96 research outputs found

    Moving from phenomenological to predictive modelling: Progress and pitfalls of modelling brain stimulation in-silico

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    Brain stimulation is an increasingly popular neuromodulatory tool used in both clinical and research settings; however, the effects of brain stimulation, particularly those of non-invasive stimulation, are variable. This variability can be partially explained by an incomplete mechanistic understanding, coupled with a combinatorial explosion of possible stimulation parameters. Computational models constitute a useful tool to explore the vast sea of stimulation parameters and characterise their effects on brain activity. Yet the utility of modelling stimulation in-silico relies on its biophysical relevance, which needs to account for the dynamics of large and diverse neural populations and how underlying networks shape those collective dynamics. The large number of parameters to consider when constructing a model is no less than those needed to consider when planning empirical studies. This piece is centred on the application of phenomenological and biophysical models in non-invasive brain stimulation. We first introduce common forms of brain stimulation and computational models, and provide typical construction choices made when building phenomenological and biophysical models. Through the lens of four case studies, we provide an account of the questions these models can address, commonalities, and limitations across studies. We conclude by proposing future directions to fully realise the potential of computational models of brain stimulation for the design of personalized, efficient, and effective stimulation strategies

    SAT-based Explicit LTL Reasoning

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    We present here a new explicit reasoning framework for linear temporal logic (LTL), which is built on top of propositional satisfiability (SAT) solving. As a proof-of-concept of this framework, we describe a new LTL satisfiability tool, Aalta\_v2.0, which is built on top of the MiniSAT SAT solver. We test the effectiveness of this approach by demonnstrating that Aalta\_v2.0 significantly outperforms all existing LTL satisfiability solvers. Furthermore, we show that the framework can be extended from propositional LTL to assertional LTL (where we allow theory atoms), by replacing MiniSAT with the Z3 SMT solver, and demonstrating that this can yield an exponential improvement in performance

    DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL

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    We present the latest major release version 6.0 of the quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solver DepQBF, which is based on QCDCL. QCDCL is an extension of the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) paradigm implemented in state of the art propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers. The Q-resolution calculus (QRES) is a QBF proof system which underlies QCDCL. QCDCL solvers can produce QRES proofs of QBFs in prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) as a byproduct of the solving process. In contrast to traditional QCDCL based on QRES, DepQBF 6.0 implements a variant of QCDCL which is based on a generalization of QRES. This generalization is due to a set of additional axioms and leaves the original Q-resolution rules unchanged. The generalization of QRES enables QCDCL to potentially produce exponentially shorter proofs than the traditional variant. We present an overview of the features implemented in DepQBF and report on experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of generalized QRES in QCDCL.Comment: 12 pages + appendix; to appear in the proceedings of CADE-26, LNCS, Springer, 201

    Building Strategies into QBF Proofs

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    Strategy extraction is of great importance for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), both in solving and proof complexity. So far in the QBF literature, strategy extraction has been algorithmically performed from proofs. Here we devise the first QBF system where (partial) strategies are built into the proof and are piecewise constructed by simple operations along with the derivation. This has several advantages: (1) lines of our calculus have a clear semantic meaning as they are accompanied by semantic objects; (2) partial strategies are represented succinctly (in contrast to some previous approaches); (3) our calculus has strategy extraction by design; and (4) the partial strategies allow new sound inference steps which are disallowed in previous central QBF calculi such as Q-Resolution and long-distance Q-Resolution. The last item (4) allows us to show an exponential separation between our new system and the previously studied reductionless long-distance resolution calculus. Our approach also naturally lifts to dependency QBFs (DQBF), where it yields the first sound and complete CDCL-style calculus for DQBF, thus opening future avenues into CDCL-based DQBF solving

    Modal satisfiability via SMT solving

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    Modal logics extend classical propositional logic, and they are robustly decidable. Whereas most existing decision procedures for modal logics are based on tableau constructions, we propose a framework for obtaining decision procedures by adding instantiation rules to standard SAT and SMT solvers. Soundness, completeness, and termination of the procedures can be proved in a uniform and elementary way for the basic modal logic and some extensions.Fil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Fontaine, Pascal. Université de Lorraine; Francia.Fil: Fontaine, Pascal. National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology; Francia.Fil: Merz, Stephan. Université de Lorraine; Francia.Fil: Merz, Stephan. National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology; Francia.Ciencias de la Computació

    Conditional Planning with External Functions

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    Abstract. We introduce the logic-based planning language Kc as an extension of K [5]. Kc has two advantages upon K. First, the introduction of external func-tion calls in the rules of a planning description allows the knowledge engineer to describe certain planning domains, e.g. involving complex action effects, in a more intuitive fashion then is possible in K. Secondly, in contrast to the confor-mant planning framework K, Kc is formalized as a conditional planning system, which enables Kc to solve planning problems that are impossible to express in K, e.g. involving sensing actions. A prototype implementation of conditional plan-ning with Kc is build on top of the DLVKsystem, and we illustrate its use by some small examples.

    The DLV System for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

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    This paper presents the DLV system, which is widely considered the state-of-the-art implementation of disjunctive logic programming, and addresses several aspects. As for problem solving, we provide a formal definition of its kernel language, function-free disjunctive logic programs (also known as disjunctive datalog), extended by weak constraints, which are a powerful tool to express optimization problems. We then illustrate the usage of DLV as a tool for knowledge representation and reasoning, describing a new declarative programming methodology which allows one to encode complex problems (up to Δ3P\Delta^P_3-complete problems) in a declarative fashion. On the foundational side, we provide a detailed analysis of the computational complexity of the language of DLV, and by deriving new complexity results we chart a complete picture of the complexity of this language and important fragments thereof. Furthermore, we illustrate the general architecture of the DLV system which has been influenced by these results. As for applications, we overview application front-ends which have been developed on top of DLV to solve specific knowledge representation tasks, and we briefly describe the main international projects investigating the potential of the system for industrial exploitation. Finally, we report about thorough experimentation and benchmarking, which has been carried out to assess the efficiency of the system. The experimental results confirm the solidity of DLV and highlight its potential for emerging application areas like knowledge management and information integration.Comment: 56 pages, 9 figures, 6 table
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