43 research outputs found

    El Barrio educa

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    Este proyecto, impulsado por un centro de Primaria y otro de Secundaria, tiende lazos entre la escuela y su entorno más cercano. El objetivo es abrir el escenario educativo a la participación de todo tipo de entidades y asociaciones. Se parte de la idea de que el territorio es clave para el éxito socioeducativo de los niños y niñas

    El papel de las mujeres amatlecas en la conservación biocultural dinámica del maíz nativo en Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl, Tepoztlán, Mor

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    La persistencia del maíz nativo (Zea mays L.) en Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl (Tepoztlán, Morelos) es un ejemplo de conservación biocultural dinámica; sus habitantes pertenecen a un grupo étnico que se resiste a perder sus tradiciones, su cultura y su linaje. La comunidad está en una región biodiversa. La mujer amatleca participa de manera igualitaria en el manejo del cultivo, pero posee un papel especial en tradiciones como el recibimiento en la casa del maíz cosechado; además cocina y lleva los alimentos al campo; también es administradora del sustento y creadora de los procesos de transformación culinaria de los productos de la milpa.La persistance du maïs indigène (Zea mays L.) à Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl (Tepoztlán, Morelos) est un exemple de conservation bioculturelle dynamique; ses habitants appartiennent à un groupe ethnique, les nahuas, qui refuse de perdre ses traditions, sa culture et sa lignée. La communauté vit dans une région riche en biodiversité. Les femmes participent à la gestion des cultures et lorsqu’il est récolté, le maïs est soumis à des rituels particuliers quand on l’emmagasine dans la maison Elles le cuisinent et portent les repas sur le terrain; elles administrent ainsi la subsistance de chaque famille et les processus de création culinaire dans le traitement des produits de la « milpa ».The mexican maize (Zea mays L.) preserved in Amatlán de Quetzalcóatl (Tepoztlán, Morelos) is an example of a dynamic biocultural conservation. The inhabitants of this community are nahuas, an ethnic group that is in resistance facing the loss of their traditions, culture and lineage. The community is located in a region of high biodiversity. In this study we pursue to identify the cultural, environmental and socio-economic factors that have contributed to the preservation of native maize in this community. Women of Amatlán had an equal participation in crop management and also played several special roles as the harvest reception at home, cooking and carrying food to the agricultural field; moreover they’re the sustenance administrator of their homes and creators of culinary transformation processes of milpa’s crop species

    Competing risks to breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

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    Background: Breast cancer mortality has experienced important changes over the last century. Breast cancer occurs in the presence of other competing risks which can influence breast cancer incidence and mortality trends. The aim of the present work is: 1) to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths among mortality from all causes in Catalonia (Spain), by age and birth cohort and 2) to estimate the risk of death from other causes than breast cancer, one of the inputs needed to model breast cancer mortality reduction due to screening or therapeutic interventions. Methods: The multi-decrement life table methodology was used. First, all-cause mortality probabilities were obtained by age and cohort. Then mortality probability for breast cancer was subtracted from the all-cause mortality probabilities to obtain cohort life tables for causes other than breast cancer. These life tables, on one hand, provide an estimate of the risk of dying from competing risks, and on the other hand, permit to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths on all-cause mortality using the ratio of the probability of death for causes other than breast cancer by the all-cause probability of death. Results: There was an increasing impact of breast cancer on mortality in the first part of the 20(th) century, with a peak for cohorts born in 1945-54 in the 40-49 age groups (for which approximately 24% of mortality was due to breast cancer). Even though for cohorts born after 1955 there was only information for women under 50, it is also important to note that the impact of breast cancer on all-cause mortality decreased for those cohorts. Conclusion: We have quantified the effect of removing breast cancer mortality in different age groups and birth cohorts. Our results are consistent with US findings. We also have obtained an estimate of the risk of dying from competing-causes mortality, which will be used in the assessment of the effect of mammography screening on breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

    Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis in Adults (I); Impairment and Impact on Functioning and Quality of Life: An Overview

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, central nervous system, disabling disease. International Classification of Functioning and relevant generic and specific outcome measures are reported. Problems perceived by people with MS (PwMS) affect mobility, sight, continence, feeding, or cognitive impairment, depending on whether acute, chronic, or long-term disability was involved. The most common body function and structure impairments leading to disability and reported by health care professionals are fatigue, weakness, decreased fitness, sensory disorders, pain, upper motor neuron syndromes, ataxia and tremor, balance and postural control problems, gait pattern disorders, visual problems, and neurogenic lower urinary tract and bowel dysfunction; sexual, autonomic, neuropsychological, and neuropsychiatric impairment; dysarthrophonia, dysphagia, and respiratory and sleep disorders. The most frequently affected activities and relationships include mobility, domestic life, community and social activities, remunerative employment, interpersonal relationships, self-care, learning and applying knowledge, and economic life. Limitations in activities of daily life because of fatigue, pain, visual problems, incontinence, sexual and cognitive impairment, depressive disorders, sleep disorders, economic pressure, employment status, and lack of information have an impact on quality of life (QoL). Increased caregiving tasks, psychological burden, limitation in activities and participation, and reduced QoL have a profound influence on caregivers. This paper summarizes the perception of problems and needs, the disease's impact on functioning and QoL of PwMS, and the impact on their significant others and caregivers, according to health and social research.Martinez-Assucena, A.; Marnetoft, S.; Roig Rovira, T.; Hernandez-San-Miguel, J.; Bernabeu, M.; Martinell-Gispert-Sauch, M. (2010). Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis in Adults (I); Impairment and Impact on Functioning and Quality of Life: An Overview. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 22(1-4):103-178. doi:10.1615/CritRevPhysRehabilMed.v22.i1-4.90103178221-

    Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis, in Adults (II); Management and Impact on Impairment, Functioning, and Quality of Life: An Overview

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) often leads to different levels of severity and progression of impairment and disability and to dissimilar levels of limitation in activities and participation in different social domains, with varying impacts on quality of life (QoL) among people with MS (PwMS). Results have shown that, for PwMS, prioritizing goal setting may enhance adherence to treatment. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation may prolong the functional status level of PwMS, may result in transient improvement in the aspects of impairment features, may increase their participation in activities, and may improve their QoL, even when disease progression is not modified. Single rehabilitation packages of comprehensive care have proven beneficial, such as physiotherapy, which enhances aerobic capacity, strength, pain, mood, mobility, and QoL. Occupational therapy can help reduce the impact of impairment on QoL, especially fatigue. Neuropsychological interventions, such as learning and memory remediation, psychological intervention for depressive disorders, and acquistion of coping skills and self-management techniques help PwMS to adjust to disease and disability. Speech therapy can improve intelligibility of communication. Learning swallowing techniques can help prevent material from entering the airway. Clean intermittent self-catheterization can help prevent urinary tract infections. Power wheelchairs enhance occupational performance and energy conservation. Further vocational rehabilitation settings and research are required for more appropriate interventions due to high unemployment rates among PwMS. Comprehensive care for PwMS should include planning for future independent living and long-term care needs.Martinez-Assucena, A.; Marnetoft, S.; Roig Rovira, T.; Hernandez-San-Miguel, J.; Bernabeu, M.; Martinell-Gispert-Sauch, M. (2010). Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis, in Adults (II); Management and Impact on Impairment, Functioning, and Quality of Life: An Overview. 22(1-4):179-239. doi:10.1615/CritRevPhysRehabilMed.v22.i1-4.100179239221-

    Competing risks to breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

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    Background: Breast cancer mortality has experienced important changes over the last century. Breast cancer occurs in the presence of other competing risks which can influence breast cancer incidence and mortality trends. The aim of the present work is: 1) to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths among mortality from all causes in Catalonia (Spain), by age and birth cohort and 2) to estimate the risk of death from other causes than breast cancer, one of the inputs needed to model breast cancer mortality reduction due to screening or therapeutic interventions. Methods: The multi-decrement life table methodology was used. First, all-cause mortality probabilities were obtained by age and cohort. Then mortality probability for breast cancer was subtracted from the all-cause mortality probabilities to obtain cohort life tables for causes other than breast cancer. These life tables, on one hand, provide an estimate of the risk of dying from competing risks, and on the other hand, permit to assess the impact of breast cancer deaths on all-cause mortality using the ratio of the probability of death for causes other than breast cancer by the all-cause probability of death. Results: There was an increasing impact of breast cancer on mortality in the first part of the 20th century, with a peak for cohorts born in 1945–54 in the 40–49 age groups (for which approximately 24% of mortality was due to breast cancer). Even though for cohorts born after 1955 there was only information for women under 50, it is also important to note that the impact of breast cancer on all-cause mortality decreased for those cohorts. Conclusion: We have quantified the effect of removing breast cancer mortality in different age groups and birth cohorts. Our results are consistent with US findings. We also have obtained an estimate of the risk of dying from competing-causes mortality, which will be used in the assessment of the effect of mammography screening on breast cancer mortality in Catalonia

    Evolución de la mortalidad por cáncer de mama y diseminación de la mamografía de cribado en Cataluña: un análisis por regiones sanitarias

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    Fundamento: El descenso de las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de mama (CM) se ha atribuido a la implantación de programas de cribado y a avances terapéuticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar la evolución de su mortalidad en las regiones sanitarias de Cataluña en el periodo 1993-2007. Paralelamente, se ha analizado la diseminación de la mamografía periódica en las regiones sanitarias. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos del registro de mortalidad y encuestas de salud. Se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson y «joinpoint» para comparar las tasas de mortalidad por CM y analizar su evolución temporal. Se utilizaron modelos de efectos mixtos para comparar el nivel y la evolución de la mortalidad por regiones. Resultados. La tasa de mortalidad por CM descendió un 3% anual en Cataluña. Entre 1993 y 2007, la tasa estandarizada varió de 34,8 a 23,3 por 100.000 mujeres. Barcelona ciutat presentó unas tasas de mortalidad más elevadas que las regiones Centre (ratio de tasas (RT)=0,87), Costa de Ponent (RT=0,89), Tarragona (RT=0,9) y Lleida (RT=0,915), pero estas diferencias tendieron a desaparecer. No se observaron cambios de tendencia en la evolución de la mortalidad de las regiones, excepto en la región Centre. Durante los años 1990 Barcelona ciutat presentó unos porcentajes de utilización de mamografía periódica del 36,1% de las mujeres de 40-74 años, en la encuesta de 1994, la región Centre (23,7%) y Costa de Ponent (25,2%). Conclusiones: La progresiva utilización de mamografía periódica y la disminución de la mortalidad por CM fueron similares en las regiones sanitarias de Cataluña.Background: The decrease of breast cancer (BC) mortality rates has been attributed to early detection programs and therapeutic advances. The objective is to compare BC mortality trend in health regions of Catalonia during the period 1993-2007. In parallel, dissemination of periodic mammography in the health regions has been analyzed. Methods: Mortality and health surveys data were used. Poisson and «joinpoint» regression analyses were used to compare regional BC mortality rates and quantify their temporal evolution. Mixed effects models were used to compare the rates and their evolution by region. Results: The BC mortality rate decreased 3% annually in Cataluña. Between 1993 and 2007, the standard mortality rate changed from 34.8 to 23.3 per 100,000 women. Barcelona ciutat showed higher mortality rates than the Centre (rate ratio (RR)=0.873), Costa de Ponent (RR=0.885), Tarragona (RR=0.9) and Lleida regions (RR=0.915), but these differences tend to disappear over time. There were no observed trend changes in the evolution of the regional mortality rates, except in the Centre region. The use of periodic mammography was similar across health regions. During the 90s, Barcelona ciutat had a 36.1% utilization of periodic mammography in women aged 40-74, in the 1994 survey, the Centre 23.7 and Costa de Ponent 25.2%. Conclusions: The progressive increase in the use of periodic mammography and the decrease of BC mortality were similar in the eight health regions of Catalonia

    Apomorfina: interés de su capacidad emética en el tratamiento de las intoxicaciones

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    Apomorfina; Intoxicacions; Capacitat emèticaApomorfina; Intoxicaciones; Capacidad eméticaApomorphine; Intoxications; Emetic capacityAquest document tracta de l'apomorfina: la seva història, característiques i indicacions sobre el seu ús en el tractament d'intoxicacions.Este documento trata de la apomorfina: su historia, características e indicaciones sobre su uso en el tratamiento de intoxicaciones

    Analysing the effect of land use and vegetation cover on soil infiltration in three contrasting environments in Northeast Spain

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    Este estudio presenta el análisis conjunto de la información obtenida a partir de 195 ensayos de infiltración en el campo, que fueron realizados mediante dispositivos de doble anillo. Los experimentos se realizaron en 20 situaciones contrastadas de usos del suelo, los cuales se encuentran distribuidos en tres contextos geográficos (costa NE de Cataluña, monte bajo del sector central del valle del Ebro y montaña media de la vertiente Sur del Pirineo central). El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los factores más importantes que explican la variabilidad de la infiltración: uso del suelo, tipo de cubierta vegetal, características del suelo y del substrato rocoso, humedad del suelo y altitud. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante la comparación de las variables a partir de distintos métodos estadísticos: test de correlación lineal bivariada, ANOVA y comparaciones múltiples de Bonferroni. Los resultados muestran que la variabilidad de la infiltración está principalmente asociada al tipo de uso del suelo, siendo el factor más determinante. El tipo de cubierta vegetal se mostró como el segundo factor en importancia, mientras la humedad del suelo no presentó correlación con la infiltración. La interpretación de estos resultados sugiere que las características de las áreas de estudio son más determinantes que las variaciones temporales del estado hídrico del suelo, aunque la humedad pueda tener un grado de influencia mayor o menor en cada uso del suelo. La validez de los resultados obtenidos en este estudio está avalada porque se ha analizado un amplio espectro de escenarios de uso del suelo/cubierta vegetal, incluso teniendo en cuenta que se han comparado zonas con distintas características geográficas y geológicas. This study presents a joint analysis of the information from 195 field infiltration experiments, using double ring devices. The experiments were carried out in 20 contrasting types of land use, distributed across three geographic contexts (coast of NE Catalonia, low mountains in the central Ebro Valley and mid-height mountains from the southern range of the Central Pyrenees). The objective of this research was to determine the most important factors explaining infiltration variability: land use, type of vegetation cover, soil and bedrock characteristics, soil moisture and altitude. Data analysis was performed by comparing variables using statistical methods: bivariate lineal correlation, ANOVA and Bonferroni multiple comparison tests. Results show that infiltration variability is the most important factor and mainly linked to land use, followed by vegetation type. In contrast, soil moisture did not show any relation with infiltration. The interpretation of these results suggests that the characteristics of the study areas are more decisive than temporal variations of soil water content, although humidity can influence land use to a greater or lesser degree. The validity of the results obtained in this study is supported by the wide range of land use and land cover analysed, located in areas with different geographical and geological characteristics