174 research outputs found

    Fourier-Reflexive Partitions and MacWilliams Identities for Additive Codes

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    A partition of a finite abelian group gives rise to a dual partition on the character group via the Fourier transform. Properties of the dual partitions are investigated and a convenient test is given for the case that the bidual partition coincides the primal partition. Such partitions permit MacWilliams identities for the partition enumerators of additive codes. It is shown that dualization commutes with taking products and symmetrized products of partitions on cartesian powers of the given group. After translating the results to Frobenius rings, which are identified with their character module, the approach is applied to partitions that arise from poset structures

    A Matrix Ring Description for Cyclic Convolutional Codes

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    In this paper, we study convolutional codes with a specific cyclic structure. By definition, these codes are left ideals in a certain skew polynomial ring. Using that the skew polynomial ring is isomorphic to a matrix ring we can describe the algebraic parameters of the codes in a more accessible way. We show that the existence of such codes with given algebraic parameters can be reduced to the solvability of a modified rook problem. It is our strong belief that the rook problem is always solvable, and we present solutions in particular cases

    Partitions of Matrix Spaces With an Application to qq-Rook Polynomials

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    We study the row-space partition and the pivot partition on the matrix space FqnΓ—m\mathbb{F}_q^{n \times m}. We show that both these partitions are reflexive and that the row-space partition is self-dual. Moreover, using various combinatorial methods, we explicitly compute the Krawtchouk coefficients associated with these partitions. This establishes MacWilliams-type identities for the row-space and pivot enumerators of linear rank-metric codes. We then generalize the Singleton-like bound for rank-metric codes, and introduce two new concepts of code extremality. Both of them generalize the notion of MRD codes and are preserved by trace-duality. Moreover, codes that are extremal according to either notion satisfy strong rigidity properties analogous to those of MRD codes. As an application of our results to combinatorics, we give closed formulas for the qq-rook polynomials associated with Ferrers diagram boards. Moreover, we exploit connections between matrices over finite fields and rook placements to prove that the number of matrices of rank rr over Fq\mathbb{F}_q supported on a Ferrers diagram is a polynomial in qq, whose degree is strictly increasing in rr. Finally, we investigate the natural analogues of the MacWilliams Extension Theorem for the rank, the row-space, and the pivot partitions
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