39 research outputs found

    Abortion referendums in Ireland

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    Ireland was a conservative outpost on the European periphery for much of the twentieth century. From independence in 1922, the state pursued social policies heavily influenced by religious values, and indeed the 1937 constitution embedded many of these positions in the framework of the state. The constitution included a prohibition on divorce and a statement which strongly favored women remaining in the domestic sphere. These policies were supported by the majority Catholic population, but social values began to evolve by the 1960s. This can be seen in the shifting narratives in the debates on many social and political issues. This chapter will focus on a single issue – abortion. It will undertake an evaluation of the debates on the six abortion referendum question wordings, campaign narratives, and voting patterns. The analysis will provide compelling evidence of remarkable value change in just four decades

    Nonlinear response of the vacuum Rabi resonance

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    On the level of single atoms and photons, the coupling between atoms and the electromagnetic field is typically very weak. By employing a cavity to confine the field, the strength of this interaction can be increased many orders of magnitude to a point where it dominates over any dissipative process. This strong-coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics has been reached for real atoms in optical cavities, and for artificial atoms in circuit QED and quantum-dot systems. A signature of strong coupling is the splitting of the cavity transmission peak into a pair of resolvable peaks when a single resonant atom is placed inside the cavity - an effect known as vacuum Rabi splitting. The circuit QED architecture is ideally suited for going beyond this linear response effect. Here, we show that increasing the drive power results in two unique nonlinear features in the transmitted heterodyne signal: the supersplitting of each vacuum Rabi peak into a doublet, and the appearance of additional peaks with the characteristic sqrt(n) spacing of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder. These constitute direct evidence for the coupling between the quantized microwave field and the anharmonic spectrum of a superconducting qubit acting as an artificial atom.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Material and Supplementary Movies are available at http://www.eng.yale.edu/rslab/publications.htm

    Phase preserving amplification near the quantum limit with a Josephson Ring Modulator

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    Recent progress in solid state quantum information processing has stimulated the search for ultra-low-noise amplifiers and frequency converters in the microwave frequency range, which could attain the ultimate limit imposed by quantum mechanics. In this article, we report the first realization of an intrinsically phase-preserving, non-degenerate superconducting parametric amplifier, a so far missing component. It is based on the Josephson ring modulator, which consists of four junctions in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. The device symmetry greatly enhances the purity of the amplification process and simplifies both its operation and analysis. The measured characteristics of the amplifier in terms of gain and bandwidth are in good agreement with analytical predictions. Using a newly developed noise source, we also show that our device operates within a factor of three of the quantum limit. This development opens new applications in the area of quantum analog signal processing

    Resolving photon number states in a superconducting circuit

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    Electromagnetic signals are always composed of photons, though in the circuit domain those signals are carried as voltages and currents on wires, and the discreteness of the photon's energy is usually not evident. However, by coupling a superconducting qubit to signals on a microwave transmission line, it is possible to construct an integrated circuit where the presence or absence of even a single photon can have a dramatic effect. This system is called circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) because it is the circuit equivalent of the atom-photon interaction in cavity QED. Previously, circuit QED devices were shown to reach the resonant strong coupling regime, where a single qubit can absorb and re-emit a single photon many times. Here, we report a circuit QED experiment which achieves the strong dispersive limit, a new regime of cavity QED in which a single photon has a large effect on the qubit or atom without ever being absorbed. The hallmark of this strong dispersive regime is that the qubit transition can be resolved into a separate spectral line for each photon number state of the microwave field. The strength of each line is a measure of the probability to find the corresponding photon number in the cavity. This effect has been used to distinguish between coherent and thermal fields and could be used to create a photon statistics analyzer. Since no photons are absorbed by this process, one should be able to generate non-classical states of light by measurement and perform qubit-photon conditional logic, the basis of a logic bus for a quantum computer.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, hi-res version at http://www.eng.yale.edu/rslab/papers/numbersplitting_hires.pd

    Composite Fermion Metals from Dyon Black Holes and S-Duality

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    We propose that string theory in the background of dyon black holes in four-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime is holographic dual to conformally invariant composite Dirac fermion metal. By utilizing S-duality map, we show that thermodynamic and transport properties of the black hole match with those of composite fermion metal, exhibiting Fermi liquid-like. Built upon Dirac-Schwinger-Zwanziger quantization condition, we argue that turning on magnetic charges to electric black hole along the orbit of Gamma(2) subgroup of SL(2,Z) is equivalent to attaching even unit of statistical flux quanta to constituent fermions. Being at metallic point, the statistical magnetic flux is interlocked to the background magnetic field. We find supporting evidences for proposed holographic duality from study of internal energy of black hole and probe bulk fermion motion in black hole background. They show good agreement with ground-state energy of composite fermion metal in Thomas-Fermi approximation and cyclotron motion of a constituent or composite fermion excitation near Fermi-point.Comment: 30 pages, v2. 1 figure added, minor typos corrected; v3. revised version to be published in JHE

    Dynamics and transport near quantum-critical points

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    The physics of non-zero temperature dynamics and transport near quantum-critical points is discussed by a detailed study of the O(N)-symmetric, relativistic, quantum field theory of a N-component scalar field in dd spatial dimensions. A great deal of insight is gained from a simple, exact solution of the long-time dynamics for the N=1 d=1 case: this model describes the critical point of the Ising chain in a transverse field, and the dynamics in all the distinct, limiting, physical regions of its finite temperature phase diagram is obtained. The N=3, d=1 model describes insulating, gapped, spin chain compounds: the exact, low temperature value of the spin diffusivity is computed, and compared with NMR experiments. The N=3, d=2,3 models describe Heisenberg antiferromagnets with collinear N\'{e}el correlations, and experimental realizations of quantum-critical behavior in these systems are discussed. Finally, the N=2, d=2 model describes the superfluid-insulator transition in lattice boson systems: the frequency and temperature dependence of the the conductivity at the quantum-critical coupling is described and implications for experiments in two-dimensional thin films and inversion layers are noted.Comment: Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Dynamical properties of unconventional magnetic systems", Geilo, Norway, April 2-12, 1997, edited by A. Skjeltorp and D. Sherrington, Kluwer Academic, to be published. 46 page

    A 'possible' optic nerve meningioma.

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    A 58-year-old woman had progressive visual failure in her left eye over a two-year period. Radiological investigation, including tomography and computerized tomographic (CT) scanning, did not result in a diagnosis. When no useful vision remained, surgical exploration disclosed an optic sheath meningioma. Complete recovery followed removal of the tumor

    Trigeminal neuropathic pain as a complication of anterior temporal lobectomy: report of 2 cases

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