835 research outputs found

    A library management information system in a multi-campus environment

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    The Office of Library Services in the Central Administration of the State University of New York (SUNY) has, since 1975, been developing a library management information system based on the analysis of library and other bibliographic and academic data which are available in machine readable form. Although primarily designed for the SUNY libraries, the processes are applicable in other academic libraries because of the general availability of the data used in the system. The task has changed over the years as new ideas and opportunities were realized, as new appreciations of the obtained results were attained, and as the technical environment has evolved. Nonetheless, the fundamental structure of the system design has not changed since the first ideas in 1974. This is an interim report. Progress has been agonizingly slow for two reasons. First, the difficulty of obtaining support and resources has been a real hindrance; the work has been squeezed into overcrowded schedules and ever-straitening budgets. Second, many of the machine-readable data which one confidently felt would be available in the late 1970s or very early 1980s are still not available. Some years, at least, will pass before the work can be completed as we see it now. Who knows what new ideas and opportunities will emerge as new results become available? Nonetheless, enough has been achieved to justify this report.published or submitted for publicatio

    Reflexive and preparatory selection and suppression of salient information in the right and left posterior parietal cortex

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    Attentional cues can trigger activity in the parietal cortex in anticipation of visual displays, and this activity may, in turn, induce changes in other areas of the visual cortex, hence, implementing attentional selection. In a recent TMS study [Mevorach, C., Humphreys, G. W., & Shalev, L. Opposite biases in salience-based selection for the left and right posterior parietal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 9, 740-742, 2006b], it was shown that the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) can utilize the relative saliency (a nonspatial property) of a target and a distractor to bias visual selection. Furthermore, selection was lateralized so that the right PPC is engaged when salient information must be selected and the left PPC when the salient information must be ignored. However, it is not clear how the PPC implements these complementary forms of selection. Here we used on-line triple-pulse TMS over the right or left PPC prior to or after the onset of global/local displays. When delivered after the onset of the display, TMS to the right PPC disrupted the selection of the more salient aspect of the hierarchical letter. In contrast, left PPC TMS delivered prior to the onset of the stimulus disrupted responses to the lower saliency stimulus. These findings suggest that selection and suppression of saliency, rather than being "two sides of the same coin," are fundamentally different processes. Selection of saliency seems to operate reflexively, whereas suppression of saliency relies on a preparatory phase that "sets up" the system in order to effectively ignore saliency

    Dynamic general equilibrium analysis of improved weed management in Australia's winter cropping systems

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    A recent analysis indicated that the direct financial cost of weeds to Australiaā€™s winter grain sectorwas approximately A1.2bnin1998ā€“1999.Costsofthismagnituderepresentalargerecurringproductivitylossinanagriculturalsectorthatissufficienttoimpactsignificantlyonregionaleconomies.Usingamultiāˆ’regionaldynamiccomputablegeneralequilibriummodel,wesimulatethegeneralequilibriumeffectsofahypotheticalsuccessfulcampaigntoreducetheeconomiccostsofweeds.WeassumethatanadditionalA1.2bn in 1998ā€“1999. Costs of thismagnitude represent a large recurring productivity loss in an agricultural sector that is sufficient to impact significantly on regional economies.Using amulti-regional dynamic computable general equilibrium model, we simulate the general equilibrium effects of a hypothetical successful campaign to reduce the economic costs of weeds. We assume that an additional 50m of R&D spread over five years is targeted at reducing the additional costs and reduced yields arising from weeds in various broadacre crops. Following this R&D effort, one-tenth of the losses arising from weeds is temporarily eliminated, with a diminishing benefit in succeeding years. At the national level, there is a welfare increase of $700m in discounted net present value terms. The regions with relatively high concentrations of winter crops experience small temporary macroeconomic gains.CGE modelling, dynamics, weed management, Crop Production/Industries,

    Comparing Segmentation by Time and by Motion in Visual Search: An fMRI Investigation

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    Abstract Brain activity was recorded while participants engaged in a difficult visual search task for a target defined by the spatial configuration of its component elements. The search displays were segmented by time (a preview then a search display), by motion, or were unsegmented. A preparatory network showed activity to the preview display, in the time but not in the motion segmentation condition. A region of the precuneus showed (i) higher activation when displays were segmented by time or by motion, and (ii) correlated activity with larger segmentation benefits behaviorally, regardless of the cue. Additionally, the results revealed that success in temporal segmentation was correlated with reduced activation in early visual areas, including V1. The results depict partially overlapping brain networks for segmentation in search by time and motion, with both cue-independent and cue-specific mechanisms.</jats:p

    Primary group size, social support, gender and future mental health status in a prospective study of people living in private households throughout Great Britain

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    Background. Structural characteristics of social networks such as primary group size have received less attention than measures of perceived social support. Previous research suggests that associations between social network size and later common mental disorder status may differ according to sex and initial mental state. Method. Adults participating in the 2000 British National Household Survey of psychiatric morbidity were randomly selected for follow-up 18 months later. The revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R) and the Interview Measure of Social Relations (IMSR) were administered at baseline and follow-up. Primary group size was defined as the total number of close relatives and friends. A four-level scale of common mental disorder was modelled with ordinal logistic regression, based on weighted data (n=2413). Findings. After adjusting for confounders, a primary group size of three or less at time 1 predicted worse mental health at time 2. This effect was greatest in men who were initially non-cases at baseline (averaged odds 4.5) and in women who were initially cases at baseline (average odds 2.9). Primary group size at time 2 was significantly predicted by level of common mental disorder at time 1 in women but not in men. Thus, confounding by baseline disorder does not explain risk of developing poor mental health in socially isolated men. Conclusion. This study replicates the strong effects of primary group size on future mental health that emerge when men and women are studied separately and when subjects are categorized according to baseline mental health status

    Pulmonary function after modified venovenous ultrafiltration in infants: A prospective, randomized trial

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    AbstractObjective: We sought to examine the effects of modified venovenous ultrafiltration after cardiopulmonary bypass on pulmonary compliance in infants. Methods: We prospectively enrolled 38 infants undergoing their first operation for congenital heart disease. Infants were randomized to receive 20 minutes of modified ultrafiltration after bypass or control. Static and dynamic compliance was measured after induction of anesthesia, before and immediately after filtration in the operating theater, 1 hour after return to the pediatric intensive care unit, and 24 hours after the operation. Length of time on the ventilator, inotropic requirements, and length of stay in the intensive care unit were recorded. Results: Modified ultrafiltration produced a significant immediate improvement in dynamic (pre-ultrafiltration 2.5 Ā± 1.9 mL/cm H2O to post-ultrafiltration 2.9 Ā± 2.7 mL/cm H2O, P = .03) and static (pre-ultrafiltration 2.1 Ā± 0.9 mL/cm H2O to post-ultrafiltration 2.9 Ā± 2.1 mL/cm H2O, P = .04) compliance. However, there was no significant difference in the change in dynamic (P = .3) or static (P = .7) compliance in the ultrafiltration and control groups when compared before the operation, after the operation, and at 24 hours. There was no significant difference in the time to extubation between patients and control subjects (140 Ā± 91 hours vs 90 Ā± 58 hours) or the length of intensive care unit stay (10.0 Ā± 9.1 days vs 7.4 Ā± 5.7 days). Conclusions: Modified ultrafiltration produces an improvement in pulmonary compliance after bypass in infants. However, these improvements are not sustained past the immediate post-ultrafiltration period and do not lead to a decreased length of intubation or intensive care unit stay. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2000; 119:501-7

    Neuromuscular changes and the rapid adaptation following a bout of damaging eccentric exercise

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    An initial bout of eccentric exercise is known to protect against muscle damage following a repeated bout of the same exercise, however, the neuromuscular adaptions owing to this phenomenon are unknown. Aim: To determine if neuromuscular disturbances are modulated following a repeated bout of eccentric exercise. Methods: Following eccentric exercise performed with the elbow-flexors, we measured maximal voluntary force, resting twitch force, muscle soreness, creatine kinase and voluntary activation using motor point and motor cortex stimulation at baseline, immediately post and at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 days post-exercise on two occasions, separated by 3 weeks. Results: Significant muscle damage and fatigue was evident following the first exercise bout; maximal voluntary contraction was reduced immediately by 32% and remained depressed at 7 days post-exercise. Soreness and creatine kinase release peaked at 3 and 4 days post-exercise, respectively. Resting twitch force remained significantly reduced at 7 days (āˆ’48%) whilst voluntary activation measured with motor point and motor cortex stimulation was reduced until 2 and 3 days, respectively. A repeated bout effect was observed with attenuated soreness and creatine kinase release and a quicker recovery of maximal voluntary contraction and resting twitch force. A similar decrement in voluntary activation was observed following both bouts; however, following the repeated bout there was a significantly smaller reduction in, and a faster recovery of voluntary activation measured using motor cortical stimulation. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the repeated bout effect may be explained, partly, by a modification in motor corticospinal drive

    A Study of the Abrasion of Squeegees Used in Screen Printing and Its Effect on Performance with Application in Printed Electronics

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    This article presents a novel method for accelerated wear of squeegees used in screen printing and describes the development of mechanical tests which allow more in-depth measurement of squeegee properties. In this study, squeegees were abraded on the screen press so that they could be used for subsequent print tests to evaluate the effect of wear on the printed product. Squeegee wear was found to vary between different squeegee types and caused increases in ink transfer and wider printed features. In production this will lead to greater ink consumption, cost per unit and a likelihood of product failure. This also has consequences for the production of functional layers, etc., used in the construction of printed electronics. While more wear generally gave greater increases in ink deposition, the effect of wear differed, depending on the squeegee. There was a correlation between the angle of the squeegee wear and ink film thickness from a worn squeegee. An ability to resist flexing gave a high wear angle and presented a sharper edge at the squeegee/screen interface thus mitigating the effect of wear. There was also a good correlation between resistance to flexing and ink film thickness for unworn squeegees, which was more effective than a comparison based on Shore A hardness. Squeegee indentation at different force levels gave more information than a standard Shore A hardness test and the apparatus used was able to reliably measure reductions in surface hardness due to solvent absorption. Increases in ink deposition gave lower resistance in printed silver lines; however, the correlation between the amount of ink deposited and the resistance, remained the same for all levels of wear, suggesting that the wear regime designed for this study did not induce detrimental print defects such as line breakages
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