217 research outputs found

    Idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension: current perspectives

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    The term idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension (INCPH) has been recently proposed to replace terms, such as hepatoportal sclerosis, idiopathic portal hypertension, incomplete septal cirrhosis, and nodular regenerative hyperplasia, used to describe patients with a hepatic presinusoidal cause of portal hypertension of unknown etiology, characterized by features of portal hypertension (esophageal varices, nonmalignant ascites, porto-venous collaterals), splenomegaly, patent portal, and hepatic veins and no clinical and histological signs of cirrhosis. Physicians should learn to look for this condition in a number of clinical settings, including cryptogenic cirrhosis, a disease known to be associated with INCPH, drug administration, and even chronic alterations in liver function tests. Once INCPH is clinically suspected, liver histology becomes mandatory for the correct diagnosis. However, pathologists should be familiar with the histological features of INCPH, especially in cases in which histology is not only requested to exclude liver cirrhosis

    NOTCH3 inactivation increases triple negative breast cancer sensitivity to gefitinib by promoting EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation and its intracellular arrest.

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    Notch dysregulation has been implicated in numerous tumors, including triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which is the breast cancer subtype with the worst clinical outcome. However, the importance of individual receptors in TNBC and their specific mechanism of action remain to be elucidated, even if recent findings suggested a specific role of activated-Notch3 in a subset of TNBCs. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in TNBCs but the use of anti-EGFR agents (including tyrosine kinase inhibitors, TKIs) has not been approved for the treatment of these patients, as clinical trials have shown disappointing results. Resistance to EGFR blockers is commonly reported. Here we show that Notch3-specific inhibition increases TNBC sensitivity to the TKI-gefitinib in TNBC-resistant cells. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that Notch3 is able to regulate the activated EGFR membrane localization into lipid rafts microdomains, as Notch3 inhibition, such as rafts depletion, induces the EGFR internalization and its intracellular arrest, without involving receptor degradation. Interestingly, these events are associated with the EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation at Y1173 residue (but not at Y1068) by the protein tyrosine phosphatase H1 (PTPH1), thus suggesting its possible involvement in the observed Notch3-dependent TNBC sensitivity response to gefitinib. Consistent with this notion, a nuclear localization defect of phospho-EGFR is observed after combined blockade of EGFR and Notch3, which results in a decreased TNBC cell survival. Notably, we observed a significant correlation between EGFR and NOTCH3 expression levels by in silico gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis of human TNBC primary samples. Our findings strongly suggest that combined therapies of TKI-gefitinib with Notch3-specific suppression may be exploited as a drug combination advantage in TNBC treatment

    Can MRI biomarkers predict triple-negative breast cancer?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate MRI features of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) compared with non-TNBC, to predict histopathological results. In the study, 26 patients with TNBC and 24 with non-TNBC who underwent multiparametric MRI of the breast on a 3 T magnet over a 10-months period were retrospectively recruited. MR imaging sets were evaluated by two experienced breast radiologists in consensus and classified according to the 2013 American College of Radiology (ACR) BI-RADS lexicon. The comparison between the two groups was performed using the Chi-square test and followed by logistic regression analyses. We found that 92% of tumors presented as mass enhancements (p = 0.192). 41.7% of TNBC and 86.4% of non-TNBC had irregular shape (p = 0.005); 58.3% of TNBC showed circumscribed margins, compared to 9.1% of non-TNBC masses (p = 0.001); 75% of TNBC and 9.1% of non-TNBC showed rim enhancement (p < 0.001). Intralesional necrosis was significantly associated with TNBC (p = 0.016). Rim enhancement and intralesional necrosis risulted to be positive predictors at univariate analysis (OR = 29.86, and 8.10, respectively) and the multivariate analysis confirmed that rim enhancement is independently associated with TNBC (OR = 33.08). The mean ADC values were significantly higher for TNBC (p = 0.011). In conclusion, TNBC is associated with specific MRI features that can be possible predictors of pathological results, with a consequent prognostic value

    Nonischemic left ventricular scar and cardiac sudden death in the young

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    Nonischemic Left Ventricular Scar (NLVS) is a pattern of myocardial injury characterized by midventricular and/or subepicardial gadolinium hyper enhancement at cardiac magnetic resonance, in absence of significant coronary artery disease. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of NLVS in juvenile sudden cardiac death and to ascertain its aetiology at autopsy. We examined 281 consecutive cases of sudden death of subjects aged 1 to 35 years of age. NLVS was defined as a thin, grey rim of subepicardial and/or midmyocardial scar in the left ventricular free wall and/or the septum, in absence of significant stenosis of coronary arteries. NLVS was the most frequent finding (25%) in sudden deaths occurring during sports. Myocardial scar was localized most frequently within the left ventricular posterior wall, and affected the subepicardial myocardium, often extending to the midventricular layer. On histology it consisted of fibrous or fibro-adipose tissue. Right ventricular involvement was always present. Patchy lymphocytic infiltrates were frequent. Genetic and molecular analyses clarified the aetiology of NLVS in a subset of cases. ECG recordings were available in over half of subjects. The most frequent abnormality was the presence of low QRS voltages (< 0,5 mV) in limb leads. In serial ECG tracings, the decrease in QRS voltages appeared, in some way progressive. NLVS is the most frequent morphologic substrate of juvenile cardiac sudden death in sports. It can be suspected based on ECG findings. Autopsy study and clinical screening of family members are required to differentiate between Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia and chronic acquired myocarditis

    Atypical cellular neurothekeoma (ACN) of the elderly: case report and brief review of the literature

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    Atypical cellular neurothekeoma (ACN) is an aggressive and rare variant of cellular neurothekeoma. Only few cases have been reported in the literature and the biological behavior seems to be uncertain. We describe the case of an ACN presenting on the scalp of an elderly man, emphasizing the cytologic features of malignancy. In addition, we provide a brief overview of the literature and discuss the differential diagnosis with other entities, and the possible diagnostic pitfalls

    A network approach to define the predictive role of immune profile on tumor response and toxicity of anti PD-1 single agent immunotherapy in patients with solid tumors

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    Background: The immune profile of each patient could be considered as a portrait of the fitness of his/her own immune system. The predictive role of the immune profile in immune-related toxicities (irAEs) development and tumour response to treatment was investigated. Methods: A prospective, multicenter study evaluating, through a multiplex assay, the soluble immune profile at the baseline of 53 patients with advanced cancer, treated with immunotherapy as single agent was performed. Four connectivity heat maps and networks were obtained by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficients for each group: responder patients who developed cumulative toxicity (R-T), responders who did not develop cumulative toxicity (R-NT), non-responders who developed cumulative toxicity (NR-T), non-responders who did not develop cumulative toxicity (NR-NT). Results: A statistically significant up-regulation of IL-17A, sCTLA4, sCD80, I-CAM-1, sP-Selectin and sEselectin in NR-T was detected. A clear loss of connectivity of most of the soluble immune checkpoints and cytokines characterized the immune profile of patients with toxicity, while an inversion of the correlation for ICAM-1 and sP-selectin was observed in NR-T. Four connectivity networks were built for each group. The highest number of connections characterized the NR-T. Conclusions: A connectivity network of immune dysregulation was defined for each subgroup of patients, regardless of tumor type. In patients with the worst prognosis (NR-T) the peculiar connectivity model could facilitate their early and timely identification, as well as the design of a personalized treatment approach to improve outcomes or prevent irAEs

    Fatal Takotsubo syndrome in critical COVID-19 related pneumonia

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    COVID-19 can involve several organs and systems, often with indirect and poorly clarified mechanisms. Different presentations of myocardial injury have been reported, with variable degrees of severity, often impacting on the prognosis of COVID-19 patients. The pathogenic mechanisms underlying cardiac damage in SARS-CoV-2 infection are under active investigation. We report the clinical and autopsy findings of a fatal case of Takotsubo Syndrome occurring in an 83-year-old patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient was admitted to Emergency Department with dyspnea, fever and diarrhea. A naso-pharyngeal swab test for SARS-CoV-2 was positive. In the following week his conditions worsened, requiring intubation and deep sedation. While in the ICU, the patient suddenly showed ST segment elevation. Left ventricular angiography showed decreased with hypercontractile ventricular bases and mid-apical ballooning, consistent with diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Shortly after the patient was pulseless. After extensive resuscitation maneuvers, the patient was declared dead. Autopsy revealed a subepicardial hematoma, in absence of myocardial rupture. On histology, the myocardium showed diffuse edema, multiple foci of contraction band necrosis in both ventricles and occasional coagulative necrosis of single cardiac myocytes. Abundant macrophages CD68+ were detected in the myocardial interstitium. The finding of diffuse contraction band necrosis supports the pathogenic role of increased catecholamine levels; the presence of a significant interstitial inflammatory infiltrate, made up by macrophages, remains of uncertain significance

    Impaired mitochondrial biogenesis is a common feature to myocardial hypertrophy and end-stage ischemic heart failure

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    Mitochondrial (mt) DNA depletion and oxidative mtDNA damage have been implicated in the process of pathological cardiac remodeling. Whether these features are present in the early phase of maladaptive cardiac remodeling, that is, during compensated cardiac hypertrophy, is still unknown. We compared the morphologic and molecular features of mt biogenesis and markers of oxidative stress in human heart from adult subjects with compensated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and heart failure. We have shown that mtDNA depletion is a constant feature of both conditions. A quantitative loss of mtDNA content was associated with significant down-regulation of selected modulators of mt biogenesis and decreased expression of proteins involved in mtDNA maintenance. Interestingly, mtDNA depletion characterized also the end-stage phase of cardiomyopathies due to a primary mtDNA defect. Oxidative stress damage was detected only in failing myocardium

    Novel compound mutations in the mitochondrial translation elongation factor (TSFM) gene cause severe cardiomyopathy with myocardial fibro-adipose replacement

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    Primary mitochondrial dysfunction is an under-appreciated cause of cardiomyopathy, especially when cardiac symptoms are the unique or prevalent manifestation of disease. Here, we report an unusual presentation of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy, with dilated phenotype and pathologic evidence of biventricular fibro-adipose replacement, in a 33-year old woman who underwent cardiac transplant. Whole exome sequencing revealed two novel compound heterozygous variants in the TSFM gene, coding for the mitochondrial translation elongation factor EF-Ts. This protein participates in the elongation step of mitochondrial translation by binding and stabilizing the translation elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu). Bioinformatics analysis predicted a destabilization of the EF-Ts variants complex with EF-Tu, in agreement with the dramatic steady-state level reduction of both proteins in the clinically affected myocardium, which demonstrated a combined respiratory chain enzyme deficiency. In patient fibroblasts, the decrease of EF-Ts was paralleled by up-regulation of EF-Tu and induction of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, along with increased expression of respiratory chain subunits and normal oxygen consumption rate. Our report extends the current picture of morphologic phenotypes associated with mitochondrial cardiomyopathies and confirms the heart as a main target of TSFM dysfunction. The compensatory response detected in patient fibroblasts might explain the tissue-specific expression of TSFM-associated disease

    Notch3 contributes to T-cell leukemia growth via regulation of the unfolded protein response

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    Unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved adaptive response that tries to restore protein homeostasis after endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Recent studies highlighted the role of UPR in acute leukemias and UPR targeting has been suggested as a therapeutic approach. Aberrant Notch signaling is a common feature of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), as downregulation of Notch activity negatively affects T-ALL cell survival, leading to the employment of Notch inhibitors in T-ALL therapy. Here we demonstrate that Notch3 is able to sustain UPR in T-ALL cells, as Notch3 silencing favored a Bip-dependent IRE1α inactivation under ER stress conditions, leading to increased apoptosis via upregulation of the ER stress cell death mediator CHOP. By using Juglone, a naturally occurring naphthoquinone acting as an anticancer agent, to decrease Notch3 expression and induce ER stress, we observed an increased ER stress-associated apoptosis. Altogether our results suggest that Notch3 inhibition may prevent leukemia cells from engaging a functional UPR needed to compensate the Juglone-mediated ER proteotoxic stress. Notably, in vivo administration of Juglone to human T-ALL xenotransplant models significantly reduced tumor growth, finally fostering the exploitation of Juglone-dependent Notch3 inhibition to perturb the ER stress/UPR signaling in Notch3-dependent T-ALL subsets
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