173 research outputs found

    Morphological traits can track coral reef responses to the Anthropocene

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    MD was supported by the John Templeton Foundation (60501) and JM was supported by the Australian Research Council (FT110100609) during the period this research was undertaken.1. Susceptibility to human-driven environmental changes is mediated by species traits. Therefore, identifying traits that predict organism performance, ecosystem function and response to changes in environmental conditions can help forecast how ecosystems are responding to the Anthropocene. 2. Morphology dictates how organisms interact with their environment and other organisms, partially determining the environmental and biological contexts in which they are successful. Morphology is important for autogenic ecosystem engineering organisms, such as reef-building corals, because it determines the shape of the structures they create and by extension the communities they support. 3. Here, we present six morphological traits that capture variation in volume compactness, surface complexity and top-heaviness. With support from the literature, we propose causal links between morphology and a performance–function–response framework. 4. To illustrate these concepts, we combine 3D scanning and coral survey data to predict morphological traits from in situ colonies. We present a case study that examines how assemblage-scale morphological traits have responded to two cyclones and the 2016 mass bleaching event—two phenomena predicted to increase in severity in the Anthropocene—and discuss how these changes may impact ecosystem function. 5. The morphological traits outlined here offer a generalised and hypothesis-driven approach to tracking how reefs respond to the Anthropocene. The ability to predict these traits from field data and the increasing use of photogrammetry makes them readily applicable across broad spatiotemporal scales.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The Rho GDI Rdi1 regulates Rho GTPases by distinct mechanisms

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    © 2008 by The American Society for Cell Biology. Under the License and Publishing Agreement, authors grant to the general public, effective two months after publication of (i.e.,. the appearance of) the edited manuscript in an online issue of MBoC, the nonexclusive right to copy, distribute, or display the manuscript subject to the terms of the Creative Commons–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0).The small guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins of the Rho family are implicated in various cell functions, including establishment and maintenance of cell polarity. Activity of Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) is not only regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins but also by guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). These proteins have the ability to extract Rho proteins from membranes and keep them in an inactive cytosolic complex. Here, we show that Rdi1, the sole Rho GDI of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contributes to pseudohyphal growth and mitotic exit. Rdi1 interacts only with Cdc42, Rho1, and Rho4, and it regulates these Rho GTPases by distinct mechanisms. Binding between Rdi1 and Cdc42 as well as Rho1 is modulated by the Cdc42 effector and p21-activated kinase Cla4. After membrane extraction mediated by Rdi1, Rho4 is degraded by a novel mechanism, which includes the glycogen synthase kinase 3β homologue Ygk3, vacuolar proteases, and the proteasome. Together, these results indicate that Rdi1 uses distinct modes of regulation for different Rho GTPases.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf

    Environmental and biological controls on Mg and Li in deep-sea scleractinian corals

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300 (2010): 215-225, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.029.Deep-sea scleractinian corals precipitate aragonite skeletons that provide valuable archives of past ocean conditions. During calcification biological mediation causes variability in trace metal incorporation and isotopic ratios of the aragonite such that signals caused by environmental controls can be overwhelmed. This complicates the interpretation of geochemical proxies used for paleo-reconstructions. In this study we examine the environmental controls on the Mg/Li ratio of 34 individuals from seven genera of deep-sea scleractinian corals: Desmophyllum, Balanophyllia, Caryophyllia, Enallopsammia, Flabellum, Trochocyanthus, and Lophelia. In addition we examine the distributions of Mg and Li in Desmophyllum and Balanophyllia using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Both Mg/Ca and Li/Ca ratios increased by more than a factor of 2 in the center of calcification regions compared to the outer, fibrous regions of the coral skeleton. As a result, replicate ~10 mg subsamples of coral show less variability in the Mg/Li ratio than Mg/Ca. Microscale Mg and Li results are consistent with Rayleigh-type incorporation of trace metals with additional processes dominating composition within centers of calcification. Comparison of Mg/Li to seawater properties near the site of collection shows that the ratio is not controlled by either carbonate ion or salinity. It appears that temperature is the major control on the Mg/Li ratio. For all 34 samples the temperature correlation (R2=0.62) is significantly better than for Mg/Ca (R2=0.06). For corals of the family Caryophyllidae the R2 value increases to 0.82 with the exclusion of one sample that was observed to have an altered, chalky texture. Despite this excellent correlation the scatter in the data suggests that the Mg/Li ratio of deep-sea corals cannot be used to reconstruct temperature to better than approximately ±1.6°C without better temperature control and additional calibration points on modern coral samples.Financial Support was provided by the USGS WHOI Co-operative agreement, NSF-ANT grant numbers 0636787 and 80295700 and the WHOI Ocean Life Institute. David Case was supported by the WHOI Summer Student Fellowship

    Transgenic Loblolly Pine Trees from Diverse Elite Families

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    Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) has been the focus of genetic improvement for nearly 100 years because of the value of this species to the forestry industry. The application of gene transfer technology to loblolly pine improvement has been limited by the regeneration of transgenic tissue into plants. We have developed gene transfer systems that allow the regeneration of trees after the transformation of embryogenic cultures from a large number of genetically diverse families. Genetic transformation was achieved by biolistic and Agrobacterium-mediated techniques. Biolistic transformation efficiency was increased by identifying the optimal target using secondary somatic embryogenesis and by determining the long-term effects of tissue culture manipulations. Improvements to selection and the tissue culture system facilitated the production of stable transformants from 72% of the cell lines attempted from 15 elite families, with an escape rate of less than 1%. Molecular analysis of transgenic trees produced from biolistic transformation found that 36% of the trees had three inserts or less. Transgenic trees produced by biolistics have exhibited normal morphology for up to five growing seasons, to date. An Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system was developed for loblolly pine using tissue culture and selection procedures of the biolistic system. Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been used to produce transgenic trees of clones from elite loblolly families, as well as clones of P. radiata and P. taeda x rigida. Genomic blot analysis of Agrobacterium-transformed somatic embryos is ongoing. Field tests with Agrobacterium-transformed loblolly and the hybrid loblolly have been established each year since 2001. The efficiency of the Agrobacterium transformation system has made it possible for ArborGen to scale-up for high-throughput gene testing in a conifer. Transgenic trees have been produced with genes for lignin modification, accelerated growth, and flowering control.Papers and abstracts from the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference held at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma on June 24-27, 2003

    Identification of an Amphipathic Helix Important for the Formation of Ectopic Septin Spirals and Axial Budding in Yeast Axial Landmark Protein Bud3p

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    Correct positioning of polarity axis in response to internal or external cues is central to cellular morphogenesis and cell fate determination. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bud3p plays a key role in the axial bud-site selection (axial budding) process in which cells assemble the new bud next to the preceding cell division site. Bud3p is thought to act as a component of a spatial landmark. However, it is not clear how Bud3p interacts with other components of the landmark, such as the septins, to control axial budding. Here, we report that overexpression of Bud3p causes the formation of small septin rings (∼1 µm in diameter) and arcs aside from previously reported spiral-like septin structures. Bud3p closely associates with the septins in vivo as Bud3p colocalizes with these aberrant septin structures and forms a complex with two septins, Cdc10p and Cdc11p. The interaction of Bud3p with the septins may involve multiple regions of Bud3p including 1–858, 850–1220, and 1221–1636 a.a. since they all target to the bud neck but exhibit different effects on septin organization when overexpressed. In addition, our study reveals that the axial budding function of Bud3p is mediated by the N-terminal region 1–858. This region shares an amphipathic helix (850–858) crucial for bud neck targeting with the middle portion 850–1103 involved in the formation of ectopic septin spirals and rings. Interestingly, the Dbl-homology domain located in 1–858 is dispensable for axial bud-site selection. Our findings suggest that multiple regions of Bud3p ensure efficient targeting of Bud3p to the bud neck in the assembly of the axial landmark and distinct domains of Bud3p are involved in axial bud-site selection and other cellular processes

    Imaging Transient Blood Vessel Fusion Events in Zebrafish by Correlative Volume Electron Microscopy

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    The study of biological processes has become increasingly reliant on obtaining high-resolution spatial and temporal data through imaging techniques. As researchers demand molecular resolution of cellular events in the context of whole organisms, correlation of non-invasive live-organism imaging with electron microscopy in complex three-dimensional samples becomes critical. The developing blood vessels of vertebrates form a highly complex network which cannot be imaged at high resolution using traditional methods. Here we show that the point of fusion between growing blood vessels of transgenic zebrafish, identified in live confocal microscopy, can subsequently be traced through the structure of the organism using Focused Ion Beam/Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB/SEM) and Serial Block Face/Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF/SEM). The resulting data give unprecedented microanatomical detail of the zebrafish and, for the first time, allow visualization of the ultrastructure of a time-limited biological event within the context of a whole organism

    Propulsion in cubomedusae : mechanisms and utility

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e56393, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056393.Evolutionary constraints which limit the forces produced during bell contractions of medusae affect the overall medusan morphospace such that jet propulsion is limited to only small medusae. Cubomedusae, which often possess large prolate bells and are thought to swim via jet propulsion, appear to violate the theoretical constraints which determine the medusan morphospace. To examine propulsion by cubomedusae, we quantified size related changes in wake dynamics, bell shape, swimming and turning kinematics of two species of cubomedusae, Chironex fleckeri and Chiropsella bronzie. During growth, these cubomedusae transitioned from using jet propulsion at smaller sizes to a rowing-jetting hybrid mode of propulsion at larger sizes. Simple modifications in the flexibility and kinematics of their velarium appeared to be sufficient to alter their propulsive mode. Turning occurs during both bell contraction and expansion and is achieved by generating asymmetric vortex structures during both stages of the swimming cycle. Swimming characteristics were considered in conjunction with the unique foraging strategy used by cubomedusae.This work was supported by an ONR MURI award (N000140810654) and National Science Foundation grant OCE 0623508 to JHC, SPC, JOD. And the work was supported by the Roger Williams University Foundation to Promote Scholarship

    Shared Skeletal Support in a Coral-Hydroid Symbiosis

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    Hydroids form symbiotic relationships with a range of invertebrate hosts. Where they live with colonial invertebrates such as corals or bryozoans the hydroids may benefit from the physical support and protection of their host's hard exoskeleton, but how they interact with them is unknown. Electron microscopy was used to investigate the physical interactions between the colonial hydroid Zanclea margaritae and its reef-building coral host Acropora muricata. The hydroid tissues extend below the coral tissue surface sitting in direct contact with the host's skeleton. Although this arrangement provides the hydroid with protective support, it also presents problems of potential interference with the coral's growth processes and exposes the hydroid to overgrowth and smothering. Desmocytes located within the epidermal layer of the hydroid's perisarc-free hydrorhizae fasten it to the coral skeleton. The large apical surface area of the desmocyte and high bifurcation of the distal end within the mesoglea, as well as the clustering of desmocytes suggests that a very strong attachment between the hydroid and the coral skeleton. This is the first study to provide a detailed description of how symbiotic hydroids attach to their host's skeleton, utilising it for physical support. Results suggest that the loss of perisarc, a characteristic commonly associated with symbiosis, allows the hydroid to utilise desmocytes for attachment. The use of these anchoring structures provides a dynamic method of attachment, facilitating detachment from the coral skeleton during extension, thereby avoiding overgrowth and smothering enabling the hydroid to remain within the host colony for prolonged periods of time

    Both SEPT2 and MLL are down-regulated in MLL-SEPT2 therapy-related myeloid neoplasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A relevant role of septins in leukemogenesis has been uncovered by their involvement as fusion partners in <it>MLL</it>-related leukemia. Recently, we have established the <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>gene fusion as the molecular abnormality subjacent to the translocation t(2;11)(q37;q23) in therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. In this work we quantified <it>MLL </it>and <it>SEPT2 </it>gene expression in 58 acute myeloid leukemia patients selected to represent the major AML genetic subgroups, as well as in all three cases of <it>MLL-SEPT2</it>-associated myeloid neoplasms so far described in the literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and molecular studies (RT-PCR, qRT-PCR and qMSP) were used to characterize 58 acute myeloid leukemia patients (AML) at diagnosis selected to represent the major AML genetic subgroups: <it>CBFB-MYH11 </it>(n = 13), <it>PML-RARA </it>(n = 12); <it>RUNX1-RUNX1T1 </it>(n = 12), normal karyotype (n = 11), and <it>MLL </it>gene fusions other than <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>(n = 10). We also studied all three <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>myeloid neoplasia cases reported in the literature, namely two AML patients and a t-MDS patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When compared with normal controls, we found a 12.8-fold reduction of wild-type <it>SEPT2 </it>and <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>combined expression in cases with the <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>gene fusion (p = 0.007), which is accompanied by a 12.4-fold down-regulation of wild-type <it>MLL </it>and <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>combined expression (p = 0.028). The down-regulation of <it>SEPT2 </it>in <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>myeloid neoplasias was statistically significant when compared with all other leukemia genetic subgroups (including those with other <it>MLL </it>gene fusions). In addition, <it>MLL </it>expression was also down-regulated in the group of <it>MLL </it>fusions other than <it>MLL-SEPT2</it>, when compared with the normal control group (p = 0.023)</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found a significant down-regulation of both <it>SEPT2 </it>and <it>MLL </it>in <it>MLL-SEPT2 </it>myeloid neoplasias. In addition, we also found that <it>MLL </it>is under-expressed in AML patients with <it>MLL </it>fusions other than <it>MLL-SEPT2</it>.</p