287 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTTwenty years after the signature of the UNECE  Convention  on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, (the Aarhus Convention, 1998) on March 4, 2018 –and after six years of negotiations-,twenty-four countries in Latin American and the Caribbean adopted the Escazú Convention, the first ever legally binding treaty on environmental rights in the Region. The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, once ratified by the signatories, will affect the constitutions and the legislations in Latin America and the Caribbean in environmental matters, serving as a framework to increase the level of the protection on environmental participatory rights in the region. The objective of this article is to give an overview of both treaties. Part I will briefly outline the context and the negotiating process of the two texts. Then, Part II will consist of a comparative analysis, that will scrutinise the structure of the treaties, the notion of democracy and the substantive right to a healthy environment. Finally, the Part III will compare the three pillars recognised in both documents and underline the similarities, the differences between the three pillars, and the steps forwards for Environmental Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. KEYWORDS: Right to access; Aarhus Convention; Escazú Agreement; Environmental Democracy; Latin America and Caribbean. RESUMOVinte anos após a assinatura da Convenção sobre Acesso à Informação, Participação no Processo de Tomada de Decisão e Acesso à Justiça em Matéria de Ambiente UN/ECE (Convenção de Aarhus, 1998) e após seis anos de negociações, vinte e quatro países da América Latina e do Caribe adotaram a Convenção Escazú, o primeiro tratado juridicamente vinculante sobre direito ambiental na Região. O Acordo Regional sobre Acesso à Informação, Participação Pública e Justiça em Matéria de Ambiente na América Latina e no Caribe, uma vez ratificado, produzira efeitos na ordem jurídica interna dos Estados partes em matéria ambiental e servirá para aumentar o nível de proteção dos direitos de participação ambiental na região. O objetivo deste artigo é fornecer uma visão geral de ambos os tratados. A parte I delineará brevemente o contexto e o processo de negociação dos dois textos. A Parte II consistirá numa análise comparativa que examinará a estrutura dos tratados, a noção de democracia e o direito substantivo a um ambiente saudável. Por fim, a Parte III se destina a comparar os três pilares reconhecidos em ambos os documentos e sublinhar as semelhanças, as diferenças entre os três pilares e os passos a serem tomados para o Direito Ambiental na América Latina e no Caribe. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Acesso à justiça; Convenção de Aarhus; Acordo de Escazú; Democracia Ambiental; América Latina e Carib

    Effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on repetitive finger movements in healthy humans

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    Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a noninvasive neurophysiological technique that can entrain brain oscillations. Only few studies have investigated the effects of tACS on voluntary movements. We aimed to verify whether tACS, delivered over M1 at beta and gamma frequencies, has any effect on repetitive finger tapping as assessed by means of kinematic analysis. Eighteen healthy subjects were enrolled. Objective measurements of repetitive finger tapping were obtained by using a motion analysis system. M1 excitability was assessed by using single-pulse TMS and measuring the amplitude of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs). Movement kinematic measures and MEPs were collected during beta, gamma, and sham tACS and when the stimulation was off. Beta tACS led to an amplitude decrement (i.e., progressive reduction in amplitude) across the first ten movements of the motor sequence while gamma tACS had the opposite effect. The results did not reveal any significant effect of tACS on other movement parameters, nor any changes in MEPs. These findings demonstrate that tACS modulates finger tapping in a frequency-dependent manner with no concurrent changes in corticospinal excitability. The results suggest that cortical beta and gamma oscillations are involved in the motor control of repetitive finger movements

    Oil pulling and polyphenols: treatment of gingivitis patients with ‘Itri Extra Virgin Olive Oil’

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of extra virgin olive (EVO) oil and fruity oil for the treatment of gingivitis. Materials and methods: A sample of 75 patients over 18 years of age with gingivitis induced by plaque bacteria was divided into three groups: study group A, with extra virgin olive oil; study group B, with fruity oil; and control group C. In the two study groups, EVO oil was administered as a mouthwash to patients with gingival inflammation. The protocol included a daily application of the product for 30 days, with three recalls 15 days apart. Clinical parameters of plaque formation and gingivitis, including plaque index (PI) and bleeding index (BI), were assessed at each recall and scored on a specific periodontal chart. The control group received no mouthwash treatment in addition to normal daily oral hygiene procedures, and the same clinical parameters as the study group were evaluated. Data were evaluated using SPSS 27.0 software for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Then, the pre- and post-treatment values of the groups were compared using Student's t-test, setting p < 0.05 as the significance level. Results: Comparison of the three groups showed that extra-virgin olive oil was an adjuvant in the treatment of gingival inflammation, improving PI and BI. In group A, the mean plaque index showed a 48% reduction, and the bleeding index showed a 64% reduction after 30 days. In group B, the mean plaque index showed a 35% reduction and a bleeding index reduction of 43% after 30 days. Conclusions: The collected data showed significant improvements in the formation of bacterial plaque and gingivitis. The exact mechanism of such treatment is still to be elucidated. As a result of this, further studies with a different sample of patients than those used and a comparison with other products need to be addressed to verify and demonstrate the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of the components of this natural product

    Heparan sulfate affects elastin deposition in fibroblasts cultured from donors of different ages

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    Abstract Heparan sulfate (HS), due to its presence on the cell surface and in the extracellular milieu and its ability to modulate cell signaling, has a fundamental role in both physiological and pathological conditions. For decades we have demonstrated the occurrence of interactions between glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and elastic fibers. In particular, we have recently shown that HS is present inside elastic fibers and plays a role in the assembly and stability of elastin coacervates. Elastin represents, within the extracellular matrix, the component most severely affected during aging, and changes in the synthesis and posttranslational modifications of HS have been described, possibly influencing cellular behavior and protein interactions. Thus, the present study has investigated, in two different in vitro experimental models, the role of HS on elastin deposition and assembly. Results demonstrate that: (1) Biological effects of HS are partly dependent on the physicochemical characteristics of the GAGs; (2) HS does not affect attachment, viability, and growth of human dermal fibroblasts; (3) HS does not modify elastin gene expression nor elastin synthesis, but favors α-elastin aggregation and, independently from the age of donors, elastin assembly; (4) HS significantly increases the expression of fibulin 5, and these effects are especially evident in fibroblasts isolated from aging donors. These data provide a better understanding of the biological role of HS and offer new perspectives regarding the possibility of restoring and/or preserving the elastic component with agin

    Postnatal and non-invasive prenatal detection of β-thalassemia mutations based on Taqman genotyping assays

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    The β-thalassemias are genetic disorder caused by more than 200 mutations in the β-globin gene, resulting in a total (β0) or partial (β+) deficit of the globin chain synthesis. The most frequent Mediterranean mutations for β-thalassemia are: β039, β+ VSI-110, β+IVSI-6 and β0IVSI-1. Several molecular techniques for the detection of point mutations have been developed based on the amplification of the DNA target by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), but they could be labor-intensive and technically demanding. On the contrary, Taq- Man® genotyping assays are a simple, sensitive and versatile method suitable for the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping affecting the human β-globin gene. Four Taq- Man® genotyping assays for the most common β-thalassemia mutations present in the Mediterranean area were designed and validated for the genotype characterization of genomic DNA extracted from 94 subjects comprising 25 healthy donors, 33 healthy carriers and 36 β- thalassemia patients. In addition, 15 specimens at late gestation (21-39 gestational weeks) and 11 at early gestation (5-18 gestational weeks) were collected from pregnant women, and circulating cell-free fetal DNAs were extracted and analyzed with these four genotyping assays. We developed four simple, inexpensive and versatile genotyping assays for the postnatal and prenatal identification of the thalassemia mutations β039, β+IVSI-110, β+IVSI-6, β0IVSI-1. These genotyping assays are able to detect paternally inherited point mutations in the fetus and could be efficiently employed for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of β-globin gene mutations, starting from the 9th gestational week

    Spotlight on capecitabine for the treatment of unresectable or metastatic carcinoma of various origin: A retrospective study of 25 dogs

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    Capecitabine, the oral prodrug of 5-fluorouracil, is indicated in people to treat various malignant epithelial cancers. In dogs, capecitabine has not been extensively evaluated. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate toxicity and preliminary efficacy of single agent capecitabine in dogs with advanced malignant epithelial cancers of any site, for which no effective therapy existed, conventional treatment failed or was declined. Capecitabine was administered orally at 750 mg/m2 from day 1 to 14, followed by 1-week rest period, given as 3-week cycles. Safety evaluation was performed after 2 cycles, and every 2-3 cycles thereafter. Tumour response was determined every 2-3 cycles. Twenty-five dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 6), lung papillary carcinoma (n = 4), anal sac adenocarcinoma (n = 3), colic adenocarcinoma (n = 2), and other individually represented epithelial cancers (n = 10) were included. Dogs received a median of 4 cycles (range, 2-43) for a median of 84 days (range, 42-913). Toxicity occurred in 17 (68.0%) dogs; the most frequent adverse events were gastrointestinal, with the majority being self-resolving and of mild grade. Of the 22 dogs with macroscopic disease, 3 (13.6%) achieved partial remission, 16 (72.7%) were stable and 3 (13.6%) progressed; overall clinical benefit rate was 86.4%. Median progression-free interval was 93 days (95% CI 42-154; range, 1-521) and median tumour-specific survival was 273 days (95% CI 116-482; range 45-913). These findings suggest that capecitabine is an attractive option for the treatment of several types of carcinomas in dogs. Prospective studies are warranted to optimize the scheduling of capecitabine and confirm its efficacy

    Bradykinesia and dystonia

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    Background: Bradykinesia has been reported in patients with dystonia. Despite this, the pathophysiological mechanisms of bradykinesia in dystonia remain largely unknown. Methods: We here performed a comprehensive literature search and reviewed clinical and experimental studies on bradykinesia in patients with dystonia. Results: Many studies have documented the presence of bradykinesia in patients with idiopathic and inherited isolated dystonia, regardless of the presence of parkinsonism. In addition, bradykinesia has been observed as a side effect in dystonic patients who have undergone deep brain stimulation, in those with functional dystonia as well as in those with combined dystonia, e.g., dystonia-parkinsonism. These clinical and experimental findings support the hypothesis that dysfunction in a brain network involving the basal ganglia, primary sensorimotor cortex, and cerebellum may play a key role in the pathophysiology of both bradykinesia and dystonia. Conclusion: Bradykinesia is frequently observed in dystonia. We may gain insights into the pathophysiological underpinnings of two distinct movement disorders by investigating this issue. Furthermore, a deeper understanding of bradykinesia in dystonia may have terminological implications in this field

    Combined Layer-by-Layer/Hydrothermal Synthesis of Fe3O4@MIL-100(Fe) for Ofloxacin Adsorption from Environmental Waters

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    : A simple not solvent and time consuming Fe3O4@MIL-100(Fe), synthesized in the presence of a small amount of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (27.3 wt%), is here presented and discussed. Layer-by-layer alone (20 shell), and combined layer-by-layer (5 shell)/reflux or /hydrothermal synthetic procedures were compared. The last approach (Fe3O4@MIL-100_H sample) is suitable (i) to obtain rounded-shaped nanoparticles (200-400 nm diameter) of magnetite core and MIL-100(Fe) shell; (ii) to reduce the solvent and time consumption (the layer-by-layer procedure is applied only 5 times); (iii) to give the highest MIL-100(Fe) amount in the composite (72.7 vs. 18.5 wt% in the layer-by-layer alone); (iv) to obtain a high surface area of 3546 m2 g-1. The MIL-100(Fe) sample was also synthesized and both materials were tested for the absorption of Ofloxacin antibiotic (OFL). Langmuir model well describes OFL adsorption on Fe3O4@MIL-100_H, indicating an even higher adsorption capacity (218 ± 7 mg g-1) with respect to MIL-100 (123 ± 5 mg g-1). Chemisorption regulates the kinetic process on both the composite materials. Fe3O4@MIL-100_H performance was then verified for OFL removal at µg per liter in tap and river waters, and compared with MIL-100. Its relevant and higher adsorption efficiency and the magnetic behavior make it an excellent candidate for environmental depollution

    May Bradykinesia Features Aid in Distinguishing Parkinson's Disease, Essential Tremor, And Healthy Elderly Individuals?

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    Background: Bradykinesia is the hallmark feature of Parkinson's disease (PD); however, it can manifest in other conditions, including essential tremor (ET), and in healthy elderly individuals. Objective: Here we assessed whether bradykinesia features aid in distinguishing PD, ET, and healthy elderly individuals. Methods: We conducted simultaneous video and kinematic recordings of finger tapping in 44 PD patients, 69 ET patients, and 77 healthy elderly individuals. Videos were evaluated blindly by expert neurologists. Kinematic recordings were blindly analyzed. We calculated the inter-raters agreement and compared data among groups. Density plots assessed the overlapping in the distribution of kinematic data. Regression analyses and receiver operating characteristic curves determined how the kinematics influenced the likelihood of belonging to a clinical score category and diagnostic group. Results: The inter-rater agreement was fair (Fleiss K = 0.32). Rater found the highest clinical scores in PD, and higher scores in ET than healthy elderly individuals (p < 0.001). In regard to kinematic analysis, the groups showed variations in movement velocity, with PD presenting the slowest values and ET displaying less velocity than healthy elderly individuals (all ps < 0.001). Additionally, PD patients showed irregular rhythm and sequence effect. However, kinematic data significantly overlapped. Regression analyses showed that kinematic analysis had high specificity in differentiating between PD and healthy elderly individuals. Nonetheless, accuracy decreased when evaluating subjects with intermediate kinematic values, i.e., ET patients. Conclusion: Despite a considerable degree of overlap, bradykinesia features vary to some extent in PD, ET, and healthy elderly individuals. Our findings have implications for defining bradykinesia and categorizing patients

    Implementing a multidisciplinary rapid geriatric observation unit for non-critical older patients referred to hospital: observational study on real-world data

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    Background: Geriatric rapid observation units may represent an alternative to hospitalization in older patients with non-critical acute illness. Aims: To describe the characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to a geriatric observation unit called URGe (Unità Geriatrica Rapida), implemented in an Italian hospital and characterized by multidisciplinary medical staff with geriatric expertise, fast-track access to diagnostic resources, regular use of point-of-care ultrasound and predicted length of stay (LOS) < 72 h. Methods: The medical records of patients admitted to URGe during a 3-month period (452 subjects, 247 F and 205 M, median age 82 years, IQR 77-87) were retrospectively examined. The primary study endpoint was transferral from URGe to regular wards. Baseline covariates included demographics, comprehensive geriatric assessment, acute illnesses, comorbidities, vital signs and routine laboratory tests. Results: Despite elevated burden of multimorbidity (median number of chronic diseases 4, IQR 2-5) and frailty (median Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale score 4, IQR 3-6), only 137 patients (30.3%) required transferral from URGe to regular wards. The main factors positively associated with this outcome were Rockwood score, fever, cancer and red cell distribution width (P < 0.05 on multivariate logistic regression model). The rate of complications (mortality, delirium, and falls) during URGe stay was low (0.5%, 7% and 2%, respectively). Overall duration of hospital stay was lower than that of a group of historical controls matched by age, sex, main diagnosis, multimorbidity and frailty. Conclusions: The URGe model of acute geriatric care is feasible, safe and has the potential of reducing unnecessary hospitalizations of older patients
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