24 research outputs found

    Pharmacy students’ perceptions and attitudes toward face-to-face vs. virtual team-based learning (TBL) in the didactic curriculum: A mixed-methods study

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    Introduction Virtual TBL is an online adaptation of the team-based learning (TBL) instructional strategy, emphasizing collaborative learning and problem-solving. The emergency shift to virtual TBL during the COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges. This study aims to 1) compare overall pharmacy students’ perceptions and attitudes toward face-to-face (FTF) TBL vs. virtual TBL in the didactic curriculum and stratify their perceptions and attitudes by various students’ characteristics; 2) evaluate students’ perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of virtual TBL. Methods This mixed-methods, pre-post, cross-sectional study utilized an anonymous survey to collect the data. Pharmacy students completed a survey to compare their perceptions and attitudes toward learning, class experience, learning outcomes achieved, and satisfaction with FTF TBL vs. virtual TBL using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Additionally, the survey included two open-ended questions to gather students’ perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of virtual TBL. Quantitative survey data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank exact test, while qualitative survey data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results A total of 117 students (response rate of 59.4%) completed the study survey. Pharmacy students perceived FTF TBL to be superior to virtual TBL in their attitudes toward learning, class experience, learning outcomes achieved, and overall satisfaction across various students’ characteristics. While the students identified some unique strengths of using virtual TBL, they also highlighted several weaknesses of using this learning modality compared to FTF TBL. Conclusions Pharmacy students perceived FTF TBL to be superior to virtual TBL across various students’ characteristics. These findings can be helpful to pharmacy programs considering the implementation of virtual TBL in their didactic curricula. Future research should explore whether a purposefully designed virtual TBL environment, as opposed to the pandemic-driven emergency TBL planning, can influence students’ perceptions and attitudes toward virtual TBL

    Therapeutic targeting of CK2 in acute and chronic leukemias

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    Phosphorylation can regulate almost every property of a protein and is involved in all fundamental cellular processes. Thus, proper regulation of phosphorylation events is critical to the homeostatic functions of cell signaling. Indeed, deregulation of signaling pathways underlies many human diseases, including cancer.[1] The importance of phosphorylation makes protein kinases and phosphatases promising therapeutic targets for a wide variety of disorders.[2] CK2, formerly known as casein kinase II, was discovered in 1954, [3] although only recently, and especially over the last two decades, it has become one of the most studied protein kinases, due to its ubiquity, pleiotropy and constitutive activity. In particular, appreciation of its pleiotropy has completely changed our vision of CK2 biology, from an ordinary cell homeostasis-maintaining enzyme to a master kinase potentially implicated in many human physiological and pathological events. CK2 is responsible for about 25% of the phosphoproteome,[4] as it catalyzes the phosphorylation of >300 substrates.[5] This partly explains the CK2 interconnected roles that underlie its involvement in many signaling pathways. However, CK2 prevalent roles are promotion of cell growth and suppression of apoptosis. Accordingly, several lines of evidence support the notion that CK2 is a key player in the pathogenesis of cancer. High levels of CK2 transcript and protein expression, as well as increased kinase activity are associated with the pathological functions of CK2 in a number of neoplasias.[6] It was only over the last decade, after extensive analyses in solid tumors, that basic and translational studies have provided evidence for a pivotal role of CK2 in driving the growth of different blood cancers as well, although the first report demonstrating increased CK2 expression in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) dates back to 1985.[7] Since then, CK2 overexpression/activity has been demonstrated in other hematological malignancies, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). [8] With the notable exceptions of CML and pediatric ALL, many patients with leukemias still have a poor outcome, despite the development of protocols with optimized chemotherapy combinations. Insufficient response to first-line therapy and unsalvageable relapses present major therapeutic challenges. Moreover, chemotherapy, even if successful, could have deleterious long-term biological and psychological effects, especially in children.[9] Furthermore, CML patients can develop resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), while both primary chemoresistant and relapsed pediatric ALL cases still remain an unresolved issue.[9

    Building a nuclear envelope at the end of mitosis: coordinating membrane reorganization, nuclear pore complex assembly, and chromatin de-condensation

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    Molecular architecture of the inner ring scaffold of the human nuclear pore complex

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    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are 110-megadalton assemblies that mediate nucleocytoplasmic transport. NPCs are built from multiple copies of ~30 different nucleoporins, and understanding how these nucleoporins assemble into the NPC scaffold imposes a formidable challenge. Recently, it has been shown how the Y complex, a prominent NPC module, forms the outer rings of the nuclear pore. However, the organization of the inner ring has remained unknown until now. We used molecular modeling combined with cross-linking mass spectrometry and cryo-electron tomography to obtain a composite structure of the inner ring. This architectural map explains the vast majority of the electron density of the scaffold. We conclude that despite obvious differences in morphology and composition, the higher-order structure of the inner and outer rings is unexpectedly similar

    Nucleoporin Nup155 is part of the p53 network in liver cancer

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    Cancer-relevant signalling pathways rely on bidirectional nucleocytoplasmic transport events through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). However, mechanisms by which individual NPC components (Nups) participate in the regulation of these pathways remain poorly understood. We discover by integrating large scale proteomics, polysome fractionation and a focused RNAi approach that Nup155 controls mRNA translation of p21 (CDKN1A), a key mediator of the p53 response. The underlying mechanism involves transcriptional regulation of the putative tRNA and rRNA methyltransferase FTSJ1 by Nup155. Furthermore, we observe that Nup155 and FTSJ1 are p53 repression targets and accordingly find a correlation between the p53 status, Nup155 and FTSJ1 expression in murine and human hepatocellular carcinoma. Our data suggest an unanticipated regulatory network linking translational control by and repression of a structural NPC component modulating the p53 pathway through its effectors

    In situ structural analysis of the human nuclear pore complex

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    Nuclear pore complexes are fundamental components of all eukaryotic cells that mediate nucleocytoplasmic exchange. Determining their 110-megadalton structure imposes a formidable challenge and requires in situ structural biology approaches. Of approximately 30 nucleoporins (Nups), 15 are structured and form the Y and inner-ring complexes. These two major scaffolding modules assemble in multiple copies into an eight-fold rotationally symmetric structure that fuses the inner and outer nuclear membranes to form a central channel of ~60 nm in diameter. The scaffold is decorated with transport-channel Nups that often contain phenylalanine-repeat sequences and mediate the interaction with cargo complexes. Although the architectural arrangement of parts of the Y complex has been elucidated, it is unclear how exactly it oligomerizes in situ. Here we combine cryo-electron tomography with mass spectrometry, biochemical analysis, perturbation experiments and structural modelling to generate, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive architectural model of the human nuclear pore complex to date. Our data suggest previously unknown protein interfaces across Y complexes and to inner-ring complex members. We show that the transport-channel Nup358 (also known as Ranbp2) has a previously unanticipated role in Y-complex oligomerization. Our findings blur the established boundaries between scaffold and transport-channel Nups. We conclude that, similar to coated vesicles, several copies of the same structural building block--although compositionally identical--engage in different local sets of interactions and conformations

    Cell-cycle-dependent phosphorylation of the nuclear pore Nup107–160 subcomplex

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) mediates macromolecular transport between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Many NPC proteins (nucleoporins, Nups) are modified by phosphorylation. It is believed that phosphorylation regulates the breakdown of the nuclear envelope at mitosis and the disassembly of the NPC into different subcomplexes. In this study, we examined the cell-cycle-dependent phosphorylation of the Nup107–160 subcomplex, a core building block of the NPC. Using in vivo (32)P labeling in HeLa cells, we found that Nup107, Nup96, and Nup133 are phosphorylated during mitosis. To precisely map the phosphorylation sites within the complex, we used a comprehensive multiple-stage MS approach (MS, MS(2), and MS(3)), establishing that Nup160, Nup133, Nup96, and Nup107 are all targets of phosphorylation. We determined that the phosphorylation sites are clustered mainly at the N-terminal regions of these proteins, which are predicted to be natively disordered. In addition, we determined the cell-cycle dependence of the phosphorylation of these sites by using stable isotope labeling and MS(2) analysis. Measurement of the site-specific phosphorylation ratios between mitotic and G(1) cells led us to conclude that several phosphorylation events of the subcomplex are mainly mitotic. Based on these results and our finding that the entire Nup107–160 subcomplex is stable throughout the cell cycle, we propose that phosphorylation does not affect interactions within the Nup107–160 subcomplex, but regulates the association of the subcomplex with the NPC and other proteins

    Regulation of volume-activated chloride channels by P-glycoprotein: phosphorylation has the final say!

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    P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is a transmembrane transporter causing efflux of a number of chemically unrelated drugs and is responsible for resistance to a variety of anticancer drugs during chemotherapy.Pgp overexpression in cells is also associated with volume-activated chloride channel activity; Pgp is thought to regulate such activity.Reversible phosphorylation is a possible mechanism for regulating the transport and chloride channel regulation functions of Pgp. Protein kinase C (PKC) is a good candidate for inducing such phosphorylation.Hierarchical multiple phosphorylation (e.g. of different serines and with different PKC isoforms) may shuttle the protein between its different states of activity (transport or channel regulation). Cell volume changes may trigger phosphorylation of Pgp at sites causing inhibition of transport.The possible regulation of chloride channels by Pgp and the potential involvement of reversible phosphorylation in such regulation is reviewed

    Covalent capture of kinase-specific phosphopeptides reveals Cdk1-cyclin B substrates

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    We describe a method for rapid identification of protein kinase substrates. Cdk1 was engineered to accept an ATP analog that allows it to uniquely label its substrates with a bio-orthogonal phosphate analog tag. A highly specific, covalent capture-and-release methodology was developed for rapid purification of tagged peptides derived from labeled substrate proteins. Application of this approach to the discovery of Cdk1-cyclin B substrates yielded identification of >70 substrates and phosphorylation sites. Many of these sites are known to be phosphorylated in vivo, but most of the proteins have not been characterized as Cdk1-cyclin B substrates. This approach has the potential to expand our understanding of kinase–substrate connections in signaling networks