1,314 research outputs found

    Cluster Persistence: a Discriminating Probe of Soap Froth Dynamics

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    The persistent decay of bubble clusters in coarsening two-dimensional soap froths is measured experimentally as a function of cluster volume fraction. Dramatically stronger decay is observed in comparison to soap froth models and to measurements and calculations of persistence in other systems. The fraction of individual bubbles that contain any persistent area also decays, implying significant bubble motion and suggesting that T1 processes play an important role in froth persistence.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 4 eps figures. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Viscous instabilities in flowing foams: A Cellular Potts Model approach

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    The Cellular Potts Model (CPM) succesfully simulates drainage and shear in foams. Here we use the CPM to investigate instabilities due to the flow of a single large bubble in a dry, monodisperse two-dimensional flowing foam. As in experiments in a Hele-Shaw cell, above a threshold velocity the large bubble moves faster than the mean flow. Our simulations reproduce analytical and experimental predictions for the velocity threshold and the relative velocity of the large bubble, demonstrating the utility of the CPM in foam rheology studies.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Replaced with revised version accepted for publication in JSTA

    Experimental growth law for bubbles in a "wet" 3D liquid foam

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    We used X-ray tomography to characterize the geometry of all bubbles in a liquid foam of average liquid fraction ϕl17\phi_l\approx 17 % and to follow their evolution, measuring the normalized growth rate G=V1/3dVdt\mathcal{G}=V^{-{1/3}}\frac{dV} {dt} for 7000 bubbles. While G\mathcal{G} does not depend only on the number of faces of a bubble, its average over ff-faced bubbles scales as Gfff0G_f\sim f-f_0 for large ffs at all times. We discuss the dispersion of G\mathcal{G} and the influence of VV on G\mathcal{G}.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to PR

    Mechanical probing of liquid foam aging

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    We present experimental results on the Stokes experiment performed in a 3D dry liquid foam. The system is used as a rheometric tool : from the force exerted on a 1cm glass bead, plunged at controlled velocity in the foam in a quasi static regime, local foam properties are probed around the sphere. With this original and simple technique, we show the possibility of measuring the foam shear modulus, the gravity drainage rate and the evolution of the bubble size during coarsening

    Bubble kinetics in a steady-state column of aqueous foam

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    We measure the liquid content, the bubble speeds, and the distribution of bubble sizes, in a vertical column of aqueous foam maintained in steady-state by continuous bubbling of gas into a surfactant solution. Nearly round bubbles accumulate at the solution/foam interface, and subsequently rise with constant speed. Upon moving up the column, they become larger due to gas diffusion and more polyhedral due to drainage. The size distribution is monodisperse near the bottom and polydisperse near the top, but there is an unexpected range of intermediate heights where it is bidisperse with small bubbles decorating the junctions between larger bubbles. We explain the evolution in both bidisperse and polydisperse regimes, using Laplace pressure differences and taking the liquid fraction profile as a given.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Coarsening in the q-State Potts Model and the Ising Model with Globally Conserved Magnetization

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    We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the qq-state Potts model following a quench from the high temperature disordered phase to zero temperature. The time dependent two-point correlation functions of the order parameter field satisfy dynamic scaling with a length scale L(t)t1/2L(t)\sim t^{1/2}. In particular, the autocorrelation function decays as L(t)λ(q)L(t)^{-\lambda(q)}. We illustrate these properties by solving exactly the kinetic Potts model in d=1d=1. We then analyze a Langevin equation of an appropriate field theory to compute these correlation functions for general qq and dd. We establish a correspondence between the two-point correlations of the qq-state Potts model and those of a kinetic Ising model evolving with a fixed magnetization (2/q1)(2/q-1). The dynamics of this Ising model is solved exactly in the large q limit, and in the limit of a large number of components nn for the order parameter. For general qq and in any dimension, we introduce a Gaussian closure approximation and calculate within this approximation the scaling functions and the exponent λ(q)\lambda (q). These are in good agreement with the direct numerical simulations of the Potts model as well as the kinetic Ising model with fixed magnetization. We also discuss the existing and possible experimental realizations of these models.Comment: TeX, Vanilla.sty is needed. [Admin note: author contacted regarding missing figure1 but is unable to supply, see journal version (Nov99)

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues

    Unification of aggregate growth models by emergence from cellular and intracellular mechanisms

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    Multicellular aggregate growth is regulated by nutrient availability and removal of metabolites, but the specifics of growth dynamics are dependent on cell type and environment. Classical models of growth are based on differential equations. While in some cases these classical models match experimental observations, they can only predict growth of a limited number of cell types and so can only be selectively applied. Currently, no classical model provides a general mathematical representation of growth for any cell type and environment. This discrepancy limits their range of applications, which a general modelling framework can enhance. In this work, a hybrid cellular Potts model is used to explain the discrepancy between classical models as emergent behaviours from the same mathematical system. Intracellular processes are described using probability distributions of local chemical conditions for proliferation and death and simulated. By fitting simulation results to a generalization of the classical models, their emergence is demonstrated. Parameter variations elucidate how aggregate growth may behave like one classical growth model or another. Three classical growth model fits were tested, and emergence of the Gompertz equation was demonstrated. Effects of shape changes are demonstrated, which are significant for final aggregate size and growth rate, and occur stochastically

    On War: The Dynamics of Vicious Civilizations

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    The dynamics of ``vicious'', continuously growing civilizations (domains), which engage in ``war'' whenever two domains meet, is investigated. In the war event, the smaller domain is annihilated, while the larger domain is reduced in size by a fraction \e of the casualties of the loser. Here \e quantifies the fairness of the war, with \e=1 corresponding to a fair war with equal casualties on both side, and \e=0 corresponding to a completely unfair war where the winner suffers no casualties. In the heterogeneous version of the model, evolution begins from a specified initial distribution of domains, while in the homogeneous system, there is a continuous and spatially uniform input of point domains, in addition to the growth and warfare. For the heterogeneous case, the rate equations are derived and solved, and comparisons with numerical simulations are made. An exact solution is also derived for the case of equal size domains in one dimension. The heterogeneous system is found to coarsen, with the typical cluster size growing linearly in time tt and the number density of domains decreases as 1/t1/t. For the homogeneous system, two different long-time behaviors arise as a function of \e. When 1/2<\e\leq 1 (relatively fair wars), a steady state arises which is characterized by egalitarian competition between domains of comparable size. In the limiting case of \e=1, rate equations which simultaneously account for the distribution of domains and that of the intervening gaps are derived and solved. The steady state is characterized by domains whose age is typically much larger than their size. When 0\leq\e<1/2 (unfair wars), a few ``superpowers'' ultimately dominate. Simulations indicate that this coarsening process is characterized by power-law temporal behavior, with non-universalComment: 43 pages, plain TeX, 12 figures included, gzipped and uuencode