2 research outputs found

    An in vitro evaluation of the efficacy of a novel iontophoresis fluoride tray on remineralization

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the effects on remineralization of a novel iontophoresis device called "Fluorinex", conventional (acidulated phosphat fluoride) APF gel treatment, and conventional ionthophoresis device comparatively by laser fluorescence measurements. Study Design: Artificial incipient carious lesions were created on immature, 60 intact premolar and molar teeth with no defects. The specimens were randomly allocated to four groups. In the first group 1.23% APF gel was applied to specimens by conventional method for 4 minutes and in the second group 2% (sodium fluoride) NaF solution applied by conventional iontophoresis device for 4 minutes. In Fluorinex group specimens were pretreated with (copper chloride) CuCl 2 for 1 minute and then treated for 4 minutes with 1.23% APF gel in a Fluoritray. Control group was placed in distilled water for 4 minutes. After these applications all specimens were included to a pH cycling. DIAGNOdent pen measurement were obtained in three different time intervals; after incipient carious lesions, after fluoride treatments and after pH cycling. Specimens were studied by SEM(scanning electron micros - copy) after artificial caries lesions and fluoride treatments. Results: Alterations on DIAGNOdent pen measurements before and after treatment, the Fluorinex group was sta - tistically different from conventional APF gel ( p =0.011), conventional NaF iontophoresis ( p <0.001) and control group ( p <0.001). As the DIAGNOdent pen measurements before treatment and after pH cycling were compared, differences were statistically significant in Fluorinex and conventional APF gel groups ( p <0.001). Conclusions: The results of this in vitro study has shown that fluoride application by Fluorinex was superior to the conventional APF gel application and NaF iontophoresis on incipient carious lesions

    An in vitro evaluation of the efficiency of a new ıontophoresis fluoride tray on remineralization

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, iyontoforez tekniği ile fluorid uygulanmasını sağlamak üzere özel olarak geliştirilmiş Fluorinex fluorid kaşığının remineralizasyondaki etkilerini; fluoridin konvansiyonel fluorid kaşığı ile jel halinde uygulanması ve konvansiyonel iyontoforez cihazı ile uygulanmasının etkileri ile lazer floresans ölçümleri kullanarak karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada gelişimini tamamlamamış, herhangi bir anomaliye sahip olmayan 60 adet çürüksüz premolar ve molar dişte in vitro koşullarda başlangıç çürük lezyonu oluşturuldu. Dişler rastgele seçilerek dört gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grupta yer alan örneklere konvansiyonel teknikle 4 dakika, %1.23 lük APF jel, ikinci gruba ise konvansiyonel iyontoforez cihazı ile 4 dakika, %2 lik NaF uygulaması yapıldı. Diğer çalışma grubu olan Fluorinex grubunda yer alan lezyonlara ise öncelikle iyon akımının arttırılması amacıyla 1 dakika CuCl2 solüsyonu, daha sonra ise Fluorinex kaşık ile %1.23 lük APF jel 4 dakika uygulandı. Kontrol grubunda bulunan örnekler, herhangi bir işlem uygulanmadan 4 dakika distile su içerisinde bekletildi. Uygulamalardan sonra tüm örnekler ağız ortamının taklit edilmesi amacıyla iki hafta süre demineralizasyon ve remineralizasyon döngülerinden oluşan pH siklusuna alındı. DIAGNOdent pen ölçümleri başlangıç mine lezyonlarının oluşturulmasını takiben, fluorid uygulamalarından ve pH siklusundan sonra kaydedildi. Lezyonların oluşturulmasından ve fluorid uygulamalarından sonra örnekler SEM analizi ile değerlendirildi. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda tedavi öncesi ve sonrasında elde edilen DIAGNOdent pen değerlerine göre, Fluorinex uygulanan gruptaki değişimin, konvansiyonel APF jel (p=0.011), konvansiyonel NaF iyontoforezi (p<0.001) ve kontrol grubunda (p<0.001) meydana gelen değişimlere göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yarattığı belirlendi. pH siklusu sonrasında elde edilen değerler incelendiğinde ise; Fluorinex ve konvansiyonel APF jel grubunda tedavi öncesine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişimler gözlendi. (p<0.001)The aim of this study is to determine the effects on remineralization of a new iontophoresis device called Fluorinex , conventional APF gel treatment, and conventional ionthophoresis device comparatively by laser fluorescence measurements. Artificial incipient carious lesions were created on immature, 60 intact premolar and molar teeth with no defects. The specimens were randomly allocated to four groups. To specimens in the first group 1.23% APF gel was applied by conventional method for 4 minutes and in the second group 2% NaF solution applied by conventional iontophoresis device for 4 minutes. In Fluorinex group specimens were pretreated with CuCl2 for 1 minute and then treated for 4 minutes with 1.23% APF gel in a Fluoritray. Control group was placed in distilled water for 4 minutes. After these applications all specimens were included to a pH cycling, this schedule was designed to approximate the pH dynamics of the oral environment. DIAGNOdent pen measurement were obtained in three different time intervals; after incipient carious lesions, after fluoride treatments and after pH cycling. Specimens were studied by SEM after artificial caries lesions and fluoride treatments. The results of this study has shown that alterations on DIAGNOdent pen measurements before and after treatment, the Fluorinex group was statistically different from conventional APF gel (p=0.011), conventional NaF iontophoresis (p<0.001) and control group (p<0.001). As the DIAGNOdent pen measurements before treatment and after pH cycling were compared, differences were statistically significant in Fluorinex and conventional APF gel groups. (p<0.001