122 research outputs found

    Modifying Is Better Than Deleting: A New Approach To Base Revision

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    We present three approaches to belief base revision, which are examined also in the case in which the sentences in the base are partitioned between those which can and those which cannot be changed; the approaches are shown to be semantically equivalent. A new approach is then presented, based on the modification of individual rules, instead of deletion. The resulting base is semantically equivalent to that generated by the other approaches, in the sense that it has the same models, but the rule part alone has less models, that is, is subjected to a smaller change

    Analytic Modal Revision For Multi-Agent Systems

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    We present two models of hierarchical structured multi-agents, and we describe how to obtain a modal knowledge base from distributed sources. We then propose a computationally oriented revision procedure for modal knowledge bases. This procedure is based on a labelled tableaux calculi supplemented with a formalism to record the dependencies of the formulae. The dependencies are then used to reconstruct the minimal inconsistent sets, and the sub-formulae responsible for the inconsistencies are revised according to well-defined chains of modal functions

    How Aerospace and Transportation Design Challenges can be addressed from Simulation-based Virtual Prototyping for Distributed Safety Critical Automotive Applications

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    International audienceThe reduction of development and product costs for distributed and software dominated safety-critical automotive applications can only be achieved via novel methodologies and tool sets that address fault injection/analysis and integration testing via simulation-based virtual prototyping. In fact, earlier discovery of design errors and initial proof of safety in critical conditions should be addressed earlier using a system virtual prototype, before hardware and software implementations are available. In this paper, we propose a methodology that allows evaluating fault-tolerant system architectures in the presence of errors caused by faults of hardware elements or interferences. We illustrate how the paradigm shift from physical to virtual integration platforms can be applied to Aerospace and Transportation domains effectively

    Understanding the Impact of Cutting in Quantum Circuits Reliability to Transient Faults

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    Quantum Computing is a highly promising new computation paradigm. Unfortunately, quantum bits (qubits) are extremely fragile and their state can be gradually or suddenly modified by intrinsic noise or external perturbation. In this paper, we target the sensitivity of quantum circuits to radiation-induced transient faults. We consider quantum circuit cuts that split the circuit into smaller independent portions, and understand how faults propagate in each portion. As we show, the cuts have different vulnerabilities, and our methodology successfully identifies the circuit portion that is more likely to contribute to the overall circuit error rate. Our evaluation shows that a circuit cut can have a 4.6x higher probability than the other cuts, when corrupted, to modify the circuit output. Our study, identifying the most critical cuts, moves towards the possibility of implementing a selective hardening for quantum circuits

    Carbon nitride thin films as all-in-one technology for photocatalysis

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    Organic π-conjugated polymers are promising heterogeneous photocatalysts that involve photoredox or energy transfer processes. In such settings, the materials are usually applied in the form of dis..

    Understanding the Effect of Transpilation in the Reliability of Quantum Circuits

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    Transpiling is a necessary step to map a logical quantum algorithm to a circuit executed on a physical quantum machine, according to the available gate set and connectivity topology. Different transpiling approaches try to minimize the most critical parameters for the current transmon technology, such as Depth and CNOT number. Crucially, these approaches do not take into account the reliability of the circuit. In particular, transpilation can modify how radiation-induced transient faults propagate. In this paper, we aim at advancing the understanding of transpilation impact on fault propagation by investigating the low-level reliability of several transpiling approaches. We considered 4 quantum algorithms transpiled for 2 different architectures, increasing the number of qubits, and all possible logical-to-physical qubit mapping, adding to a total of 4, 640 transpiled circuits. We inject a total of 202, 124 faults and track their propagation. Our experiments show that by simply choosing the proper transpilation, the reliability of the circuit can improve by up to 14%

    Colorimetric Detection of Perfluorinated Compounds by All-Polymer Photonic Transducers

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    We report on the highly sensitive optical and colorimetric detection of perfluorinated compounds in the vapor phase achieved by all-polymer dielectric mirrors. High optical quality and uniformly distributed Bragg reflectors were fabricated by alternating thin films of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) and Hyflon AD polymers as high and low refractive index medium, respectively. A new processing procedure has been developed to compatibilize the deposition of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) with the highly solvophobic Hyflon AD polymer layers to achieve mutual processability between the two polymers and fabricate the devices. As a proof of principle, sensing measurements were performed using the Galden HT55 polymer as a prototype of the perfluorinated compound. The Bragg stacks show a strong chromatic response upon exposure to this compound, clearly detectable as both spectral and intensity variations. Conversely, Bragg mirrors fabricated without fluorinated polymers do not show any detectable response, demonstrating that the Hyflon AD polymer acts as the active and selective medium for sensing perfluorinated species. These results demonstrate that organic dielectric mirrors containing perfluorinated polymers can represent an innovative colorimetric monitoring system for fluorinated compounds, suitable to improve both environmental safety and quality of life

    QuFI: a Quantum Fault Injector to Measure the Reliability of Qubits and Quantum Circuits

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    Quantum computing is a new technology that is expected to revolutionize the computation paradigm in the next few years. Qubits exploit the quantum physics proprieties to increase the parallelism and speed of computation. Unfortunately, besides being intrinsically noisy, qubits have also been shown to be highly susceptible to external sources of faults, such as ionizing radiation. The latest discoveries highlight a much higher radiation sensitivity of qubits than traditional transistors and identify a much more complex fault model than bit-flip. We propose a framework to identify the quantum circuits sensitivity to radiation-induced faults and the probability for a fault in a qubit to propagate to the output. Based on the latest studies and radiation experiments performed on real quantum machines, we model the transient faults in a qubit as a phase shift with a parametrized magnitude. Additionally, our framework can inject multiple qubit faults, tuning the phase shift magnitude based on the proximity of the qubit to the particle strike location. As we show in the paper, the proposed fault injector is highly flexible, and it can be used on both quantum circuit simulators and real quantum machines. We report the finding of more than 285M injections on the Qiskit simulator and 53K injections on real IBM machines. We consider three quantum algorithms and identify the faults and qubits that are more likely to impact the output. We also consider the fault propagation dependence on the circuit scale, showing that the reliability profile for some quantum algorithms is scale-dependent, with increased impact from radiation-induced faults as we increase the number of qubits. Finally, we also consider multi qubits faults, showing that they are much more critical than single faults. The fault injector and the data presented in this paper are available in a public repository to allow further analysis

    Ultraviolet Radiation inside Interstellar Grain Aggregates. II. Field Depolarization

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    We study the polarization of the UV light within the cavities of interstellar grain aggregates modeled as homo- geneous spheres containing several spherical voids. The incident field is a linearly polarized plane wave. We found that field depolarization occurs in all examined cases so that the field within the cavities has the features of an ellip- tically polarized wave. The depolarization of the field does not depend on the material of the grains but on the geometry of the problem only. The implications of this result for the interstellar photochemistry are briefly discussed

    Ultraviolet Radiation inside Interstellar Grain Aggregates. I. The Density of Radiation

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    We study the distribution of energy density inside dust grain aggregates through an approach based on the multipole expansion of the electromagnetic fields. A significant fraction of the energy of the impinging wave is found throughout the interiors of grains. Implications for extraterrestrial prebiotic chemistry are discussed
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