31 research outputs found

    The sound sensation of a pure tone in cochlear implant recipients with single-sided deafness

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    Ten cochlear implant (CI) users with single-sided deafness were asked to vary the parameters of an acoustic sound played to their contralateral ear to characterize the perception evoked by a pure tone played through the direct audio input of their CI. Two frequencies, centered on an apical and a medial electrode, were tested. In six subjects, the electrode positions were estimated on CT scans. The study was divided in 3 experiments in which the parameters of the acoustic sound varied. The listeners had to vary the frequency

    Understanding the deafened brain: implications for cochlear implant rehabilitation

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    The cochlear implant (CI), by enabling oral communication in severely to profoundly deaf subjects, is one of the major medical advances over the last fifty years. Despite the globally very satisfactory results, individual outcomes vary considerably. The objective of this review is to describe the various factors influencing the results of CI rehabilitation with particular emphasis on the better understanding of neurocognitive mechanisms provided by functional brain imaging. The following aspects will be discussed: 1. Peripheral predictors such as the degree of preservation of nerve structures and the positioning of the electrode array. 2. The duration of auditory deprivation whose influence on brain reorganization is now becoming more clearly understood. 3. The age of initiation of hearing rehabilitation in subjects with pre-lingual deafness influencing the possibility of physiological maturation of nerve structures. 4. The concepts of sensitive period, decoupling and cross-modality. 5. In post-lingually deaf adults, brain plasticity can allow adaptation to the disability induced by deafness, subsequently potentiating CI rehabilitation, particularly as a result of audiovisual interactions. 6. Several studies provide concordant evidence that implanted patients present different phonological analysis and primary linguistic capacities. The results of CI rehabilitation are dependent on factors situated between the cochlea and cortical associative areas. The importance of higher cognitive influences on the functional results of cochlear implantation justify adaptation of coding strategies, as well as global cognitive management of deaf patients by utilising brain plasticity capacities

    Fostering International Collaboration in Birth Defects Research and Prevention: A Perspective From the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research

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    The International Clearing-house for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research, formerly known as International Clearinghouse of Birth Defects Monitoring Systems, consists of 40 registries worldwide that collaborate in monitoring 40 types of birth defects. Clearinghouse activities include the sharing and joint monitoring of birth defect data, epidemiologic and public health research, and capacity building, with the goal of reducing disease and promoting healthy birth outcomes through primary prevention. We discuss 3 of these activities: the collaborative assessment of the potential teratogenicity of first-trimester use of medications (the MADRE project), an example of the intersection of surveillance and research; the international databases of people with orofacial clefts, an example of the evolution from surveillance to outcome research; and the study of genetic polymorphisms, an example of collaboration in public health genetics

    Temporal-envelope reconstruction for hearing-impaired listeners

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    Recent studies suggest that normal-hearing listeners maintain robust speech intelligibility despite severe degradations of amplitude-modulation (AM) cues, by using temporal-envelope information recovered from broadband frequency-modulation (FM) speech cues at the output of cochlear filters. This study aimed to assess whether cochlear damage affects this capacity to reconstruct temporal-envelope information from FM. This was achieved by measuring the ability of 40 normal-hearing listeners and 41 listeners with mild-to-moderate hearing loss to identify syllables processed to degrade AM cues while leaving FM cues intact within three broad frequency bands spanning the range 65–3,645 Hz. Stimuli were presented at 65 dB SPL for both normal-hearing listeners and hearing-impaired listeners. They were presented as such or amplified using a modified half-gain rule for hearing-impaired listeners. Hearing-impaired listeners showed significantly poorer identification scores than normal-hearing listeners at both presentation levels. However, the deficit shown by hearing-impaired listeners for amplified stimuli was relatively modest. Overall, hearing-impaired data and the results of a simulation study were consistent with a poorer-than-normal ability to reconstruct temporal-envelope information resulting from a broadening of cochlear filters by a factor ranging from 2 to 4. These results suggest that mild-to-moderate cochlear hearing loss has only a modest detrimental effect on peripheral, temporal-envelope reconstruction mechanisms

    Analysis of reproductive toxicity and classification of glufosinate-ammonium

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    Conclusion regarding classification of glufosmate-ammonium. Science Partners' Evaluation Group (Evaluation Group) has conducted an independent analysis of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium (GA) relative to its potential to cause reproductive toxicity in humans. Further, the Evaluation Group has evaluated the implementation of Annex 6 of Commission Directive 2001/59/EC (28th ATP of Council Directive 67/548/EEC) and Council Directive 91/414/EEC, with respect to classification of chemicals posing potential reproductive hazards. After consideration of all information available to us relevant to the potential of glufosinate-ammonium (GA) to cause reproductive toxicity, the Science Partners Evaluation Group concludes that no classification of GA is justified. The following form the basis of this conclusion. There are no human data to suggest that GA causes reproductive toxicity in women or in their conceptus. The issue concerning possible reproductive hazard to humans is raised solely on the basis of positive animal test results that show GA to cause preimplantation or implantation losses in rats. Specifically: a. Daily treatment with GA had no detectable effect on the earliest stages of the reproductive sequence including gametogenesis, ovulation, mating and conception; b. Treatment with GA interfered with rat gestation before and at the stage when the conceptus implants into the uterus. This effect occurred at doses of 360 ppm in the feed (corresponding to daily doses of 27.8 mg/kg bw) and above; and c. After implantation, no further effect of GA on prenatal and post-natal development was recognized. Previous concerns that GA might be toxic to embryonic stages after implantation were not supported by the data. Abortions and stillbirth seen were associated with, and regarded as secondary to, maternal toxicity. There was no evidence suggesting the induction of malformations in the offspring. The mechanism underlying this adverse effect in experimental laboratory animals is identified-inhibition of glutamine synthetase. Glutamine is essential to the viability of the embryo. The embryo is dependent on a maternal source of the amino acid. For embryo lethality to occur, a significant reduction of maternal glutamine is required. Such reduction in maternal glutamine depends on a significant inhibition of glutamine synthetase by GA. This can only occur when the mother is exposed to very high levels of GA. Specifically: a. The reproductive toxicity of GA is confined to very short, early stages of reproduction, during which the conceptus is dependent on maternal glutamine; and b. In order for the effect to occur, significant reduction in maternal blood glutamine level is required, which in turn depends on a significant inhibition of glutamine synthetase, induced by high levels of GA in the maternal system. There is no evidence for accumulation of GA in the mammalian organism beyond a factor of two and no evidence for its metabolic toxification. To raise a concern in humans, women would have to be exposed to GA during the very limited time frame of preimplantation or implantation and the exposure would have to be to the exceedingly high levels necessary to alter the maternal metabolism and, correspondingly, result in glutamine levels in maternal tissue and blood plasma being drastically reduced. There is no basis to suggest that such exposures would occur under conditions of normal handling and use. Specifically: a. Under conditions of normal handling and use, operators would never be exposed to GA levels that could potentially inhibit glutamine synthetase to the extent that this inhibition could impair preimplantation or implantation. b. All acceptable exposure measurements and predictive calculations confirm this conclusion, and in fact demonstrate that reasonably foreseeable exposure of workers would be to levels significantly below the AOEL. c. The evidence is also clear that there is no reproductive toxicity hazard to workers upon reentry tosprayed fields, bystanders, consumers or toddlers. The safety margin compared to the NOAEL in animal studies is sufficiently large to assure protection of the health of workers using GA as well as bystanders, consumers, and toddlers. Pursuant to Annex 6 of Commission Directive 2001/59/EC (28th ATP of Council Directive 67/548/EEC), to justify a classification of category 2 there must be sufficient evidence to produce a strong presumption that human exposure to the substance may result in impaired fertility in humans. It is the conclusion of the Science Partners Evaluation Group that there is no reasonable evidence to suggest a strong presumption of impairment. To the contrary, there is clear evidence demonstrating a strong presumption that exposure to GA would not cause the adverse effect demonstrated in rats. Pursuant to Annex 6 of Commission Directive 2001/59/EC (28th ATP of Council Directive 67/548/EEC), to justify a classification of category 3, there must be sufficient evidence to provide a strong suspicion of impaired fertility in humans. There is no basis to conclude that the animal data demonstrating impaired preimplantation or implantation has any relevance to humans in that the effect found in rats only occurs at levels which would never be experienced by workers under conditions of normal handling and use or by bystanders, consumers, or toddlers