15 research outputs found

    Preservatives in cosmetic preparations and safety of their applications

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    Preparaty kosmetyczne zawierające wodę i związki organiczne są szczególnie narażone na zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologiczne. Zastosowanie konserwantów w produktach kosmetycznych pozwala na znacznie dłuższe ich przechowywanie. W przemysłowej produkcji kosmetyków, zastosowanie substancji mających właściwości konserwujące jest konieczne, niestety związki te niejednokrotnie powodują podrażnienia i alergie. W artykule omówiono zarówno syntetyczne, jak i naturalne konserwanty kosmetyków. Przedstawiono ich strukturę, aktywność przeciwdrobnoustrojową, wymagania przed nimi stawiane oraz najczęstsze niepożądane skutki uboczne związane z ich zastosowaniem.Cosmetic preparations containing water and organic compounds are particularly exposed to microbial contamination. The use of preservatives in cosmetic products enables their much longer storage period. In the industrial production of cosmetics, the use of substances having preservative properties is necessary, however these compounds often cause irritations and allergies. In the article both synthetic and natural preservatives of cosmetics are discused. Their structure and the antimicrobial activity requirements are presented along with most frequent side effects connected with their use

    Carbon nanotubes functionalized by salts containing stereogenic heteroatoms as electrodes in their battery cells

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    This paper concentrates on electrochemical properties of groups of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) functionalized with substituents containing a stereogenic heteroatom bonded covalently to the surface of the carbon nanotube. This system was tested in Swagelok-type cells. The cells comprised a system (functionalized CNT with salts containing S and P atoms) with a working electrode, microfiber separators soaked with electrolyte solution, and a lithium foil counter/reference (commercial LiCoO2 ) electrode. The electrolyte solution was 1 M LiPF6&nbsp in propylene carbonate. Using standard techniques (cyclic voltammetry/chronopotentiometry), galvanostatic cycling was performed on the cells at room temperature with a CH Instruments Model 600E potentiostat/galvanostat electrochemical measurements. Methods of functionalization CNT were compared in terms of the electrochemical properties of the studied systems. In all systems, the process of charge/discharge was observed