117 research outputs found

    The Marketing of Self-Care and Alternative Therapies in the U.S. in 2019: How Industry Stakeholders Appeal to Consumers’ Perceptions of Novel Food Products and Additives

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    This article examines the current marketing techniques of food products and additives in the growing self-care industry in print and digital formats. It assesses how well consumers understand such advertising tactics, and what the industry and federal government agencies are doing (or not doing) to help consumers be mindful and savvy about their purchase choices. The discussion further showcases hot-topic food products and additives including CBD, Kratom, and plant-based meat as examples of both regulatory risk and opportunity. Lastly, the article advocates a collaborative effort among federal government agencies (FDA, FTC, USDA, etc.), industry stakeholders, and the public to help accurately define not only the risks of food products and additives in the self-care space, but also the necessary regulations to keep consumers informed and empowered both in stores and online

    Melanie Glover and Marc Bremer in a Joint Senior Recital

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    This is the program for the joint senior recital of pianist Melanie Glover and tenor Marc Bremer. Pianist Donna Tan accompanied Bremer. The recital took place on March 13, 1978, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center Recital Hall

    The Drosophila phosphatidylinositol transfer protein encoded by vibrator is essential to maintain cleavage-furrow ingression in cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis requires the coordination of cytoskeletal and plasma membrane dynamics. A role for phosphatidylinositol lipids has been proposed for the successful completion of cytokinesis but this is still poorly characterised. Here, we show mutants of the gene vibrator, previously found to encode the Drosophila phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, produce multinucleate cells indicative of cytokinesis failure in male meiosis. Examination of fixed preparations of mutant spermatocytes showed contractile rings of anillin and actin that were of normal appearance at early stages but were larger and less well organised at later stages of cytokinesis than in wild-type cells. Time-lapse imaging revealed sequential defects in cytokinesis of vibrator spermatocytes. In cells that fail cytokinesis, central spindle formation occurred correctly, but furrow ingression was delayed and the central spindle did not become compressed to the extent seen in wild-type cells. Cells then stalled at this point before the apparent connection between the constricted cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane was lost; the furrow then underwent elastic regression. We discuss these defects in relation to multiple functions of phosphoinositol lipids in regulating actin dynamics and membrane synthesis

    The Molecular Gas Reservoirs of z∼2z\sim 2 Galaxies: A comparison of CO(1-0) and dust-based molecular gas masses

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    We test the use of long-wavelength dust continuum emission as a molecular gas tracer at high redshift, via a unique sample of 12, z~2 galaxies with observations of both the dust continuum and CO(1-0) line emission (obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, respectively). Our work is motivated by recent, high redshift studies that measure molecular gas masses (\ensuremath{\rm{M}_{\rm{mol}}}) via a calibration of the rest-frame 850μ850\mum luminosity (L850μm,restL_\mathrm{850\mu m,rest}) against the CO(1-0)-derived \ensuremath{\rm{M}_{\rm{mol}}}\ of star-forming galaxies. We hereby test whether this method is valid for the types of high-redshift, star-forming galaxies to which it has been applied. We recover a clear correlation between the rest-frame 850μ850\mum luminosity, inferred from the single-band, long-wavelength flux, and the CO(1-0) line luminosity, consistent with the samples used to perform the 850μ850\mum calibration. The molecular gas masses, derived from L850μm,restL_\mathrm{850\mu m,rest}, agree to within a factor of two with those derived from CO(1-0). We show that this factor of two uncertainty can arise from the values of the dust emissivity index and temperature that need to be assumed in order to extrapolate from the observed frequency to the rest-frame at 850μm\mathrm{\mu m}. The extrapolation to 850μm\mathrm{\mu m} therefore has a smaller effect on the accuracy of \Mmol\ derived via single-band dust-continuum observations than the assumed CO(1-0)-to-\ensuremath{\rm{M}_{\rm{mol}}}\ conversion factor. We therefore conclude that single-band observations of long-wavelength dust emission can be used to reliably constrain the molecular gas masses of massive, star-forming galaxies at z≳2z\gtrsim2

    Drosophila Klp67A is required for proper chromosome congression and segregation during meiosis I

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    Drosophila Klp67A belongs to the Kip3 subfamily of Kinesin-type microtubule catastrophe factors. In primary spermatocytes, loss of klp67A leads to defects in karyokinesis and cytokinesis. We show that these cells formed disorganised, bipolar spindles that contained increased numbers of microtubules. The kinetochore fibres were wavy and bent, whereas astral microtubules appeared abnormally robust and formed cortical bundles. Time-lapse studies revealed that during biorientation, the chromosomes in klp67A mutant cells continued to reorient for about twice as long as those in control cells. Metaphase plates were poorly defined in the mutants and often formed at non-equatorial positions. Consistent with the above abnormalities in chromosome congression, we found that in wild-type cells Klp67A associated with prometaphase/metaphase kinetochores before redistributing to the central spindle at anaphase onset. Although the timing of this redistribution of kinetochores argues against a role in anaphase chromosome segregation, dyads in the mutants disjoined but exhibited greatly diminished poleward velocities. They travelled on average at approximately 34% of the velocity of their wild-type counterparts and often decondensed at non-polar locations. Hypomorphic mutations of klp67A may lead to segregation defects

    PHANGS CO kinematics: disk orientations and rotation curves at 150 pc resolution

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    We present kinematic orientations and high resolution (150 pc) rotation curves for 67 main sequence star-forming galaxies surveyed in CO (2-1) emission by PHANGS-ALMA. Our measurements are based on the application of a new fitting method tailored to CO velocity fields. Our approach identifies an optimal global orientation as a way to reduce the impact of non-axisymmetric (bar and spiral) features and the uneven spatial sampling characteristic of CO emission in the inner regions of nearby galaxies. The method performs especially well when applied to the large number of independent lines-of-sight contained in the PHANGS CO velocity fields mapped at 1'' resolution. The high resolution rotation curves fitted to these data are sensitive probes of mass distribution in the inner regions of these galaxies. We use the inner slope as well as the amplitude of our fitted rotation curves to demonstrate that CO is a reliable global dynamical mass tracer. From the consistency between photometric orientations from the literature and kinematic orientations determined with our method, we infer that the shapes of stellar disks in the mass range of log(M⋆(M⊙)\rm M_{\star}(M_{\odot}))=9.0-10.9 probed by our sample are very close to circular and have uniform thickness.Comment: 19 figures, 36 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ. Table of PHANGS rotation curves available from http://phangs.org/dat

    Klp67A destabilises pre-anaphase microtubules but subsequently is required to stabilise the central spindle

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    Klp67A is a member of the Kip3 subfamily of microtubule destabilising kinesins, the loss of which results in abnormally long and stable pre-anaphase microtubules. Here we examine its role during cytokinesis in Drosophila primary spermatocytes that require the coordinated interaction of an interior and peripheral set of central spindle microtubules. In mutants anaphase B spindles elongated with normal kinetics but bent towards the cortex. Both peripheral and interior spindle microtubules then formed diminished bundles of abnormally positioned central spindle microtubules associated with the pavarotti-KLP and KLP3A motor proteins. The minus ends of these were poorly aligned as revealed by Asp protein localisation. Furrows always initiated at the sites of central spindle bundles but could be unilateral or nonequatorially positioned. Ectopic furrows were stimulated by the interior central spindle and formed only after this structure buckled and contacted the cortex. Furrows often halted and regressed as they could not be sustained by the central spindles that became increasing unstable over time and often completely degraded. Consistent with this, actin and anillin failed to form homogenous bands. Thus, the Klp67A microtubule catastrophe factor is required for cytokinesis by regulating both the formation and stability of the central spindle
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