil based on our historical specificities. It is precisely the sum of these specificities – which, since the beginning of our colonization, acted in the shaping our bodies, our beliefs and the way we relate to the world – that will be analyzed in our article. Our central argument will be that through the lenses of some constitutive elements of Brazilian identity, Yoga has been, since the mid-twentieth century, “reinvented” by Brazilian culture. We consider Brazilian Yoga to be a rich product of our socio-cultural context, being also a contribution to the story of an ancient Indian tradition that is still alive and which is continuously reinvented by many cultures around the globe. Throughout the text, we will approach some questions related to this topic: is it possible to identify, in Brazil, a relationship with spirituality and the body that could be considered distinct from the one developed in the United States, territory where Yoga first landed in the West? Which elements of our nationality would actually be relevant to understand whether corporeality is linked to a Brazilian spirituality? How do these elements relate to the construction process of Brazilian Yoga? In order to provide input for these considerations, we will start with a discussion of the arrival of Yoga in the West, and then proceed to observe how this process occurred in Brazil

    Sperimentazione degli RFID nel campo del vivaismo viticolo come strumento per la tracciabilità e la certificazione

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    ABSTRACT In tempi recenti, la necessità di conoscere approfonditamente le origini e le proprietà degli alimenti o delle piante si sta facendo più pressante in conseguenza alle richieste, da parte dei consumatori, di prodotti in grado di offrire elevate garanzie di qualità e sicurezza. Attualmente, la tracciabilità delle piante può essere supportata da soluzioni che si rifanno all’Information Technology (IT) e che possono rientrane nell’ambito delle buone pratiche in agricoltura. La rivoluzione dell’IT, esemplificata da Internet, ha reso l’identificazione degli oggetti di semplice esecuzione, facendo si che essi siano rintracciabili nel labirinto delle filiere agroalimentari, anche grazie all’impiego di etichette elettroniche (microchip o tag). Tra esse, le soluzioni basate sulle radiofrequenze (Radio Frequency IDentification, RFID) possono rappresentare uno strumento affidabile per il riconoscimento delle piante protette da diritti o soggette a specifiche regolamentazioni, in quanto questo tipo di tag non può essere contraffatto ed è inseribile anche all’interno di tessuti organici. Nel presente lavoro sono stati valutati metodi per l’identificazione elettronica (tagging) del materiale di propagazione viticolo, basati sull’introduzione di microchip nella pianta, con l’obiettivo di non inficiarne le performance produttive e qualitative. In riferimento alla potenza del segnale RFID, sono state impiegate strumentazioni a frequenza bassa (Low Frequency, LF) o ultra-alta (Ultra High Frequency, UHF). Le indagini hanno riguardato la stima dell’accuratezza degli apparecchi di lettura LF in viti di 1, 3 e 7 anni, confermandone l’affidabilità, seppure individuando soluzioni diversamente performanti. Infatti, le dimensioni dell’antenna delle etichette e la potenza del segnale rappresentano fattori limitanti per la trasmissione dell’onda verso le viti più vecchie e, quindi, con maggior diametro del tronco. Per quanto concerne i sistemi UHF, sono state sperimentate tre procedure d’impianto dei tag. Queste non hanno compromesso la vitalità e lo sviluppo vegetativo delle barbatelle, quantomeno a partire dal secondo anno successivo alle operazioni di identificazione. I microchip UHF sono risultati idonei anche nel caso d’inserimento in piante di vite di un anno ottenute dal processo di micropropagazione, senza determinare variazioni significative nel loro accrescimento rispetto ai soggetti di controllo. Infine, sono stati stilati due protocolli tecnici finalizzati a rendere integrabile il tagging nell’ambito delle attività vivaistiche, con particolare attenzione alla sicurezza dell’operatore, al mantenimento delle performance del materiale vegetale ed alla riduzione delle contaminazioni biologiche

    The economic triangulation Beijing-Yerevan-New Delhi: Cooperation or competition?

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    Since it is no longer part of the Soviet Union, Armenia has found itself in the position of being able to choose its partners independently. This was largely determined by proximity relations, by historical ones with Russia, and by the places where the emigration of Armenia's own people took place. Beyond that, it is placed in conditions of choice between cooperation with some actors rather than others. In this sense, Armenia has started dialogue and trade relations with two Asian giants, China and India. The article proposes to recap the relations between these countries, paying attention to the factors that could allow a triangular cooperation rather than a competition

    Dalle evidenze alla pratica clinica: emorragia del tratto digestivo superiore, pancreatite acuta, sepsi ed osteoporosi. Il contributo dei giovani internisti FADOI

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    Gestione del paziente con sanguinamento dal tratto digestivo superiore di origine non varicosa: dall’evidenza alla pratica clinica M. Zippi, C. Marzano, M. Frualdo, L. Mucci, M. Zanon, C. Cassieri, P. Gnerre, P. Crispino La gestione del paziente con pancreatitie acuta: dalle evidenze alla pratica clinica Gruppo Giovani: C. Cenci, T. Restuccia, P. Gnerre, I. Chiti, L. Betti Gruppo Ecografia: M. Micati, C. Tana La gestione del paziente settico: dall’evidenza in letteratura alla pratica clinica R. Gerloni, L. Mucci, C. Casati, A. Crociani, O. Para, E. Benetti, P. Gnerre, A. Bovero, E. Romagnoli, N. Tarquinio, C. Canale, D. Brancato, L. Massarelli, S. Piras Management del paziente con osteoporosi: dall’evidenza alla pratica clinica I. Ambrosino, A. Riccardo, P. Gnerre, L. Castelnovo, R. Muscariello, M. Vacant

    Ascensão e Decadência da Śakti: Paradoxos do sagrado feminino entre a Índia medieval e a contemporaneidade

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    Este artigo se propõe lançar um olhar panorâmico sobre questões de gênero em momentos específicos da história indiana, sobretudo no âmbito do tantrismo, a partir do qual se configura um corpo sagrado, altamente relacionado ao feminino. Buscaremos assim fornecer subsídios históricos para a compreensão deste cenário paradoxal, de uma cultura que por um lado vem preservando como poucas no mundo uma história de culto ao sagrado feminino, e que, na contemporaneidade, tem assistido a fortes conflitos envolvendo a questão do gênero em determinadas regiões. Nossa hipótese é a de que este conflito seja característico de uma modernidade na qual se constrói uma nova feminilidade, que por sua vez escapa tanto dos moldes ancestrais sagrados, quanto dos moldes discursivos que vinham sendo chancelados pela própria historiografia.

    What is the gender gap?

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    Work stress and burnout among physicians and nurses in Internal and Emergency Departments

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    Burnout has been defined as loss of enthusiasm for work, feelings of cynicism, and a low sense of personal accomplishment. Work environment and working conditions exposes the individual to numerous factors of stress. Stress-related diseases are defined as burnout. The increased workload, the repeated reorganizations in the hospital with iterative downsizing suggestions and budget cuts, without any perspective of career progression, with a social culture of bureaucracy and blame, resulting both in subtracting direct care time with patients and in the fear by healthcare professionals from the burden of their responsibility, are the backgrounds on which more and more frequent cases of burnout may develop. We need to establish homogenous standards all over the national territory on workload and about the procedures that have to be implemented for the prevention of burnout in our wards

    Peritoneal dialysis in older adults: evaluation of clinical, nutritional, metabolic outcomes, and quality of life

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    The number of older adults requiring dialysis is increasing worldwide, whereas the use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) in this population is lower respect to younger patients, despite the theoretical advantages of PD respect to hemodialysis. This is most likely due to the concern that older patients may not be able to correctly and safely manage PD. We aimed to prospectively compare clinical, nutritional and metabolic outcomes and measures of quality of life between younger (<65years old) and older (≥65years old) patients on PD. PD patients were enrolled and divided into 2 groups according to age (Group A < 65 years, Group B ≥ 65 years). Clinical and instrumental parameters, and quality of life were evaluated at baseline (start of PD) (T0) and at 24 months (T1). Technique survival, mortality, total number of hospitalizations, and the index of peritonitis (episodes of peritonitis/month) were also evaluated. Fifty-one patients starting PD were enrolled. Group A included 22 patients (48.7±8.3 years), and Group B consisted of 29 patients (74.1 ± 6.4 years). At baseline, the 2 groups showed no differences in cognitive status, whereas Group A showed higher total cholesterol (p=0.03), LDL (p=0.03), and triglycerides (p=0.03) levels and lower body mass index (p=0.02) and carotid intima media thickness (p<0.0001) with respect to Group B. At T1 Group B showed, compared to baseline, a significant reduction in albumin (p<0.0001) and phosphorus (p=0.045) levels, while no significant differences on body composition, technique survival, total number of hospitalizations, index of peritonitis and quality of life indices were observed. Our data do not show clinically relevant barriers to use PD in older adult patients, supporting its use in this population. Nutritional and metabolic parameters should be carefully monitored in older PD patients

    How does prosodic deficit impact naïve listeners recognition of emotion? An analysis with speakers affected by Parkinson's disease

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    Abstract This study aimed to understand the impact of the prosodic deficit in Parkinson's disease (PD) on the communicative effectiveness of vocal expression of emotion. Fourteen patients with PD and 13 healthy control subjects (HC) uttered the phrase "non è possible, non ora" ("It is not possible, not now") six times reading different emotional narrations. Three experts evaluated the PD subjects' vocal production in terms of their communicative effectiveness. The PD patients were divided into two groups: PD+ (with residual effectiveness) and PD− (with impaired effectiveness). The vocal productions were administered to 30 naïve listeners. They were requested to label the emotion they recognized and to make judgments about their communicative effectiveness. The PD speakers were perceived as less effective than the HC speakers in conveying emotions (especially fear and anger). The PD− group was the most impaired in the expression of emotion, suggesting that speech disorders impact differently at the same stage of the disease with varying degrees of severity