84 research outputs found

    Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome: A case report

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    Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome (MRS) is a rare disorder with a still unknown etiology. It is defined by three main symptoms, which are orofacial granulomatosis (OFG), facial palsy, and fissured tongue. It generally presents in young people, during the second or third decade, and its incidence in the entire population is about 1%. We focus our attention on a 69-year-old man who came to us with an important swelling of the upper lip. His anamnesis revealed that he suffered from a facial palsy four times in his life and at the physical examination we attested the presence of scrotal tongue. We suspected a misdiagnosed MRS and we searched the web in order to give him a diagnosis and a therapy. We found that OFG is the most common symptom of MRS and that it can show as a non complete form, where the three main symptoms cannot occur simultaneously. We also prescribed a therapy based on the use of topic steroids and antiviral, according to literature. After the positive response to the therapy and according to data found in the most recent literature, we can assume that our patient suffers from a misdiagnosed MRS for about 40 years

    A Modified Intraoral Resin Mouthguard to Prevent Self-Mutilations in Lesch-Nyhan Patients

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    Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, described in 1964 by Lesch and Nyhan, is a X-linked recessive disorder, occurring in 1 : 100000 to 1 : 380000 live births. LNS is characterized by a decrease in activity of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase, an enzyme involved in purine metabolism, resulting in overproduction of uric acid. Hyperuricemia and neurological features including choreoathetoid spasticity, self-mutilation, and mental retardation clinically characterize this syndrome. In LNS patients the typical feature is loss of tissue from biting themselves with partial or complete amputation of fingers, lips, and tongue. The self-mutilation compares with the eruption of the deciduous teeth. Several drugs trials have been administered to improve self-destructive behavior and invasive treatment approaches, such as extractions of teeth and orthognathic surgery, have been suggested with variable effectiveness. Nowadays prevention is, therefore, the standard of care. The role of dentistry is essential in the management of the self-mutilating behavior, because the teeth represent the main self-injury instrument. This report presents a revision of various therapeutic approaches to manage self-destruction, highlighting the effectiveness of a preventive treatment. It describes a new technique: a resin mouthguard, realized at Gaslini Hospital, to obtain immediate healing of the oral lesions, confirmed in the follow-up period

    Periodontal microbiota of Sardinian children: comparing 200-year-old samples to present-day ones

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    Introduction: The microrganisms of the human oral cavity include more than 700 species or phenotypes of bacteria. Some “diseases of civilization” are strictly correlated to changes in the microbiome following the food revolution that occurred after WWII. For that reason, a precise recognition of the microbiome profile before and after this period should be useful to determine the health-compatible model of icrobiome. The aim of this study was to compare the microbiome profiles (number of total cells, and pathogen types) of dental samples obtained from two distinct groups of children, a 200-year-old retrieved one and a present one. Methods: Two different groups of samples have been studied. The first group was a set of 50 recent subgingival plaque samples obtained from children of age 2-8 years, 14 males and 36 females. They were enrolled by the Department of Dental Disease Prevention (University of Cagliari, in Sardinia, Italy) during standard dental care procedures. None reported periodontal disease and none had been under antibiotic therapy during the previous 6 months. The second group was an old retrieved group that included 24 teeth from 6 different 6- to 8-year-old crania fragments; they were obtained from a 200-year-old charnel-house located in Villaputzu, a city close to Cagliari. Representative periodontal bacteria have been identified by a previously published real-time PCR procedure (Sokransky et al., 1998) in which P. gingivalis and T. forsythia (red complex), A. Original article 2/5 www.jpnim.com Open Access Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine • vol. 6 • n. 1 • 2017 Orrù • Contu • Casula • Demontis • Blus • Szmukler-Moncler • Serreli • Maserati • Steri • Fanos • Coghe • Denotti actinomycetemcomitans (green complex) and F. nucleatum (orange complex) were detected. In addition, the title of each pathogen was expressed as a percentage of the total bacteria (biofilm) in the sample. Results and discussion: The profile of periodontal microbiomes, between recent/ancient samples showed a significant difference relative to Sokransky’s red complex bacteria (p < 0.05). In all analyzed periodontal strains, the pathogenic bacteria P. gingivalis and T. forsythia showed the highest title in the recent group. Conclusions: Our hypothesis is that the transfer of “commensal-pathogen” as an absolute number on the oral biofilm might be linked to the distinct alimentary habits of the two populations. Some diet rich in reducing agents, such as processed meat-based foods, might be able to increase the average number of pathogen anaerobic bacteria in the oral microbiota. The outcome would be an increase of the oral systemic diseases reported with these pathogens. Our data suggest that the ancient Sardinian population was able to control the pathogen oral anaerobic biofilm by some diet rich in antioxidant compounds. Further investigations are required to focus on the genetic profile and the health status of this ancient population but it appears that molecular microbiology might be considered as the “time machine” in oral biology

    Oil Essential Mouthwashes Antibacterial Activity against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: A Comparison between Antibiofilm and Antiplanktonic Effects

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    The aim of this work is to determine the antibacterial activity of three marketed mouthwashes on suspended and sessile states of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. The efficacy of two commonly used products in clinical practice, containing essential oils as active ingredients (menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, and eucalyptol) in association with or without alcohol, has been evaluated in comparison with a chlorhexidine-based mouthwash. The microtiter plate assay, in order to obtain a spectrophotometric measurement of bacterial responses at growing dilutions of each antiseptic, was used for the study. The analysis revealed that a good antibacterial activity is reached when the abovementioned mouthwashes were used at concentration over a 1/24 dilution and after an exposure time of 30 seconds at least. In conclusion, the alcoholic mouthwash appears to have a better biofilm inhibition than its antiplanktonic activity while the nonalcoholic product demonstrates an opposite effect with a better antiplanktonic behavior

    In Vitro Evaluation of Enterococcus faecalis Adhesion on Various Endodontic Medicaments

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    E. faecalis in endodontic infection represents a biofilm type of disease, which explains the bacteria’s resistance to various antimicrobial compounds and the subsequent failure after endodontic treatment. The purpose of this study was to compare antimicrobial activities and bacteria kinetic adhesion in vitro for three endodontic medicaments with a clinical isolate of E. faecalis. We devised a shake culture which contained the following intracanalar preparations: CPD, Endoidrox (EIX), PulpCanalSealer (PCS); these were immersed in a liquid culture medium inoculated with the microorganism. The shake system velocity was able to prevent non-specific bacteria adhesion and simulated the salivary flow. Specimens were collected daily (from both the medium and medicaments) for 10 days; the viable cells were counted by plate count, while the adhesion index AI° [E. faecalis fg DNA] /mm2 was evaluated in the pastes after DNA extraction, by quantitative real time PCR for the 16S rRNA gene. A partial growth inhibition, during the first 24 hours, was observed in the liquid medium and on the medicaments for EIX and subsequently for CPD (six logs). EIX showed the lowest adhesion coefficient (5*102 [fg DNA]/mm2) for nine days and was similar to the control. PCS showed no antimicrobial/antibiofilm properties. This showed that “calcium oxide” base compounds could be active against biofilm progression and at least in the short term (2-4 days) on E. faecalis cells growing in planktonic cultures

    Effect of prior knowledge about treatment on cephalometric measurements

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    Objective: We hypothesised that prior knowledge of details for a growth modification treatment influences cephalometric measurements and results in a detectable bias. Design: Observational study. Setting: University teaching facility. Methods: Six orthodontic residents assessed 48 lateral cephalograms taken before and after functional appliance treatment from 24 patients. The residents assessed six cephalometric measurements, (Cd-Pog, Cd-Me, Ar-Pog, Ar-Me, Go-Me, SNB) over three separate sessions, in either a random concealed order or as matched pairs with information about treatment and time disclosed. Results: When information was disclosed, five out of the six cephalometric measurements were significantly higher that the corresponding cephalometric measurements taken randomly with undisclosed information. The bias was in the range of 1.6-3.2 mm for linear measurements and was 1.1° for SNB. Conclusion: Disclosing treatment information does introduce systematic errors in cephalometric measurements. Cephalometric analysis in orthodontic clinical research should be carried out by assessors who are blinded to treatment details, to minimise risk of bias

    Tongue-tie, from embriology to treatment: a literature review

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    The aim of this review is to create a complete analysis about tongue-tie (or short lingual frenum or ankyloglossia) according to the most important works published in literature. The analysis allowed us to do a complete evaluation of this problem, from embriology to the therapeutic approach we could use today, focusing our attention on laser-assisted therapy. This review is based on the research on the PubMed Database (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) of studies about lingual frenum written in English between January 1980 and May 2014. The keywords inserted were “lingual frenum”, “frenectomy”, “laser therapy”. We have analyzed: case series, case reports, clinical studies, and also literature reviews in which embryology, physiology, diagnosis and treatment of ankyloglossia were described. We excluded laboratory studies, studies based on animal tests and studies about patients with particular syndromes in which we can also find tongue-tie. The selection criteria allowed us to select 42 articles. The treatment options for the releasing of the frenum are surgically represented by frenotomy (i.e. simple horizontal cut of this training) and frenectomy (i.e. removal). In both cases, the intervention on the short lingual frenum is simple, short-lasting, and without particular complications. Furthermore, this kind of treatment can be carried out with different devices: with the typical cold blade scalpel or by the use of laser, a new method that shows more advantages over the prior art. Laser-assisted therapy permits to intervene on newborns (from 0 to 20 days, when there are breastfeeding problems) without total anesthesia and suture. The Er:YAG, CO2 laser (according to literature data) and Diode laser (according to our experience) are advantageous, safe and effective in tongue-tie treatment