16 research outputs found

    SHANK3 controls maturation of social reward circuits in the VTA.

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    Haploinsufficiency of SHANK3, encoding the synapse scaffolding protein SHANK3, leads to a highly penetrant form of autism spectrum disorder. How SHANK3 insufficiency affects specific neural circuits and how this is related to specific symptoms remains elusive. Here we used shRNA to model Shank3 insufficiency in the ventral tegmental area of mice. We identified dopamine (DA) and GABA cell-type-specific changes in excitatory synapse transmission that converge to reduce DA neuron activity and generate behavioral deficits, including impaired social preference. Administration of a positive allosteric modulator of the type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR1 during the first postnatal week restored DA neuron excitatory synapse transmission and partially rescued the social preference defects, while optogenetic DA neuron stimulation was sufficient to enhance social preference. Collectively, these data reveal the contribution of impaired ventral tegmental area function to social behaviors and identify mGluR1 modulation during postnatal development as a potential treatment strategy

    Le Noyau du Lit de la Strie Terminale : entre Stress et Récompense

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    The main goal of my PhD was to identify the adaptive neuronal mechanismsdeveloping in the reward circuit and in the circuit implicated in the regulation of stressresponses. More specifically, we have studied the function of the bed nucleus of the striaterminalis (BNST) in both circuits.My hypothesis was that, the BNST belongs to interconnected circuits in whichintegrates contextual (from ventral hippocampus) and emotional informations (from medialprefrontal cortex). Thus, the BNST diffuses these informations in order to regulate the basalinnate level of anxiety and stress centers responses induced after acute stress exposure, butalso to adapt the activity of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) thatcan promote or prevent a behavioral task associated with a rewarding or aversive stimulus.To test this hypothesis, we decided to develop several research projects usingelectrophysiological, anatomical and behavioral approaches.Firstly, we focused our interest on the stress circuit in which the BNST is a keystructure which participates in regulating the responses of stress centers after acute stressexposure. By using in vivo electrophysiology approach in anesthetized mice, we haveshown that after acute restraint stress, BNST neurons adapt their plastic responses inducedby the tetanic stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex: switch from long term depression(LTD) under control condition to long term potentiation (LTP) after acute stress condition.Furthermore, we demonstrated that both LTD and LTP are endocannabinoid dependent byusing genetic modified mice for the type 1 endocannabinoid receptors and localpharmacological approach in the BNST.In a second step, we studied the function of the ventral subiculum (vSUB) in theregulation of BNST neurons and the impact of the vSUB-BNST pathway activation on theother glutamatergic ILCx-BNST pathway. In a first set of experiments, we showed that asame single BNST neuron could integrate informations from both vSUB and the infralimbiccortex. By using high frequency stimulation (HFS) protocols, we induced in vivo NMDAdependentLTP in the vSUB-BNST pathway whereas the same protocol led to LTD in thesame BNST neurons in the ILCx-BNST pathway. Moreover, we noted single application ofHFS protocol in the vSUB induced a long term decrease of the basal innate level of anxietyin rats.Lastly, we presented the BNST as a key excitatory relay between the vSUB and theVTA. Here, we have shown that in vivo HFS protocols in the vSUB potentiate the activity ofdopaminergic (DA) neurons of the VTA. However, the vSUB does not directly project to theVTA. We observed that a HFS protocol in the vSUB first induce NMDA-dependent LTP inBNST neurons that project to the VTA, which is necessary to promote the potentiation of7VTA DA neurons. In the last step, we demonstrated in vivo that the potentiation of VTA DAneurons increases the locomotor response to cocaine challenge.All together, these projects allow us to confirm and detail the major function of theBNST in the regulation of stress and anxiety and also in the motivational circuit.L’objectif principal de mon projet de thèse a été d’identifier les mécanismes neuronaux adaptatifs se mettant en place au niveau des circuits de la récompense et des circuits activés en réponse à un stress aigu. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié le rôle du noyau du lit de la strie terminale (BNST) au sein de ces deux circuits. Mon hypothèse est que le BNST appartient à un circuit de structures interconnectées dans lequel il intègre des informations contextuelles (hippocampe ventral) et des informations émotionnelles (cortex préfrontal médian) afin, d’une part, de réguler les niveaux d’anxiété innés ainsi que les réponses induites par les centres du stress suite à un épisode de stress aigu mais également, d’adapter l’activité des neurones dopaminergiques de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (VTA) en vue de motiver ou d’empêcher la reproduction d’un comportement associé à un stimulus récompensant ou aversif. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons mis en place et développé différents projets de recherche combinant des approches d’électrophysiologie in vivo, anatomiques et comportementales. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au BNST en tant que structure clef participant à la régulation des centres de stress. Grâce à l’utilisation d’approches d’électrophysiologie in vivo chez la souris anesthésiée, nous avons montré qu’après l’exposition à un stress aigu, les neurones du BNST adaptent leur réponse suite à la stimulation du cortex préfrontal médian et passent d’une dépression à long terme (LTD) en situation contrôle à une potentialisation à long terme (LTP) après un stress aigu. Nous avons disséqué une partie des mécanismes permettant l’élaboration de ces plasticités grâce à l’utilisation de souris génétiquement modifiés pour le récepteur aux endocannabinoïdes de type 1 (CB1-R). Ainsi, nous avons trouvé que la LTD et la LTP mis en place dans le BNST sont médiées par le système endocannabinoïde via les récepteurs CB1. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le rôle du ventral subiculum (vSUB) dans la régulation des neurones du BNST ainsi que l’impact de l’activation de cette voie vSUB-BNST sur l’autre voie glutamatergique ILCx-BNST. Tout d’abord, nous avons montré par des approches électrophysiologiques et anatomiques, qu’un même neurone du BNST est capable d’intégrer des informations provenant à la fois du ventral subiculum et du cortex infralimbic (ILCx). Nous avons induit in vivo une LTP NMDA dépendante dans la voie vSUB-BNST suite à un protocole de stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB alors qu’en parallèle ce même protocole induit une LTD sur ces mêmes neurones dans la voie ILCx–BNST. Deplus, nous avons noté que ces adaptations plastiques se mettant en place dans le BNST suiteà une simple stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB permettent à long terme de diminuerles niveaux d’anxiété innés chez le rat. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence que le BNST est un relai excitateur entre le vSUBet la VTA. Nous avons montré qu’une stimulation à haute fréquence dans le vSUBpotentialise in vivo l’activité des neurones dopaminergiques (DA) de la VTA. Or le vSUBne projette pas de manière directe sur les neurones DA de la VTA. Nous avons observé quece protocole de stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB induit dans un premier temps uneLTP NMDA dépendante dans les neurones du BNST projetant à la VTA qui est nécessairepour observer cette potentialisation des neurones DA. En dernier lieu, nous avons montréque cette potentialisation des neurones DA de la VTA augmente la réponse locomotrice à unchallenge avec de la cocaine.Ainsi, l’ensemble de ces projets nous ont permis de confirmer et de préciser lafonction majeure du BNST dans la régulation du stress et de l’anxiété ainsi que dans lecircuit de la motivation

    The Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis between Stress and Reward

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    L’objectif principal de mon projet de thèse a été d’identifier les mécanismes neuronaux adaptatifs se mettant en place au niveau des circuits de la récompense et des circuits activés en réponse à un stress aigu. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié le rôle du noyau du lit de la strie terminale (BNST) au sein de ces deux circuits. Mon hypothèse est que le BNST appartient à un circuit de structures interconnectées dans lequel il intègre des informations contextuelles (hippocampe ventral) et des informations émotionnelles (cortex préfrontal médian) afin, d’une part, de réguler les niveaux d’anxiété innés ainsi que les réponses induites par les centres du stress suite à un épisode de stress aigu mais également, d’adapter l’activité des neurones dopaminergiques de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (VTA) en vue de motiver ou d’empêcher la reproduction d’un comportement associé à un stimulus récompensant ou aversif. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons mis en place et développé différents projets de recherche combinant des approches d’électrophysiologie in vivo, anatomiques et comportementales. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au BNST en tant que structure clef participant à la régulation des centres de stress. Grâce à l’utilisation d’approches d’électrophysiologie in vivo chez la souris anesthésiée, nous avons montré qu’après l’exposition à un stress aigu, les neurones du BNST adaptent leur réponse suite à la stimulation du cortex préfrontal médian et passent d’une dépression à long terme (LTD) en situation contrôle à une potentialisation à long terme (LTP) après un stress aigu. Nous avons disséqué une partie des mécanismes permettant l’élaboration de ces plasticités grâce à l’utilisation de souris génétiquement modifiés pour le récepteur aux endocannabinoïdes de type 1 (CB1-R). Ainsi, nous avons trouvé que la LTD et la LTP mis en place dans le BNST sont médiées par le système endocannabinoïde via les récepteurs CB1. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le rôle du ventral subiculum (vSUB) dans la régulation des neurones du BNST ainsi que l’impact de l’activation de cette voie vSUB-BNST sur l’autre voie glutamatergique ILCx-BNST. Tout d’abord, nous avons montré par des approches électrophysiologiques et anatomiques, qu’un même neurone du BNST est capable d’intégrer des informations provenant à la fois du ventral subiculum et du cortex infralimbic (ILCx). Nous avons induit in vivo une LTP NMDA dépendante dans la voie vSUB-BNST suite à un protocole de stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB alors qu’en parallèle ce même protocole induit une LTD sur ces mêmes neurones dans la voie ILCx–BNST. Deplus, nous avons noté que ces adaptations plastiques se mettant en place dans le BNST suiteà une simple stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB permettent à long terme de diminuerles niveaux d’anxiété innés chez le rat. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence que le BNST est un relai excitateur entre le vSUBet la VTA. Nous avons montré qu’une stimulation à haute fréquence dans le vSUBpotentialise in vivo l’activité des neurones dopaminergiques (DA) de la VTA. Or le vSUBne projette pas de manière directe sur les neurones DA de la VTA. Nous avons observé quece protocole de stimulation haute fréquence dans le vSUB induit dans un premier temps uneLTP NMDA dépendante dans les neurones du BNST projetant à la VTA qui est nécessairepour observer cette potentialisation des neurones DA. En dernier lieu, nous avons montréque cette potentialisation des neurones DA de la VTA augmente la réponse locomotrice à unchallenge avec de la cocaine.Ainsi, l’ensemble de ces projets nous ont permis de confirmer et de préciser lafonction majeure du BNST dans la régulation du stress et de l’anxiété ainsi que dans lecircuit de la motivation.The main goal of my PhD was to identify the adaptive neuronal mechanismsdeveloping in the reward circuit and in the circuit implicated in the regulation of stressresponses. More specifically, we have studied the function of the bed nucleus of the striaterminalis (BNST) in both circuits.My hypothesis was that, the BNST belongs to interconnected circuits in whichintegrates contextual (from ventral hippocampus) and emotional informations (from medialprefrontal cortex). Thus, the BNST diffuses these informations in order to regulate the basalinnate level of anxiety and stress centers responses induced after acute stress exposure, butalso to adapt the activity of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) thatcan promote or prevent a behavioral task associated with a rewarding or aversive stimulus.To test this hypothesis, we decided to develop several research projects usingelectrophysiological, anatomical and behavioral approaches.Firstly, we focused our interest on the stress circuit in which the BNST is a keystructure which participates in regulating the responses of stress centers after acute stressexposure. By using in vivo electrophysiology approach in anesthetized mice, we haveshown that after acute restraint stress, BNST neurons adapt their plastic responses inducedby the tetanic stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex: switch from long term depression(LTD) under control condition to long term potentiation (LTP) after acute stress condition.Furthermore, we demonstrated that both LTD and LTP are endocannabinoid dependent byusing genetic modified mice for the type 1 endocannabinoid receptors and localpharmacological approach in the BNST.In a second step, we studied the function of the ventral subiculum (vSUB) in theregulation of BNST neurons and the impact of the vSUB-BNST pathway activation on theother glutamatergic ILCx-BNST pathway. In a first set of experiments, we showed that asame single BNST neuron could integrate informations from both vSUB and the infralimbiccortex. By using high frequency stimulation (HFS) protocols, we induced in vivo NMDAdependentLTP in the vSUB-BNST pathway whereas the same protocol led to LTD in thesame BNST neurons in the ILCx-BNST pathway. Moreover, we noted single application ofHFS protocol in the vSUB induced a long term decrease of the basal innate level of anxietyin rats.Lastly, we presented the BNST as a key excitatory relay between the vSUB and theVTA. Here, we have shown that in vivo HFS protocols in the vSUB potentiate the activity ofdopaminergic (DA) neurons of the VTA. However, the vSUB does not directly project to theVTA. We observed that a HFS protocol in the vSUB first induce NMDA-dependent LTP inBNST neurons that project to the VTA, which is necessary to promote the potentiation of7VTA DA neurons. In the last step, we demonstrated in vivo that the potentiation of VTA DAneurons increases the locomotor response to cocaine challenge.All together, these projects allow us to confirm and detail the major function of theBNST in the regulation of stress and anxiety and also in the motivational circuit

    Pharmacology of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis

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    International audienceThe bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) regulates not only stress-related behaviors but also maternal behavior, pain-related behaviors, and reward-driven behavior. Dysfunction of the BNST leads to physiopathological states like anxiety disorder, post-traumatic syndrome disorder, anorexia, or addiction. Thus, a better understanding of the BNST emerges as an important challenge in order to develop innovative therapeutic strategies. Indeed, to improve our knowledge on the BNST, we first need to understand what shapes its activity. The BNST is strongly innervated by multiple inputs (glutamatergic, GABAergic, noradrenergic, dopaminergic, serotoninergic) giving rise to a part of its complexity. Importantly, under specific conditions (stress exposure, drug-withdrawal), endocannabinoid and neuropeptides can orchestrate the activity of the BNST. Here, we give a brief overview of the main pharmacological approaches targeting the BNST to assess the function of classica

    Ventral tegmental area subcircuits process rewarding and aversive experiences

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    The ventral tegmental area is a heterogeneous brain structure that plays a central role in rewarding and aversive experience processing. Studies suggest that several subpopulations within the ventral tegmental area form subcircuits that are differentially involved in rewarding and aversive experiences and that could be individually affected in several neuropsychiatric disorders. Here, we focus on the recent advances concerning the functional description of the three major neuronal subpopulations, in terms of neurotransmitter release, their input and output structures, and their role in controlling specific behavioral outcomes. Several subpopulations within the Ventral Tegmental Area form subcircuits that are differentially involved in rewarding and aversive experiences and that could be individually affected in several neuropsychiatric disorders. We focus on the recent advances concerning the functional description of the three major neuronal subpopulations, their input and output structures, and their role in controlling specific behavioral outcomes. This article is part of a mini review series: "Synaptic Function and Dysfunction in Brain Diseases"

    Stress switches cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor-dependent plasticity from LTD to LTP in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.

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    International audienceThe bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) exerts a coordinated modulation of the psychoneuroendocrine responses to stress. However, how acute stress impacts on BNST in vivo plasticity is a crucial question that still remains unanswered. Here, neurons from the anterior portion of the BNST (aBNST) were recorded in vivo during and after stimulation of their medial prefrontal cortical (mPFC) afferents. In C57BL/6N mice, a 1 h restraint stress induced a switch from long-term depression (LTD) to long-term potentiation (LTP) in the aBNST after a 10 Hz mPFC stimulation. This switch was independent from glucocorticoid receptor stimulation. Because the endocannabinoid system regulates aBNST activity, we next examined the role of cannabinoid type-1 receptors (CB1-Rs) in these changes. Mutant mice lacking CB1-Rs (CB1(-/-) mice) displayed a marked deficit in the ability to develop plasticity under control and stress conditions, compared with their wild-type littermates (CB1(+/+) mice). This difference was not accounted for by genetic differences in stress sensitivity, as revealed by Fos immunohistochemistry analyses. Local blockade of CB1-Rs in the aBNST and the use of mutant mice bearing a selective deletion of CB1-Rs in cortical glutamatergic neurons indicated that stress-elicited LTP involved CB1-Rs located on aBNST excitatory terminals. These results show that acute stress reverts LTD into LTP in the aBNST and that the endocannabinoid system plays a key role therein

    Heterogeneous fates of simultaneously-born neurons in the cortical ventricular zone

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    Neocortical excitatory neurons belong to diverse cell types, which can be distinguished by their dates of birth, laminar location, connectivity, and molecular identities. During embryogenesis, apical progenitors (APs) located in the ventricular zone first give birth to deep-layer neurons, and next to superficial-layer neurons. While the overall sequential construction of neocortical layers is well-established, whether APs produce multiple neuron types at single time points of corticogenesis is unknown. To address this question, here we used FlashTag to fate-map simultaneously-born (i.e. isochronic) cohorts of AP daughter neurons at successive stages of corticogenesis. We reveal that early in corticogenesis, isochronic neurons differentiate into heterogeneous laminar, hodological and molecular cell types. Later on, instead, simultaneously-born neurons have more homogeneous fates. Using single-cell gene expression analyses, we identify an early postmitotic surge in the molecular heterogeneity of nascent neurons during which some early-born neurons initiate and partially execute late-born neuron transcriptional programs. Together, these findings suggest that as corticogenesis unfolds, mechanisms allowing increased homogeneity in neuronal output are progressively implemented, resulting in progressively more predictable neuronal identities

    Involvement of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in L-Dopa induced dyskinesia.

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    International audienceA whole brain immediate early gene mapping highlighted the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (dlBST) as a structure putatively involved in L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-Dopa)-induced dyskinesia (LID), the debilitating side-effects of chronic dopamine replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD). dlBST indeed displayed an overexpression of ∆FosB, ARC, Zif268 and FRA2 only in dyskinetic rats. We thus hypothesized that dlBST could play a role in LID hyperkinetic manifestations. To assess the causal role of the dlBST in LID, we used Daun02 inactivation to selectively inhibit the electrical activity of dlBST ΔFosB-expressing neurons. Daun02 is a prodrug converted into Daunorubicin by ß-galactosidase. Then, the newly synthesized Daunorubicin is an inhibitor of neuronal excitability. Therefore, following induction of abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs), 6-OHDA rats were injected with Daun02 in the dlBST previously expressing ß-galactosidase under control of the FosB/ΔFosB promoter. Three days after Daun02 administration, the rats were tested daily with L-Dopa to assess LID. Pharmacogenetic inactivation of ∆FosB-expressing neuron electrophysiological activity significantly reduced AIM severity. The present study highlights the role of dlBST in the rodent analog of LID, offering a new target to investigate LID pathophysiology

    A non-canonical GABAergic pathway to the VTA promotes unconditioned freezing

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    International audienceAbstract Freezing is a conserved defensive behaviour that constitutes a major stress-coping mechanism. Decades of research have demonstrated a role of the amygdala, periaqueductal grey and hypothalamus as core actuators of the control of fear responses, including freezing. However, the role that other modulatory sites provide to this hardwired scaffold is not known. Here, we show that freezing elicited by exposure to electrical foot shocks activates laterodorsal tegmentum (LDTg) GABAergic neurons projecting to the VTA, without altering the excitability of cholinergic and glutamatergic LDTg neurons. Selective chemogenetic silencing of this inhibitory projection, but not other LDTg neuronal subtypes, dampens freezing responses but does not prevent the formation of conditioned fear memories. Conversely, optogenetic-activation of LDTg GABA terminals within the VTA drives freezing responses and elicits bradycardia, a common hallmark of freezing. Notably, this aversive information is subsequently conveyed from the VTA to the amygdala via a discrete GABAergic pathway. Hence, we unveiled a circuit mechanism linking LDTg-VTA-amygdala regions, which holds potential translational relevance for pathological freezing states such as post-traumatic stress disorders, panic attacks and social phobias