190 research outputs found

    cAMP signalling in trypanosomatids: role in pathogenesis and as a drug target

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    Despite recent research linking cAMP signalling to virulence in trypanosomatids and detailed studies of trypanosomatid adenylyl cyclases (ACs) and phosphodiesterases (PDEs) since their discoveries 40 years ago, downstream components of the pathway and their biological functions have remained remarkably elusive. However, in recent years, significant discoveries have been made: a role for parasite ACs has been proposed in cytokinesis, evasion of the host immune response, and social motility. cAMP phosphodiesterases PDEB1 and PDEB2 were found to be essential for survival and virulence of Trypanosoma brucei and, in Trypanosoma cruzi, PDEC2 was shown to be required for normal osmoregulation. As we discuss here, these breakthroughs have led to an ongoing surge in the development of PDE inhibitors as lead compounds for trypanocidal drugs

    Basal body multipotency and axonemal remodelling are two pathways to a 9+0 flagellum

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    Eukaryotic cilia/flagella exhibit two characteristic ultrastructures reflecting two main functions; a 9+2 axoneme for motility and a 9+0 axoneme for sensation and signalling. Whether, and if so how, they interconvert is unclear. Here we analyse flagellum length, structure and molecular composition changes in the unicellular eukaryotic parasite Leishmania during the transformation of a life cycle stage with a 9+2 axoneme (the promastigote) to one with a 9+0 axoneme (the amastigote). We show 9+0 axonemes can be generated by two pathways: by de novo formation and by restructuring of existing 9+2 axonemes associated with decreased intraflagellar transport. Furthermore, pro-basal bodies formed under conditions conducive for 9+2 axoneme formation can form a 9+0 axoneme de novo. We conclude that pro-centrioles/pro-basal bodies are multipotent and not committed to form either a 9+2 or 9+0 axoneme. In an alternative pathway structures can also be removed from existing 9+2 axonemes to convert them to 9+0

    9+2 to 9+0 axoneme conversion in Leishmania

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    Developmentally regulated genes in Trypansoma Cruzi

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    Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, is transmitted by blood feeding triatomine bugs. As T. cruzi cycles between the insect vector and vertebrate host, it goes through several distinct developmental stages. The molecular mechanism that regulates these differentiation steps is poorly understood. We have initiated a systematic dissection of metacyclogenesis, the differentiation step from replicating non-infective epimastigotes to non-replicating infective metacyclic trypomastigotes. Our aim is to functionally characterise novel stage-regulated genes, using transfection-based approaches. We demonstrate that one of these genes, MET3, encodes a protein that localises to the nucleus and associates with nucleolar antigens. During metacyclogenesis the structure of the nucleus is modified: heterochromatin spreads as the nucleus changes shape from round to elongated, and nucleolar antigens are dispersed in the metacyclic nucleus. Our data show that while dispersal of nucleolar antigens occurs in all cells of a stationary phase culture, MET3 protein is expressed only in the subset of cells that have differentiated to metacyclics or to intermediate forms. By expressing MET3-GFP fusion proteins in the parasite, we identified two sequence elements that can independently direct localisation. To address function, we generated MET3 null mutants. These knockout cells produced significantly fewer fully developed metacyclics than wild-type controls. However, this phenotype could not be complemented with an ectopic copy of MET3. The reduced rate of metacyclogenesis may therefore be unrelated to the loss of MET3. The knockout cells are able to complete the entire life-cycle in vitro. This demonstrates that MET3 is not essential for development of the infective stage. RNA transcripts of the second gene, (MET2) are induced during metacyclogenesis. Recombinant MET2 protein associates with the kinetoplast when expressed in epimastigotes. We analysed in detail its genomic locus near a putative centromere on chromosome 3, and generated deletion mutants for further investigating its role in differentiation

    The single flagellum of Leishmania has a fixed polarisation of its asymmetric beat

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    Eukaryotic flagella undertake different beat types as necessary for different functions; for example, the Leishmania parasite flagellum undergoes a symmetric tip-to-base beat for forward swimming and an asymmetric base-to-tip beat to rotate the cell. In multi-ciliated tissues or organisms, the asymmetric beats are coordinated, leading to movement of the cell, organism or surrounding fluid. This coordination involves a polarisation of power stroke direction. Here, we asked whether the asymmetric beat of the single Leishmania flagellum also has a fixed polarisation. We developed high frame rate dual-colour fluorescence microscopy to visualise flagellar-associated structures in live swimming cells. This showed that the asymmetric Leishmania beat is polarised, with power strokes only occurring in one direction relative to the asymmetric flagellar machinery. Polarisation of bending was retained in deletion mutants whose flagella cannot beat but have a static bend. Furthermore, deletion mutants for proteins required for asymmetric extra-axonemal and rootlet-like flagellum-associated structures also retained normal polarisation. Leishmania beat polarisation therefore likely arises from either the nine-fold rotational symmetry of the axoneme structure or is due to differences between the outer doublet decorations

    Histone H1 Plays a Role in Heterochromatin Formation and VSG Expression Site Silencing in Trypanosoma brucei

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    The African sleeping sickness parasite Trypanosoma brucei evades the host immune system through antigenic variation of its variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat. Although the T. brucei genome contains ∼1500 VSGs, only one VSG is expressed at a time from one of about 15 subtelomeric VSG expression sites (ESs). For antigenic variation to work, not only must the vast VSG repertoire be kept silent in a genome that is mainly constitutively transcribed, but the frequency of VSG switching must be strictly controlled. Recently it has become clear that chromatin plays a key role in silencing inactive ESs, thereby ensuring monoallelic expression of VSG. We investigated the role of the linker histone H1 in chromatin organization and ES regulation in T. brucei. T. brucei histone H1 proteins have a different domain structure to H1 proteins in higher eukaryotes. However, we show that they play a key role in the maintenance of higher order chromatin structure in bloodstream form T. brucei as visualised by electron microscopy. In addition, depletion of histone H1 results in chromatin becoming generally more accessible to endonucleases in bloodstream but not in insect form T. brucei. The effect on chromatin following H1 knock-down in bloodstream form T. brucei is particularly evident at transcriptionally silent ES promoters, leading to 6–8 fold derepression of these promoters. T. brucei histone H1 therefore appears to be important for the maintenance of repressed chromatin in bloodstream form T. brucei. In particular H1 plays a role in downregulating silent ESs, arguing that H1-mediated chromatin functions in antigenic variation in T. brucei

    KHARON Is an essential cytoskeletal protein involved in the trafficking of flagellar membrane proteins and cell division in African trypanosomes

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    African trypanosomes and related kinetoplastid parasites selectively traffic specific membrane proteins to the flagellar membrane, but the mechanisms for this trafficking are poorly understood. We show here that KHARON, a protein originally identified in Leishmania parasites, interacts with a putative trypanosome calcium channel and is required for its targeting to the flagellar membrane. KHARON is located at the base of the flagellar axoneme, where it likely mediates targeting of flagellar membrane proteins, but is also on the subpellicular microtubules and the mitotic spindle. Hence, KHARON is probably a multifunctional protein that associates with several components of the trypanosome cytoskeleton. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of KHARON mRNA results in failure of the calcium channel to enter the flagellar membrane, detachment of the flagellum from the cell body, and disruption of mitotic spindles. Furthermore, knockdown of KHARON mRNA induces a lethal failure of cytokinesis in both bloodstream (mammalian host) and procyclic (insect vector) life cycle stages, and KHARON is thus critical for parasite viability

    LAX28 is required for the stable assembly of the inner dynein arm f complex, and the tether and tether head complex in Leishmania flagella

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    Motile eukaryotic flagella beat through coordinated activity of dynein motor proteins; however, the mechanisms of dynein coordination and regulation are incompletely understood. The inner dynein arm (IDA) f complex (also known as the I1 complex), and the tether and tether head (T/TH) complex are thought to be key regulators of dynein action but, unlike the IDA f complex, T/TH proteins remain poorly characterised. Here, we characterised T/TH-associated proteins in the protist Leishmania mexicana. Proteome analysis of axonemes from null mutants for the CFAP44 T/TH protein showed that they lacked the IDA f protein IC140 and a novel 28-kDa axonemal protein, LAX28. Sequence analysis identified similarities between LAX28 and the uncharacterised human sperm tail protein TEX47, both sharing features with sensory BLUF-domain-containing proteins. Leishmania lacking LAX28, CFAP44 or IC140 retained some motility, albeit with reduced swimming speed and directionality and a propensity for flagellar curling. Expression of tagged proteins in different null mutant backgrounds showed that the axonemal localisation of LAX28 requires CFAP44 and IC140, and the axonemal localisations of CFAP44 and IC140 both depend on LAX28. These data demonstrate a role for LAX28 in motility and show mutual dependencies of IDA f and T/TH-associated proteins for axonemal assembly in Leishmania

    Blocking variant surface glycoprotein synthesis in Trypanosoma brucei triggers a general arrest in translation initiation.

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    BACKGROUND: The African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei is covered with a dense layer of Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG), which protects it from lysis by host complement via the alternative pathway in the mammalian bloodstream. Blocking VSG synthesis by the induction of VSG RNAi triggers an unusually precise precytokinesis cell-cycle arrest. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we characterise the cells arrested after the induction of VSG RNAi. We were able to rescue the VSG221 RNAi induced cell-cycle arrest through expression of a second different VSG (VSG117 which is not recognised by the VSG221 RNAi) from the VSG221 expression site. Metabolic labeling of the arrested cells showed that blocking VSG synthesis triggered a global translation arrest, with total protein synthesis reduced to less than 1-4% normal levels within 24 hours of induction of VSG RNAi. Analysis by electron microscopy showed that the translation arrest was coupled with rapid disassociation of ribosomes from the endoplasmic reticulum. Polysome analysis showed a drastic decrease in polysomes in the arrested cells. No major changes were found in levels of transcription, total RNA transcript levels or global amino acid concentrations in the arrested cells. CONCLUSIONS: The cell-cycle arrest phenotype triggered by the induction of VSG221 RNAi is not caused by siRNA toxicity, as this arrest can be alleviated if a second different VSG is inserted downstream of the active VSG221 expression site promoter. Analysis of polysomes in the stalled cells showed that the translation arrest is mediated at the level of translation initiation rather than elongation. The cell-cycle arrest induced in the presence of a VSG synthesis block is reversible, suggesting that VSG synthesis and/or trafficking to the cell surface could be monitored during the cell-cycle as part of a specific cell-cycle checkpoint

    The cell cycle of Leishmania: morphogenetic events and their implications for parasite biology

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    The cell cycle is central to understanding fundamental biology of Leishmania, a group of human-infective protozoan parasites. Leishmania have two main life cycle morphologies: the intracellular amastigote in the mammalian host and the promastigote in the fly. We have produced the first comprehensive and quantitative description of a Leishmania promastigote cell cycle taking a morphometric approach to position any cell within the cell cycle based on its length and DNA content. We describe timings of cell cycle phases and rates of morphological changes; kinetoplast and nucleus S phase, division and position, cell body growth and morphology changes, flagellum growth and basal body duplication. We have shown that Leishmania mexicana undergoes large changes in morphology through the cell cycle and that the wide range of morphologies present in cultures during exponential growth represent different cell cycle stages. We also show promastigote flagellum growth occurs over multiple cell cycles. There are clear implications for the mechanisms of flagellum length regulation, life cycle stage differentiation and trypanosomatid division in general. This data set therefore provides a platform which will be of use for post-genomic analyses of Leishmania cell biology in relation to differentiation and infection