132 research outputs found

    Bimodal Fluorescence/Magnetic Resonance Molecular Probes with Extended Spin Lifetimes

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    Bimodal molecular probes combining nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and fluorescence have been widely studied in basic science, as well as clinical research. The investigation of spin phenomena holds promise to broaden the scope of available probes allowing deeper insights into physiological processes. Herein, a class of molecules with a bimodal character with respect to fluorescence and nuclear spin singlet states is introduced. Singlet states are NMR silent but can be probed indirectly. Symmetric, perdeuterated molecules, in which the singlet states can be populated by vanishingly small electron-mediated couplings (below 1 Hz) are reported. The lifetimes of these states are an order of magnitude longer than the longitudinal relaxation times and up to four minutes at 7 T. Moreover, these molecules show either aggregation induced emission (AIE) or aggregation caused quenching (ACQ) with respect to their fluorescence. In the latter case, the existence of excited dimers, which are proposed to use in a switchable manner in combination with the quenching of nuclear spin singlet states, is observe

    Development of a position-sensitive detector for positronium inertial sensing measurements

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    In the last twenty years, both free fall and interferometry/deflectometry experiments have been proposed for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration on positronium, which is a purely leptonic matter-antimatter atom formed by an electron and its antiparticle (positron). Among the several challenges posed by these experiments is the development of position-sensitive detectors to measure the deflection of positronium in the Earth's gravitational field. In this work, we describe our recent progress in the development of position-sensitive detectors. Two different detection schemes are considered. The first is based on Ps ionization in a strong homogeneous magnetic field and imaging of the freed positron with a microchannel plate. The second scheme is based on scanning the positronium atom distribution on a plane by moving the slit or a material grating with sub-nm accuracy, and counting the atoms crossing the obstacle and those annihilating on it. The possibility of reaching a spatial resolution of around 15 ÎŒm using the former detection scheme is shown, and preliminary steps towards the development of a detector following the latter scheme (with potential position sensitivity in the sub-nm range) are described

    A nanoparticle catalyst for heterogeneous phase para-hydrogen-induced polarization in water.

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    Para-hydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) is a technique capable of producing spin polarization at a magnitude far greater than state-of-the-art magnets. A significant application of PHIP is to generate contrast agents for biomedical imaging. Clinically viable and effective contrast agents not only require high levels of polarization but heterogeneous catalysts that can be used in water to eliminate the toxicity impact. Herein, we demonstrate the use of Pt nanoparticles capped with glutathione to induce heterogeneous PHIP in water. The ligand-inhibited surface diffusion on the nanoparticles resulted in a (1) H polarization of P=0.25% for hydroxyethyl propionate, a known contrast agent for magnetic resonance angiography. Transferring the (1) H polarization to a (13) C nucleus using a para-hydrogen polarizer yielded a polarization of 0.013%. The nuclear-spin polarizations achieved in these experiments are the first reported to date involving heterogeneous reactions in water

    Thermal maps of gases in heterogeneous reactions.

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    More than 85 per cent of all chemical industry products are made using catalysts1,2, the overwhelming majority of which are heterogeneous catalysts2 that function at the gas–solid interface3. Consequently, much effort is invested in optimizing the design of catalytic reactors, usually by modelling4 the coupling between heat transfer, fluid dynamics and surface reaction kinetics. The complexity involved requires a calibration of model approximations against experimental observations5,6, with temperature maps being particularly valuable because temperature control is often essential for optimal operation and because temperature gradients contain information about the energetics of a reaction. However, it is challenging to probe the behaviour of a gas inside a reactor without disturbing its flow, particularly when trying also to map the physical parameters and gradients that dictate heat and mass flow and catalytic efficiency1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Although optical techniques10,11,12 and sensors13,14 have been used for that purpose, the former perform poorly in opaque media and the latter perturb the flow. NMR thermometry can measure temperature non-invasively, but traditional approaches applied to gases produce signals that depend only weakly on temperature15,16 are rapidly attenuated by diffusion16,17 or require contrast agents18 that may interfere with reactions. Here we present a new NMR thermometry technique that circumvents these problems by exploiting the inverse relationship between NMR linewidths and temperature caused by motional averaging in a weak magnetic field gradient. We demonstrate the concept by non-invasively mapping gas temperatures during the hydrogenation of propylene in reactors packed with metal nanoparticles and metal–organic framework catalysts, with measurement errors of less than four per cent of the absolute temperature. These results establish our technique as a non-invasive tool for locating hot and cold spots in catalyst-packed gas–solid reactors, with unprecedented capabilities for testing the approximations used in reactor modelling

    Positronium laser cooling via the 13S1^3S-23P2^3P transition with a broadband laser pulse

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    We report on laser cooling of a large fraction of positronium (Ps) in free-flight by strongly saturating the 13S1^3S-23P2^3P transition with a broadband, long-pulsed 243 nm alexandrite laser. The ground state Ps cloud is produced in a magnetic and electric field-free environment. We observe two different laser-induced effects. The first effect is an increase in the number of atoms in the ground state after the time Ps has spent in the long-lived 33P3^3P states. The second effect is the one-dimensional Doppler cooling of Ps, reducing the cloud's temperature from 380(20) K to 170(20) K. We demonstrate a 58(9) % increase in the coldest fraction of the Ps ensemble.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development

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    Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

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    The JET 2019–2020 scientific and technological programme exploited the results of years of concerted scientific and engineering work, including the ITER-like wall (ILW: Be wall and W divertor) installed in 2010, improved diagnostic capabilities now fully available, a major neutral beam injection upgrade providing record power in 2019–2020, and tested the technical and procedural preparation for safe operation with tritium. Research along three complementary axes yielded a wealth of new results. Firstly, the JET plasma programme delivered scenarios suitable for high fusion power and alpha particle (α) physics in the coming D–T campaign (DTE2), with record sustained neutron rates, as well as plasmas for clarifying the impact of isotope mass on plasma core, edge and plasma-wall interactions, and for ITER pre-fusion power operation. The efficacy of the newly installed shattered pellet injector for mitigating disruption forces and runaway electrons was demonstrated. Secondly, research on the consequences of long-term exposure to JET-ILW plasma was completed, with emphasis on wall damage and fuel retention, and with analyses of wall materials and dust particles that will help validate assumptions and codes for design and operation of ITER and DEMO. Thirdly, the nuclear technology programme aiming to deliver maximum technological return from operations in D, T and D–T benefited from the highest D–D neutron yield in years, securing results for validating radiation transport and activation codes, and nuclear data for ITER

    Protocol for pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEឥIS apparatus

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    The AEឥIS collaboration’s main goal is to measure the acceleration of antihydrogen (HÂŻ) due to gravity. The experimental scheme is to form a pulsed beam whose vertical deflection is then measured by means of a moirĂ© deflectometer [1]. Creating pulsed HÂŻ is crucial since it allows a velocity measurement of the antiatoms via time of flight (ToF) necessary to deduce the gravitational acceleration ឥ from the vertical deflection Δs. The aim of this article is to outline the experimental protocol leading up to pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEឥIS experiment
