44 research outputs found

    Bonded Cumomer Analysis of Human Melanoma Metabolism Monitored by 13C NMR Spectroscopy of Perfused Tumor Cells.

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    A network model for the determination of tumor metabolic fluxes from (13)C NMR kinetic isotopomer data has been developed and validated with perfused human DB-1 melanoma cells carrying the BRAF V600E mutation, which promotes oxidative metabolism. The model generated in the bonded cumomer formalism describes key pathways of tumor intermediary metabolism and yields dynamic curves for positional isotopic enrichment and spin-spin multiplets. Cells attached to microcarrier beads were perfused with 26 mm [1,6-(13)C2]glucose under normoxic conditions at 37 °C and monitored by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. Excellent agreement between model-predicted and experimentally measured values of the rates of oxygen and glucose consumption, lactate production, and glutamate pool size validated the model. ATP production by glycolytic and oxidative metabolism were compared under hyperglycemic normoxic conditions; 51% of the energy came from oxidative phosphorylation and 49% came from glycolysis. Even though the rate of glutamine uptake was ∌50% of the tricarboxylic acid cycle flux, the rate of ATP production from glutamine was essentially zero (no glutaminolysis). De novo fatty acid production was ∌6% of the tricarboxylic acid cycle flux. The oxidative pentose phosphate pathway flux was 3.6% of glycolysis, and three non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway exchange fluxes were calculated. Mass spectrometry was then used to compare fluxes through various pathways under hyperglycemic (26 mm) and euglycemic (5 mm) conditions. Under euglycemic conditions glutamine uptake doubled, but ATP production from glutamine did not significantly change. A new parameter measuring the Warburg effect (the ratio of lactate production flux to pyruvate influx through the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier) was calculated to be 21, close to upper limit of oxidative metabolism

    (31) P and (1) H MRS of DB-1 melanoma xenografts: lonidamine selectively decreases tumor intracellular pH and energy status and sensitizes tumors to melphalan.

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    In vivo (31) P MRS demonstrates that human melanoma xenografts in immunosuppressed mice treated with lonidamine (LND, 100 mg/kg intraperitoneally) exhibit a decrease in intracellular pH (pH(i) ) from 6.90 ± 0.05 to 6.33 ± 0.10 (p \u3c 0.001), a slight decrease in extracellular pH (pH(e) ) from 7.00 ± 0.04 to 6.80 ± 0.07 (p \u3e 0.05) and a monotonic decline in bioenergetics (nucleoside triphosphate/inorganic phosphate) of 66.8 ± 5.7% (p \u3c 0.001) relative to the baseline level. Both bioenergetics and pH(i) decreases were sustained for at least 3 h following LND treatment. Liver exhibited a transient intracellular acidification by 0.2 ± 0.1 pH units (p \u3e 0.05) at 20 min post-LND, with no significant change in pH(e) and a small transient decrease in bioenergetics (32.9 ± 10.6%, p \u3e 0.05) at 40 min post-LND. No changes in pH(i) or adenosine triphosphate/inorganic phosphate were detected in the brain (pH(i) , bioenergetics; p \u3e 0.1) or skeletal muscle (pH(i) , pH(e) , bioenergetics; p \u3e 0.1) for at least 120 min post-LND. Steady-state tumor lactate monitored by (1) H MRS with a selective multiquantum pulse sequence with Hadamard localization increased approximately three-fold (p = 0.009). Treatment with LND increased the systemic melanoma response to melphalan (LPAM; 7.5 mg/kg intravenously), producing a growth delay of 19.9 ± 2.0 days (tumor doubling time, 6.15 ± 0.31 days; log(10) cell kill, 0.975 ± 0.110; cell kill, 89.4 ± 2.2%) compared with LND alone of 1.1 ± 0.1 days and LPAM alone of 4.0 ± 0.0 days. The study demonstrates that the effects of LND on tumor pH(i) and bioenergetics may sensitize melanoma to pH-dependent therapeutics, such as chemotherapy with alkylating agents or hyperthermia

    (13)C MRS and LC-MS Flux Analysis of Tumor Intermediary Metabolism.

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    We present the first validated metabolic network model for analysis of flux through key pathways of tumor intermediary metabolism, including glycolysis, the oxidative and non-oxidative arms of the pentose pyrophosphate shunt, the TCA cycle as well as its anaplerotic pathways, pyruvate-malate shuttling, glutaminolysis, and fatty acid biosynthesis and oxidation. The model that is called Bonded Cumomer Analysis for application to (13)C magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((13)C MRS) data and Fragmented Cumomer Analysis for mass spectrometric data is a refined and efficient form of isotopomer analysis that can readily be expanded to incorporate glycogen, phospholipid, and other pathways thereby encompassing all the key pathways of tumor intermediary metabolism. Validation was achieved by demonstrating agreement of experimental measurements of the metabolic rates of oxygen consumption, glucose consumption, lactate production, and glutamate pool size with independent measurements of these parameters in cultured human DB-1 melanoma cells. These cumomer models have been applied to studies of DB-1 melanoma and DLCL2 human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cells in culture and as xenografts in nude mice at 9.4 T. The latter studies demonstrate the potential translation of these methods to in situ studies of human tumor metabolism by MRS with stable (13)C isotopically labeled substrates on instruments operating at high magnetic fields (≄7 T). The melanoma studies indicate that this tumor line obtains 51% of its ATP by mitochondrial metabolism and 49% by glycolytic metabolism under both euglycemic (5 mM glucose) and hyperglycemic conditions (26 mM glucose). While a high level of glutamine uptake is detected corresponding to ~50% of TCA cycle flux under hyperglycemic conditions, and ~100% of TCA cycle flux under euglycemic conditions, glutaminolysis flux and its contributions to ATP synthesis were very small. Studies of human lymphoma cells demonstrated that inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling produced changes in flux through the glycolytic, pentose shunt, and TCA cycle pathways that were evident within 8 h of treatment and increased at 24 and 48 h. Lactate was demonstrated to be a suitable biomarker of mTOR inhibition that could readily be monitored by (1)H MRS and perhaps also by FDG-PET and hyperpolarized (13)C MRS methods

    Mechanism of antineoplastic activity of lonidamine

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    Lonidamine (LND) was initially introduced as an antispermatogenic agent. It was later found to have anticancer activity sensitizing tumors to chemo-, radio-, photodynamic-therapy and hyperthermia. Although the mechanism of action remained unclear, LND treatment has been known to target metabolic pathways in cancer cells. It has been reported to alter the bioenergetics of tumor cells by inhibiting glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration, while indirect evidence suggested that it also inhibited L-lactic acid efflux from cells mediated by members of the proton-linked monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family and also pyruvate uptake into the mitochondria by the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC). Recent studies have demonstrated that LND potently inhibits MPC activity in isolated rat liver mitochondria (K(i) 2.5 ÎŒM) and cooperatively inhibits L-lactate transport by MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with K(0.5) and Hill Coefficient values of 36–40 ÎŒM and 1.65–1.85, respectively. In rat heart mitochondria LND inhibited the MPC with similar potency and uncoupled oxidation of pyruvate was inhibited more effectively (IC(50) ~7 ÎŒM) than other substrates including glutamate (IC(50) ~20 ÎŒM). LND inhibits the succinate-ubiquinone reductase activity of respiratory Complex II without fully blocking succinate dehydrogenase activity. LND also induces cellular reactive oxygen species through Complex II and has been reported to promote cell death by suppression of the pentose phosphate pathway, which resulted in inhibition of NADPH and glutathione generation. We conclude that MPC inhibition is the most sensitive anti-tumour target for LND, with additional inhibitory effects on MCT-mediated L-lactic acid efflux, Complex II and glutamine/glutamate oxidation

    Diffusion imaging of human breast

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    It is shown that diffusion-weighted imaging is possible in the human breast. Diffusion constants were measured in the breast parenchyma of four volunteers with no known breast lesions. The apparent diffusion constant of water measured in regions of interest chosen in normal human breast fibroglandular tissue was 1.64±0.19x10-5 cm2/s and that measured in the area of fatty breast tissue was 0.32±0.18x10-5 cm2/s. The resulting images indicate that fibroglandular tissue and fat can be clearly distinguished in diffusion-weighted as well as in absolute diffusion images of the breast. Potential future applications of this technology for the study of breast pathologies are suggested